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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. Oswald's smirk is the Mona Lisa smile of the affair. As long as he's Mr. Passive-but-Snarky, "You're the cop, you tell me!" and asking to be represented by lefty John Abt, he's anticipating one variety of outcome. When he loses his cool over Ruth Paine, gets all tremulous before the reporters, and starts phoning John Hurt to vouch for him as an intel op, he's trying to forestall another outcome - being hung out to dry. The question is: What was he expecting all through the smirk phase? To be exonerated? Notice that the smirk has reappeared by the time of the County Jail perp walk on Sunday. Clearly he's expecting something again - he's not dumb enough to let the flashbulbs and floods really convince him that he's a "world-historical individual." But he's dumb enough to smile at Jack Ruby and think he's a friend. After all, Jack helped reinforce his lefty credentials by correcting Henry Wade - surely an idiot stooge to someone with Oz's connections - on the FPCC identity. One would like to think he fired no shots. Innocence? Incompetence? Is one as safe as Marguerite in one's assumptions? That smirk hides all: "Brother, you won't find anything there." He was the best-connected 24-year-old that the world has ever (partly) seen. Something drew him into that ugly anti-Kennedy circle and kept him there. So - no medals for Oz just yet.
  2. Bobby Hargis (motorcycle policeman on the left rear fender of the Presidential limousine), April 8, 1964: “And at that time the Presidential car slowed down. I heard someone say, ‘Get going,’——” (Mr. Stern: “Someone inside——”) Mr. Hargis: “I don’t know whether it was the Secret Service car, and I remembered seeing Officer Chaney. Chaney put his motor in first gear and accelerated up to the front to tell them to get everything out of the way, that he [the President] was coming through, and that is when the Presidential limousine shot off ….” [Warren Commission testimony: 6H294] NO LOCATION GIVEN +++ It makes sense that Greer's visual impetus to beat it would be not only seeing the head wounding, but seeing the motorcycle break formation faster than he did. Gotta go! Save my hide, at least.
  3. In Altgens 4, featuring G. P. Hemming and "Lucien Conein," some of the crowd appear to be smiling straight across at the photographer's lens, rather than downward and somewhat to frame right, at the limo passengers. Sorry that I can't put it up at the moment.
  4. Fred Newcomb and Perry Adams' "Murder from Within," whose first four chapters are up on Rich DellaRosa's site, cites testimony and anecdote describing how the SS agent seated behind the driver of the Johnson car fired a decoy pistol shot into the air (p. 50 ff). Is this the "firing back" SS response some witnesses noted? The 1970s narrative has more than a few problems overall. But see the agent's upraised hand in Altgens 6: Has a pistol been retouched out? Chapter Three of Newcomb and Perry goes on to describe reports of gunpowder scentings east of the pergola, which ought to be checked against reports in other sources.
  5. Oops - wrong thread. Contents moved to: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...mp;#entry180989
  6. See post #8. Is "Rip" (and it does resemble the pic of Rip posted in this thread, if not others) tipping his hat at JFK, or at Kellerman and Greer? A farewell to the Executive, or a Go signal? BTW, has anybody looked at the other man on the lamppost with "Morales"? Masculine etiquette, as I have experienced it, demands that two guys climbing a lamppost together actually know each other. In the excitement of a public occasion, being in the same branch of the armed services substitutes. Swinging like Gene Kelly with a stranger? I dunno... +++ Somebody advise - where is the recent thread with all the Tom Wilson pages and photo enhancements? I just can't find it.
  7. Blood spray altered to support front-right spray only, not show rear spray from evulsion? Some half-clever so-and-so's, I'll tell you.
  8. I agree that the eyewitness accounts are "poorly worded"; most people don't express themselves well colloquially, and especially after trauma. I agree that it's not very secret to have the Secret Service administer a coup de grace in a very public coup d'etat. (Ashton Gray's poison needle thread describes a more plausible scenario for a coup de grace at a more likely location. if indeed that happened.) For that matter - why not make the purported throat flechette shot a poisoned missile? But because of the reports and the confusion - shots in the limo simply cannot be dismissed at this time, like the dead SS man and the sewer shot can't. Robotized guns in the limo doors or trunk, now that's...
  9. C.1 - Conspirator w/fake SS credentials killed D. (Andrews) Clint Hill spread-eagle on limo mistaken for shot dead E. (Andrews) Original "A" plot called for an SS man shot for verisimilitude, story element went out in early reports. 5 & 6 also legit possibilities.
  10. What is the spike of light (like an upward spike on a heart monitor) that we see leftmost at the end corner of the wall, left of the dot and occurring just before the dot moves?
