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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. Obviously a tempest in a teapot. I deleted. Good luck.
  2. Wondering if anyone knows any more facts about Kathy Ainsworth, fingered as Polka Dot Dress in this website: http://members.fortunecity.com/wernerhoff/rfk5.html I gave the link for the middle page of several. No credence in the contents is implied.
  3. The Rosenbergs of their day, anarchism v. communism aside. Especially in being divisive of public opinion, and in stirring up bigotry. Note Edgar Hoover's involvement in both cases and both Red Scares.
  4. It probably doesn't help when people quote a post, and the quote also replicates the image. Just a guess, though. (Evan Burton, #7) Maybe in some cases the thing to do is to just copy the relevant section of a post in bold, then add the author and post number, as above.
  5. Thank you for this great and valuable forum. I believe this will become part of the history of assassination studies, and ought to be part of the history of modern governmental study as well.
  6. A museum to Ruth would make a lovely church project. Michael could have his own small exhibit room, and Lee, the garage. Maybe the backyard could be redone to reflect Ruth's missionary experiences in Central America. Gerald Posner for curator.
  7. Orlando Martin was on Black Op Radio this week. He favors a Dal-Tex shooter for the Tague miss, based on angle, and calls it as the first shot. Says too many fragments in the car, including substantial pieces of two bullets, to allow three shots/one shooter
  8. More on Hollywood attorney Sidney Korshak, including involvement with Lew Wasserman and Jack Valenti, in this book: http://www.amazon.com/Last-Mogul-Wasserman-History-Hollywood/dp/0306810506/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1277407195&sr=1-2 and in this documentary: http://www.amazon.com/Last-Mogul-Life-Times-Wasserman/dp/B000FNNI4C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1277407239&sr=1-1 Unfortunately I have neither available to quote from, but the book is good on how Wasserman, with Korshak, got Ronald Reagan elected head of the Screen Actors Guild based on his willingness to crack down on reds in the interest of union-busting. The doc is good on how Wasserman and California oil interests later got Reagan elected president. Though, as people may know, I don't believe that small oil makes executive moves without the support of the biggest of big oil.
  9. It may useful to compare events in this Esquire magazine story on disgraced former Congressman Eric Massa (a guy with some definite problems, but...) http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/eric-massa-esquire-052410 The Esquire story drops revelations on McChrystal's replacement, Gen. David Petraeus, and Dick Cheney. See the full text and the responses by Petraeus and a legal advisor. Is it treason when a former VP of the opposition party confers with a commanding general behind a president's back, if the president is actually on the same covert team?
  10. "Later in 1946. Clark fired his domestic Nazi hunting assistant Atty. General O. John Rogge...and then buried Rogge's report on his dramatic interrogations of Goring and Ribbentrop at Nuremberg, dealing with the collaboration of US business and political leaders with the Nazi regime...." Does any copy of Rogge's report survive, readable today?
  11. A thought: since we don't know for certain when the Mannlicher-Carcano was found in the TSBD (what with tales of Mausers and Enfields, and discrepant DPD "discovery" photos)...could this off-zero rifle in the Dal-Tex be that same mail-order Mannlicher rifle, later "found" in the TSBD? Any tunnels from the TSBD to the Dal-Tex? Just sayin', is all... Who says we don't have good threads anymore?
  12. Do a study on Mitch WerBell. I'd like to see a second opinion.
  13. Does anybody watch shows about modern sniping on The Military Channel, like Top Sniper or Weaponology? There seems to be a bunch of these shows lately, I guess because everybody would like to kill somebody in this recession. Has anybody seen any good historical material there on period suppressors? P. S. Bob, all - notice in the Hughes film, just after the right turn onto Houston, how Kennedy leans left to talk to Jackie, who is facing him at the moment. It may be useful to compare body movements and "body language" between the two turns. Anyways...do we now have more fertile ground for speculation as to why the turn is missing in Zapruder?
