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Bernice Moore

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Posts posted by Bernice Moore


    Sunday, October 11, 2009

    First Thoughts on the new History Channel Show JFK 3 shots that changed the World

    The methodology is straight from all those 9/11 documentaries, real footage that is cut quickly and often to a black screen, a timer for the exact minute when things happen like those rolodex kind of clocks as the number flipped forward.

    Yes, there are some new film clips here, largely out takes of pieces of film not used before. There has to be a great wealth of material that never made it into newscasts. We asked the ARRB to go after this stuff, but they couldn't be bothered. There is much more of the Ft. Worth breakfast, for example where the local news host, or whoever it was rambled on and on about assassination, and the previous assassinations. There was more at Love Field where a Secret Service man flings his hands into the air in a WTF moment as what he thinks is going to be his assigned spot, namely standing on the outside running board of the presidential limo is not where he is going to be. He's waved off. Vince Palamara found that. Somehow that still is not "newsworthy," for broadcast TV, or even cable TV. Also, Wallace Milam found where someone gave Jackie a white dog, probably a little stuffed animal, or perhaps the popular puppet, Lambchop, as a gift for her children when JFK and Jackie worked the fence shaking hands at Love Field. I believe that is from an NBC Black and White film. So, that means that Jean Hill was correct all along when she said she saw a little white dog between JFK and Jackie. :D:rolleyes:

    Posted by Joseph at 7:11 PM





    Sunday, October 4, 2009 8:31:49 PMFrom: Bernice <bmoore1242@rogers.com> View Contact

    To: Bernice <bmoore1242@rogers.com>



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    Xref: newsfeed.intelenet.net alt.conspiracy.jfk:166015

    JFK: Truth of a conspiracy

    Madeleine Brown is barely 23 when she falls for Lyndon Johnson’s

    charm. This Texan romance, filled with improvised meetings, unkept

    promises and quick but intense embrace, spanned more than two decades.

    But Madeleine was more than just one of the 36th president’s many

    conquests. In fact, on December 27, 1950, she gives birth to Steven:

    one more career secret for this ambitious politician. Johnson’s son

    died in 1990. Since, Madeleine Brown, liberated from her imposed

    discretion, decided to share her memories of her time spent with the

    president. Without anger or need for revenge, still deeply in love

    with her Lyndon but very aware of historical accuracy, she proves her

    relationship by presenting passionate love notes written by Johnson as

    well as the letter from a Texas lawyer confirming the continuing

    financial support for Steven’s education after Lyndon’s death..

    But a powerful man’s intimate portrait becomes a loaded

    testimonial when she refers to the relationship between LBJ and JFK

    and describes Johnson’s role in the November 1963 Kennedy


    Madeleine Brown - It’s very moving for me to meet you here at the

    Adolphus Hotel in Dallas. It’s here that, about 50 years ago, I met

    Lyndon for the first time.

    Figaro Magazine - I imagine that this evening is forever engraved

    in you.

    MB - Oh yes I was 23 and still had my baby face. At the time I

    was working for the Glenn advertising agency a few steps away from the

    Adolphus. At the end of September 1948, Jesse Kallen, director of KTNC

    Radio in Austin, a close friend of Lyndon Johnson, invited me to a

    party given in honor of all those who had contributed to his electoral

    campaign. He was running for senator against Coke Stevenson.

    FM - It’s the ballot 13 election, right? The one that was rigged?

    MB - Yes that was the one. Ballot 13 gave Lyndon victory. It was

    rapidly noticed that even the dead had voted, but it was to late.

    Lyndon was already in Washington. It’s funny that Johnson made it to

    Washington thanks to election fraud.

    FM - So you met Lyndon that night for the first time?

    MB - Yes. When LBJ walked in the room it was so intense. He was

    so charismatic. The whole room gravitated towards him. I noticed him

    right away and I was seduced. He was a typical Texan-both feet on the

    ground, smiling, warm and terribly sexy. Jesse introduced us and I

    danced with Lyndon. It was so overwhelming to be in his arms. There

    was so much in the way we looked at each other. He invited me to

    another party at the Driskill Hotel in Austin.

    FM - Do you remember the date?

    MB - Of course.. It was October 29, 1948. After two dances, he

    asked me to go up and wait for him in his suite. He met up with me an

    hour later and it’s that night that I became his mistress for the next

    21 years.

    FM - This illicit relationship with a married man must have been

    hard to deal with.

    MB - Our relationship was hidden, no one was to know. Jesse

    Kellan, one of the advertising firm’s clients, was our cover-up. At a

    moment’s notice, he would warn me of Lyndon’s arrival and of the hotel

    room number where I was to meet him. I waited there to share these

    short moments with the man I loved. I knew always that he would never

    be mine. But these moments are not only nostalgic - our meetings were

    essentially sexual. We both enjoyed it. He was a wonderful lover.

    FM - What was his reaction like when he found out that you were

    expecting a child?

    MB - He was worried. He was so terribly ambitious and wanted to

    accede to the country’s top position. He was afraid the Mafia or

    someone else would find out that he was the father of my child and

    that this would be used against him. He asked me to keep this a

    secret. Even my own parents could never find out. He promised me that

    he would give my child whatever he needed.

    FM - Steven was born on December 27, 1950. For 40 years you kept

    silent. Why do you choose to speak now?

    MB - Lyndon is no longer alive and I lost my son in 1990. The

    circumstances of his death, the rampant cancer, caused me to speak up.

    I had to talk of Dallas and the power of Texas on Washington politics.

    Lyndon was created by two millionaires from here, H.L.Hunt and Sid


    FM - You know them?

    MB - Yes. You know, in the 50’s and 60’s Dallas was a small city.

    You just had to be part of the right crowd. I was lucky enough to be

    at the right place at the right time. For example, I saw Hunt every

    morning. We parked our cars side by side in the lot.

    FM - What kind of man was he?

    MB - Sure of himself. He knew the power of money. He believed in

    Lyndon even if he was himself an ultraconservative. The funniest thing

    is that he didn’t look like a millionaire. People who didn’t know him

    thought he was this poor old man.

    FM - What did he think of Kennedy?

    MB - He hated him. After Lyndon’s defeat in 1960 at the

    democratic convention and the choice of JFK as candidate, he said that

    he had lost a battle but that he was going to win the war. A few days

    before JFK was to come to Dallas, Hunt put up posters against the

    president in his car. He was proud of that and was afraid of no one.

    FM - Did you also know Jack Ruby?

    MB - Like everyone else here. It was impossible not to know him.

    If you met him on the street and you didn’t know him, he would come up

    to you and give you his club card. Often after work we would meet

    friends there to play cards.

    FM - Did Hunt go to Ruby’s club?

    MB - Sometimes. Hunt was an avid poker player and Jack would set

    up these great games for him. At the time, Jack could organize

    anything as long as it was illegal. He was everywhere. He knew

    everyone in the Dallas Police Department. He too hated Kennedy.

    FM - Before November 22, 1963, did he speak of Kennedy’s visit to


    MB - About 10 days before it was announced in the papers, Jack

    came to our table. He was proud to have a map of the President’s route

    through Dallas. All the while, we weren’t aware that Kennedy was even

    coming to Dallas. He was always the first to know everything.

    FM - What was your reaction when Ruby killed Oswald?

    MB - I thought right away that he was there because someone had

    asked him to and he had no choice but to do it.

    FM - Coming back to Lyndon Johnson. What was his reaction like

    when he was defeated in 1960?

    MB - He was so disappointed. He wanted so much to become

    president, not to mention that he hated the Kennedy’s with a passion.

    It was a terrible set back.. Every time he spoke of John or of his

    brother Bobby it was with such vehemence, calling them Irish bastards

    and even worse! But honestly, the Kennedy’s made his life difficult

    and hated Lyndon just as much.

    FM - What was Lyndon like in 1963?

    MB - He was anxious, very worried. He was involved in all kinds

    of business and was convinced that Kennedy would not keep him on the

    presidential ticket in 1964. He was afraid everything would stop. I

    felt that every time we met, he could escape all that for a few hours.

    FM - You told me you saw Lyndon on November 21, 1963. Is that


    MB - Perfectly. It was a surprise. I was invited to a party at

    Murchison’s Dallas residence. The party was given in honor of Edgar

    Hoover, the FBI’s chief. Richard Nixon was there. John McCloy, a

    future member of the Warren Commission was there also. Lyndon arrived

    late. I didn’t even know he was there. He, Hunt and others immediately

    locked themselves in a room for a ten minute conference. When Lyndon

    came out he spotted me. He seemed so angry and had a dreadful look on

    his face. He came up to me and whispered: "After tomorrow, those damn

    Kennedy’s will never stand in my way again. That’s not a threat, it’s

    a promise". I’ve never forgotten that.

    FM - What was your reaction?

    MB - I didn’t really react. I couldn’t imagine that his words

    would ever ring true. Lyndon was extremely angry with JFK. It was just

    one more time. The next morning, four hours before the assassination,

    I spoke to Lyndon on the phone at the hotel where he stayed with

    Kennedy. He told me the same thing again and I told him we’d see each

    other again and I would make him forget whatever plagued him.

    FM - I hope you realize the impact of what you are implying.

    You’re implicating the vice-president in the crime of the century..

    MB - I don’t know if Lyndon was the instigator of this crime. It

    could be. All I know is what he told me on the 21st and repeated on

    the 22nd. About a month after, I had wanted to know for sure so I

    asked him if he was involved in the Kennedy murder. He got so angry

    that I regretted ever bringing it up. Then he told me (You know my

    friends - they killed him.) He was talking of those millionaires.

    FM - He didn’t say anything else?

    MB - No and I never brought it up again. But I would like to tell

    you this about Hunt. A few minutes after the assassination, he went to

    Washington to give Lyndon a hand. When he came back a little before

    Christmas, he was a totally different man. Like an incredible weight

    was lifted off his shoulders. One day, he told me, smiling, (We’ve won

    the war) I’m sure he was referring to Kennedy.

    JFK: The Coup. 7 pieces of evidence to prove it.

    The Kennedy assassination could well be a conspiracy. At least seven

    pieces of evidence bring light today on the complicity between certain

    parties in the highest echelons of American politics. For William

    Reymond, thirty-five years after the murder, it is more than evident

    that Washington and the vice-president, LBJ, were directly involved in

    the plot that caused JFK’s death.

    (Captions of pictures plus descriptions)

    1 - Lee Bowers, the eyewitness from his footbridge, rail employee

    notices on the morning of the murder, three men’s strange presence in

    a restricted access parking lot. He notifies the police after hearing

    gun shots but curiously the suspects are released.

    On the morning of November 22, Lee Bowers, a railway employee, at work

    in the switch tower overlooking the parking lot behind the Dealey

    Plaza. At as early as 10 A.M, the employee notices the comings and

    goings of cars in a restricted zone where the circulation is usually

    not allowed. He also realizes that all three of the cars’ plates are

    covered in mud and indecipherable, and that the drivers seem to be

    using walky-talkies to communicate. At about 12:15 P.M, Bowers sees

    three men, one with a gun, standing behind the wood fence looking on

    the presidential route. He imagines that these are Secret Service men,

    responsible for Kennedy’s security. At 12:30 P.M, shots coming from

    the trees startle him. This witness never says much more than this. In

    August 1966, he mysteriously dies in a car accident.

    2 - The three tramps. Max, a French mercenary, is one of the three

    clean-shaven and shoe shined hobos called in and released by the

    police after the assassination.

    Because of Lee Bowers, the three hobos are arrested less than 40

    minutes after the shooting. In fact, none of these men are vagrants.

    In reality, they are part of a group of paid killers lead by a French

    mercenary known as Max. The first clue that may lead to believe that

    they are not vagrants is their tidy appearance - they are clean and

    well groomed. Secondly, they are surprisingly released less than two

    hours after their arrest and extradited to Canada following an order

    from Washington. And at last, a photograph taken of Lee Harvey Oswald

    in July 1963, in the streets of New Orleans. Distributing pro-Castro

    pamphlets, Oswald is alongside a man that could well be Max, the

    French mercenary. This man had in fact left France illegally through

    Spain and had landed in Louisiana in June of 1963 to join the training

    camp at Lake Pontchartrain. JFK’s assassins will be recruited at that

    same camp.

    3 - The uniformed sniper. Noticeable in a series of amateur

    photographs, a uniformed sniper behind the trees in front of the

    presidential car discredits the conclusions of the Warren Commission.

    For the last 35 years, Jack White has collected all the pictures and

    films that have to do with the assassination. Through his findings, we

    have discovered that photographs of Oswald with the firearm used in

    the assassination were fake. His intense examination of the Polaroid

    taken by Mary Moorman at the exact moment when Kennedy was being shot

    has led him to discover what he believes may be one of Kennedy’s

    assassins. In fact, after enlargement, White has discovered, hidden in

    the foliage, a man in a police uniform, ready to shoot. This finding

    confirms two essential testimonies. A few days before his death, Lee

    Bowers had confided in writing to a Canadian researcher that the men

    behind the wooden fence were wearing the Dallas Police Department

    uniform. Also, Mary Moorman contends that she saw, a few seconds after

    the gun shots, a man moving away from the wooden fence. She is

    convinced that the man she saw was Roscoe White, a two week old member

    of the DPD. White is a key player in this deal. An acquaintance of

    Oswald during his military service, a sharpshooter and a member of a

    right-wing army, the man is married to Geneva, a strip-teaser at Jack

    Ruby’s club. A little before his death in a mysterious explosion,

    Roscoe White would confess later to his involvement in the

    assassination of public figures.

    4 - The umbrella man. Found on amateur film, a man shaking and

    umbrella over his head and his companion with a camera activates the

    second group of snipers. After the shots, the two men silently


    A precise analysis of the pictures taken a little after the first

    series of shots lets us see the behavior of the two men obviously

    posted to supervise the shooting. One of them, dressed in black,

    shakes an umbrella high over his head precisely as JFK’s Lincoln goes

    by. At that moment, the car stops and Kennedy is shot in the head.

    Next to umbrella man is a southern looking chap is the radio contact.

    After two shots, both men, extremely calm despite the panic around

    them, wait until the confusion is at its highest before leaving the

    scene separately. In the enlarged photograph, one can see the

    transistor box under his arm as he walks towards the freeway, a

    surprising destination for a pedestrian.

    5 - The Harper fragment. Found by a student the next day, a piece of

    JFK’s cranium supports the thesis of a frontal shot.

    On November 23, 1963, Billy Harper, student, came to pay his respects

    at the scene of the crime, discovers on the lawn a piece of bone

    covered in blood. It was to the left and behind the limousine’s

    location at the time of crime. The fragment is photographed and

    analyzed by a Dallas forensic doctor. The bone fragment is part of

    JFK’s rear cranial box. This proves a frontal shot. The piece of

    evidence is sent to the White House, after which it disappears. This

    too is an essential element of this slight of hand. It not only

    confirms the existence of a second sniper but also proves that the

    Kennedy x-rays were falsified. These were taken in the early hours of

    November 23, present is the bone fragment, found hours later at Dealey


    6 - The windshield. This important piece of evidence that could have

    been studied for bullet impact was put under the watchful eye of the

    Secret Service. Despite this, the windshield was replaced three days

    after the assassination.

    The unstudied impact of the bullets on the Lincoln’s windshield proves

    also this power conspiracy. Doug Weldon, an independent researcher,

    has been able to collect a testimonial from one of the heads of the

    Ford shop in Michigan, responsible for the replacement of the

    windshield. The destruction of a piece of evidence despite the fact

    that the Secret Service and the Whitehouse were to keep a watchful eye

    only proves more strongly how far Johnson and his cohorts will go to

    hide the truth. A drawing done by the FBI, for the Warren Commission,

    but never presented as evidence, shows bullet marks that indicate a

    shot coming from the front.

    7 - The lost bullet. Even if it was found by the police after the

    shooting, the forth bullet, destroying the official story, was never

    found later.

