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B. A. Copeland

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Posts posted by B. A. Copeland

  1. This is terrible....I'll never forget (listening to and learning from) seeing him when I was quite young. My heart goes out to his family and I cannot thank him enough for being a powerful and critical beacon for understanding the tragedy of 11/22/63.

  2. 4 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

    As I've said before, I believe the movie JFK was monumentally important and basically accurate in its essential thrust. 

    Stone's one major blunder in the movie was his implication that General Edward Lansdale was a key figure behind the assassination. Stone made this horrific gaffe because he relied on Fletcher Prouty.

    Some due diligence would have quickly revealed that Prouty's claim was utter nonsense and slanderous garbage. Lansdale liked and admired JFK, grieved over his death, and opposed the introduction of large numbers of American troops in South Vietnam. Lansdale opposed most of the Taylor-Rostow recommendations on Vietnam. He opposed LBJ's escalation in 1965 and criticized U.S. military operations as misguided. By the way, Lansdale also opposed the Bay of Pigs invasion.

    It is a red flag of Prouty's quackery that, of all people, he identified Edward Lansdale as one of the master plotters who wanted JFK dead in order to vastly escalate the war effort in Vietnam. 


    Hey there Michael. I think, with all due respect, we should give Mr. Stone credit for continuing to study the material through the years. He stated unequivocally last year that he no longer puts any stock to Col. Prouty's Lansdale allegations. I came across this post sometime ago from Doug Campbell (of the Dallas Action Podcast):


    Now that above quotation is sourced from this video:


    Timestamp for the quote is at about 00:44:43. It seems to me that Stone is acting in a good faith of sorts of what I think is a good quality to found in the research of many fields: keeping the mind open to new developments and being willing to welcome new ways of thinking about an old puzzle due to said new developments and evidence.

  3. A topic such as this is so long overdue. I should honestly post up my notes from my listening (literally tons of times) of Dale’a Show with Blunt. It is absolutely *required* reading and listening.

    I got the book right away even though it’s interesting because much of my notes are verbatim copies of Dale/Blunt’s words with time stamps (since it’s audio). I listen to all of Dale’s audios with blunt at least 3-5x a year. It never, ever gets dull. It’s also my source for the incredible Joan Higdon information from the HSCA. I’d kill to know what “explosive” information those 2 investigators learned. Either way, excellent review Jim and Blunt is just next level, period. Doug Campbell also did a relatively recent show with Alan Dale that is absolutely worth listening to and certainly relevant to this very topic and discussion:


    #179~ January 15, 2021: "Devils, Details, And Dialogue: A Conversation With Alan Dale, Of The Assassination Archives & Research Center."


  4. Mr. H what a fascinating, fascinating read. I knew exactly what I was getting into reading this and I've read it 3x so far. Taking notes and will post more questions in due time. the more I learn about Carlos "Batea" Hernandez, the more I am intrigued. I'm even more curious about Felix Rodriguez. Do we know or have any info regarding whereabouts of either men on 11/22/63? Whatever happened to Hernandez in later years after that tragic day? Thank you very much for your amazing work and research. 

  5. On 1/26/2021 at 4:31 AM, Cliff Varnell said:

    He was outplayed by the #3 man at the State Dept., Averell Harriman.

    October of 1963 the UN sent a delegation to Saigon to make a report on the conflict between Diem and his brother Nhu with the Buddhist protesters who’d been stirred up by the CIA.  By then the Buddhist uprising was beginning to cool off, and the initial report from the delegation was positive.  US aid to the Diem regime had been curtailed a month earlier, and if Kennedy had restored aid on the basis of the UN report the South Vietnamese generals would have taken that as a withdrawal of US support for a coup.

    And the overthrow of Diem was the program JFK went along with.  
    Don’t get me wrong, I admire JFK tremendously— but a screw-up is a screw-up.


    Shall we add Henry Cabot Lodge as someone else who royally screwed JFK in Vietnam as well? Its sickening to read about his actions in the documentary record as well as Douglass' book in particular.

  6. I believe that is the same dark skinned man that O’Sullivan (and others) photographically ID’ as Morales but we’re in error it seems? 

    Personally he is unidentified. I don’t even know if research has been done to attempt to learn where Morales (or Robertson, etc) was on that terrible day but I’d definitely guess that, as the Cuban pilot implied, in my mind anyway, to Wayne January, that Bobby was hated more than JFK and at the minimum I’d say Morales disliked Bobby as much as he disliked Jack.

  7. On 12/7/2020 at 2:23 PM, David Andrews said:

    Is there a place to download a copy of Loran Hall's HSCA testimony? (NARA Record Numbers: 180-10118-10115 and 180-10118-10125)  I'm afraid I can't afford a Mary Farrell membership right now.  Thanks.

    I'd ask Doug Campbell or @Rob Clark David. He has a great deal of focus on Loran Hall and I wouldn't be surprised if he knew exactly where to locate the document. I mean hopefully someone here can provide you with a copy asap but certainly Campbell and @Rob Clark are worth asking.

  8. On 10/13/2020 at 1:11 PM, Chris Barnard said:

    Maybe I should have given it longer if it got better but, my criticism of the question above was entirely valid. 

