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Dean Hagerman

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Everything posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Great post Jim, of course it flys right over Roberts head
  2. Yeah, what would we do without him? Maybe one of these days he'll strap on a pair and start posting for himself. It will never happen, he is to scared
  3. Robert will NEVER understand the difference No matter how many times you or I explain it to him Steve LBJ is NOT a serial killer Robert, read the definition! Hitler was not a serial killer, he never killed anyone Mussolini was not a serial killer, he never killed anyone Harry Truman was not a serial killer, he never killed anyone Curtis "Bombs Away" Lemay was not a serial killer, he never killed anyone LBJ WAS NOT a serial killer, HE NEVER KILLED A SINGLE PERSON Steve is correct when young people view this forum and see you calling LBJ a serial killer and you calling the assassination "The 1963 Coup d'etat" 100 times in each post that you make they will never take you seriously I mean the members already dont take you seriously, but the young students who read this forum are the ones we need to pay attention to what we post for
  4. These are my exact feelings Michael You said it better then I would have
  5. You think that the strongest piece of evidence is what LBJ told his mistress?
  6. Like others have said you are a great speaker Greg I enjoyed your presentation Excellet job Greg!
  7. Ahaaaahaaaaaaa Dave you are killing me! Im going to break a rib from laughing so hard! Please keep up the nick names for Robert I still feel bad for Xenia Ohio
  8. Just call it the assassination! Stop trying to use your own slang to describe what happened Every post of yours that I read I shake my head in disgust at
  9. Don't panick, Martin. I made a few phone calls to you know who ( wink wink ) and our budget has been increased to unlimited funding, effective immediately. The Australian "Vacation" is still all systems go. The "Get Harris " campaign must continue at all costs. If the world finds out that there was a deranged google eyed finger trembling scissors snipping Venetian blinds mutilating window smashing assassin, the games over. Carry on with the cause. dib dib What was the name of the Hotel we are all meeting at in Sydney again?
  10. I do not like John McAdams one bit If someone starts a thread on the death penalty I will post in it, but I started a thread a couple weeks ago that got thrown way off topic right away and I didnt care at all, in fact I love when threads take a turn into other subjects, thats what forums are all about.
  11. No I want my beloved state of California to put the 700+ killers to death, they can start with the 10 killers on death row from my city/county, most of them have been there since the 1980s. Only one man Darrel Rich (a real serial killer by definition, not Roberts crazy definition) from my city has been put to death at San Quentin. Only one! I dont want to murder anybody, thats the warden of San Quentin's job.
  12. So John Wyane Gacy should have not been executed? Ted Bundy should have been allowed to live? Have you ever heard about Richard Speck? The courts made a huge mistake in Whitherspoon vs Illinois and let Speck live instead of being put to death. So he lived in prison snorting coke, smoking weed, drinking liquor every day and making fun of all the girls that he killed Speck Video How anybody in the world can say that they are against the death penalty after watching this video is beyond me. I just wish California would get on the ball like Texas and start executing a death row inmate every week or so.
  13. Badgeman was the strongest piece when I first started back in the late 80s Now its the altered Zapruder film
  14. Come on Dave! Thats way out of line Charlatan? Really? Give me a break
  15. I do the same thing that Bill does I ignore tons of pointless threads that are started all the time, no need to complain, just ignore them If Duncan started 100 threads debunking more Harris garbage then I will read each and every one and post my views and opinions in each and every one because im sick and tired of Harris just making crap up and passing it off as fact.
  16. Awesome Bill! Like Pat I have been looking for the full video forever Im dowloading it right now
  17. No, but you are the only one who cares about a Scissors Snipping Venentian Blinds Window Smashing Assassin firing a missed shot from the Daltex as the limo turns the corner on to Elm, causing Kennedy to never smile again after balling his hand in to a fist and then calmly wiping the sharp non wound inflicting flying ashphalt debris from his hair.
  18. Get back to me after you learn how to read a whole book cover to cover And if you knew how to use the search feature on the forum you could go back and read the important threads that I have been a part of instead running your mouth about my contributions (which far out weigh anything you have ever come close to doing)
  19. Are you joking? What a slap in the face to all authors who have wrote books on the assassination! And what a slap in the face to any researcher who makes a top list of books when you list 50 but have only read 12 of them. How in the world do you think its ok to list a book (in your case 38 of them) that you have not read cover to cover? Your killing me Robert! Your not doing the right thing, your list means nothing to me or anyone Robert, and the fact that you say its a waste of time to read a book from cover to cover is the nail in the coffin. I cant believe im reading these things.
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