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Cigdem Göle

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Posts posted by Cigdem Göle

  1. I wonder if there were similar frictions that broke up The Ministers Quartet? "

    Could be...maybe the root of the controversy was the question of who will touch him and who won't.

    With apologies to Kathy Becket

    Another rock group that didn't last long was The Brain Strokes, who

    released a single titled Last Nite I Had A Near-Fatal Brain Injury in 2001

    but mysteriously vanished afterwards.

  2. There are always some music groups that we think should never have broken up.

    Such as;

    A little-known band from the 1960s that broke up due to some unspecified controversies, The Ministers Quartet:


    Your post reminded me that I should mention another band that broke up long ago.

    Adolf and The Hitlers became known around the world with their hit single, I Wanna

    Hold Your Land in 1939 but the band broke up in the mid 1940s due to the ego frictions

    among members.

  3. I was planning to be in Dallas for the NID conference this year until

    something unexpected came up, so I had to cancel my trip.

    Debra Conway and Sherry Fiester are two respectable people

    who are dedicated to solving the JFK assassination. Being a member

    of and participating in the JFKLancer forum has broadened my viewpoint

    on both the JFK and RFK assassinations. They're doing a wonderful job there.

    I'm hoping to be in Dallas next year to meet Debra and Sherry in person

    as well as my dear friends Kathy and Jerry.

  4. Last week, I attended two Longman seminars about their Longman Interactive Online.

    It seems to be a useful tool.

    Apart from the physical class, the teacher and students have another

    class online where they do homework and self-study. So, the program

    enables the teacher to monitor what kind of work the students do outside

    the classroom.

  5. Nickelback, Fallout Boy, Metallica (and all the other hair metal bands),Limp Bizkit,

    Creed, Black Eyed Peas, Milli Vanilli (I need a memory erasure to forget them),

    Status Quo (only they can play just one song with many different titles),

    Nelly Furtado/Lindsay Lohan/Beyonce/Britney/Christina/Jessica&Ashlee Simpson clan.

    It can't get much worse...

  6. Due to the loaded programme that is being applied in the Preparatory

    English classes, there's little time to study novels in the classroom.

    Instead of studying them in the class, I prefer to let my students

    choose a novel they want to read and tell them to read it at home.

    After a month we discuss why each of them chose that particular

    novel and whether they enjoyed it or not.

    I saw that the book the student chooses to read helps

    the teacher and also his/her classmates to understand

    the student's personal preferences and views. Also, they

    are really enthusiastic to discuss their novel in the classroom,

    which is very good because each student learns about a different

    novel and a writer and also most times develops interest in reading

    what his/her friend recommended.

  7. The aim of this thread was not to favour student based learning but to

    discuss the effective ways of creating a satisfactory learning environment.

    However, I agree with Ms Walker. Young teachers have been told that the most

    useful method in class is the student centered approach.

    Teacher trainers dictate that the teachers who can make the students do all

    the work in class are the best educators. As Mr Simkin pointed out, I, too, have

    witnessed some good and bad examples of active learning. I oppose to the idea

    that the teacher should leave everything to the student as well as the opposite.

    The teacher knows his/her students' needs and learning styles well and uses the best

    approach in the class according to them It's wrong to promote only one teaching style

    and discredit all the other ways saying that they are old fashioned.

  8. The Dardanelles War means victory for Turks, defeat for the Anzac, the British Empire

    and France but it also caused peoples of countries that are so far from each other to

    establish a connection which will live forever.

    Each year in April, we (Turks, Australians and New Zealanders) come together in

    Çanakkale to remember and pray for the brave men who gave their lives in Gaba Tepe,

    Ari Burnu, Seddülbahir and all around Gelibolu.

    I hope to meet my friends in Çanakkale again in April 2009.






  9. In my work life, if I can help my students to express themselves

    in a foreign language at the end of the academic year, I consider

    myself successful. Of course, the effort spent by the students

    plays the most important part in this.

    Also, as a foreign language teacher, if I can make at least one elementary level student understand

    the difference between the words "accident" and "incident" by saying

    "Every accident is an incident but not every incident is an accident.",

    I feel quite successful. :lol:

    In general, to me, success is being able to make someone smile.

  10. Jonsi Birgisson's band, Sigur Ros (from Iceland) use minimalist,

    classical and melodic elements in their sound. Beginning from 1997,

    Sigur Ros have released five studio albums, one of which (Takk)

    gave them international fame.

    Almost all Sigur Ros videos have an outstanding art direction with beautiful

    scenery of Iceland.

    Vidrar Vel Til Loftrasa (Good Weather For Air Strikes) is one of the most powerful

    songs of the band and also its video is quite effective, but I decided not to give the

    youtube link to the video since some might find it disturbing.





  11. We're told that the Longman Interactive Online has been added to this year's

    curriculum. It will be my first time using a software in the class, therefore I need

    feedback as to whether it is a satisfactory educational tool.

    I've also heard that both students and teachers encounter some difficulties in

    using the program. I'd appreciate if the teachers who use similar software in their

    classrooms post their opinions in this thread.



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