    Pictures taken minutes after the shooting show the discovery by the

    police of a bullet on Dealy Plaza. This proves at least the presence

    of a second sniper. The Warren Commission has always contended that

    Oswald shot three times: the first shot missed the mark, the second,

    called the magic bullet, caused 6 injuries and the third hit the

    president. This fourth bullet would have discredited this theory. It

    is probably why, despite the photographs, it has never been found.


    Because JFK’s fiscal policy the interests of oilmen, the Texas

    magnate, Haroldson L. Hunt, promises the president’s defeat. The

    financing is up to him and his powerful friends. It’s up to Johnson,

    his ally, and his buddies, to execute the plan..

    To understand the shooting at Dealey Plaza, one has to look at the

    military operations of this type. One rule is undeniable - the 3C’s -

    collusion - control - cash. The presidential assassination demanded

    collusion in the secret service, the Dallas police and incredible

    control over the investigation that would ultimately follow such an

    act. For this, enormous financial backing was needed.

    Even discounting Madeleine Brown’s testimony, Johnson’s presence is

    felt throughout the events surrounding Kennedy’s death. We feel it as

    early as June 5, 1963 does. That day, JFK is at El Cortic Hotel in El

    Paso where he participates in secret meeting with Johnson and

    Governor Connally. The two Texans made the president promise that he

    would visit Dallas that fall. Five months before the shooting, they

    were the only ones who knew of Kennedy’s plan.

    In July, Clay Shaw, a businessman from New Orleans, a former CIA

    agent, recruits a team of mercenaries at Pochartrain. Shaw worked for

    Hunt, the man who was financing Johnson’s political career..

    Another element that needed to be controlled was the president’s

    itinerary through the streets of Dallas. Overstepping his boundaries,

    Connally went over Jerry Bruno’s head, imposing the route to follow

    despite Bruno’s role as official responsible for the president’s


    Better yet the first draft did not include the turn on Elm Street, a

    key turn that facilitated the snipers’ job. It was Connally’s

    assistant, Jake Puterbaugh that imposed the change on November 20th.

    In 1963, Connally was nicknamed Little Boy Johnson. As Madeleine Brown

    recounts, following JFK’s assassination, Johnson was deadly afraid of

    Connally talking.

    On November 22, as the procession was about to start, members of the

    Secret Service made last minute changes to the plan. Not only is the

    fleet of escorts reduced by half, but the press car that usually

    precedes the presidential limousine is placed at the end of the

    procession for the first time since 1960. That was there were no

    reporters or cameras on Dealey Plaza as the shooting took place. As

    vice-president, Lyndon Johnson controlled half of the Secret Service

    men on site. As future president, he promised immunity to those who

    took part in the crime.


    Another important detail, evident on an amateur film, is the behavior

    of Johnson’s bodyguards a few seconds before the shooting. The doors

    of the car escorting LBJ opens so to protect the vice-president, Also,

    according to Senator Yarborough who was riding with LBJ, he would have

    used the portable car radio to find out how the president’s ride was

    going just as they were turning on to Dealey Plaza.

    Right after Kennedy’s death Johnson became the country’s 36th.

    president. He could then control the investigation and preserve his

    own immunity as well as that of his accomplices.

    According to Doug Weldon the two witnesses, Johnson would have given

    the order to clean the presidential car when JFK was still in

    intensive care.

    Then, Johnson would have asked his right hand man, Cliff Carter, to

    retrieve Connally’s blood stained clothing from the Parkland hospital

    and to get them cleaned thus destroying important evidence in the


    The autopsy performed on JFK is also questionable. The existing

    pictures and x-rays were rigged. First brought to the national

    archives in Washington, JFK’s brain later disappears, making it

    impossible to discount the autopsy findings.

    Under strict military control, those who performed the procedure are

    bound by silence. One of them, Doctor Humes, will later admit

    destroying his first report as well as the notes taken while examining

    the body.

    On Monday November 25th. the Lincoln’s windshield is replaced while

    under the Whitehouse’s responsibility.

    Who but Johnson had the power to give such orders and to cover up

    these facts?

    Whitehouse telephone recordings in the days following the shooting

    show Johnson enticing prominent figures to join the Warren Commission.

    Though he knew that the Soviets were not behind the assassination,

    Johnson used the threat of nuclear war to dissuade Earl Warren from

    looking for a conspiracy..

    According to Evelyn Lincoln, JFK’s faithful secretary, he has wanted

    to cut clean from Johnson because of his involvement in dubious

    affairs. "Johnson will not be part of the ticket" he told his

    secretary before leaving for Texas. During a press conference three

    weeks earlier, JFK would have told reporter from Washington Post that

    he was willing to get to the bottom of things "despite the

    consequences" or "whatever they would find at the end of the trail"

    when asked about the Bobby Baker case, an acquaintance of LBJ, accused

    of corruption.

    All criminal proceedings somehow related to LBJ were stopped after

    November 11, 1963.


    From humble beginnings, Johnson became rich because of politics. Texas

    millionaires like Clint Murchinson but especially Haroldson Lafayette

    Hunt financed his career. Johnson’s mistress, Madeleine Brown,

    confirms that Hunt was present at the November 21st party where the

    attack was planned. In November 1963, Hunt, considered the richest man

    on earth, had his share of reasons to finance JFK’s disappearance.

    This man would set aside 2 million every year to finance anti-Kennedy

    propaganda. His immense fortune was related to the oil industry. But

    in October 1963, Kennedy announced that he would consider the fiscal

    policies surrounding oil revenues. Hunt contended that "Kennedy laws

    were dangerous for the American economy". If Johnson, as president,

    had taken up where JFK had left more than 280 million a year would

    have left the pockets of the Texas oil kings.


    All the photographs are not new they have been available to the

    research community for a long time.

    I have not had time to study this article closely but one thing

    appears to be clear the Oswald letter to a Mr. Hunt was to Haroldson

    L. Hunt.

    Jim Davies


    Sunday, October 4, 2009 8:21:35 PMFrom:


    Medical & Autopsy Evidence _ Dr.Cyril Wecht N/A Aug.24/72

    Posted by: Bernice Moore Mar 9 2006, 08:56 PM

    Dr.Cyril Wecht

    Information from…. “Tales From The Morgue”.

    2005...Prometheus Books

    In February 1965 Dr .Cyril Wecht was asked by the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) to present a “critical view” of the Warren Commission Report (WC), in Chicago. The only access to the report was at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. No one could check out copies, so he spent each evening for two weeks reading the key portions of the 26 volumes. They were based largely on, three sources, the Zapruder film, the FBI investigations, and the autopsy.

    The Film was of the uppermost importance as the report repeatedly pointed to the film being the decisive evidence, in that it determined the number of shots fired, the sequence of injuries to the President and the Governor, the trajectory of those bullets, and the number of gunmen.

    It contained 486 frames, ran about 18.3 frames per second, meaning that the film caught the reactions every 1/8th of a second.

    The WC created on Nov.29, 1963 by President L.B.Johnson, executive order #11130, reported that “Although it is not necessary to any essential findings of the Commission to determine just which shot hit Governor Connally, there is persuasive evidence from the experts to indicate that the same bullet which pierced the President’s throat also caused Governor Connally’s wounds.” The report also stated that the second bullet that struck President Kennedy came from the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD).

    In 1965, Dr.Wecht had no reason to question the Zapruder film.

    He had believed the WC findings …..After all it stated that the Zapruder film had proved its findings that Oswald had fired the shots, and acted alone, they were agreed to by the Chief Justice Earl Warren, and six other respected commission members, the FBI, and beside all that, the physical evidence that connected LHO to the killing was overwhelming. In other-wards it was a slam dunk. “Pretty damning evidence, or so it seemed at the time.”

    “My intent was not to question the findings of the Warren Commission, but to review how the autopsy and other medicolegal aspects of the inquiry were conducted. In doing so, I became simply astonished.”

    The first problem was that the Secret Service had removed the body, from Dallas to Washington.

    At this point in time LHO was still alive, arrested, in the city jail, and if not murdered would have been put on trial in Dallas, because the 6th Amendment of the Constitution requires people to be tried where the crime takes place.

    The authorities within that state retain all evidence, as that guarantees its authenticity. In removing the body from control of the Dallas County coroner, federal officials probably destroyed the admissibility of any evidence gained through the autopsy held in Washington.

    At Bethesda, Dr.James Humes, and Dr.J.Thornton Boswell, not forensic pathologists and Dr.PierreFinck who was, but had not functioned in that position in any coroner’s office.

    Neither the military officers nor any person in the autopsy room, in charge, had either the education, training, or experience for the task. Seemingly, Humes and Boswell started before Finck arrived, and they missed the fact that there was an entrance wound in the front of the President’s neck, the path of the wound was not traced, and they did not dissect nor trace the wound in his back, also Humes burnt his early autopsy notes.

    Dr.Wecht found that the brain, which is soft and cannot be examined immediately, had been placed in a fixture of formalin, which then allows it to harden. But he discovered that two weeks later they had not performed an adequate examination by not serially sectioning that brain. This would have allowed them to trace the path of the bullet(s) that struck the President in the head. They said this was what killed him, yet they did not dissect the brain…He was needless to say, flabbergasted, and is as appalled today as he was then back 1965.

    After researching the medical and autopsy findings, he was disturbed and critical, also of the police investigation .The crime scene was not protected, witnesses were allowed to leave, without being questioned .The limousine was not properly quarantined nor examined for forensic evidence; the Governor’s clothes were laundered before examination.

    However at that time in 1965 he concluded his report without questioning the basic findings of the WC. That was not his charge, and neither did he have sufficient evidence or reason to believe they were wrong in deciding that Oswald was the lone assassin. He was though, quite critical of the autopsy and the forensic investigation. He did announce that had LHO not been murdered and put on trial for the murder of President Kennedy, the prosecutors would have lost.

    “ The medical and forensic evidence was so screwed up, so incomplete, and so tainted that it would not have held up in a court of law.”..

    After the lecture, at a breakfast meeting, Dr. Pierre Finck approached him and extended his congratulations on his report. Dr.Wecht could have told him he was wrong in his conclusions but did not. Dr.Finck instead stated to him, and he has never forgotten,

    “You cannot believe what it was like, it was horrible. Horrible. I only wish I could tell you about it.” He regrets in not pushing Dr.Finck a little more for some details, but he did not and he thought at the time that would be all he would ever say publicly about the assassination of President J.F.Kennedy. As we know Dr.Cyril Wecht was so very wrong.


    On the morning of Aug.24, 1972, in Washington D.C, where Dr.Cyril Wecht had flown from Pittsburgh, the previous evening, he was ready and waiting at 8 am for a cab to be flagged, so he could begin his trip through the National Archives (N/A) having finally been given access to the Kennedy assassination materials.

    In 1965 an unheard of event had taken place, the federal officials in their maddening wisdom, had chosen to turn over to Jacqueline Kennedy, all physical and autopsy materials ,and it is unacceptable to this day. This was evidence in a crime, plain and simple, the fact that it was evidence in an assassination of the President made it all the more horrific. In 1966 she turned it over to the National Archives, a request to the court being that the materials not be made public until after the death of her children. She did however say that recognized experts in the field of pathology would be allowed to apply to review the materials “for serious historical purpose.”

    Dr.Wecht in 1971 was president of the American College of Legal Medicine, and he had applied for over a year to the N/A, and Burke Marshall, the executor of the Kennedy archive materials, seeking the access to review them. His letters and phone calls went unanswered. Then in 1971 when New York Times investigative reporter, Fred Graham, called him, having heard that he had applied to the N/A, he told him he was being stonewalled and so Graham made a few phone calls to find out why? Within a few days of Graham’s call, he was contacted by Burke Marshall and the wheels began to turn. He was given two days of exclusive access to all the physical evidence, autopsy materials and crime scene photographs.

    When he arrived that morning and entered, he was still somewhat skeptical of the official version of the investigations into the assassination.

    Dr C.Wecht: “What I saw during those two days convinced me that the truth still remains unknown. Those two days changed my view about the honesty of my government”..

    Within the National Archives building he was directed to a Mr. Marion Johnson, an affable man who shook his hand, and told him he was there to help him in any way he could, and led him to a large private room, containing a table, chair, an x-ray viewing machine and a projector.

    He had brought his own microscope, as none was available for him.

    As he scanned the list of materials connected to the assassination he noticed the item, an original copy of the Zapruder film. Mr. Johnson had set up the projector to review the film, if he wished.

    “He added that the film was only about thirty seconds long .He said that while more than five hundred photographs and pieces of film recorded portions of the assassination, only the Zapruder film captured the entire event on tape. When he informed me that the film was graphic, I reminded him that I’m a forensic pathologist and used to witnessing the result of violence and tragedy”..

    What he did not tell Johnson was that he had seen the Zapruder film; in 1966 he had received a call from Dr.Josiah Thompson, who was working on an article for Life magazine, he had told him.

    “that the editors at Life had purchased an original copy of the Zapruder film and that they wanted me to fly to New York to watch the eight-millimeter film with them”.

    The film had not been shown publicly at that time, though some frames had been published in its magazine. He had read about the film seen the few photographs and studied the additional frames that had been printed in the WC. Report. He was acutely aware of how important the film was.

    Wecht watched the film in N.Y with Thompson and the Life editors, Thompson explained to him that the film had been taken with a Bell & Howell Model 414D Zoomatic Director Series camera. The film 8mm Kodachrome color but recorded no sound, it consisted of 486 frames played at 18.3 frames a second. Taken approximately, by Abraham Zapruder, on a pedestal, assisted by Marilyn Sitzman, his receptionist some 70 feet from the middle of Elm St. where the Presidential limousine passed. He had sold a copy to Life for $150,000.

    To better examine the timing and sequence, Life had printed each frame into 11 by 15 inch photographs.

    He sat alone and watched the film, again, that morning at the N/A examining the still enlargements of each frame. As he watched it over and over, and reviewed the still photographs, he felt that the WC was right, that the Zapruder was the best documentary of the assassination, but that it contradicted some conclusions of the WC..

    First: It called into question the timing of the bullet that supposedly hit both the President and Governor. If it struck JFK in frame 210 as the WC said, then more than a second elapses before the Governor is hit, and that is not consistent with a bullet that is traveling at speed of two thousand feet a second.

    Second: Firearms experts had said that it would take 2.3 seconds for the Mannlicher-Carcano to be re-loaded and fired again, far too little time for the President and the Governor to have been shot with the same gun.

    Third: It called into doubt the trajectory of the bullet.

    If as the WC had concluded that one missile # 399, had entered the President’s back and coursed through the upper part of his back and neck, striking neither bone nor cartilage, then exited from the front of his neck, midline near the level of the knot of his tie.

    Then entered the Governor’s back, breaking the right fifth rib, which destroyed four inches of that bone, then exited from the front of the Governor’s chest below his right nipple.

    The same bullet then re-entering the back of the Governor’s wrist , which caused a fragmented fracture, in what is called the distal end of the radius, that being…one of the two large bones that comes down from the elbow to the wrist….

    Then finally exiting the front of the Governor’s right wrist and re-entering his left thigh..

    But as he viewed the Zapruder film and the photographs, he realized something was wrong. If a bullet had been fired from the 6th floor of the TSBD towards the President in frame 210, as the WC concluded.. It would have been traveling at a downward angle, of about 17 degrees, from back to front, and from right to left as it entered his back…but a bullet travels in a straight line, unless it strikes an object on the way to alter its course..?

    If the bullet was shot from the TSBD, it would travel from left to right, and if it did not hit any bones, within the president’s body, then JFK would have to have been sitting dramatically forward, his head almost on his knees, for that bullet to have exited through his neck, but the Zapruder film showed him sitting almost bolt upright. As we know for the bullet to have done what the WC stated, it would have had to emerge from the president’s neck, stop in midair, make an acute turn to the right about 18 to 20 inches ,stop again in midair ,turn downward and enter the governor’s back on the right side just behind his right armpit.

