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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. Tosh, I'm thinkin' this guy lived long enough to own a Bay City Rollers record.
  2. Jack, experiment with different Display Modes under the Options button at right, near first post. Mine changed without warning one day, but it's fixable.
  3. Well, whichever acted first, we see the results of a TV news cameraman and a press photographer standing over the prone Newmans to exploit the local color (of fear). The Newmans look about as happy to be pinned down by cameramen as they had by the gunfire.
  4. Re: Tosh's post #94 -- addressed to all... Any relation between why people ran toward the north knoll and why Charles Hester ran to look out of the pergola windows (if that is indeed what he did)?
  5. Tosh, some pages of images that you may want to inspect, if you haven't already: http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/galle...m=31&pos=43 http://www.manuscriptservice.com/FFiDP-2/
  6. Interested in any CIA and FBI cryptonyms or obscure terminology, any reference area, used c. 1996-2008. John Geraghty, did your Agency list, including pre- and post-9/11 codenames, take any finalized form? Like to see it.
  7. Of course not. He covered his wife's body with his own for upwards of 25 seconds after the last shot. OK - I didn't know that the Newmans were asked to stay put so their pix could be snapped; they look damned frightened. Knowing about the photographers' request changes appearances. Is there a stabilized Wiegman film I can look at before further comment? I had a link to one but it's lost, as my computer's in the shop and I'm working with a loaner. I don't know of any request on Wiegman's part for them to stay put why he filmed. It's implied in John's post that it was Cancellare's request, or just his presence standing over the Newmans, that kept them down on the lawn. Wiegman was filming moving footage on the run, and then (I'm assuming from the Wiegman film editing) got the Newmans while Cancellare had them in place.
  8. Of course not. He covered his wife's body with his own for upwards of 25 seconds after the last shot. OK - I didn't know that the Newmans were asked to stay put so their pix could be snapped; they look damned frightened. Knowing about the photographers' request changes appearances. Is there a stabilized Wiegman film I can look at before further comment? I had a link to one but it's lost, as my computer's in the shop and I'm working with a loaner.
  9. Please disregard the last photo in #70, it is pre-assassination. Mention of it is repeated through this thread thanks to my own egregious error - sorry.
  10. Thanks for the correction and the facts. I suppose that I assumed Gator wasn't inbound with you, my memory being that he wasn't mentioned as on the plane till the outbound.
  11. Tosh, some time ago you ID'd the Dark Complected Man seen with The Umbrella Man by the Stemmons sign as "Gator," and said that he was aboard your return flight from Dallas (though not aboard the flight in). Was Gator - in the street and waving at JFK, then seated next to TUM - a conspirator, in your knowledge or opinion? Is it possible that he knew that flights were holding for some personnel in Dallas, and got aboard yours, as if it were just the next bus out?
  12. Post deleted. Moderators, please delete thread.
  13. What about the woman to the right of woman D? Is she in earlier Nix frames? Is there some kind of residual shading to the left of B in the Nix frame? Also, B looks like his right arm and side are cropped, cutting out MIB who was standing in front of him.
  14. A tale has been told that Reagan was shot between the ribs by someone beside him using a gun that fired a compressed metal disc - which projectile was removed from Reagan rather than a bullet. Hinckley, it goes, was occupied shooting two others. Search the net for it FWIW.
  15. And I entirely agree with your last post, Peter. One wishes that the ARRB connection would carry the book into the mainstream press, though. I suppose Whitley Streiber is about as good as Horne would get from the History Channel: sandwiched in between Nostradamus and the pyramids.
  16. Yes, I'm not thinking as much of the reputations of persons (or curtailment of belief and study) as of the potential to diminish the JFK research field at the same time Horne is increasing its value. But I understand that book sales are hard to come by now. If Streiber's site gets Horne's work out there, and that supports his further research...well, OK - I guess. It's a good interview. It's the kind of appearance that a book publicist drums up for an author, and mainstream media has not been generous to JFK researchers. Let's hope Horne, and other researchers to come, get the mainstream exposure that Jim Douglass got.
  17. While I respect Doug Horne, and appreciate Marrs' book Crossfire, I rather worry about JFK and other political material keeping company with UFO "speculation." Associations speak of us, good or ill.
  18. Tosh, don't go without looking at the end of the Morales thread re: Doug Horne's conclusion.
  19. I have had my issues with a grassy knoll shooter delivering "the head shot" from that angle, also. But if you read the excerpts from Doug Horne's book (put up by Bill Kelly, with permission) - in particular Horne's conclusion involving multiple finishing shots including a tangential shot to the rear from the right - there's some compelling material for a grassy (north) knoll shot along with a frontal from the south knoll. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...5&start=345 Look for Kelly's post with Horne's chapter heading, "What it all Means" I wish Tosh would look at this and comment if he cares to.
  20. Did Al Carrier ever get around to commenting on the throat wound?
  21. Tosh, I think we are, in majority, incredibly interested in the south knoll shooter, and welcome any of your experience and comment. These days, I'm thinking that the throat wound through the windshield, and the right temple head shot are from the south knoll.
  22. Post deleted due to my factual error on the Dillard photo of the limo at Love Field. It is a pre-assassination photo. I confused it with a photo showing the dent in the windshield chrome strip. Many apologies, including to Doug Weldon.
  23. Bill, if I remember right, the Oswalds had a screened-in porch at that address?
  24. _____________________________________________ Excellent question. Too bad Tosh deleted all of his posts on this thread... Do any forum members think the fatal bullet could have passed between the windshield and the "crossbar" if it had originated from the south end of the triple underpass? (Sounds plausible to me.) --Thomas P.S. Sorry if this has already been covered on another thread. If so, would someone please refer me to it? _____________________________________________ See the last couple pages of the thread on the windshield hole. I suspect that the throat shot was a head shot spoiled by the diminishing availability of Kennedy's head below the windshield top frame, as seen from the South Knoll. Would the same shooter's next option be it's availability between the frame and the crossbar? What does your ballistics guy make of the throat shot and the windshield?
  25. Not only should we wonder why that nicely-dressed young business type jumped up and ran to the window openings when he saw camera lenses pointing at him, we should wonder why he was apparently the only "gent" who jumped up and left his wife in the kill zone - so unlike that darling Mr. Newman, just below him and closer to the target. What a doll he was, girls! Maybe Hester's heart was driven toward purity by the shock - maybe he had heard shots and conspiratorial noises behind the pergola, and needed to bear witness and direct the minions of justice? Or were the Hesters another intel fun couple - like the Paines and the Hunts? But, the Oswalds - now there was a mixed marriage...
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