  14. Weren't there any witnesses at the east corner of Elm who recalled any movement by JFK, as is conveniently missing from Towner and the other film? I don't see anything in any film that shows Greer nearly hitting the curb. There were people standing there, and that would have caused a ripple in the crowd. There are plenty of YouTube videos showing cars veering toward unsuspecting bystanders to compare reactions with. I think Greer misperceived which street he was supposed to turn down and had to correct at the last second, which would have been a couple feet later than if he had not made his mistake. Locals in the crowd probably did a silent "Oops!" in their heads, knowing what almost happened. But do we see anyone in the crowd reacting with any concern in Towner? Kennedy seems the only person fazed by by any part of the turn...we'll never really know if he's reacting to a missed shot, or if he gave a little "Oops!" at the short turn himself, feeling the way one does when one misses a step on the stairs. Any bets on whether JFK's dropped wave is a reaction to a pavement hit, or to the short turn? Either way, it's a significant moment that deserves exploration, and I'm glad Bob Harris brought it up.
  15. What would have kept a conspirator from tossing a single firecracker from a window or roof near Houston and Elm, just to condition the crowd or loyal SS to other small explosions to follow? That said, I appreciated Bob Harris' video very much.
  16. I'm sure it's not Sturgis, but that it is whom most people think it is. Maybe Oliver Stone asked one of the stars of Natural Born Killers and got that clarified - wish I knew if that ever happened.
  17. I don't believe the KGB killed JFK. But could "Oswald" be KGB? That might be the limit of the limited hangout in Sturgis's interview. (I wrote "Liddy" above, and corrected it.) Could some of the KGB guys that Richard Case Nagell knew have not wanted "Oswald" set up as either an assassin or a fall guy while playing on both sides of the fence? It's always worth looking at Nagell. He evaded and obfuscated, but I doubt he lied. Why the evidence of Oswald grave tampering after the 1960s? I doubt the real LHO was killed along with any false one.
  18. Can we rule out the thought that the utility of the DPD Oswald as patsy* was that not only had he been sheep-dipped as a Castroite, but that there was a deep-cover identity to be exposed if a two-hemisphere war was wanted? Can we rule out the idea that the theater arrest was an actual escape rendezvous pre-empted by another group that controlled DPD, a group with perhaps a different relation to the assassination than we suppose? Is it possible that some of the antipathy Americans felt upon seeing photos and film of "Oswald" was an aversion to eastern looks and perceived foreign mannerisms? Did he seem, uncomfortably, to be even more of an "enemy within" than eventually was vouched for?** Are there deeper reasons for that Mona Lisa smirk, beyond his US intel connections? Was he JFK's enemy? It's useful to consider a KGB Oswald in relation to Richard C. Nagell's perceptions of Oswald in the Dick Russell's book, and in relation to any evidence of "Oswald" warning the FBI or other intel org in advance of Dallas. *Patsy is still the word, despite Sturgis's statement that KGB was on the knoll. **Is typological examination part of the consideration of the photographic record?
  19. I feel that a moon hoax is not a sideshow, but an unexplored political area. A non-landing brings up NASA budget questions. What was the covert relation between NASA and the DOD? Was NASA a money launderer for Defense or intel projects? If they didn't spend it on the lunar surface...where did it go, and what other funding went with it?
  20. One thing that's struck me over the years is that the DPD infiltration of the theater and the searching of a broad field of other subjects, upstairs and down, before approaching "Oswald" seems calculated to have put as much anxiety into their quarry as possible. It's as if they wanted to ratchet up a panic in which he could have been killed. Sometimes the character of the narrative we choose tells us some truth about the "story" of an event. All the suspense imbued upon this arrest by period journalists and Jim Bishop types seems to have been as deliberate in the actions of the DPD as it was in the later re-telling.
  21. Let us render unto Kennedy the things that are Kennedy's, and render unto general hotness the things that are generally hot.
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