    Oh for sure. Certainly all criticism encouraged and welcome in my book. I should also (and more accurately) state that Rob seems to consistently rely on evidence from the documentary record more than he does not and calls speculation what it is when it is indeed so.

  9. On 10/11/2020 at 5:21 PM, Chris Barnard said:

    Amateur hour ...

    Uhh...what? I think its best to keep our emotions in check and focus strictly on the evidence which is exactly what Rob seems to have done and always does. Its in our best interest as a research community (and student in my case) to challenge ourselves to not become "fans" of anyone. I have some of my favorite researchers and scholars but they are certainly human and are prone to being in error on such a complex historical study. I remember reading these ARRB documents on Prouty and wow, its nice to see such hardcore facts to challenge what anyone might say or offer to those interested in the facts of this tragic case.

  10. On 8/10/2020 at 9:27 AM, Robert Charles-Dunne said:

    So, if the occasion warranted, such as writing a book, you’d be precise in your use of words.

    But since you’re only riffing here for a bunch of non-book readers, it matter less.    

    You seem to be saying that words change meaning depending on who reads them?

    Got it.  Very gracious of you to admit that you have one level of literacy for one occasion, and an entirely different one for others.

    When in fact the issue is that you cannot teach me (or anyone) what you cannot prove, or teach.  That’s gotta hurt.

    No wonder you save such special venom for me.  Just a boy who won’t do as he’s told by teachers.  Who don’t know their own subject.


    Dude... you’re the one who uses words precisely or imprecisely depending on whether it’s for a book and just the yokels and rubes who read internet stuff.  By your own admission.

    Wow.  What victory for you.

    I’m sorry, but when was the last time you posted anything “strong and compelling?”  I don’t read all your stuff, admittedly, because it so rarely contains anything “strong and compelling.”  

    Was it when you admitted that you believe there were second mastoid surgery records, despite the fact that nobody in the world had ever seen them, heard of them, or known anything about them?  You know: "just because they don’t exist, doesn’t mean they never did."

    You know, like unicorns.

    Oh I plan to.  No worries there, mate.

    Very gracious of you to admit that when cornered,  the various members of the crack H&L squad are in regular contact with each other, plotting strategy for how to deal with upstarts who keep poking holes in your collective (yet evolving) delusion.  

    But if you're all in tight communication, why does each of you wander off script so many times, contradicting each other, and sometimes even your own evidence.

    Don't get me wrong; it's comical and enjoyed by many.

    But how is it that you can conspire together and still not be on the same page?

    All this freelancing must drive Jim and John nuts.

    Brilliant Robert and its great to see you posting again. Been a while since I've personally seen you around.

  11. Quote

    "In sum, (Sirhan) cannot possibly show that no reasonable juror would have convicted him if a jury had considered his 'new' evidence and allegations, in light of the overwhelming evidence supporting the convictions and the available evidence thoroughly debunking (Sirhan's) second-shooter and automaton theories," Attorney General Kamala Harris said in federal court papers filed this week.

    What a pathetic political reality we live in these days....how can any human absolutely say something of this...surely she does not believe what she says.

  12. On 7/16/2020 at 8:50 PM, Robert Montenegro said:

    Morales was De Torres' immediate commander during "Operation Zapata"?

    Any topic about Morales, or De Torres, etc, is fascinating and worth a read. @Robert Montenegro, I actually asked Mr H @Larry Hancock about any connection to Morales that he would be aware of and I can't remember his response (it can certainly be found) but I believe he said there was none that he could find? I could be wrong. I'll try to dig it up but any evidence that the two men knew and worked with one another would be absolutely fantastic. No one is going to confidently ID any of the key suspects in a film where the subjects have their back facing the viewer. We've been down that road enough times and its better to be safe than sorry. Speculation until you could prove beyond doubt.

    @David Boylan [East Coast Bureau Chief] its great to see you alive, well and researching as always!

    On the subject of Morales, anyone else notice he was quite fond of carrying a camera with him often? I should say that there are a few photos of him with a camera strapped around himself. Very interesting but certainly no shocker for one of the best ever high level spooks.

  13. On 7/15/2020 at 10:56 AM, Paul Jolliffe said:


    I look forward to listening to the interview later tonight.

    Meanwhile, I can attest personally that Mr. Weisberg did indeed realize at a very early date the significance of both the “False Oswald” and of the “ False false Oswald.”

    He was seeking witnesses to the “Second Oswald” in the Marine Corps by 1967. 

    Further, he confided to me that the key was to figure out exactly who controlled the autopsy - that was a path to the conspirators.

    During that phone conversation, he mentioned he suspected his phone was tapped ( this was in 1999 or 2000.) As soon as he said “Admiral Kenney” (USN Surgeon General in 1963), a loud audible hum started on our phones.

    He believed certain names triggered an automatic recording system.

    For all I know, he may have been right.

    Thanks for your input Paul. I mean that sounds fascinating as hell honestly....I swear I suspect Admiral Galloway as well....I don't think I've ever heard of Kinney being connected to the murder in any way but I'm always willing to learn, you have to in a case of this nature. Thanks again.

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