  11. What's that square thing, perhaps with a strap, in Mr. Hester's hand, and between his ankles in the still above? He carries that thing over to the pergola window openings in Weigman, then the film cuts to the Newmans on the grass...or does another version not cut away?
  12. I'm wondering if Clint Hill, seen spread-eagle and head down atop a speeding limo, didn't start that rumor, if indeed it was a rumor: "What did you see? What did you see?" "I saw a big Secret Service agent, all dressed in black, laid out on top of the trunk!" Yet the sheriff's office confirms the rumor, and states four shots - so that may have been the "A-plan," to drop an SS man also. As for the timing - a "young man" arrested as a suspect is also announced concurrently.
  13. An analog for the Greer-dunnit theory is the discredited story that an SS man in the Queen unlimbered an AR-15 and accidentally caused the head wound. It's an analogous tale that suggests some SS gunfire in the Plaza and at Kennedy. In the same way, there are several analogous rumors of a dead SS man, a pool of blood near the pergola, etc, that tend to suggest a wounding or death outside the limo. It's like the fat guy sings to Costner in JFK - "I dunno, boss - there's a lot of smoke there, but some fire, too!"
  14. It's tempting to peg that as W. But the trousers and socks/loafers on the DP kid look too working-class cool. Can the jacket be traced to some org that the young GWB belonged to? I used to feel that the purported GHWB photo outside the TSBD on 11/22 was a spurious identification...but the more times that I see it, the less sure I am of that.
  15. I could swear that I saw the grandchildren's sequence at the "head" of Z up on YouTube a while ago, but now there's only this Sitzman-Hester bit online: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrb1Po3-qA0...feature=related
  16. Pat: "Now, if Kellerman is such a bad guy, and a xxxx, why did he make clear, in testimony taken months after the shooting, after the speed at which the rifle could be fired had been determined as no less than 2 seconds, that he thought the last shots came in at almost the exact same time? " I think this is one of many equivocations that you hear from people involved in Dallas, right up to LBJ's "conspiracy" mumblings. I believe that even people involved were horrified afterward (if only because of the endurance of the tragedy in the media and public imagination) and adopted their own kinds of "limited hangout," in which they told as much truth as they dared - even about themselves. Equivocate: to give equal voice to opposing positions, one of the most elegant Latin adaptations in English.
  17. What do we know about JFK's SS men's orders for motorcades, that day or others? Does Palamara give us any consistent SOPs that we can compare with the actions of Greer/Kellerman and the Queen Mary Krew? Answering Karl: Unless it was my express order to preserve the passengers' dignity at the cost of their lives, with so little crowd and so little space before the underpass and freeway ramp, I would have accelerated. Question for all Babushka Lady watchers to ponder: Why didn't she drop and duck, like Jean and Mary and others beside her?
  18. I've looked at several YouTube Weigmans...Is there an extant version that shows what the man does after he reaches the pergola window, without the film suddenly cutting to the Newmans? The Hesters look like the Michael and Ruth Paine of DP. Is that thing in his hand an 8mm camera? Is he making sure that anyone standing behind the pergola has fled Weigman's lens? Maybe that was their assignment - to "beard" Zapruder and Sitzman, and shoo away anybody approaching the pergola. Then they got caught up in panic they weren't prepared for. They look like they didn't expect so much shooting. Zapruder and Sitzman, of course, being "beards" for any other photographers at the pergola, or shooters. DP seems full of beards and doubles...like TUM and DCM.
  19. What volume, please, is Chaney's testimony in? It's hard to search my online WCR complete. +++ P. S. - I've always been a bit unnerved at the "passing of the Old Charter" in the underpass photo third from top. Amazing coincidence.
  20. OK, thanks for the Chaney interview, Paui. I like the way Chaney has to count to keep up with the Single Bullet Theory. Any other locating of Chaney woould be welcome. Is Chaney the reason for the close frames of the limo, and the black bar at the bottom of the frames? Was he showing up Greer by passing the limo? Or demonstrating the limo stop?
  21. I'm missing something because I'm busy and haven't caught up with it. I understand that Chaney (4) is believed to have caught up with Chief Curry's car under the overpass. At what point(s) should Chaney's action be visible in the extant Z-film in relation to the head shot, or relative to numbered frames?
  22. Has anyone analyzed sunlight effects on JFK's hair surfaces in respect to the other top and side surfaces in Z? Remember, these are the frames in which the sheen off Kellerman's hair tonic passes for a shiny pistol barrel - so there are some areas of comparison. (Edited for clarity.)
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