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Cigdem Göle

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Posts posted by Cigdem Göle

  1. A Brief Guide to Scientific Literature

    Phrase / Translation

    It has been long known --------I haven't bothered to check the references

    It is known --------------------I believe

    It is believed-------------------I think

    It is generally believed----------My collegues and I think

    There has been some discussion----Nobody agrees with me

    It can be shown-----------------Take my word for it

    Of great theoretical importance----I find it interesting

    Of great historical importance------This ought to make me famous

    Some samples were chosen for study-----The others didn't make sense

    The values were obtained empirically-----The values were obtained by accident

    The results are inconclusive------------The results seem to disprove my hypothesis

    The most reliable values are those of Jones.-----Jones was a student of mine.

    It is generally believed that----------A couple of other guys think so too.

    It is clear that much additional work will be required before a complete understanding----I don't understand it.

  2. The Lake House

    Plot Summary

    When two people "connect" the bond between them can be so pure and simple as to stir hearts in heaven. When they connect in all the right places at all the wrong times, heaven weeps for broken hearts. To heal these broken hearts, heaven breaks time. Written by Blithe Spiritus

    Kate Forster is moving out from her lake house, built all of it with glass. She is a doctor and has just begin to work in a hospital in Chicago, moving to a new flat in the center of the city. Alex Wyler is the new owner of the lake house, a young architect who's working in the construction of a new complex of houses at the city skirts. Alex and Kate are maintaining a correspondence, talking about the house matters, sending each other letters, which are put in the lake house's letter box. But a strange thing is happening, because both of them find out that the letter box is working as a kind of time communication channel, between the year 2004, where Alex's living, and 2006, the year that Kate's actually living.


  3. Sorry it's taken me a while to respond - I haven't checked this forum for a couple of weeks.

    If you go to my portal page:


    and then click on Active Course Sites, you'll find a link to the Toolbox, where I've created links to one or two pages on some of my existing courses which could be of interest to you.

    I've done a fair bit of English for Technical Purposes, and I've got a great deal of background material on my hard disks. If you'd like some of it, just mail me and I'll send you some of it!

    My mail address is david.richardson@hik.se

    Thank you for your reply. I've looked at the link and the material there seems

    to be quite useful. I especially liked Vocabulary and Talking Exercises sections.

  4. Just found out this week-end my Wife and I are going to be Grandparents for the first time, Thanks Nick and Sandra. I'm quite excited.

    Congratulations Grandpa!

    So your disco days are over :ice

    If you'd ever seen me dance...........Thanks Cigdem.

    Nostalgia, its not what it used to be.

    Yes, things are not what they used to be but still I think every age has its own beauty and excitement :) .

  5. Categories:

    1) Best conspiracy poster, either pro or con: Paul Rigby

    2) Best new member: Cigdem Eksi (also the prettiest)

    3) Most annoying Member: Terry Mauro

    4) The Oscar Wilde award for wit: Oscar Wilde

    5) Most likely to be a CIA, Mossad or MI6 plant: Kathy Becket, Cigdem Eksi

    6) Most far fetched theory: Jimmy knew Hillary and put her on a MOTER cycle in Chicago

    7) Most paranoid member: Mickey Mouse

    8) Best photographic evidence: Jerry Dealey and his calender (more interesting than Pirelli's)

    9) Most informative Member: Nancy Eldreth

    10) Most helpful Moderator: The Zambodie Sisters

    That's quite an interesting list, Jerry.

    I don't know if you're totally serious about the nominations but regardless of that thank you

    for your vote (on both categories).

    I also thank Stephen and Steve for nominating me :ice and condemn DW Dunn for not doing so!

  6. I do find that age and the scars of accumulated deaths and such have changed which things give pleasure and to the same extent as earlier, but I find there still are things which do - being high on a mountain - having hiked and scrambled there myself; reading a good book; making a great intellectual connection between two or more ideas; seeing that you really ignited a spark of interest in a student; you have to teach me how to do that :ice wonder at the Universe on the smallest and largest scales; and other things. Some things that once gave the 'buzz' in the past, no longer do - or perhaps not as often; but there are other things.....I think we just have to find those new experiences that create the same synaptic neurotransmitters - novelty helps, as others have pointed-out above.
  7. "Propagandaminister" G. Mack (maybe a nice guy, note: Goebbels was a charming man... and womanizer LOL)...gives no information...he provides what he provides: PROPAGANDA.



    Goebbels was a racist low life. IMO, comparing these two people is extreme and inappropriate.

  8. As an instructor who is costantly suffering from the subject, I object to Foreign Language being compulsory.

    I teach in the School of Foreign Languages (Ankara Univ) and half of the students who

    come to school are there because their college/faculty requires a certificate of proficiency

    in English/German/French before it accepts the students to academic programs. Therefore,

    a great deal of these young people have to follow a very intense language program for one year

    out of their own will, which naturally causes many problems.