    Because if you draw a straight line from the president’s back at the point of entrance and the front of the neck, at the site of the knot or a tie, as shown in the Zapruder film, the bullet would probably miss the governor,

    completely or possibly it could have clipped him on the left back or left shoulder area instead of his right armpit. But fours years of medical school, six years of additional education and training, to become a forensic pathologist as well as three years of law school and nearly a decade of experience at the time, had led him to understand one basic principle and common sense as well, that bullets travel in straight lines, they do not change course in mid air, it was a “magic bullet”.

    This bullet was very special, it was found on a stretcher by a maintenance man, so the story went, at Parkland Hospital after the President and the Governor had been wheeled in. The federal authorities said initially they did not know about the wound in JFK’s neck ?, so they decided that at Parkland this bullet must have come from his back when they were trying to save his life. When they did learn, (they said the next day), and decided that the bullet must have entered his back and exited his neck. (Without ever dissecting the throat wound at Bethesda.).Under their original theory, the bullet which traveled at a speed of two thousand feet per second, did not have the power to penetrate the President’s starched collar?

    That was some heavy starch.

    But then along came the Warren Report with a second theory..

    They had to make the facts fit the story that LHO was the lone shooter, so they had to develop a scenario whereby only three bullets were fired, all from the 6th floor window of the TSBD…….and they also had to have it taken place within the time frame of the Zapruder film. So Arlen Specter a young brilliant lawyer serving as one of the junior counsel members on the W/C, came up with a scenario that fit. It required that all the nonfatal wounds from President Kennedy and Governor Connally were caused by the same bullet. (So it fell from Governor Connally’s thigh .If it was to work?.)

    Dr.Cyril Wecht: “And then there is the business of the bullet just popping out of Governor’s Connally’s left thigh while he was lying on the stretcher at Parkland Hospital. This is a substantial piece of metal that was buried deep in the governor’s thigh near the femur. The entrance hole in the skin was small. There is no way that a bullet that went down that deep would just come back out. A bullet will on rare occasions plop out of an entrance wound, if the wound is a large gaping wound with extensively torn tissues. But in wounds such as the one suffered by Governor Connally in the left thigh, bullets become immediately entrapped in hemorrhagic tissue. The tissue swells and the skin, which stretches to accommodate the entry of the bullet, becomes elastic like within a few seconds, entrapping the bullet in the tissue”.

    Mr. Johnson brought him CE 399, in a small case, it rested on a bed of cotton padding, he picked up the bullet and held it against the light. It is in nearly pristine condition, the bullet before it is shot weighs 161 grams….the bullet he held in his fingers weighed 158.6…Impossible.

    Even the autopsy pathologists agreed with him on this point Dr.Pierre Fink had asked Arlen Specter during the WC if CE 199 “could have been the bullet which inflicted the wound on Governor Connally’s right wrist?”

    “No, for the reason that there are too many fragments described in that wrist,” Dr.Finck responded. “There was practically no loss off this bullet.”

    The federal government did try to duplicate with an experiment and replicate the magic bullet at US Army’s Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland. They tried Mannlicher-Carcano bullets through goat carcasses and human cadavers, broke one rib in the goat’s chest and also finally they broke a distal end of the radius in the human cadavers to simulate the wounds in Connally.

    They also fired MC bullets into cotton wadding. The bullets that broke the goats rib were significantly deformed. The bullets that broke the radius bone in the human cadaver were tremendously deformed .Some fragmented and all showed the mushrooming, umbrella-like appearance, seen in bullets that hit dense bones.

    Keeping in mind that none of the bullets hit and broke both bones as the Magic Bullet did. The WC own experiments failed and proved that the single-bullet theory was physically impossible.

    As Dr.Wecht looked at the CE 399 bullet, he realized that it was a “magic bullet”..Magic because it accommodated the WCs every wish and desire.

    “There has never been a bullet like this one in the world”.

    Among the many documents and such that he came upon was a verbatim transcript of a briefing at Parkland Hospital at 3.16pm., just two hours

    After the President had been pronounced dead…

    Dr. Malcolm Perry and neurosurgeon Dr.. Kemp Clark discuss what they witnessed.

    “Reporters: Where was the entrance wound?

    Dr. Perry: There was an entrance wound in the neck.

    Reporter: Which way was the bullet coming on the neck wound?

    Dr.Perry: It appeared to be coming at him.

    Reporter: Doctor describe the entrance wound.

    Dr.Perry: The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front of the throat.”

    He scanned through some of the 500 photos taken that day in Dealey Plaza ..Some that showed the presidential limousine turning from Main onto Houston, directly in front of the shooter? Why didn’t he shoot at the President then? Unobstructed by trees or foliage, a clear shot. Instead the WC claimed that he waited until it was partially hidden and at a more difficult angle to hit the moving target?? It didn’t make sense…

    He examined the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle and the spent three shells. He is not a gun expert, but can tell us that it is not a very sophisticated weapon; it is weighty, bulky, and not easy to fire or to reload. It is considered by to be a most inferior weapon of it’s genre in existence at that time.

    He then was allowed also to examine the President’s clothes.

    “His shirt, pants and jacket, were neatly folded and separated from each by a thin soft paper.” He held up his suit jacket and examined the bullet hole, it is approximately five and three-quarter inches down from the base of the back.

    This raised another interesting issue to him, where was the entrance wound in the President’s back?

    The doctors handling the autopsy placed the bullet wound further down on the President’s back initially. About five and three quarter inches from the base of the neck?.

    The Secret Service agents who had the first contact with the President immediately after the shooting, two Secret Service Agents Glenn Bennett and Clint Hill, who had first contact with the President immediately after the shooting, had told the WC that the bullet hole was four to six inches below the neckline on the right of the spinal column, which is exactly where the autopsy notes indicated it was. Even the FBI agents who had witnessed the autopsy had reported a back wound that “was below the shoulders”. In their report (Sibert and O’Neill), which was sealed till a few years ago, stated they doubted the same bullet that entered the back could have exited the neck, because the bullet entrance was too low on the back. The WC and the Government claimed it was actually four inches higher. That made their theory that the same bullet that entered, and somehow exited his neck, though that was highly unlikely. Also by moving Governor Connelly’s seating farther and farther to the left. It made it all the more feasible to them.

    Even though in the Zapruder film and in eyewitness confirmation that he was sitting directly in front of the President, if they had edged him over any closer he would have been sitting in Mrs. Connally’s lap.

    His attention returned to studying frames 312 and 313 of the Zapruder film, he saw that President Kennedy’s head is in a slight chin-downward position as the fatal bullet strikes his head, they showed him that blood and brain matter sprayed on Mrs. Kennedy and the back of the presidential limousine and the Dallas motorcyclists who followed their car.

    He wondered why, if the bullet was fired from behind, why did the president’s head lurched backwards, instead of forward with the momentum of the bullet, and why did nearly all the blood spray and matter go towards the back of the of the limousine if the bullet was fired from behind? It made no sense.

    Indeed the size and location of that fatal head wound, which was instrumental in determining the position of the assassin was in dispute.

    “The truth is, very little about the evidence in this case is not in dispute.”

    The emergency room Physicians at Parkland and the three autopsy pathologists (at Bethesda) agreed the President died of a massive fatal head wound toward the back right of the skull.

    The size and location of the head wound, officially changed in 1968. The Attorney General, Ramsey Clark (The Clark Panel) re-examined the autopsy records and determined that President Kennedy’s wound was actually 4 inches higher on his head that either the emergency doctors or the autopsy pathologists had indicated. They said it was a simply and easy mistake and that the higher head wound proved that the fatal shot came from the TSBD. They based their findings exclusively on a review of the autopsy photographs and x-Rays.

    The problem of course, was that the head wound the Clark Panel saw is so significantly different from the wound described by Parkland and the autopsy pathologists (at Bethesda). The emergency doctors saw cerebellar tissue when they examined the president’s head, (this is a part of the brain from the lower portion of the head, no where near where this new entry site was located.)This intrigued Dr.Wecht.

    He then turned his attention to the autopsy materials and started with the original autopsy report and photographs. The original autopsy described an entrance point as “just above the external occipital protuberance” which is the bony knob at the bottom rear of the skull, while they did not say how far above, it is certain they were not saying four inches.. The blow out wound was on the back right side of the president’s head, also known as the “parietal-temporal area.”

    While he was critical of the three autopsy pathologists lack of forensic pathology expertise, he did not believe they could have mistaken the back of his head for the top of the president’s head..

    As he examined the autopsy photographs and x-Rays he also found a couple of previously unreported items…the x-Rays showed a very dense 6.5 millimeter object at the base of the skull. It was 9 centimeters above the external occipital protuberance (bony knob at the bottom rear of the skull)

    And one centimeter below a crack in the parietal bone in the skull.( above the occipital bone right hand side). It was a large fragment seen in the x-Ray that was not mentioned in the autopsy?? Equally as baffling was the fact, that it was so large as fragments go, and why the pathologists had not retrieved it as they had smaller fragments? And in addition why had a small flap on the back of the president’s head, slightly above his neckline, that appeared to be loose tissue, and was it an entrance wound or an exit wound?.. Had also not been reported…?

    If it was an entrance wound, it would prove the lone assassin theory wrong,

    and obsolete, because it would mean an additional bullet had been fired at the president, and recall the Zapruder film confines the shooting to six seconds. If it was an exit wound then that would disprove the lone assassin because it shows a bullet from the front. Meaning an accomplice and a conspiracy.

    Unfortunately the only way to know for sure is to exhume the body, and conduct a second autopsy, but Dr.Wecht knew neither the Kennedy family nor the federal government will allow such within his life time..

    Something else seemed odd to him, in the autopsy photographs, there was very short thick hair covering the back spot where the Parkland doctors saw the open gaping wound , the hair is less than an inch long though in an area where the hair would have been much longer. Instead, this was the length of hair normally found at the bottom of the scalp. It made him wonder if the president’s head in the autopsy photos had been tampered with to cover the actual wound.

    He also examined a roll of film that had been improperly exposed and ruined, he learned that an autopsy photographer (Floyd Riebe )

    took a series of pictures at Bethesda as they were starting the autopsy.

    A military officer seized the camera, and stripped the film from such claiming he was not authorized to take the photographs, it was overexposed. This roll reminded Dr.Wecht of Dr.Finck’s remark regarding how horrible the conditions were that night at the autopsy.

    Spending time with and reviewing Governor Connally’s X-Rays taken at Parkland that showed bone injuries and fractures to his right fifth rib and right radius above the wrist ,and also showing small fragments embedded in his chest, right wrist, and left thigh...They were never removed, (even after his death ) and could have proven or disproven whether they came from the magic bullet..(Another deliberate gaffe.)

    As his time was running out he asked for three additional items..

    (1: The President’s brain.

    (2: The Autopsy photographs of the President’s chest wounds.

    (3: The microscopic tissue slides of the wounds.

    The brain was removed the evening of the autopsy. It was placed in a container of formalin to preserve it, it is a soft tissue, and the formalin causes it to harden and then the doctors are able to dissect and determine the trajectories of the bullets. However the president’s brain had not been dissected. But he thought it had been preserved for future examination.

    The microscopic slides included sections of the actual wounds; he would have been able to tell if they were entrance or exit wounds. They would reveal the outer layer of skin called the epidermis, if it was pushed in then it would be an entrance, if out it would be an exit. There are also other differentiating features between exit and entrance wounds.

    But that is when Mr. Johnson told Dr.Wecht the shocker

    President Kennedy’s brain.

    Some X-rays of the chest.

    The microscopic slides.

    Were all missing.



    The Warren Report states that the brain was, “removed and preserved for further study”.The brain, x-Rays and microscopic slides were placed in a small metal container for storage amongst other Kennedy assassination materials presented to Mrs. Kennedy ,though there is no evidence she ever received them. Instead they were stored for about a year, by the president’s secretary Evelyn Lincoln, and his brother Robert.

    Mr. Johnson told Dr.Wecht that when the family decided to turn all materials over the National Archives as a gift, the brain, chest X-rays, and microscopic slides were mysteriously not included. He also said he had no idea whatever happened to them, who had them, nor when they disappeared.

    These three missing items are the key pieces of the hard physical evidence.

    So as a result much of the case is based upon subjective interpretation or circumstantial, it is physical evidence that cannot be replaced nor duplicated.

    Dr.Cyril Wecht left the National Archives late that Friday afternoon, after spending two full days examining the evidence in the President’s assassination. He was met by Fred Graham of the New York Times; he was pleased to discuss his findings with him as he had been so helpful in his being able to gain access to the materials. What he told him about the missing brain and all, as well as his general observations and opinions, in regard to the physical and medical evidence. Was published on the front page of the New York Times on the Sunday Aug 27th,1972 by Mr. Graham in which he detailed the doctor’s findings.

    His interest did not cease in the assassination then or in the future..

    In 1975 amid the strong public dissatisfaction of the outcome of the investigation of their President’s murder, President Gerald Ford, who was an original member of the WC, created the Rockefeller Commission, headed by Vice President Nelson Rockefeller.

    One of the panel’s senior lawyers interviewed Dr.Wecht as to his scientific opinion, and for five hours he walked him through his critique of the autopsy, his analysis of the medical and physical evidence. He testified that the evidence made it clear that the Single Bullet was nonsense, that all bullets were not fired from behind, and that more than three shots were fired at the President and the Governor. That the autopsy was a sham, that he was convinced there was a second gunman, and the case should be reopened and reinvestigated.

    Imagine his surprise when he read the Rockefeller’s Commission’s Report stating that he agreed with their opinion that all shots came from behind and most likely the TSBD. The report made clear that this was all the evidence that Dr. Wecht had provided to the commission.

    He demanded to see a transcript of his testimony, and was told it was confidential, and that by releasing it in full, it would be a breach of national security.

    He was stunned and dumbfounded .His statement was a matter of national security, he had never realized he was that important.

    To a reporter from the Associated Press he stated:

    “It that transcript shows in any way that I have withdrawn or revised my thoughts on the Warren Commission Report, I’ll eat the transcript on the steps of the White House.”

    Twenty years later the government finally released the transcript of his entire five hour interview. It showed exactly what he had said..

    Two years later the Government created the House Select Committee on Assassinations in1977 they were charged with reopening investigations into the assassinations of President John F Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King. To help it acquire, organize and analyze the medical and physical evidence in the Kennedy case, they appointed a 9 member pathology panel, and Dr.Wecht was surprised when he was asked to be a member on the panel. He learned later from personal friends that pressure had been applied to have him not appointed.

    So for several months they discussed and reviewed the evidence. All agreed that the autopsy was woefully substandard, and all nine agreed the forensic investigation was equally tragic. The other 8 pathologists were well qualified and very experienced. He simply believes that they had made up their minds long ago that the WC was probably correct, and as a result their eyes were closed to accepting any different explanations. He challenged them to show him another bullet that could match the condition and weight of the so-called magic bullet. “Go back to your respective cities and search through the thousands and thousands of bullets and show me one bullet that has done what you say this bullet and has and looks like this bullet looks,” He implored the panel.

    Twenty seven years later, he is still waiting.

    His gut feeling was that the HSCA would only whitewash this investigation as well. He was somewhat surprised when they found in their finally report that there was a high degree of probability that the President’s death was a result of a conspiracy and that there was a second gunman involved. The committee also pointed to the Mafia and that they had motive and means to organize an assassination plot.

    They also stated that the senior government officials were determined that any investigation would be a finding of a single assassin, Oswald.

    “It must be said that the FBI generally exhausted its resources in confirming the case against Oswald as the lone assassin, a case that Director J.Edgar Hoover, at least, seemed determined to make within twenty-four hours of the assassination.”

    The committee’s report, turned over all of its findings to the FBI and the US Dept. of Justice for further investigation.

    Unfortunately, the Justice Dept. was never interested and or willing to continue the inquiry.

    “So what did happen? Was there a conspiracy? How many gunmen were there? How many shots were fired?”

