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Cigdem Göle

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Posts posted by Cigdem Göle

  1. Glasvegas are a thrilling new band from Glasgow.

    Their debut album will be released on 8 September 2008. They have become quite popular by the

    release of the singles "It's My Own Cheating Heart That Makes Me Cry" , "Geraldine" and "Daddy's Gone"

    The songs have the 50s melodic

    atmosphere, which reminds us how beautiful the tunes of that period actually were.

    "Flowers And Football Tops" and "Go Square Go" are two other songs that are as compelling

    as the band's previous singles.

    Those who like oldies will also like Glasvegas.

    My personal choice is "It's My Own Cheating Heart...", a tune that will probably be one of the

    most memorable tunes of the 21st century.



    Daddy's Gone

    It's My Own Cheating Heart That Makes Me Cry

  2. How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!

    The world forgetting, by the world forgot.

    Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!


    Eloisa to Abelard by Alexander Pope

    Joel (Jim Carrey) finds out that his ex-girlfriend, Clementine (Kate Winslet)

    has undergone a mysterious medical procedure to erase him from her memory.

    Deeply hurt and disappointed by the news he has just received, Joel decides to

    do the same.

    When the procedure starts, he is happy, since the erasing begins with the most

    recent memories of them that are full of arguments and regrets. As Joel sees his

    memories being deleted one after another, he realises that there are in fact some

    moments he shared with Clementine that he never wants to forget. He changes his

    mind in the middle of the procedure but it is too late to stop it now.

    As the film goes, we see how desperately Joel tries to hide Clementine from the erasers.

    He feels that they won't be able to take her away from him if he keeps her in the most

    inner parts of his mind such as his childhood memories. However, each time Joel finds a safe

    memory where he can hide Clementine, the erasers reach them. While this heartbreaking journey

    continues inside Joel's mind, the medical team tries to understand why the process is not going

    as smoothly as planned.

    The idea for the film came from one of Michel Gondry's (the director) friends, who suggested,

    "You get a card in the mail saying : someone you know has just erased you from their memory".

    Charlie Kaufman and Michel Gondry offer a unique story accompanied by impressive performances

    by Carrey and Winslet that turns a movie into an emotionally unforgettable experience.

  3. Since the airing of the pilot episode on 22 September 2004, Lost

    has become one of the most popular tv series around the world. The fans

    of the show have built websites, where they discuss numerous theories

    related to the mysteries in the show.

    At the end of each episode, the viewers are left with a question mark in their

    minds and that leads them to wonder about the next.

    There are also things in the show that the viewers do not expect to happen,

    things which do not normally take place in a long time tv series

    such as, the death of one or sometimes two of the main characters in the first

    and second seasons. Of course, the dead are replaced by new characters. By killing

    them, the writers of the show emphasize that the focal point should be the plot itself

    not the characters.

    One of the interesting aspects of the story is the past lives of the characters(the period of time before

    the plane crash), which are all related to one another (known only to viewers, of course).

    In daily life, you can easily hear heated discussions about the show almost everywhere you go.

    The viewers are divided into two : those who are in favour of Jack and those who are of Sawyer.

    (Personally, I always give my vote to Sawyer :lol: )

    Maybe the reason why Lost is so addictive is our fascination for mysteries.

    The below link is a Lost discussion forum for the fans.


  4. Buddhist teaching likens learning to 4 different types of cup with instruction being symbolised by pouring water.

    The first type of cup is upside down - the student is supposed to be there to learn but pays no attention. No matter how much is poured nothing gets in - I have more than a few like this in my classes!

    Don't we all have at least one of them?

    The second type is the right way up but has a hole in it. Information gets in but nothing is remembered, digested or internalised. You ask a class at the end of the day what they have learnt and they can't answer.

    Sounds painfully familiar :lol:

    The third type is the right way up but covered in dirt. The dirt symbolises preconceived opinions and ideas - information is distorted to fit existing ways of thinking and nothing new is learned - (for exemplary examples of those with dirty cups go to the political conspiracies section of this forum :lol: ).