  9. 12 Angry Men - Sydney Lumet, 1957

    It was difficult for me to choose one specific scene from such an excellent film.

    Plot Summary

    The defence and the prosecution have rested and the jury is filing into the jury room to decide if a young Spanish-American is guilty or innocent of murdering his father. What begins as an open and shut case of murder soon becomes a mini-drama of each of the jurors' prejudices and preconceptions about the trial, the accused, and each other. Based on the play, all of the action takes place on the stage of the jury room.


  10. In fact, the only band that is compared to Coldplay is Nem.

    This band is not so popular (even in their hometown Ankara). I met the band members last spring in METU (Middle East Technical Univ) campus, where they gave a great concert. The frontman Hakan told me that Coldplay had a big influence on their music so

    it was inevitable that they would be compared to them.

    All the songs in their debut album, Güneşte Yanlız, have similar melodies to the one I posted the link to.

    The others, Mor ve Ötesi, Emre Aydın and Teoman are very popular musicians here. And their albums sell hundreds of thousands of copies.

    They're the mainstream bands/musicians of Turkey.

    Unfortunately,local bands like Nem, who make much better music IMO, don't become as popular because as in most countries,

    alternative music has fewer listeners.

  11. You might also like The 12th Planet by Sitchin.

    His books are the most detailed ones on the Sumerian texts that I've read so far.

    Of course, his interpretations of the texts are a subject of debate, especially his claims

    about the connections of certain words that appear in the texts with modern languages.

    Such as, Adamu (Sumerian for working slave) and Adam.

    Whether what he claims is true or not, his books are indeed interesting to read.


  12. Steve,

    I don't have any idea of what's going to happen on 12 December 2012 or 21 December 2012 (end of the Mayan calender).

    We'll wait and see.

    One of the things I find very interesting (as a linguist) in Sitchin's The Cosmic Code is the connection between the words

    Eridu, Earth, Erde (and many other words with the same meaning in different languages like Arz - old Turkish) and the

    constellation Eridanus.


    From Zecharia Sitchin's book 'The Cosmic Code', we find on page 42, "There was a time, the Sumerians told, when civilized Man was not yet on Earth, when animals were only wild and undomesticated and crops were not yet cultivated. At that long-ago time there arrived on Earth a group of fifty Anunnaki. Led by a leadere whose name was E.A. (meaning "whose home in water"), they journeyed from their home planet NIBIRU ("Planet of crossing") and reaching Earth, splashed down in the waters of the Persian Gulf. A text known to scholars as the 'myth" of EA and the Earth describes how that group waded ashore, finding themselves in a marshland. Their first task was to drain the marshes, clear river channels, check out food sources (found to be fish and fowl). They then egan to make bricks from the clay of the soil and established the first ever settlement on Earth by extraterrestrials. They named the habitat ERIDU, which meant "Home in the Farawa" or "Home away from home." That name is the origin of the name "earth" in soem of the oldest languages. The time: 445,000 years ago.

  13. Richard Hawley - Tonight The Streets Are Ours


    Do you know why you got feelings in your heart

    Don't let fear of me then fool you, what you see sets you apart

    And there's nothing here to bind you, it's no way for life to start

    Do you know that

    Tonight the streets are ours

    Tonight the streets are ours

    These lights in our eyes, they tell no lies

    Those people, they got nothing in their souls

    And they make our tvs blind us from our visions and our goals

    Oh the trigger of time it tricks you so you have no way to grow

    But do you know that

    Tonight the streets are ours

    Tonight the streets are ours

    And these lights in our hearts, they tell no lies

    And no one else can haunt me the way that you can haunt me

    I need to know you want me, I couldn't be without you

    And the light that shines around you

    No nothing ever matter more than my darling

    But tonight the street are ours

    Do you know how to kill loneliness at last

    Oh there's some much there to heal dear and make tears things of the past

    But do you know that

    Tonight the street are ours

  14. In the 1990s, a few egyptologists put forward the claim that the three major

    pyramids in Giza were -intentionally- constructed in relation to the three stars

    of the constellation of Orion as they appear in 10,500 BC.

    Orion Correlation Theory


    The idea that the Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids and the Great Sphinx

    to represent the positions of some stars in certain constellations (such as Leo

    and Orion) is exciting, yet controversial.

    Orion or Cygnus?

    Below is a review of Andrew Collins's Book, Was Giza Constructed To Depict The

    Constellation Of Cygnus? by Greg Little. Collins claims that the Great Sphinx

    is perfectly aligned with the stars of the constellation Cygnus.


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