    Dr..Cyril Wecht believes there are two elements to consider. He believes that there was a conspiracy, and also that the physical, medical and scientific evidence clearly points to at least two shooters. That under the law if there were two shooters, then there was a “conspiracy”, that there were at least four shots fired, perhaps five. Three were probably fired from behind and probably two from the front.

    He has never believed that the murder was a result of an official FBI or CIA planned assassination, but that it was a domestic plot, and that there was no foreign power involved. While some members of organized crime may have had a hand and a contributing role, they were not the principals who did orchestrate the overthrow of the government in 1963.

    CBS anchor Dan Rather asked Dr.Wecht in 1979 if he believed there was a postassassination conspiracy cover-up by government officials or the Warren Commission to hide the truth regarding the assassination, or were the numerous missteps the result of sheer incompetence?.

    “I think it was both. I think the autopsy and original investigation was sheer incompetence that was in no way meant to be part of a cover-up I have never suggested that these pathologists or even some members of the Warren Commission knowingly engaged in any kind of conspiracy. However I think as things developed, when they began to realize that there were tremendous defects and gaps in their overall investigation and forensic scientific aspects of the case, they felt that they simply had to put it together in some seemingly plausible scenario. I think it started off as incompetence but that it has become an organized effort to ensure that the truth would never be exposed.”

    “In 1992 Congress did pass the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act, which required the establishment of an Assassination Records and Review Board to review and declassify millions of documents related to the president’s slaying. Approximately five million such records were made public. It was a huge step forward in discovering what happened.”

    While there have been no” smoking guns” found among the documents such as the CIA admitting that they were behind the shooting, some of the records did contain big surprises. For instances there is a previously confidential memo from the lawyer of Dr. George Burkley, who as President Kennedy’s personal physician was in the motorcade that day when he was shot. Also was present in Parkland and in Bethesda during the autopsy. In 1977, in a letter to the HSCA, Burkley’s lawyer stated “Although he, Burkley, signed the death certificate of President Kennedy in Dallas, he had never been interviewed and he has information

    in the Kennedy assassination indicating that others besides Oswald may have participated”. Despite the letter to them, Burkley was never called nor officially interviewed by any government agency, nor the HSCA.

    The ARRB also exposed another secret problem: the legitimacy of the autopsy photos of the brain. During Wecht’s visit to the NA, he noticed that the brain had appeared in the photographs to be completely intact, which was impossible. The Zapruder film shows that the skull is exploding and spraying copious amounts of brain matter.

    ( On the back of the limo, towards the motorcycle policemen, and Governor Connally mentions the fact that brain matter flew all over the back of the limo…including himself and Nellie).

    As well as witnesses to the shooting, who were standing extremely close.

    Mrs. Kennedy handed a part of the brain to the chief of anesthesia at Parkland, Floyd Riebe a photographer at Bethesda, testified,

    “Less than half the brain was there”. on and on, many related the information that the President’s brain had been blown out and that there was much missing. FBI agent Francis O’Neill, who was present at Bethesda, for the autopsy was shown the photographs and testified, that they were inaccurate.

    “This looks almost like a complete brain.” he stated.

    (Though at Parkland there seems to have been more of the brain present within the skull than when the body finally was given the autopsy at Bethesda?)

    The official autopsy report documents the weight of the President’s brain to be fifteen hundred grams, which is heavier than the average, complete human brain. In 1998 John Stringer, the lead autopsy photographer also examined the photograph.

    “He told the Washington Post that the current pictures are not his, and do not resemble anything he saw the night of the autopsy.”

    This is very important because it shows that the Presidents assassination

    evidence has been tampered with.

    “Someone does not want the truth to be told. Who that person or persons are and what their motives may have been, I have no idea”.

    “When I was a young man I believed that the Kennedy assassination would one day be solved and that the truth would be revealed. As I enter my seventh decade on this Earth, I now have serious doubts. The only way this case will ever be solved is through re-examination of the physical and medical evidence. Every day that goes by, the evidence deteriorates. If the brain does exist I doubt it still has any evidentiary value. And I am willing to bet every dollar that I possess that the Kennedy family and the federal government will never allow the body of President Kennedy to be exhumed for a second autopsy”.

    When Governor Connally died there was a slight window of opportunity to gain new evidence, and Dr.Wecht along with a group of forensic experts and physicians petitioned US attorney general Janet Reno, to have the bullet fragments removed from his body and tested, they then would have been able to tell if they were from CE 399. Surprising to them Mrs. Reno did write to the Connally family and asked permission. However the family refused, and the bullet fragments along with possibly our last opportunity for finding the truth were buried..

    Despite his doubts that he will learn the entire truth in his lifetime.

    “There are legitimate efforts underway that are utilizing advances in science and technology to shed light on the mystery.”

    Dr.D.Thomas who is an expert in the study of acoustical evidence,

    made a dramatic presentation in, Pittsburgh in 2003 at a JFK Symposium,

    hosted by Dr.Wecht.

    Using photographs, the Zapruder film, and the Dallas Police audio recording his research and analysis showed that there were 5 shots fired in less than 9 seconds. At least two from the grassy knoll area, he explained to the panel. Stating that the evidence indicates, the bullets that were fired probably came from a .30 caliber weapon. At that time, the most popular weapon available was a .30 caliber Winchester.30-30 rifle.

    His findings are quite ironic as a Dallas police officer radioed an alert at 12.45 pm stating “The wanted person in this, is a slender white male, about thirty five feet ten, one sixty five, carrying what looked like to be a .30-30 or some type of Winchester.”

    The evidence, at every turn, does not add up in the Kennedy assassination,

    to a lone assassin. Everywhere Dr.Wecht looks the evidence does point to an effort to keep the American public from knowing the truth.

    Evidence missing, witnesses asked to and falsifying affidavits, testimony dramatically altered and documents manipulated.

    “What happened in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963, was an effort by two or more people to kill the President of the United States. What has happened since has been a conspiracy to hide the truth.

    The result of the two was nothing short of a coup d’e’tet”.


    Posted by: Dennis Bartholomew Mar 10 2006, 12:40 PM

    Thanks Bernice, very interesting.

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    Sunday, October 4, 2009 7:36:


    The motorcade consisted of numerous cars, police motorcycles and press

    buses :

    The pilot car, a white Ford sedan: Dallas Police Deputy Chief George L.

    Lumpkin, Dallas homicide detectives Billy L. Senkel and F.M. Turner, and

    Lt. Col. George Whitmeyer, commander of the local Army Intelligence

    reserve unit.[104]

    Three two-wheel Dallas police motorcycle officers under the command of

    Sgt. S. Q. Bellah.

    Five two-wheel motorcycle officers.

    The lead car, an unmarked white Ford police sedan: Dallas Police Chief

    Jesse Curry (driver), Secret Service Agent Winston Lawson (right front),

    Sheriff Bill Decker (left rear), Agent Forrest Sorrels (right rear).[105]

    Two-wheel motorcycle officer Sgt. Stavis "Steve" Ellis.[106]

    The presidential limousine, known to the Secret Service as SS-100-X (with

    District of Columbia license plate GG 300), a dark blue 1961 Lincoln

    Continental convertible: Agent Bill Greer (driver), Agent Roy Kellerman

    (right front), Nellie Connally (left middle), Texas Governor John Connally

    (right middle), First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy (left rear), President

    Kennedy (right rear).

    Four Dallas Police motorcycle escorts, two on each side of the

    presidential limousine, flanking the rear bumper: Billy Joe Martin and

    Robert W. “Bobby” Hargis (left), and James M. Chaney and Douglas L.

    Jackson (right).[107]

    Halfback (a Secret Service code name), a black 1955 Cadillac convertible:

    Agent Sam Kinney (driver), Agent Emory Roberts (right front), Agent Clint

    Hill (left front running board), Agent Bill McIntyre (left rear running

    board), Agent John D. Ready (right front running board), Agent Paul Landis

    (right rear running board), Presidential aide Kenneth O'Donnell (left

    middle), Presidential aide David Powers (right middle), Agent George

    Hickey (left rear), Agent Glen Bennett (right rear).[108]

    1961 light blue Lincoln four door convertible: Hurchel Jacks of the Texas

    Highway Patrol (driver), Agent Rufus Youngblood (right front), Senator

    Ralph Yarborough (left rear), Lady Bird Johnson (center rear),

    Vice-President Lyndon Johnson (right rear).[109]

    Varsity (Secret Service code name), a yellow 1963 Ford Mercury hardtop:

    Joe H. Rich of the Texas Highway Patrol (driver), Vice Presidential aide

    Cliff Carter (front middle), Secret Service agents Jerry Kivett (right

    front), Warren W. "Woody" Taylor (left rear), and Thomas L. "Len" Johns

    (right rear).[110]

    White 1963 Ford Mercury Comet convertible: Texas Highway Patrolman

    Milton T. Wright (driver), Dallas mayor

    Earle Cabell and his wife Elizabeth, and Congressman Ray Roberts.


    National press pool car (on loan from the telephone company), a blue- gray

    1960 Chevrolet Bel Air sedan: telephone company driver; assistant White

    House press secretary Malcolm Kilduff (right front); Merriman Smith, UPI

    (middle front); Jack Bell, AP; Robert Baskin, Dallas Morning News; Bob

    Clark, ABC News (rear).

    First camera car, a yellow 1964 Chevrolet Impala Convertible: a Texas

    Ranger (driver); David Wiegman Jr., NBC; Thomas J. Craven Jr., CBS; Thomas

    "Ollie" Atkins, White House photographer; John Hofan, an NBC sound

    engineer; Cleveland Ryan, a lighting technician.

    Second camera car: Frank Cancellare, UPI; Cecil Stoughton, White House

    photographer; Henry Burroughs, AP; Art Rickerby, Life magazine; Donald C.

    “Clint” Grant, Dallas Morning News. Dallas Police motorcycle escorts

    H.B. McLain and Marion L.. Baker.

    Third camera car, a Chevrolet convertible: driver from the Texas

    Department of Public Safety; photographer Robert H. Jackson, The Dallas

    Times Herald; photographer Tom Dillard, Dallas Morning News; Jimmy

    Darnell, WBAP-TV, Fort Worth; Mal Couch, WFAA-TV/ABC [3]; James R..

    Underwood, KRLD-TV.[112]

    First car of Congressmen.

    Second car of Congressmen.

    Third car of Congressmen.

    VIP staff car carrying a governor's aide and the military and Air Force

    aides to the president.

    Dallas Police motorcycle escorts J.W. Courson and C.A. Haygood.

    First White House press bus: Mary Barelli Gallagher, Jacqueline Kennedy's

    personal secretary; Pamela Turnure, Jacqueline Kennedy's press secretary;

    Marie Fehmer Chiarodo, the Vice President's secretary; Liz Carpenter,

    staff director for Lady Bird Johnson; Jack Valenti, in charge of press

    relations during President Kennedy's visit to Texas; Robert MacNeil, NBC

    News; and a few others.[113]

    Local press car with four Dallas Morning News reporters.

    Second White House press bus.

    Dallas Police motorcycle escorts R. Smart and B.J. Dale.

    Chevrolet sedan: Evelyn Lincoln, the President's personal secretary;

    Dr. George Burkley, the President's personal physician.

    1957 black Ford hardtop: Two representatives from Western Union.

    1964 white Chevrolet Impala: White House Signal Corps officer Art

    Bales; Army Warrant Officer Ira Gearhart.

    1964 white-top, dark-body Chevrolet Impala.

    Third White House press bus: staff and members of the Democratic


    1963 black and white Ford police car.

    Solo three-wheel Dallas Police motorcycle escort.

    Keynotes :

    [104]^ Warren Commission Testimony of F.M. Turner, April 3, 1964.

    Detective Senkel's surname is misspelled as "Shekel" in Turner's

    Warren Commission testimony.

    [105]^ Statement of Winston G. Lawson, Dec. 1, 1963. Warren Commission

    Testimony of Forrest V. Sorrels, May 7, 1964.

    [106]^ Interview of Stavis Ellis by Larry A. Sneed, No More Silence:

    An Oral History of the Assassination of President Kennedy, University

    of North Texas Press, 2002, p. 144.

    [107]^ Warren Commission Testimony of B.J. Martin, April 3, 1964.

    Warren Commission Testimony of Bobby W. Hargis, April 8, 1964. Gary

    Savage, JFK First Day Evidence, Shoppe Press, 1993, p. 363. ISBN


    [108]^ Statement of Emory P. Roberts, Nov. 29, 1963. Statement of

    Samuel A. Kinney, Nov. 30, 1963.

    [109]^ [statement of Hurchel Jacks], Nov. 28, 1963. Statement of Rufus

    W. Youngblood, Nov. 29, 1963.

    [110]^ Statement of Joe Henry Rich, Nov. 28, 1963. Statement of Jerry

    D. Kivett, Nov. 29, 1963. Statement of Thomas L. Johns, Nov. 29, 1963.

    Report of Clifton C. Carter, May 20, 1964.

    [111]^ Statement of Milton T. Wright, Nov. 28, 1963. Warren Commission

    Testimony of Earle Cabell, July 13, 1964.

    [112]^ Warren Commission Testimony of Robert Hill Jackson. Warren

    Commission Testimony of Tom C. Dillard, April 1, 1964.

    [113]^ Transcript, Marie Fehmer Chiarodo Oral History Interview II,

    August 16, 1972, by Joe B. Frantz, Internet Copy, Lyndon B. Johnson



    The following is from Volume VII of the HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ON




    (114) On April 22, 1965, then Senator Robert F. Kennedy

    sent a letter to Dr. Burkley directing him to transfer in person

    the autopsy material being kept at the White House to Mrs. Evelyn

    Lincoln, the personal secretary of President Kennedy, for

    safekeeping at the National Archives. The letter also said that

    Mrs. Lincoln was being instructed that the material was not to be

    released to anyone without Robert Kennedy's written permission and

    approval. This demonstrates Robert Kennedy's firm control over

    the disposition of the materials.

    (115) In response to this directive, Dr. Burkley notified

    the Protective Research Division of Senator Kennedy's request.

    Before transferring the material, Bouck, Burkley and other Secret

    Service personnel carefully inventoried all the items present.

    This was the first official inventory of these materials.

    (116) On April 26, 1965, Burkley and Bouck transferred the

    materials to Evelyn Lincoln. A letter from Burkley to Lincoln

    documenting the exchange included the inventory, which documented

    that a stainless steel container 7 by 8 inches in diameter,

    containing gross material was transferred. On the last page of

    the inventory, Lincoln wrote: "Received, April 26, 1965, in room

    409, National Archives, Washington, D.C., from Dr. Burkley and

    Robert Bouck." At the time of the transfer, the items now

    missing, which are those enumerated under item No. 9 of the

    inventory, were allegedly present.

    (117) In his testimony before the committee, Bouck stated

    that he is quite positive all the autopsy-related material that

    came into his possession was given to Mrs. Lincoln at the time of

    the 1965 transfer. He also stated that he was uncertain whether

    Dr. Burkley had custody of the brain, but that if the brain was

    part of the autopsy materials in the custody of the Secret

    Service, it was transported to the National Archives.

    (118) Dr. Burkley clarified this issue, saying that the

    stainless steel container mentioned in the inventory held the

    brain and that he saw the bucket in April 1965, when he and Bouck

    transferred the autopsy materials to Lincoln. Since this transfer,

    Dr. Burkley maintains that he has had no further knowledge of or

    association with these materials.

    (119) Mrs. Lincoln was not an employee of the National

    Archives during this period; she was only assisting in the

    transfer of the official papers and items of President Kennedy and

    in this capacity occupied an office in the National Archives.

    Consequently, although the autopsy materials were in the confines

    of the building the National Archives did not have authority or

    responsibility for them.

    (120) The next documented transaction involving the

    materials transferred to Mrs. Lincoln occurred on October 29,

    1966, when Mr. Burke Marshall, on behalf of the executors of the

    John F. Kennedy estate, sent a letter to Lawson B. Knott, the

    Administrator of the General Services Administration, outlining

    an agreement for formal transfer of materials related to the

    autopsy to the U.S. Government.