    I've read enough of that section...I don't think I can handle more examples!!

    The final cup represents the ideal way to be a student. It is the right way up, strong and has no holes. It is clean and open to learning something new.

    We would all like students like the fourth type of cup but perhaps it is unreasonable to expect it when they are forced to attend, prescribed a non negotiable curriculum and made to compete with each other for grades and certificates.

    I agree.

    I'd love to have my classes full of half of the fourth cup students, though.

  5. Two more examples of fantastic anime series,

    Last Exile

    Plot Summary: In a world that looks like the 19th century with anti-gravity devices, Claus and Lavie are pilot and co-pilot of a Vanship and act as couriers. They become involved with a mysterious mission after rescuing a little girl from a strange star-shaped killing machine. Not willing to let the girl die, they complete the mission by delivering her to the legendary mercenary ship Sylvana, only to become part of the crew as fighter pilots.Two orphans, Claus and Lavie make a living through delivering messages via their Vanship just like their late fathers. During a Vanship race, they rescue a foreign vanship from attack by a Guild machine. The pilot is seriously injured relinquishes his dangerous 7 star mission to Claus and Lavie - to deliver a little girl - Alvis to a famous ship, the Silvana. To get closer to their dream of crossing the Grand Stream, they enter the Silvana crew with Alvis to perfect their skills as a pilot and mechanic/navigator



    Plot Summary:

    Vampires exist. It is the duty of Hellsing, a secret organization sponsored by the British government, to hide that frightening fact and protect the blissfully unaware populace. Along with its own personal army, Hellsing has secret weapons. Alucard, an incredibly powerful vampire, has been controlled by Hellsing for years. It is unclear how he feels about being a servant to the Hellsing family, but he certainly enjoys his job as a vampire exterminator. Seras is a fledgling vampire and former police woman. Although reluctant to embrace her new self, she is a valued member of the organization. Integra Hellsing, the current leader, is usually fully capable of fulfilling her duty, but lately, vampire activity has been on the rise. Unfortunately, the cause is more alarming than anything she could have imagined. A group long thought dead has been plotting in secret since their apparent destruction over 50 years ago. Plotting to plunge England, and perhaps the entire world, into war.


  6. Hi Andy,

    I agree with your comment and I'm willing to take the blame

    as being a part of the education system.

    On the other hand, I think children see schools as places where

    they can get information by doing nothing but to sit in class. At this point,

    parents should also take the blame, since not many of them are aware of

    the importance of helping a child acquire self-learning.

    Most of the time, it depends on the ability of the primary school teachers

    to do so. If the students are used to the method of teacher being the only

    source of learning, it gets difficult to break the habit when they start university.

    Originally, I was going to make this a longer reply but it's hard to concentrate when

    you've got a cold with high fever on a summer day...

  7. How much of the things we teach do students learn?

    I often get the feeling that however hard I try, the students get stuck at some

    point and their learning processes come to a halt. Of course, this makes me feel

    inadequate but I think the reason behind the problem is that the students expect

    to be taught instead of learning by individual effort and instead of realising the teacher is a guide,

    they see them as the ones whose job is to open up brains and stuff information in them.

  8. Hitler's Lost Fleet lies at the bottom of the Black Sea..


    The submarines had been carried 2,000 miles overland from Germany

    to attack Russian shipping during the Second World War, but were scuttled

    as the war neared its end. Now, more than 60 years on, explorers have located

    the flotilla of three submarines off the coast of Turkey.

    The vessels, including one once commanded by Germany's most successful U-boat ace,

    formed part of the 30th Flotilla of six submarines, taken by road and river across

    Nazi-occupied Europe, from Germany's Baltic port at Kiel to Constanta, the Romanian

    Black Sea port.

    In two years, the fleet sank dozens of ships and lost three of their number to enemy action.

    But in August 1944, Romania switched sides and declared war on Germany,

    leaving the three remaining vessels stranded.

