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Chris Newton

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Everything posted by Chris Newton

  1. Gaeton Fonzi made it clear in his article in The Washingtonian, November 1980, that Mr. Veciana did not recall the name of the building where he met Bishop "early in September 1963". He clearly asked Mr. Veciana to describe the building and based on Veciana's description which included "a distinctive blue-tile facade", Gaeton deduced that it was the 42 Story Southland Center. I note that in that article Fonzi also clearly indicates that all three gentlemen left the lobby and walked outside whereupon Oswald went on his own way while Bishop and Veciana walked together to a nearby coffee shop while discussing Alpha 66. There are numerous, (entirely coincidental, I'm sure), connections to the Southland Hotel and the Southland Center in Ruby's, Oswald's and DeM's files.
  2. Just more coincidence theory. Chuck, I don't know the date but Larry fits the profile of a hired gun to the "T". If he was a CIA/SPECOPS asset, his "official" record as it appears today has most probably been scrubbed clean. I'd be surprised if it did not indicate he was in Vietnam prior to the assassination. Would Wild Bill have had anything to do with his early release from Finnish prison? If so, then his journey here was anything but benign. There is a lot left out of your bio above, I suggest reading here: http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/larry-thorne.htm
  3. I was never a military sniper. I grew up in a family of sportsmen and was given my first real gun at age 10. I was an M1 armor crewman solely because I wanted to fire the baddest direct fire weapon on the planet. Later I served as an Infantry Squad Leader. I agree, (along with many other veterans), that the assassination has, to steal a term, "all the fingerprints" of a well planned military operation. I think the myth of the "extant" snipers nest, weapon, shot sequence, etc. is sheer folly.
  4. DeM Jackie O's Mom, George HW Bush, the Dallas Russians and of course, LHO
  5. The tactical plan for snipers carrying out an ambush is different than a hasty infantry ambush in the military parlance. Military snipers normally work in 2 x 2 man teams (sniper and spotter) with a security element (usually a squad or platoon of reg. infantry). A regular infantry platoon hasty ambush normally has more elements, such as a SAW gunner and maybe a mortar team. There are old US Army training films online that go into great detail about infantry and sniper tactics and they haven't changed much in the last 60 years. If you do research it, go look at the classic "L" ambush because I think that may be enlightening.
  6. I've heard that too and that it was also "basic first aid" but I don't believe either. It's an almost a mirror image of the "stormfront" site logo. If it had been a red cross not a white cross I'd have different feelings but I'm not aware of any shortage of red thread back then.
  7. I've noted this before but it's the white nationalist "cross in a circle" patch on Ellis' left forearm that I'm most curious about.
  8. If I witnessed them being coached with an attorney the night before and then they omitted that "meeting" and discussion when asked under oath then they were lying about that contact. 95% of the cases I was involved in were civil.
  9. Tommy, As a courtroom audio/video tech, I've been intimately involved in trial preparations over 100 times. I've watched and been privy to dozens of "secret" meetings designed to prepare and coach both regular and "expert" witnesses. In most, (all but one that I can remember), of those instances, when questioned on the stand about "to whom they talked to and what about" all of those witnesses committed perjury. It's part of the "game", unfortunately. It's more likely Lovelady was coached than he was allowed to sit in the courtroom and listen to testimony beforehand. Bailiffs have a list of witnesses to be called and generally very strict about who they allow into any hearing no matter the size.
  10. Joe, this thread would seem appropriate (except it was, in turn, hijacked by a coffin discussion), just take it back:
  11. I think Pamela debunked Whittaker on her blog... That said... please move the Limo comments to the appropriate thread.
  12. The are basic items an enlisted man must still pay for out of his own pocket. Taxes, Shower articles, laundry, uniform maintenance, shoe polish, etc. The services are usually paid bi-weekly so out of that HUGE paycheck of $46.20 how much could he have truly set aside? $5. $10.?
  13. I have no idea, I'm just telling you that the lack of financial records was a real problem for the WC. If I'm not mistaken, the Executive Session transcript that discloses the issue is the same in which they debate LHO's possible agency affiliations and the difficulty in disproving whether he is an agent or not. You weren't in the military as an enlisted man, so I find it hard to fathom how you can be so sure he could save that amount of money. I would have been hard pressed to save that amount myself on enlisted pay 20 years later in the eighties. $203 sounds generous for the times. That's about $1400 in today's dollars.
  14. The bank Account problem was addressed in the WC Executive Sessions. Essentially complaining that they had nothing, no bank accounts.
  15. One of the reasons the "October visit" may have been so important to bury is that LHO may have been home. In this context it's very important that Ruth refused to confirm any of these visitation dates on her own but instead deferred to the FBI's timeline.
  16. FBI FD-201 dated 9/10/63 The "drinking in excess" charge is curious in that everyone else that knew LHO, (including his wife), said that he didn't drink. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=97142#relPageId=2&tab=page
  17. "An FBI Agent was out, I have learned since, on November 1, I made no note of the day for myself." (translation: the FBI says it was Nov. 1 so it was Nov.1) She then goes into a long explanation about why the FBI checks on immigrants. If this isn't evidence of coaching I'm not sure what is. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=39#relPageId=100&tab=page ...starts about line 5...
  18. Does anyone know any Latinos with a "C" shaped cheek/jaw scar? ...anyway love the bar name: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10490#relPageId=127&tab=page
  19. Paul, Is the quote above specifically in reference to Nov. 1st, 1963? Because there are a lot of things he could probably be doing but I appreciate the "plug" for the radical right - just in case we forgot. As for the Minutemen, they weren't really Walker's radical militia. They were/are a radical militia that had/has extreme right wing views. They were De Pugh's militia.
  20. Not really trying to throw a wrench but... I also have many years experience digitizing and encoding video and my first impression when examining this capture is that the same "pattern" is faintly visible on both subjects (and maybe the background) and seems more to be a by-product of the encoding process. i.e. a digital anomaly.
  21. Portman's performance is being hailed as one of the year's best (see Rolling Stone), the movie itself, not so much. I'll catch it on Netflix or somewhere similar later but still expecting another lone nutter wet dream.
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