    (121) Pursuant to this agreement, which constituted a deed

    of gift, Burke Marshall met with various representatives of the

    Government on October 31, 1966, in room 6-W-3 of the National

    Archives to transfer formally the materials related to the

    autopsy. These materials were contained in a locked footlocker

    for which Ms. Angela Novello, the personal secretary to Robert F.

    Kennedy, produced a key. Others in attendance for the transfer

    were William H. Brewster, special assistant to the general counsel

    GSA, who unlocked and opened the footlocker; Harold F. Reis,

    executive assistant to the Attorney General Robert H. Bahruer

    Archivist of the United States; Herman Kahn, Assistant Archivist

    for Presidential libraries and James Rhoads, the Deputy Archivist

    of the United States. After Brewster opened the footlocker,

    Marshall and Novello departed.

    (122) Bahmer, Reis, Rhoads, Kahn, and Brewster then removed

    all the material from the footlocker and inspected it. The

    footlocker contained a carbon copy of the letter from Robert F.

    Kennedy to Burkley on April 22, 1965, and the original letter from

    Burkley to Lincoln on April 26, 1965, which also listed on the

    itemized inventory list the materials present at that transfer.

    (123) Upon inspection, the officials realized that the

    footlocker did not contain any of the material listed under item

    No. 9 of the inventory. This material included:

    1 plastic box, 9 by 6 1/2 by 1 inches, paraffin blocks of

    tissue sections.

    1 plastic box containing paraffin blocks of tissue sections

    plus 35 slides.

    A third box containing 84 slides.

    1 stainless steel container, 7 by 8 inches in diameter,

    containing gross material.

    3 wooden boxes, each 7 by 3 1/2 by 1 1/4 inches, containing

    58 slides of blood smears taken at various times

    during President Kennedy's lifetime.

    (124) The last date these items were accounted for was the

    April 26, 1965 transfer of the autopsy materials to Lincoln.

    (125) The committee contacted Lincoln to determine what

    happened to the materials in item No. 9, the missing materials,

    following their documented transfer to her in April 1965. She

    informed the committee of an interview and subsequent affidavit

    that Burkley and Bouck brought her some materials in the spring

    of 1965 that Dr. Burkley identified as being related to the

    autopsy of the President. She recalled that these materials

    arrived in a box or boxes, and that within 1 day she obtained a

    flat trunk or footlocker from the Archives personnel to which she

    transferred the materials. She added that these materials were

    kept in a security room in her office in the National Archives.

    (126) Mrs. Lincoln stated that within approximately 1

    month, Robert F. Kennedy telephoned her and informed her that he

    was sending Angela Novello, his personal secretary, to move the

    footlocker that Dr. Burkley had transferred. She believed they

    wanted the materials moved to another part of the Archives,

    presumably where Robert F. Kennedy was storing other materials.

    Angela Novello soon came to her office with Herman Kahn, Assistant

    Archivist for Presidential Libraries, and one or more of his

    deputies, to take the trunk. Lincoln believes she had Novello sign

    a receipt for the materials, which was Lincoln's routine practice,

    but she is uncertain where it would be today. Lincoln also said

    that she gave Novello both keys to the trunk.. She added that the

    trunk was never opened while it was in her office.

    (127) Lincoln had no further direct contact with the

    material, but did state that after the assassination of Robert

    Kennedy, she began to wonder what happened to it. Consequently,

    she contacted Kenneth O'Donnell, former aide to President Kennedy,

    to make sure the family was aware of its existence. Mrs. Lincoln

    said it was her understanding that Mr. O'Donnell then called

    Senator Edward Kennedy, subsequently calling her back to tell her

    everything was under control.

    (128) Because of Lincoln's statement and other reports that

    Novello produced the key to the footlocker in December 1966, the

    committee interviewed Novello and also obtained an affidavit. She

    informed the committee that she had no recollection of handling

    a footlocker, of possessing a key or keys to such a footlocker,

    or of handling any of the autopsy materials.

    (129) The committee also contacted Burke Marshall and

    Senator Edward Kennedy to determine their knowledge of the missing

    materials. Senator Kennedy indicated that he did not know what

    happened to the materials, or who last had custody of them.

    (130) While Burke Marshall also maintained that he had no

    actual knowledge of the disposition of the materials, he said it

    was his speculative opinion that Robert Kennedy obtained and

    disposed of these materials himself, without informing anyone

    else. Marshall said Robert Kennedy was concerned that these

    materials would be placed on public display in future years in an

    institution such as the Smithsonian and wished to dispose of them

    to eliminate such a possibility. Marshall emphasized that he does

    not believe anyone other than Robert Kennedy would have known what

    happened to the materials and is certain that obtaining or

    locating these materials is no longer possible.

    (131) Since Marshall offered the opinion without any

    verification, the committee continued to search for the missing

    materials and to examine any issue related to the autopsy

    materials in general. The committee interviewed Harold F. Reis,

    Executive Assistant to the Attorney General who attended the 1966

    transfer of the autopsy materials to the National Archives, as

    well as Ramsey Clark, the Attorney General in 1966, to determine

    their knowledge of the missing materials. Clark stated that he

    initiated the action to acquire the materials transferred in the

    October 1966 deed of gift pursuant to Public Law 89-318, enacted

    on November 2, 1965. This law provided that the acquisition by

    the United States of certain items of evidence pertaining to the

    assassination of President Kennedy had to be completed within the

    year. When Clark learned the time limit for obtaining the

    evidence was approaching, he contacted Robert Kennedy, who was not

    sympathetic to the Government's need to acquire the autopsy

    material. Rather heated negotiations ensued between Clark and

    Burke Marshall, the Kennedy family representative, which resulted

    in the October 29, 1966 agreement constituting the deed of gift.

    Clark stated that he had only requested transfer of the autopsy

    photographs and X-rays and did not recall any discussions with

    Robert Kennedy about any other autopsy materials. Consequently,

    the brain and the tissue segments were not an issue in the

    procedures and negotiations during the October 1966 transfer. The

    committee could not ascertain if the physical specimens were ever

    discussed in the negotiations, what type of approval Robert

    Kennedy gave for transforming the materials, or what procedure was

    employed to separate the photographs and X-rays from the material

    now missing.

    (132) The next reference to the missing materials and the

    other autopsy materials in the custody of the National Archives

    occurred in 1968. Ramsey Clark, the Attorney. General, arranged

    for an independent review of the autopsy evidence by a group of

    pathologists-commonly referred to as the Clark panel--as a result

    of growing skepticism concerning the assassination and Warren

    Commission investigation. In a memorandum to the files on

    February 13,1969, Thomas J. Kelley, the Assistant Director of the

    Secret Service, reflected on the report of the Clark panel, in

    which the physicians had commented that the materials they

    reviewed were included on the inventory list that accompanied the

    letter from Burkley to Lincoln on April 26, 1965. Kelley asserted

    that this reference to the autopsy materials by the Clark panel

    physicians was phrased in this manner because the doctors did not

    have access to the materials listed as comprising item No. 9 on

    the inventory list. The memorandum also noted that after

    discovering in October 1966 that these items were missing,

    Archives personnel conducted a careful search but could not

    determine their location.

    (133) After discussing the "missing" materials with Harry

    R. Van Cleve, Jr., General Counsel to the General Services

    Administration, and agreeing that they should attempt to ascertain

    their disposition, Kelley said he would contact Dr. Burkley.

    Kelley's memorandum related the following:

    [T]hat after turning all of this material over

    to Mrs. Lincoln [on April 26] [burkley] never saw nor

    heard anything about its disposition, and that he was

    surprised to hear that it was not with the remainder

    of the material he turned over to Mrs. Lincoln. After

    discussing the problem, Dr. Burkley offered to call

    Mrs. Lincoln. He did this in my presence and Mrs.

    Lincoln told him that all of the material he turned

    over to her was placed in a trunk or footlocker; that

    it was locked, and that to her knowledge it was never

    opened nor the contents disturbed by her. She said,

    however, that sometime after its receipt all of the

    material concerning the assassination, with which she

    was working, was turned over to Angie Novello, Robert

    Kennedy's secretary.

    (134) The memorandum further related that Dr. Burkley told

    Kelley that Henry Giordano, a former White House driver, was

    working with Lincoln at the time of the transfer and was then

    employed in Senator Kennedy's office.

    (135) After contacting Van Cleve again and advising him of

    the contact with Burkley, Kelley related the following:

    I * * * further advised him that, in my opinion, we

    should not contact Giordano. He agreed with this and

    stated he felt that the inquiry would have to remain

    as it now stands; that perhaps we were borrowing

    trouble in exploring it any further, and assured me

    that the Archivist had made a thorough search of all

    of the material on hand to make sure that the

    material in question had not been received by the

    Archivist at another time or under other


    (136) Thus, the General Services Administration, which

    oversees the National Archives, decided not to pursue the search

    for the missing materials any further. The officials involved were

    apparently satisfied with knowing that the National Archives did

    not have any responsibility in their disappearance and did not

    wish to instigate trouble by pursuing any investigation.

    (137) In 1971, a controversy, not directly involving the

    missing materials, arose over the chain of custody of the autopsy

    materials being stored in the National Archives and who should

    have access to them. John Nichols, a pathologist, began court

    proceedings in the Federal courts, challenging the agreement of

    October 29, 1966, which contains several restrictions limiting

    public access to the autopsy materials. An issue raised by the

    suit was whether the Kennedy family ever had any legal right to

    control the autopsy materials at any time and, consequently,

    whether any deed of gift from the family which contained

    restrictions limiting public access could be valid.

    (138) Both the Federal District Court and the Tenth Circuit

    Court of Appeals upheld the agreement. The Court of appeals

    stated that the "letter of agreement of October 29, 1966 is a

    valid, binding agreement and that the restrictions imposed thereby

    are reasonable."

    (139) The legal department of the Congressional Research

    Service analyzed the Nichols case for the committee. The CRS noted

    that while the "Nichols decision represents only the determination

    of one circuit until the question is addressed elsewhere it would

    seem to represent 'the state of the law?'" The CRS stated that

    until the April 1965 transfer, the autopsy materials were "in

    Government hands with no intervening transfer of like having

    occurred." It then observed:

    At this point, however, as suggested in the

    November 4, 1966, Treasury Department memorandum * *

    * the transfer to the Kennedy family may have been

    interpreted by some as indication of U.S. recognition

    of Kennedy family rights in the items so transferred.

    At some point thereafter, either upon delivery to the

    Archives in 1965 or upon acceptance of the letter of

    gift of October 1966, the materials may be regarded

    as having been either (1) returned to their rightful

    owner, the United States Government, or (2) donated

    by properly executed deed of gift to the United

    States, thereby resulting in relinquishment of

    Kennedy family rights in them.

    (140) The CRS ended by saying that two conclusions are

    irrefutable. First, the autopsy photographs and X-rays are now the

    property of the United States; and second, the letter of agreement

    between the Government and the Kennedy family remains enforceable.

    (141) The committee also interviewed Archives personnel to

    ascertain their present position regarding the missing materials.

    In response to committee requests, Trudy H. Peterson, Assistant

    to the Deputy Archivist of the United States, prepared a written

    statement. In this document, Peterson noted that just prior to

    the October 1966 transfer of the materials to the Archives, the

    locked footlocker was brought to the National Archives building,

    although she does not specify from where. This suggests that

    after Novello allegedly took the material from the office of Mrs.

    Lincoln, it may have been moved from the Archives building as

    opposed to only being moved to another part of the building as

    Mrs. Lincoln speculated.) Peterson also says that Robert Bahmer,

    the Archivist of the United States in 1966, believed that sometime

    before the transfer of the materials as a gift, Herman Kahn, the

    Assistant Archivist for Presidential Libraries supervised the

    acceptance of the footlocker, along with several other boxes of

    Robert Kennedy's materials, for courtesy storage in vault 6-W-3.

    Peterson further stated that Herman Kahn, now dead, may have been

    the only Archives employee present for the transfer and that no

    record of delivery is available.

    (142) In response to a subsequent committee inquiry

    concerning Herman Kahn, Peterson stated that Kahn dealt with

    members and representatives of the Kennedy family during 1964-68

    on numerous issues, including the courtesy storage of Robert

    Kennedy materials. He was present for the October 1966 transfer

    and, according to Marion Johnson of the National Archives, was one

    of the original holders of the combination to the safe cabinet in

    which the autopsy material was stored. Kahn also allegedly

    accompanied Novello when Novello apparently removed the autopsy

    materials from the office of Lincoln.

    (143) In response to another committee request, the Office

    of Presidential Libraries conducted a thorough but unsuccessful

    search of the office files for 1965-66 for documentation regarding

    the transfer of the autopsy materials to the physical custody of

    the Archives. Additionally, two members of the Presidential

    Libraries staff who worked under Herman Kahn at that time stated

    in interviews and affidavits that they could not recall any

    pertinent details concerning the autopsy materials. The staff of

    the John F. Kennedy Library also reviewed their files, with

    negative results. Further, one Archives employee, Marion Johnson,

    Archivist, Office of the National Archives, National Archives and

    Records Service, remembered that he became aware of the footlocker

    containing the autopsy materials shortly before the October 31,

    1966 transfer, but was not aware of its contents until after the

    transfer. Additionally, at the request of the committee, on July

    18, 1978, Clarence Lyons and Trudy Peterson conducted a thorough

    but unsuccessful search of the security storage vault for the

    tissue sections and the container of gross material.

    (144) Given these efforts and findings, it appears that

    Kahn and Novello removed the autopsy material from the office of

    Mrs. Lincoln shortly after April 1965. The material was then

    either kept in another part of the Archives, probably a Robert

    Kennedy courtesy storage area, or removed from the building to a

    location designated by Robert Kennedy. The circumstantial evidence

    would seem to indicate that Robert Kennedy then decided to retain

    possession of all physical specimen evidence and transferred only

    the autopsy photographs and X-rays to the Government. The

    committee has not been able to verify how or when the item No. 9

    materials were removed from the other autopsy materials or what

    subsequently happened to them.


    (145) After failing to determine the fate of the missing

    materials by tracing that chain of custody, the committee

    investigated the possibility that someone had placed the missing

    autopsy items all of which were physical specimens taken from the

    body of President Kennedy, in the final grave on reinterment, on

    March 14, 1967. The persons contacted who were present for the

    ceremony could not recall any additional package or material being

    placed in the grave. The Superintendent of Arlington National

    Cemetery from 1951 to 1972 John Metzler, informed the committee

    that he attended the burial of the President and the reinterment.

    At the time of burial, the coffin was placed in a "Wilbur" vault,

    which has a lid and vault that operate on a tongue and groove

    system. Tar is placed on the points of contact of the grooves to

    insure a tight fit and permanent seal. Metzler witnessed the

    lowering of the lid and the sealing of the vault, and believed

    that the only method to open the vault subsequently would be to

    break the lid on the main portion of the vault.

    (146) Metzler supervised the reinterment in 1967 and was

    present at all phases of the transfer: from the opening of the old

    site through the transfer by crane of the vault to the closing of

    the new site Metzler said there was no way anyone could have

    placed anything in the coffin or vault during the transfer without

    his seeing it. Metzler also said that nothing could have been

    placed in the vault since 1963 because there was no indication of

    damage to the vault indicating any disturbance. Metzler stated

    further that no one placed anything in the new or old gravesite

    besides the vault.

