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Dean Hagerman

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Everything posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Is that all you got? You think because your some weird hybrid French Grammar Nazi that anyone cares? You are a NOBODY You are a NOTHING You know I know it and every forum member knows it Remember Francois Coli, you are a failure Now reply and fix all my spellings and grammar you stooge
  2. So I take it you have never listened to Jim DiEugenio hammer Paul Nolan (aka John McAdams)? What makes you think Von Pein would fair any better?
  3. Not unless the number of questions we each get to ask is increased. 5 or 10 questions isn't nearly enough. I need at least 30 in order to pummel you incessantly with each major piece of evidence against your favorite "patsy" that you will be forced to say is fake. If one of those 30 questions involves Mexico City, the FBI/CIA infiltration of the FPCC, and Oswald's 201 file, I will look forward to it. DVP just shook with fear at the thought of trying to defend those three topics that Lee just posted
  4. Dean, would you agree that Mrs. Connally at least thought she heard a shot between the time she saw JFK react and the explosive head wound, and that she spun around to tend to her husband, beginning at 291-292? And would you agree that she reacted at the same time that Mrs. Kennedy, Kellerman, and Greer reacted? No and No
  5. This is the worst thread I have ever seen in my entire life
  6. I do not believe a shot occured at frame 285
  7. Lee, Surely, though, the difference is that Oswald had the revolver on him when he was arrested? That depends on what you believe happened in the theater Martin. P.S. That's to you too, Dean. Only just saw what you wrote in reply to Martin. Lee I open to the possibility that a gun could have been planted Its just my opinion that Oswald owned/borrowed a revolver and went home to get it to protect himself from being silenced As we all know Ruby silenced Oswald forever...
  8. Lee, Surely, though, the difference is that Oswald had the revolver on him when he was arrested? You took the words right out of my mouth Martin
  9. Trust me at first I thought he was 100% not involved, but as time went on the same questions kept bugging me I think to myself, would I go home and grab my gun if I didnt do anything? No Would I go home and grab my gun if I figured out that I had been set up because I had been involved in a plot as a small player? Yes, because I would be scared for my life Thats why I think LHO killed Tippet, because he could trust nobody and was scared for his life I think that when Tippet pulled up to the curb and called out to Oswald that LHO said to himself this is it, this cop is going to kill me, so LHO got the draw on Tippet and killed him Oswald had to be involved at a low level in the plot He was set up to take the fall, and after JFK was killed he knew he was a dead man
  10. I feel the same way about Oswald as you do John
  11. Jim killed Paul Nolan in this debate If I was a friend of Paul Nolan I would be embarrassed to post this
  12. I dont think so, and im sure 99% of the members and guests dont think so either Craig
  13. Of course im afraid to show exact comparisons because I never claimed exact comparisons If we keep going at this in a week from now your going to be quoting me as saying that the people who worked on Mary Poppins are the same ones that worked on the Z-film, or that I claimed to have witnessed Julie Andrews in bed with Dick Van Dyke The longer this kind of thread goes on the more ludicrous your demands and quotes become
  14. So what are the anomolies? What are the anomolies? Show us, Your claim, your proof. Just show us Dean. What's the problem? The problem is that im not going to bow down to your crazy demands to scan and post pages out of a book that YOU OWN! Read that sentence a couple times and let it sink in
  15. Who is we and us? Dont you mean you and yourself You can see those claims by reaching into your bookshelf Whats wrong? Do you have two broken arms and legs? Are you afraid you might open up TGZFH and agree with it? WHAT CLAIMS? WHAT CLAIMS? WHAT CLAIMS? YOU said: "we see some of the same kinds of anomalies in the Z-film" WHAT ANOMOLIES? WHAT ANOMILIES? Your claim, your proof. Chicken? Cluck Cluck I didnt mean to type claims, I meant anomalies Im sure you could have figured out what I meant Craig
  16. Who is we and us? Dont you mean you and yourself You can see those claims by reaching into your bookshelf Whats wrong? Do you have two broken arms and legs? Are you afraid you might open up TGZFH and agree with it?
  17. Craig your killing me, im gonna have a stroke if I keep laughing like this Why not quit laughing and post those artifacts in Z that are like Mary Poppins... Again why post it when all you have to do is reach into your bookshelf and then read? You are the only one asking Craig
  18. Craig your killing me, im gonna have a stroke if I keep laughing like this
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