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Dean Hagerman

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Everything posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. As long as Lebron and Wade keep chucking up rediculous 3 point shots the Mavs should keep Jacks pulse down I hate the Heat
  2. Awesome news, rest and get well soon my friend! Dean
  3. Jim As a fellow Californian I am shocked by this statement I'd fully agree with Jim's quote. Although not an American I lived under the rule of Margaret Thatcher for many, many years. Maggie and Ronnie were in bed together, figuratively speaking concerning economic policy, because if that literally happened I'm sure there's a chance that the anti-Christ is amongst us. It's not you is it, Dean? Well my family made good money in the 80s and growing up I was never denied anything My father made me work for my video games and toys, but my mom always spolied us to death So in the 80s my family was in great shape and I have very happy memories of the Reagan era I cant speak for others but as far as I am concerned the 80s were an amazing time and im proud to have grown up in the 80s with Reagan as my president
  4. Jim As a fellow Californian I am shocked by this statement
  5. I thought I was hallucinating while reading this thread with all these hate filled replies about my man Ron Ronald Reagan was a great President and even greater Governor
  6. Rich Dellarosa has described the "other" film in the book "The Great Zapruder Film Hoax" He has also described it on his old forum I also have several email conversations with Rich and he goes into even greater detail, however he did not tell me the specifics of who showed him the film on 3 seperate occasions He left all of that info with a trusted researcher Im just waiting for that researcher to share Richs info on the "other" film RIP Rich
  7. My bad Mike, I though the "In conclusion..." part was added by you And I think you mean if we talked for another 10 minutes I would have been a LN However we could have talked until 5 in the morning and I would still be die hard CT lol I did enjoy talking to you Mike and I notice that while we are on different sides we agree on like 80% of the assassination and 100% views on other subjects Its weird how that works, my guess is that the 20% of the stuff we dont agree on (Like Mexico City) are the main subjects in why we believe what we believe I look forward to talking to you again my friend
  8. Fine. What were their wives names? What did they do before the military? How many kids did they have? What were their hobbies? What kind of pets did they have? What were their wives names? I think one was Betsy, or at least that was the name of his mistress What did they do before the military? All 3 joined the military right after high school, all 3 were Chief Petty Officers How many kids did they have? No clue, they wouldnt share that info with us, even the last week before graduation when everything was relaxed What were their hobbies? No clue What kind of pets did they have? No clue
  9. Thats true! lmao I walked through boot camp laughing because it was a joke compared to all the horror stories I heard The only problem I had was being tired from such small amounts of sleep for the first two weeks But after I got used to it I was fine And Mike I do understand what your saying, but for years everyone said Garrison was crazy and he could never tie them together This photo at the very least vindicates Garrison, you have to admit that
  10. And Mike I was in boot camp 14 years ago and I still remember, so you cant say its fresh in my head
  11. Oh really Mike? Ferrie never knew Oswald right? Garrison has done nothing to promote conspiracy? How do you explain this picture of a CAP Picnic with Oswald and Ferrie? Remember all of Garrisons critics always said he was wrong because he couldnt tie Ferrie to Oswald..... I would have loved to see the faces of Garrisons critcs when they saw this picture for the first time Dean, I have a boot camp photo of my whole platoon, and 4 Drill Instructors. I only ever knew one drill instructor, who I served in the 1stMARDIV with later. The rest I have no clue about, and spent 13 weeks with them! So a photo like that is really worthless in terms of attempting to apply an association. Mike I remember the names of all 3 of my Drill Instructors from Great Lakes I remember what they look like as well and could pick them out of any photo So your argument means nothing And this picture proves that Oswald knew Ferrie Do you think Oswald was standing in that picture saying in his head "Wow I have no idea who that funny looking guy is whos in charge" How can you look at that picture and say it dosent prove anything?!
  12. Oh really Mike? Ferrie never knew Oswald right? Garrison has done nothing to promote conspiracy? How do you explain this picture of a CAP Picnic with Oswald and Ferrie? Remember all of Garrisons critics always said he was wrong because he couldnt tie Ferrie to Oswald..... I would have loved to see the faces of Garrisons critcs when they saw this picture for the first time
  13. I want to see/hear a live debate between Jimmy D and DVP Just like with McAdams Jimmy D would destroy DVP I would bet my home, my cars, every item of value that I own that Jim would win the debate Just thinking of debating Jim makes DVP start to feel ill and want to curl up in the fetal position I must have missed that one, Dean. I only heard the one Where Mcadams embarrasingly pummeled DiEugenio, and where his common sense facts triumphed victoriously over the plethera of Jim's huge collection of factiods. Can you send me the link to this one I missed? LMFAO!
  14. I want to see/hear a live debate between Jimmy D and DVP Just like with McAdams Jimmy D would destroy DVP I would bet my home, my cars, every item of value that I own that Jim would win the debate Just thinking of debating Jim makes DVP start to feel ill and want to curl up in the fetal position
  15. Jim Schacht spent the last year of the war in a concentration camp (as im sure you already knew) He along with Von Papen and Fritzsche were acquitted and rightly so in my opinion, those 3 should have never been tried in the first place And in my opinion it was questionable to try Donitz, Raeder, Jodl and Keitel who were all military and had no control over what orders they were givin by Hitler
  16. Dean, I have read a little bit of them, but not in entirety. I just find it interesting that the bedrock CT's such as I posted earlier have such harsh things to say about him. How so many people here hail him a hero is just lunacy in my opinion. Mike you need to read them cover to cover It will help you see what kind of man Garrison was He wanted the truth, there is no way you can read both of his books and say otherwise
  17. Mike quick question Have you ever read "A Heritage of Stone" or "On the Trail of the Assassins"?
  18. Wow "Post Mortem" is a waste of time? That is a book that you have top read cover to cover, in fact I have read it like 4 times If any member can read the sentence that I quoted and still take Robert seriously please let me know who you are
  19. And I was wrong it was 12 books not 5 I had read 12 books cover to cover on the assassination before I was 12 years old!
  20. Here you go Greg http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=16984&st=0&p=213145&hl=+dean%20+robert%20+read%20+books&fromsearch=1entry213145
  21. Greg if Robert did that he would have to remove almost every single book on his Worst JFK books list (and his Best JFK books list) He has admitted to only reading 5 books on the assassination! He has "skimmed" through some other books In his own words it is a waste of time to read books on the assassination from cover to cover! How anybody ever took this guy seriously is beyond me A waste of time!!!! He said that!
  22. I still dont see a single example of why he was a corrupt DA or why he was unstable mentally
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