    (147) In the course of its investigation the committee

    contacted numerous other people in an unsuccessful attempt to

    locate the missing materials. They included:

    1. Dr. James J. Humes, autopsy pathologist;

    2. George Dalton, former White House aide and assistant to

    Mrs. Lincoln at the National Archives;

    3. Edith Duncan, administrative assistant to Robert Bouck,

    Protective Research Section, Secret Service;

    4. Joseph D. Giordano, former White House aide and

    assistant to Mrs. Lincoln at the National Archives;

    5. Frank Mankiewicz, former assistant to Robert F. Kennedy;

    6. Harry Van Cleve, former General Counsel of the General

    Services Administration;

    7. Lawrence O'Brien, former aide to President Kennedy;

    8. David Powers, former aide to President Kennedy;

    9. Ken Fienberg, aide to Senator Edward Kennedy;

    10. P.J. Costanzo, Superintendent of Arlington National


    11. Dr. James Boswell, autopsy pathologist;

    12. Dr. Pierre Finck, autopsy pathologist;

    13. Adm. George Galloway, commanding officer of the

    National Naval Medical Center in 1963;

    14. Capt. John H. Stover, commanding officer of the U.S.

    Naval Medical School in 1963;

    15. Bruce Bromley, former Justice Department attorney who

    was called briefly from private practice to serve as

    counsel to the Clark panel;

    16. Carl Eardley, former Justice Department official;

    17. Harold Reis, former Justice Department official;

    18. Sol Lindenbaum, former Justice Department official;

    19. National Archives personnel; and

    20. Thomas J. Kelley, Assistant Director of the U.S. Secret



    (148) Despite these efforts, the committee was not able to

    determine precisely what happened to the missing materials.. The

    evidence indicates that the materials were not buried with the

    body at reinterment. It seems apparent that Angela Novello did

    remove the footlocker containing to the materials from the office

    of Mrs. Lincoln at the direction of Robert Kennedy, and that

    Herman Kahn had knowledge of this transaction. After the removal

    from Lincoln's office, Robert Kennedy most likely acquired

    possession of or at least personal control over these materials.

    Burke Marshall's opinion that Robert Kennedy obtained and disposed

    of these items himself to prevent any future public display

    supports this theory.

    (149) There are least two possible reasons why Robert

    Kennedy would not have retained the autopsy photographs and

    X-rays. First, the only materials retained were physical

    specimens from the body of his brother: Tissue sections, blood

    smear slides, and the container of gross material. He may have

    understandably felt more strongly about preventing the misuse of

    these physical materials than the photographs and X-rays. Second,

    the Justice Department under Ramsey Clark pushed hard to acquire

    the photographs and X-rays but did not request the physical

    materials. Even if Robert Kennedy had wished to prevent the

    release of all the autopsy materials, he was not in a position to

    do so when confronted with Justice Department demands.

    (150) Consequently, although the committee has not been

    able to uncover any direct evidence of the fate of the missing

    materials, circumstantial evidence tends to show that Robert

    Kennedy either destroyed these materials or otherwise rendered

    them inaccessible.

  7. "...We do know Oswald had intelligence connections. Everywhere you look with him, there're fingerprints of intelligence." --Republican Senator Richard Schweiker, member of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Village Voice, December 15, 1975

    below to the left looking at the photo of judge bernard baggart is one of james phelan..

    Garrison had been born Earling Caruthers Garrison in Denniston, Iowa on November 20, 1921, but he legally changed his first name to plain "Jim" when he first entered Louisiana politics in the 1950s.....and was 6 feet 6 inches tall......

    If you will note the name at the bottom of each photo...these are people, places and information who

    were in some way connected....to the Garrison Investigation.....

    Further information in relation to the below photos......

    Some of the photos and the information is obtained from "Assassination of America" 2006...by Paris Flammonde

    as well as from others and other sources......as well as sites//txs

    Jim Garrison Bio...


    Garrison Link.....


    Also....Real History Archives



    Garrison : ""Well I went down there to look at it, and I found myself not merely outside of Guy Banister's office, but across the street from Naval Intelligence, across the street from Secret Service, around the corner was the Crescent City Garage, the garage for the intelligence community and then, two doors away, the Reily Coffee Company. I used to be in the FBI. I knew people in Naval Intelligence and they were either across the street, around the corner -- the whole intelligence community was there, and right in the middle of it was Guy Banister having Oswald sheep-dipped as a Communist....

    When the President ends up being assassinated and the scapegoat grabbed by the federal government, and killed before anything can be done to help him, turns out to be the man that Guy Banister had been the tutor of all the time, you have to conclude that Guy Banister was a key man in the assassination, and possibly the most important man that we encountered in our whole investigation. But he's been dead so many years it's a little hard to question him.""

    TMWKK Pt 4....

    Clay Lavergne Shaw..

    Served as an officer in French Intelligence......"La Servicede Documentation Extrerieure et de Conte Espionage (SDECE)"

    during WW 11, under aliases Col.Rene' Bertrand, & Col.? Beaumont , connected to Corsican Christian David, professional assassin.

    N/O businessman, with a long time intelligence association, a director of CIA European front operation "Permindex "and " Centro Mondiale Commerciale".....

    After his death it was conceded that he had, indeed worked for the CIA ...Almost al individuals involved in the case who were said to have government ties and were denied as agents by said government, were eventually estabished as having had such allegiance or alliances ....The government of the U.S , nearly without exception lied about such matters...

    D/A Jim ( not James ) Garrison....dubbed " Big Jim".....and the "Jolly Green Giant".....Three times D/A of New Orleans...elected and re-elected to the judicial bench.

    The only person ever to persue an investigation into the murder of President John F.Kennedy,

    Aaron Kohn..N/O businessman and director of the Metropolitan Crime Commission N/O...( Times Picayne Pub.)

    Once an admirer of Garrison, became a consistant and political opponent of his.

    "The question of whether Oswald had any relationship with the FBI or the CIA is not frivolous. The agencies, of course, are silent. Although the Warren Commission had full power to conduct its own independent investigation, it permitted the FBI and the CIA to investigate themselves -- and so cast a permanent shadow on the answers." --Walter Cronkite, June 28, 1967

    Bernard Barker........

    CIA operative..........Although the charter of the CIA forbids the functioning of such within

    the United States....of course, it does...

    Edgar Eugene Bradley ( Brading)..

    Charged with willfully and unlawfully conspiring with others to murder John F Kennedy....

    The entire Bradley scenario was false, as one of Garrison's investigators had confused the names of Bradley with that of Eugene Hale Braden, alias James ( Jim) Braden aka James Hale Brading....Who had been arrested in Dealey Plaza immediately following the assassination.

    ( Mentioned in Garrison's "Trail of the Assassins".....information within James DiEugenio's "Destiny Betrayed"...Lane's "Plausible Denial "... Belin's " Final Disclosure" ....Lifton's "Best Evidence" ....Davy's " Justice Be Done"..

    Clay Shaw:

    On aquittal.......Born March 17 /13...Death Aug.15/74 ..and was buried within 24 hours....His name does not appear in the W/C...J.Lee Rankin, it's former chief counsel said "as far as I know we've never heard of this person".....

    After the trial, Shaw engaged in many efforts to recoup the depletion of his finances..from his legal fees.....He joined the French Market Corp. created to renovate the French Market in N.Os...he retired in May, 74.....but continued on lecturing on the experiences instigated by the D.A

    Fate numbered Clay Sahw's remaining days..........at 61 he was discovered at 12.30 AM..on his bed, in pajamas and dressing gown, dead of terminal cancer..

    City Police record ( 15410-74) noted.." Dets. John Dillman and Fred Dantagnan , of the Criminal Investigative Division, report that on Fri.Aug.16th they were instructed by the Chief of Detectives Henry M. Morris, to initiate and investigation into the death of Clay Shaw, white male, age 61, formerly residing at 1024 St.Peter St.

    Major Morris then furnished the Detectives with a certifcate of death signed by Dr.Hugh M.Batson, with the cause of death reflecting Metastatic Lung Malignancy, Brain & Liver....etc "

    His body was found by sitter Don Doddy ( a friend for twenty years) who also had a personal relationship with the deceased..

    who called Shaw's attorney of 25 years, who also had a long personal relationship with the deceased, Edward R. Wegmann who proceeded to make arrangements.....No autopsy, no ceremony, and secretively, he was buried within a day.....His passing was as peculiar as his habits, also his acquaintances, friends, and activities, and as cloudy....An examination of of the 8 page official summary detailed a long deterioration from a terminal illness with all the characteristics of such...


    Fri. Aug.16,1974

    Clay Shaw Final Rites To Be Today

    Clay Shaw, one of the founders of the International Trade Mart and the man acquitted of charges of conspiring to assassinate John F.Kennedy, died Thursday morning. He was 61.

    Mr.Shaw died at his home at 1024 St.Peter St.shortly after 1 am..He had been ill since early this year, when he suffered a blood clot in the brain, and underwent surgery which left one side paralyzed and Mr.Shaw in failing health..

    He was forced to return to Ochsner Foundation Hospital in June.

    Funeral services will be held at 9.am Friday at the House of Bultman 3338 St. Charles Ave. Internment will be in Mr.Shaw's hometown, Kentwood, La..at 11am Friday.

    Note :" Solitary bare ritual and consignment to the earth in less than 22 hours after he died. As he was not known to be Jewish, is it difficult to refain from speculating about the haste".P.F.

    Raymond Cummings:

    Claimed he had seen a newspaper photo of Ferrie.....following the break of the Garrison case...and recognised him...He had once been a policeman in a town in south Texas....During the period between Jan.11th to March 15, 1963....he had been a part time Taxi driver..in Dallas..

    Cummings stated that he took a man from the Dallas bus station to suburban Irving..The passenger he said was Lee Harvey Oswald...He recalled because both were ex-marines and talked about the service..and though Oswald did not have enough money for the fare, took him anyway.

    A few weeks later he picked up three men on a Dallas street and was told to take them to Jack Ruby's "Carousel" ....he stated these men were...Oswald, Ferrie and an unidentified man.....Upon recognizing Oswald, they chatted more about the marines...

    Ferrie's unusal appearance caused Cummings to keep glancing at him in the mirror...( He wore a red wig, and false eye brows..he suffered from a disorder called "Alopecia Totalis" which caused a complete loss of hair...

    After the Garrison investigation was announced he flew into N/Os, and mentioned he had received phone threats on a successive evening, afternoon, and evening warning him....that "you're definitely going to get it ( if you go to New Orleans)"...He expressed that he was not particularly concerned......as they were possible pranks.......But his Lawyer Frank Wright....said he would seek police protection.......for his client....Cummings appeared twice at the DA's office during the day......March 9/67..

    In "Plot or Politics?"..by Rosemary James & Jack Wardlaw, the following....."Dallas sources report, however, that Cummings did not work for a cab company at that time.".....Whether he was actually operating as a gypsy ( free lancer) is not known...

    Note: While Garrison found the police officer's story interesting at the time, he makes no mention of him in his two books...and subsequent allusions to him are almost none existent..eg..DiEugenio, Davy....This was the fate of a number of persons interviewed....

    « Reply #2 on: May 26, 2008, 02:28 AM »


    "I no longer believe that we were able to conduct an appropriate investigation of the [Central Intelligence] Agency and its relationship to Oswald.... I do not believe any denial offered by the Agency on any point. The law has long followed the rule that if a person lies to you on one point, you may reject all of his testimony.... We now know that the Agency withheld from the Warren Commission the CIA-Mafia plots to kill Castro. Had the commission known of the plots, it would have followed a different path in its investigation.... We also now know that the Agency set up a process that could only have been designed to frustrate the ability of the committee in 1976-79 to obtain any information that might adversely affect the Agency. Many have told me that the culture of the Agency is one of prevarication and dissimulation and that you cannot trust it or its people. Period. End of story. I am now in that camp." --Robert Blakey, staff director and chief counsel (1977-79), U.S. House Select Committee on Assassinations, statement from 2003...

    Dean Andrews:

    New Orleans attorney informed the W/C that a man calling himself Clay Bertrand asked for his legal aid for Lee Harvey Oswald...the day of the assassination ( W/C 5 H,CE, 1931..Convicted later of perjury after refusing to re-identify Clay Shaw as Clay Bertrand..

    Deputy Sheriff : Eddy Raymond "Buddy" Walthers:

    Police aid to Sheriff Bill Decker.... Present when an unidentified man recovered a bullet from Dealey Plaza, south side of Elm...near a sewer grate.....He was shot and killed by a felon......James Walter Cherry on Jan.11, 69...

    Much more further information within "Harvey & Lee"by ..John Armstrong.....Larry Hancock's..."Someone Would Have Talked"...."Rush To Judgement" by Mark Lane and within Jim Garrison's, "On the Trail of the Assassins (1988)" to name a few....also..

    See Roger Craig's "When They Kill A President".....for further information..on Walthers..


    "[Former CIA Director Richard] Helms told reporters during a break that no one would ever know who or what Lee Harvey Oswald ... represented. Asked whether the CIA knew of any ties Oswald had with either the KGB or the CIA, Helms paused and with a laugh said, 'I don't remember.'" --Helms, chatting with the Washington Post's George Lardner and other reporters in 1978, during a recess of the U.S. House Select Committee on Assassinations, Gaeton Fonzi, The Last Investigation

    Eugene C.Davis:

    After many statements by Attorney Dean Andrews to the question whom was Chay Shaw?, ...such as "You said I identified him, I don't know if I did or not"...In reply to a question at the same interview...."And have you seen Clay Shaw's picture in the news?....Reply .."Since this happened many times"....without hesitation........However.....Less than a minute before, "Man, I wouldn't know Clay Shaw if I fell across him on the street dead.".....

    Another new and most explosive of Andrews " Revelations"..was the "Real Identity " of Clay Shaw, ....

    one Eugene C.Davis..owner of "Wanda's Seven Seas Bar"...in the French Quarter of N/Os. Davis exploded...with indignation....going immediately to the D/As office and making a statement..

    Marina (Oswald) Porter & husband Kenneth

    Garrison created quite the stir when on Jan.24th 68..he supoened Mrs. Kenneth Porter, the former Marina Oswald.....She admited she had conferred with lawyers for Clay Shaw, and told them she would testify at his trial..........she did not intend to respond to Garrison's subpoena, she felt she had nothing to add to the Garrison probe..

    Her testimony was not immediately released to the public....

    "I don't see how any court would say her testimony was not material in this case ".said Asst.D.A James Alcock....she ultimately took that position, that, while convinced that there was a conspiracy to slay the President, her husband had nothing to do with the affair...

    Thomas Edward Beckham....

    A guitar playing self styled psychologist and minister of a minor religious sect whom Garrison suspected of knowing Ferrie.....


    GARRISON: ""Guy Banister -- it's difficult to say much about him, because he always stood in the shadows and pushed someone else to the front. He was a strongly disciplined man, perhaps the outgrowth of his many years as a special agent in charge of the Chicago office of the FBI. But he was a key man in the assassination, and that's clear from the fact that Oswald's "sheep-dipping" -- his being portrayed as a Communist -- was done out of Guy Banister's office. So he was sheep-dipped for months as a Communist by giving literature: "Lee, hand this out today. This is your assignment.""

    TMWKK pt 4.....

    Guy Banister :

    "On at least two separate occasions, Banister employees saw Oswald handing out pro-Castro literature and reported it to their boss. In one instance Banister simply laughed, and on the other, he told his secretary Delphine Roberts: 'Don't worry about him.... He's with us. He's associated with the office.' Roberts also said she saw Oswald at 544 Camp Street, and that he filled out one of Banister's 'agent' application forms. She later told author Anthony Summers: 'Oswald came back a number of times. He seemed to be on familiar terms with Banister and with the office.'" --Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy

    Born in a log cabin in Caldwell Parish, Monroe, Louisiana, March 7, 1901.......His resume states that when he was 28 he appears in New Orleans, as an investigator for the Monroe Louisiana police...Within a fortnight the chief asked him to take a stenography course, upon completion he became the chiefs official secretary with sergeant's pay..6 months later his mentor died, and he "" was assigned duties that made me, actually. Chief of Detectives"..FBI files # 62-103863-13..He impressed someone as on Nov.5/34 he was sworn in as special agent, into the Division of Investigation pf the Dept of Justice....soon to be renamed the FBI...He was a violent man, and one wonders if he would have applied if Congress had not made it possible for the Bureau personal to go armed that year,,,

    There is information nonsense associated with him, ..that he was alleged to have been in on the slaying of John Dillinger, not true.....