    With no base and unable to sail home - the Bosporus and Dardanelles were closed to

    them because of Turkish neutrality - their captains were ordered to scuttle the boats

    before rowing ashore and trying to make their way back to Germany. However, all three

    crews were caught and interned by the Turks.

    Now the submarines' hulls have been discovered by a team led by Selçuk Kolay,

    a Turkish marine engineer, who will present his findings to a shipwreck conference

    in Plymouth this week.

    Mr Kolay established the boats' positions through research in German archives,

    interviews with surviving sailors and by sonar studies of the seabed.

    He has already completed successful dives to the wreckage of one vessel,

    U-20, two miles offshore in about 80ft of water. He believes he has discovered another, U-23,

    at twice that depth, three miles from the town of Agva, but bad weather forced him to suspend

    diving until the spring.

    He thinks he is also close to pinpointing the third boat, U-19, thought to lie more than 1,000ft down,

    three miles from the Turkish city of Zonguldak.

    "It's one of the least well known stories of the war but one of the most interesting," said Mr Kolay.

    "It is a quite incredible story. To get to the Black Sea these boats had to be taken across the land,

    and once they got there they had no way out."

    All three U-boats had been operating against British shipping in the North Sea. U-23

    gained notoriety for scoring one of Germany's earliest successes, sinking a British ship

    off the Shetland Islands days after war began. It was later commanded by Otto Kretschmer,

    known as "Silent Otto", the most successful U-boat ace.

  9. Greetings,

    I just read that before he died, Bobby had written "an unpublished book" about his brother's murder, called "The Enemy Within".

    Can anyone verify this? Has this book ever been published? Has anyone read this manuscript and can discuss what he wrote?



    The Enemy Within is a published book and as I recall, RFK writes about Hoffa and labor unions in it.

  10. This webpage contains reviews of Orwell's works and also gives useful

    links such as a website where Animal Farm is available (the entire book).



    Another link offering to provide essays for students who need to write about Orwell.


    "Stuck on a tough essay on Animal Farm or Nineteen Eighty Four (1984)?

    No problem – We'll write any essay or college paper on anything to do with George Orwell!"

    Such a website would have been helpful for the papers I had to write back in the early 90s. :tomatoes

  11. Kathy,

    Yes, I have time but I'm not good at putting my thoughts down on a paper.

    But I'll gladly read what you will have to write.

    Email me a copy when you finish it.

  12. Cig,

    Could be!!!

    I clicked on the link provided in Post#1, and it said it was unavailable. So searching to see if Herodotus ( I am very fond of him, and figured he did) had anything to say about Atlantis,(because most is attributed to Plato), I came upon this:


    Thanks, Kath, great info!!!

    I've always been interested in the Atlantis and Mu myths.

    Have you read any of his writings on the Delphian Oracle?

    No, I haven't...

  13. Could Atlantis have been a part of today's Santorini?

    Santorini Eruption and The Legend of Atlantis

    "In the modern era, geologic and archeological investigations hint at an intriguing possibility -- that the demise of Atlantis may be related to a catastrophic Bronze Age eruption in the Aegean Sea, which generated a flooded caldera and destroyed an advanced Minoan civilization living on the island group of Santorini..."




  14. According to a recent survey, knowing a foreign language can boost your income, and foreign language speakers are also seen as sexier, more intelligent and more interesting:

    BBC News: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/3966413.stm

    Let's see…I know (and also teach) English, a little German and French but…I haven't noticed

    any boosting in my salary so far. I still have hope, though.

    As for foreign language speakers' seen as sexier, more intelligent and more interesting

    than those who are monolingual, I find this to be too much of a generalisation.

    It all depends on what the person has done to be productive to contribute to the society he/she lives in.

    But this year the government removed the requirement for all children in England to study a foreign language to GCSE level. So, is it the government's aim to produce a poorer, boring, less intelligent and less sexy population?

    Another point is, nowadays the only purpose for the students who learn a foreign language

    is to find a better job. It's the only motivation for these young people and sadly, learning a foreign

    language for self-improvement is the last of their interests.

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