    In May, 38....he was assigned as an Asst, Agent in Charge in Newark, New Jersey, within three months promoted again to Special Agent in Charge in Butte, Montana ....In 1941 he moved to Oklahoma City, but returned to Butte within three years....

    He transferred to Minneapolis in Sept.52...for about 15 months, then was shipped to Chicago on Jan 1.1954...where he finished out his career on December 12, 1954...at one time being Special Agent in Charge....

    Note : Garrison believed that Banister had been associated with Naval Intelligence during WW 11......within "On The Trail of the Assassins" Garrison, p.41.....revealed within the retired spy's possession's and found by the state police, given to Lou Ivon of the D.As staff , was the volume "Naval Intelligence" inscribed " For Guy Banister,with warmest regards, Ellis Zacharias. He was the noted intelligence figure, Adm Elis M.Zacharias, author of "Behind Closed Doors : The Secret History of the Cold War"..1950,,whose report is based on documents, interviews with diplomats from both sides of the Iron Curtain, political exiles, atomic scientists, secret police, etc....("" Ironically in August 1960, the CIA did consider Banister's detective agency as " a source of intelligence"....and as "a cover mechanism" of some kind, presumably due to Banister's FBI background...A background check revealed that Guy Bannister Associates was failing financially and Banister was personally regarded as unstable & unreliable. The Agency lost interest in him, and a search in the CIA records yields no further connection..

    Whatever the facts may be, Banister turned up in N.O with possibly the confidentiality of Naval Intelligence, top FBI ranking and connections with the Chicago mob, where no one could work against without getting to know it and it's players....He became Head of Internal Affairs of the Police Dept.by mayor of N.O De Lesseps S.Morrison after being confronted by one scandal after another within the NO PD...in less than 6 months he was in number three position as Dept Superintendent of the force..He was also supported by Aaron Kohn, an ex G-man, who would create the Metropolitan Crime Commission...

    Banister's recalled his accomplishments, of over a couple of years, him being responsible for the break up of extensive graft...corruption in the force...indictment of many policemen...some convicted within courts....and Grand Jury preparation, submission of malfeasance charges against his benefactors......Mayor Morrison, Superintendent of Police Provosty, A.Dayries, and D.A Leon Dayries Hubert, however were not indicted..While his team fought corruption, he main concern was Communism....and he was ready and able when Morrison appointed him to investigate local leftists..and put him in contact with the rabid racist Senator James Eastland....For some time all when accordingly, by Banister lacked the self control of discipline and often threatened people at random...with his imitation George Patton pistol......and finally he destroyed his law enforcement career..it ended when he was arrested for threatening a bartender , that he would kill him, for not catering to him as he expected.

    ...He then became a private detective "Guy Banister & Associates "..In an interview a former crew member stated that " Guy participated in every important anti Communist South and Central American revolution which came along acting as key liaison man for the U.S government-sponsored anti-Communist activities in Latin America.."...N.O "States Item" May5/67....."He (Oswald) told me Banister worked for the CIA ....that Banister worked for the CIA is indisputable ," stated Ron Lewis...( Flashback: Lewis, p.67-69 )...It seemed impossible to to isolate and intell agency he did not work for.Alluding to Lee, he said that " although he worked for Banister, he was paid by someone else. I am certain that it was the FBI, and that he was paid two hundred dollars a month.".This of course confirms, similar reports...

    He became involved with Sergio Arcacha Smith,a major representative of the virulent anti-Castro Cuban Revolution Council, which was made even more convenient by it's office being directly across the hall from the investigator's at 544 Camp...

    The Garrison investigation revealed countless contacts between Lee Oswald and the anti-Castro underground in New Orleans and Dallas....One connection centered about the elusive careers of Guy Banister and Hugh Ward, who was a N.Os private investigator,who operated a private detective agency in N.Os while L.H.O resided there... Bannister associate whom Garrison claimed was involved with David Ferrie and the anti Castro Cuban exiles, and whose address was used as a mail drop by L.H.O in the summer of 1963...According to Garrison "Guy Banister was one of the most militant right-wing anti-Communists in N.Os. He was a former FBI agent and his headquarters at 544 Camp St. was a clearing house for Cuban exile and para-military right-wing activities .....Banister also published a newsletter fro his clients that included virulent ant-Kennedy polemics ..Norden " Playboy".......A New York "States-Item" May 5/67.reported that "Banister...is believed to have worked in co-operation with a U.S military intelligence office here", "and Garrison's office has developed evidence that it was the office of Naval Intelligence"..

    ""That would explain why Banister was never questioned, let alone investigated by anyone , FBI,CIA, or the Warren Commission...If one wishes to hide where the bodies are buried, one hardly summons, one of the grave keepers for interrogation."".P.Flammonde...

    Guy Banister died of a heart attack, coronary thrombosis on June 6, in 1964..Hugh Ward died in an air plane crash he was piloting for a former Mayor of N.Os, Delesseps Morrison it crashed mysteriously in Mexico on May.23 1965..Morrison has previously introduced Clay Shaw to the President in Washington....

    There is a huge amount of information available on Banister and all that went down in N.Os and his connections, and if interested in following through some books that are available as well as many more...

    See " The Fish is Red" Hinkle & Turner, "Deadly Secrets" Hinkle & Turner...... Di Eugenio's "Destiny Betrayed"........

    Abive info from..pps....775 to 781 Flammonde's "Assassination of America"..

    Also see : Banister W Guy



    Guy Banister -- Former FBI Agent and Naval Intelligence Operative. Also a Member of the Minutemen, the John Birch Society, the Louisiana Committee on Un-American Activities, and Publisher of the Racist Louisiana Intelligence Digest. Banister also helped organize various anti-Castro groups in the New Orleans area: Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front; Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean; and Friends of Democratic Cuba.

    The following text is excerpted from the book, Crossfire by Jim Marrs:

    On the afternoon of November 22, 1963, two men sat drinking in the Katzenjammer Bar, located in New Orleans next door to 544 Camp Street, where a puzzling parade of anti-Castro Cubans and intelligence agents -- including Lee Harvey Oswald -- were seen the previous summer. (see The Patsy)

    One of the men was Guy Banister, the former FBI man who was running a private-investigation firm with intelligence connections out of an office at 544 Camp Street. The other man was one of his investigators, Jack Martin.

    According to a police report prepared that day, the two men returned to Banister's office where an argument erupted. Banister, his irritability inflamed by alcohol, accused Martin of stealing files whereupon Martin reminded Banister that he had not forgotten some of the people he had seen in Banister's office that summer. Banister then beat Martin over the head with a heavy .357 magnum pistol.

    In the heat of the moment, Martin screamed out: "What are you going to do -- kill me, like you all did Kennedy?"

    A police ambulance was called and carried the bloodied Martin to Charity Hospital.

    An angered Martin soon whispered to friends that Banister had often been in the company of a man named David Ferrie, whom Martin claimed drove to Texas the day of Kennedy's assassination to serve as a getaway pilot for the assassins. He hinted at even darker associations.

    Martin's words soon reached the ears of New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison, who quickly arrested Ferrie and began an investigation into the JFK assassination that eventually turned into a worldwide cause celebre.

    Because of the Garrison investigation much new assassination information became known and the assassination was addressed for the first time in a courtroom -- even though the defendant was finally acquitted.

    Garrison claimed that the entire weight of the federal government was moved to block and ridicule his investigation, and indeed there were many strange aspects to this entire episode, including an attack by some in the national media before Garrison even had a chance to present his case....

    After hearing the remarks of Jack Martin, Garrison moved quickly enough.. Over the assassination weekend, New Orleans lawmen vainly sought David Ferrie. On Monday, November 25, Ferrie turned himself in.


    "The thing I am concerned about, and so is [Deputy Attorney General Nicholas] Katzenbach, is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin." --FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, speaking on the telephone to Johnson aide Walter Jenkins two hours after Oswald was murdered by Jack Ruby, HSCA Report, vol. III, pp. 471-73. (The Warren Commission -- charged with determining the truth in the JFK assassination -- relied upon Hoover's FBI as its primary investigative arm.)......

    Lawrence J.Howard Jr. & Loran Eugene Hall

    On Sept.25th 1963, a visit was made by three men to the apartment of Silvia Odio a 26 year old , American educated Cuban exile living in Dallas who in 1963, was active in Manolo Ray's JURE ( Junta Revolucionaria ) the most Liberal of the Castro exile groups, she testified to the W/C that they told her they had just come from New Orleans..and were leaving " for a trip "..The delivered to her some intimate information about her Father ,then held by the Castro Government on the Isle of Pines...the information was of such that it could have only come from the "underground" or CIA sources....and they requested her help in anti-Castro activities.

    Two of the men appeared to be Latins , though one perhaps Mexican , and they called themselves by dramatic "War names" of Leopoldo, and Angelo..the third an American, that was introduced as Leon Oswald..later identified as a former Marine and a crack shot...Leopoldo told Mrs. Odio, that " our idea is to introduce him to the underground in Cuba, because he is great , he is kind of a nut..He has told us we don't have any guts .........Because President Kennedy should have been assassinated after the Bay of Pigs , because he was the one that was holding up the freedom of Cuba.That he was the one that was in the way." ."It's so easy to do" he told us afterwards, she said..When Silvia saw LHO on T.V the day of the President's assassination both she and her sister Annie, who had seen the men, and had been present at the meeting.....recognized him as "Leon Oswald ".....and was so traumatized that she collapsed...but after she recovered she did not notify the authorities, not the police, FBI ,or the Secret Service... fearing, that the Cuban exiles would be blamed for the assassination..CE 3147.....A friend who heard of the encounter informed the authorities on Nov.28th 63...

    When shown photographs by the W/C on July 22, 64.......of Oswald she was asked if she had any doubts.."after looking after the pictures that the man in your apartment was Lee Harvey Oswald ?"......she replied " I have no doubts "....

    The problem was that LHO on Sep. 26/63.....could not have been the man.because it was established that between 6.AM & 2.PM on that day, he had crossed the Mexican border on a bus....north to south......

    Other contradictions were that it could not have been Oswald, as he did not have a car, could not drive..nor could it have occurred the day before, because he had been in New Orleans, that day.....The only way that he possibly could have was to fly, but upon investigation, it was found that he had not..so if Leon was not LHO, who was he...??

    Could there have been an impersonator implicating him in advance of the assassination ?...Garrison thought so....( see Harvey & Lee by John Armstromg )......

    The FBI was requested by the W/C to investigate, and attempt to locate and identify the two men, she thought were with Oswald.......and on Sept..16/64, they located Loren Hall, in Johnsondale, Cal..he stated yes he was with Lawrence Howard a Mexican American from East Los Angeles, and one William Seymour from Arizona..and that he Seymour was similar in appearance to Oswald...and that he spoke only a few words of Spanish as Mrs Odio had testified ..

    The FBI investigation had not been completed at that time, but the report was to the press....and the W/C affirmed LHO was not in the Odio apartment...in Sept.63..

    Note: a shadowy figure Loran Hall....( aka Hall, Lorenzo, Pascillio, Lorenzo, "Skip".Physical description at the time, Mexican 6' , 40 to 45 years old, and according to the FBI a "Loud mouth"....Benson, "Who's Who"..

    ....Former Life reporter Richard Billings revealed in his 5 part examination of the Garrison investigation.in the Chicago Daily News

    " An FBI report dated Nov. 23/63 .....tells of an informant who advised that in Sept. Loren Hall had redeemed a 30.06 rifle from a pawn shop in Los Angeles...."......What the Bureau concluded is astounding .The report reads " " No further investigation was conducted, as it is obvious that the rifle mentioned above was not used in connection with the assassination of President Kennedy"....

    Aridly, he appends, "the day after the assassination was a trifle early for the FBI to be making decisions like that"........

    The HSCA found Silvia Odio's information believable , that " Mrs. Odio checked out thoroughly ...the evidence is unanimously favourable.....( she) is the most significant witness linking Oswald to the anti-Castro Cubans "...While the Commission evidence was far from conclusive, Jim Garrison believed at that juncture that it was not improbable that William Seymour may have been deliberately impersonating LHO....in order to enmesh him in a pot to assassinate the President..These connections was strongly supported by the countess contacts he uncovered between Oswald and and the anti-Castro factions in New Orleans....and Dallas....one centering on the elusive careers of Guy Banister and Hugh Ward there...

    On Dec.29/67 Garrison issued a subpoena for each..Howard & Hall...

    Hall in Kernville and Howard in El Monte both in Cal..and another for the new character Thomas Beckham whom Garrison suspected knew Ferrie......

    Howard asserted he was in Los Angeles on Nov.22.63...appearing in the L.A court on Jan 16/68......to a show cause order, and protested that returning to N.O would impose hardships on him..

    On Jan,24 in Bakersfield Cal.Superior Court Judge P.R Burton rejected the New Orleans request,,.that Hall be returned to that city to testify..

    Howard overcame his reluctance to testify and at the end of Feb....travelled to see Garrison..

    Meanwhile Hall , by the same Judge P.R.Borton who had accepted Hall's denial of knowledge of events pertaining to the Garrison probe, followed suit and rejected the D.As request.

    But then followed the same pattern as his associate Howard, and announced in May 68, that his "memory had been jogged"........

    After both men conferred ...with critic Harold Weisberg, both men met with Garrison.for lengthy interviews much of which has never been released...after these interviews Jim Garrison released both men, Hall left the militant plotters unnamed , although he conceded that he had given full details to the N.O district attorney....He conceded that he had been able to identify a half a dozen of the photographs shown him by Garrison as being persons now living in Cal..

    However, if neither Hall, Howard nor Seymour ever went to see Mrs. Odio then who did ?, all denied the allegations vehemently of doing so, or with anyone else...........and more to the point, who then was Leon..?.

    Of more importance was Hall's statements....

    "there are absolutely no doubts in my mind but that ( Edgar Eugene Bradley remembered me right from the beginning ......I did not remember him (at first.)......then I recalled having met him ......( at a) house that was noted for their anti Semitic and paramilitary feelings and thinkings:..."

    "I am positive in my mind from the calls and stuff I have received from him that he has remembered me right from the beginning." In response to :" You are saying that Bradley is a CIA man ?".....Hall replied ." In my mind."....

    "The assassination of President Kennedy .........was precipitated by the Fascists and rightist anarchists and the CIA they are one and the same," he asserted.."I firmly believe that the rightist anarchists and the CIA can take over out country right now and it would be a Fascist state except for two things. They would first have to demolish and destroy the conservative movement by the radical right.....They would have to destroy organizations such as the John Birch Society ....(and) the other thing that is in their way is......Jim Garrison".....

    Suddenly and unexpectedly, in Sep.1,68.....issue of "The Enquirer" .which though it was not one of the foremost literary papers in the nation, ...was one of the very few that carried full stories on the New Orleans Enquiry.....

    Hall wrote.." I turned down a $50,000 offer to kill President John F. Kennedy , only five weeks before he was shot dead in Dallas, Texas.."..

    The militant anti-Castroite said the proposal came as a result of his trying to raise money for arms, ammunition and supplies of his guerrilla raids on Cuba......much of which was supplied by the CIA.radical rightists and ex-military officers.." who had their taste of glory"and they now believed that only the elite can rue the nation".....a familiar theme to Americans....

    "I'd heard the killing of Kennedy discussed many times, at meetings held by the paramilitary fanatics,"....recalled Hall......

    "They drew up a kill list. Martin Luther King, was on it.King was beginning to get things accomplished for the black people.......Bobby Kennedy was on the kill list. If they hated anyone more than John Kennedy it was Bobby...they figured..he was even more dangerous ( and).......would be even a stronger opposition to their plans for power."......



    How It Began

    The conspiracy to assassinate John Kennedy began in a series of discussions held in New Orleans in the summer of 1963. The men in the discussions were extremely angry that Kennedy had stopped plans and preparations for another invasion of Cuba (scheduled for the latter part of 1963.) One of the instigators was David Ferrie, a CIA contract agent who had been training pilots in Guatemala for the invasion. Meetings held in Ferrie's apartment in New Orleans were attended by Clay Shaw, William Seymour and several Cubans. Plans for assassinating President Kennedy developed out of those early meetings. Others whose support was sought by the group included Guy Banister, Major L. M. Bloomfield, Loran Hall, Lawrence Howard, Sergio Arcacha Smith and Carlos Prio Socarras.


    D110. Lawrence Howard, Jr. Documents and Transcript of Interview by Jim Garrison, William Boxley, Louis Ivon, and Steve Burton, Feb. 1968. (from AMKW files) RIF1801007610015. N/A.

    Sylvia Odio vs. Liebeler & the La Fontaines

    By Jim DiEugenio


    Some Books......

    DiEugenio,J. Destiny Betrayed. 1992 (346)

    DiEugenio,J. Pease,L. The Assassinations. 2003 (210)

    Duffy,J.. Ricci,V. The Assassination of John F. Kennedy. 1992 (337-8)

    LaFontaine,R.& M. Oswald Talked. 1996 (245)

    Morrow,R. First Hand Knowledge. 1992 (295)

    Newman,J. Oswald and the CIA. 1995 (349)

    Russell,D. The Man Who Knew Too Much. 1992 (331, 480-2)

    Scott,P.D... The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond. 1976 (103, 115)

    The Road to Dallas ....David Kaiser


    Lewallen :James ( Jim ) Ronald

    He was 38 years old, born in Clevland,Ohio.He worked as a Quality inspector for the Bowing Company...at the Michoud Saturn Rocket plant....He once was the roomate of David Ferrie, in Kenner. His attorney was George Piazza 11.....did concede that like many other people in New Orleans he did know David Ferrie..but did not know why the District Attorney, wanted to question him........When asked if he had been questioned by the W/C , Piazza stated "Not that I know of"....

    Lewallen was a licensed ( former Air Force Pilot )...had been with Boeing in the Michoud plant since 1964, except being farmed out once to the Mississippi Test Facility in Hancock County..Miss.

    He reportedly possessed security clearance, his assignment within was said to be checking out ground support equipment for the test firing of the Saturn V booster.....

    He was rated by a supervisor as having " a relatively good background in aircraft repair"..and regarded as mild mannered..A friend of his told reporters that Lewallen was shocked at being subpoenaed as he felt he had been cooperating behind the scenes for some time.

    The D.As office had little to say, except that he had declined to take a lie-dtector test.....Though Ferrie had told them, if they wanted to know more about him to ask Jim Lewallen.

    Snip from "On the Trail of the Assassin's.."......Jim Garrison

    One other lead about Ferrie yielded some provocative information. Ferrie, once a pilot for Eastern Airlines, had been investigated by a private detective agency. I obtained a copy of its report. The investigators had maintained a stakeout near his residence and found that Ferrie was visited frequently by a man named Dante Marachini.

    A simple check of the phone book revealed that Dante Marachini resided at 1309 Dauphine Street. This was extremely interesting to me because right next door was the home of Clay Shaw. I wondered who else might be living next door to Shaw. Reaching for the red book (which lists individuals by address) I found that also living at 1309 Dauphine Street was a man named James Lewallen. I recalled from earlier research that James Lewallen had once shared an apartment with David Ferrie in the vicinity of Kenner, a New Orleans suburb.

    Now I found myself looking at two unfamiliar names, Marachini and Lewallen, both of whom had in the past been associated with Ferrie and both of whom now lived next door to Clay Shaw. That was something to think about.

    Some time later, I came across the name of Dante Marachini again. I had wanted to talk to individuals at the Reily Coffee Company who had worked with Lee Oswald or at a level immediately above him, so I sent Frank Klein over to the company to get their names and respective positions.

    He returned rather quickly. "They're all gone," he said. "Anyone who ever had any connection with Lee Oswald left the Reily Company within a few weeks after Oswald did." He laid a sheet of paper in front of me. "Here are the names and the new jobs."


    Paese Sera on CMC/Permindex

    March 4, 1967

    (Front page)

    Sensational revelations on the mysterious past in Italy of the

    entrepreneur prosecuted by Garrison in New Orleans



    He was a member of the board of directors of the Centro Mondiale

    Commerciale, an institution, with head office in EUR-Rome, that for

    four years has undertaken a series of pseudo-commercial initiatives –

    Among its chief executives were former officers of the American

    espionage who financed the far right-movements in our country and in



    Clay Shaw, the New Orleans businessman that district attorney Garrison

    has had arrested under the accusation of having participated to a

    conspiracy to kill president Kennedy, was a member of the board of

    directors of CMC, Centro Mondiale Commerciale, that from 1961 to 1965

    was actively engaged in Rome, in its head office in EUR-Rome, in an

    obscure pseudo-commercial activity. Among the members of the board

    and the chief executives of CMC were also ex-major Bloomfield – who,

    during the war, was an espionage officer in Europe – and Ferenc Nagy,

    a former Hungarian, escaped to America and president of the

    mother-house of CMC, Permindex. His name was cited in France as that

    of the top financier of the neofascist movement of Soustelle and of

    various other European right-wing extremist organizations. All these

    connections make very likely the conclusion that CMC (reborn in Rome

    with the name Italo American Hotel Corporation, more focused on

    business activities) was a cover institution set up by the CIA, the

    American espionage agency, in order to be able to transfer in Italy

    the necessary funds to finance illegal activities of political


    The presence of Clay Shaw among its directors rises disquieting




    CMC, dissolved after four years of mysterious activities, was reborn

    in Rome – with a more specific focus on business – and was called

    Italo American Hotel Corporation – Between one deal and the other

    (Hotel du Lac, Capocotta, Villa Ada) there is room for more activities

    – Did Faruk Chourbagi pay 200 millions to CMC right before having been


    (p. 11)

    Clay Shaw, the man that district attorney Garrison has had

    arrested under the accusation of having concocted with David Ferrie,

    in New Orleans, the assassination of president Kennedy, was actively

    involved in pseudo-commercial businesses in Europe. And more

    precisely in Rome, as a member of the Board of Directors of CMC,

    Centro Mondiale Commerciale, with head office in EUR-Rome. His name

    appeared in the newspapers for the first time on February 14, 1962,

    when "Paese Sera" reported on the financial misfortunes of CMC, that

    is, on the eviction for missed rent payments of the company's head

    office in EUR, rented for more than 100 million liras a year.

    Obviously, at that time the name Shaw did not have any particular

    meaning. His recent mishap and the mysterious role CMC played for

    years make it possible, now, to establish connections that are at

    least strange, opening perspectives of investigation that are even


    As you might remember, Centro Mondiale Commerciale, a smoky

    international commercial organization, the purpose of which was to

    transform EUR in a permanent exhibition and to foster who-knows-what

    big trades[sic]. The personnel of the Rome offices and the equipment

    cost an average of 150 millions a year. The offices had three hundred

    between intercoms and telephones. In sum, a grandiose set-up, that

    presupposed conspicuous gross earnings, such to alarm several Italian

    commercial companies.

    In the Board of Directors were some prestigious Italian names,

    such as the member of the Parliament, the Christian Democratic Mario

    Ceravolo, and the then member of the Parliament, the Social Democratic

    Corrado Bonfantini. The third Italian was Carlo D'Amelio, lawyer and

    administrator of the assets of the former Italian royal house, who was

    nominated president of CMC. The other members of the Board were

    foreigners: the Swiss minister Ernest Feisat; the Swiss professor Max

    Hagemann, editor and owner of the paper "National Zeitung"; Hans

    Seligman Schurch, banker from Basel; Dr. Edgar Salin, professor at the

    University of Basel, chairman of the Business Department; Clay Shaw,

    delegated member of the board of International Trade Mart in New

    Orleans; Ferenc Nagy, former president of the Hungarian council and

    former leader of the Farmers's Party, residing in the United States on

    a continued basis and president of PERMINDEX (the mother house of CMC)

    doctor Enrico Mantello, brother of Giorgio Mantello (alias George

    Mandel, of Hungarian origins, emigrated to Swizerland, where he

    conducted intense and unclear financial and speculative activities,

    especially in the real estate sector.) The last member of the board

    of CMC was prince Gutierez of Spadafora, from Palermo, great agrarian

    and industrial manager, related, by way of his sister-in-law, to

    Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler's "finance wizard."

    The activity of Permindex (the mother house of CMC) in

    Switzerland had raised many criticisms. In August 1961, "AZ", a

    newspaper of Basel, wrote in a reportage dedicated to the directors of

    he company and to the people that gravitated around it: "In many

    articles we have righteously talked of the criminal activity of Mr.

    Nagy and of Mr. Mantello." There is no evidence that the two so

    contemptuously cited individuals have brought any actions against "AZ"

    for slander.

    Mantello's personality has many shadows. It is known that,

    within CMC he represented himself and other six shareholders, among

    which – owning half of the shares – was the American former major L.

    M. Bloomfield, currently a banker in Montreal. During the war

    Bloomfield was an officer in OSS, the espionage service (later

    transformed into the CIA.) He was, and still is, an intimate friend

    of the sole administrator of CMC, Paul Jean de Dongo, born in

    Budapest. Ferenc Nagy: president of PERMINDEX and member of the board

    of CMC, the French press indicated him as a munificent sponsor of the

    neofascist movement of Soustelle and of the extreme right-wing

    movements in all Europe and also in Italy.

    Another fact that might help understanding some things on the

    personalities gravitating around CMC, is the presence in it of a

    certain H. Simonfay, an Hungarian refugee, director of BO-DA, an

    agency of provocative information to and from the socialist countries,

    director in Italy of ACEN (specialized in hostile activities against

    the socialist countries,) that was entrusted with an important "public

    relations" task on behalf of the company from which it received a

    secret funding of half a million liras a month. Apparently, also

    Giuseppe Zigiotti, president of the fascist Associazione Nazionale

    Arma Milizia, was connected to CMC.

    In substance, the activities of CMC seemed mysterious, to say

    the least, and, among the current rumors – which are supported by the

    presence in directive positions of man deeply involved with the

    European extreme right-wing organizations – was the one that indicated

    in the Centro a creature of the CIA (the American espionage body,)

    established to cover the transferring of CIA-FBI funds in Italy for

    illegal political and espionage activities. In this framework, it

    remains to be clarified why Clay Shaw and former major Bloomfield were

    in the board of directors of CMC.

    Founded in 1961, CMC was later dissolved and was reborn, with

    some of the same protagonists (Giorgio Mantello, alias George Mandel

    in front raw,) as Italo American Hotel Corporation, with head offices

    in EUR. Mantello's corporation had the appearance of being mainly

    involved with profitable land and real estate speculations. It

    sponsored, with Hilton, the construction of the Hotel au Lac, in EUR,

    which raised harsh criticism and, for a brief period of time, was

    interrupted and was completed later on. Mantello, with attorney Carlo

    d'Amelio, is deeply involved in other speculative enterprises, such as

    the division into lots of Capocotta and the attempted dismemberment of

    Villa Ada. "Paese Sera" was the first one to report on this,

    generating wide reactions in the press. As a consequence, the planned

    transformation of the gigantic park of the heirs of the House of Savoy

    into a large and luxurious residential and hotel complex, financed by

    American, Swiss, and German capitals, was postponed to better times.

    The vicissitudes of CMC, on which the authorities should

    thoroughly investigate, have been extremely tumultuous. In less than

    five years of activity, the president or the directors, the more or

    less fictitious top offices of the company, changed ten times.

    However, the men behind this cover name are always the same. And to

    CMC or to its "reincarnation," the Italo American Hotel Corporation,

    are linked names that have recently come on to the scene of crime

    news, due to a great number of rumors and reports that, originating

    from the CMC itself and from men who, in the past, have lead their

    activities under the cover of the mysterious organization, expand the

    horizons of the suppositions and suspects in absolutely clamorous


    One of these rumors pertained Faruk Churbagi, the young

    Lebanese-Egyptian industrialist killed in Rome in circumstances so

    obscure that not even the verdict of the courts has been able to

    clarify them. Within CMC are rumors that, right before being killed,

    the young man paid 200 million liras as a share in the activities of

    the Center itself, among which was, and still is, the hotel sector.

    It is pure coincidence, of course, that there is evidence that the

    young man' uncle, Munir Mohamed Churbagi, is president of the board of

    directors of INVESTUR (INVEStimenti Immobiliari e TURismo alberghiero

    [Real Estate Investments and Hotel Tourism]), with head office in

    Latina, via Lunga Podere 175; nominal capital: 100 million liras. The

    company was formed on July 9, 1962, with a paid-up capital of 1

    million, increased to 50 millions in September of that same year, and

    to 100 millions in November.

    Finally, we must report that an even more groundless rumor

    indicates, among the people connected (through commercial activities

    or personal friendships) to the Center, Christa Wanninger, the German

    woman stabbed to death in front of the apartment of a friend of hers,

    near via Veneto. Nothing concerning her death could be clarified,

    except for the fact that she was dead. As you might remember, it was

    ascertained that Wanninger used to keep company, in Switzerland and

    elsewhere, with mature German and Swiss industrialists and financiers.

    It is believed that her murder was caused by the fact that she knew

    too many secrets of the world of high finance and, maybe, of politics.

    Certainly a groundless rumor, at least on the surface. But many

    things that pertain CMC and its activity are not less groundless and,

    yet, they are concretely true.

    END / 1967



    After [Clay] Shaw's arrest, Jim Garrison received from Ralph Schoenman, philosopher Bertrand Russell's secretary in London, copies of a series of articles published in an Italian newspaper of the independent left called Paesa Sera. The articles had been assigned six months earlier to expose the CIA's pernicious attempt to influence European electoral politics and to thwart the democratic process in more than one country. They focused on 'Centro Mondiale Commerciale,' the world trade center in Rome, as a CIA front, one modeled, according to a 1958 State Department document, on the original CIA-created International Trade Mart in New Orleans. Paese Sera, of course, did not possess this document. Its evidence came first hand.

    Contro Mondiale Commerciale was, by the US government's own admission, a CIA front, channeling money not only into legal political parties, but also into right-wing movements. Among them was the virulent paramilitary OAS (Organisation Armée Secrète) in France, which employed terrorism to oppose the independence of Algeria, and was among the 'most notorious fascist organizations in French history.' In New Orleans, Guy Banister and L.P. Davis had been OAS supporters.

    The most notorious OAS-sponsored effort was the attempted assassination of Charles de Gaulle in 1962. Banister operative Tommy Baumler remarked that 'those who killed John F. Kennedy were those who wanted to kill de Gaulle.' He was referring to the CIA, Clay Shaw, Banister, and Centro's parent organization, PERMINDEX (Permanent Industrial Exhibition), based in Switzerland.

    Having been accused of 'shady speculation' by the Swiss, PERMINDEX had created the Centro Mondiale Commerciale in Rome, ostensibly to develop industry and trade in Italy. The Centro, however, was a trade association that rarely if ever organized an exhibit; it facilitated no commercial transactions.

    CIA had, in fact, founded PERMINDEX to organize its political policymaking. In Italy, this had meant opposition to a coalition of socialists and communists that would have resulted in a majority government. The CIA preferred the Christian Democratic Party and so CIA Counter Intelligence chief James Angleton filtered ten million dollars of CIA money to the Christian Democrats. In Les Echos newspaper, de Gaulle named PERMINDEX as having been involved in the attempt on his life. The French, no less than the Italians, considered PERMINDEX a 'subsidiary of the CIA.' Paese Sera would call PERMINDEX ' a creature of the CIA...set up as a cover for the transfer of CIA funds in Italy for illegal political espionage activities.'

    In the ranks of PERMINDEX were actual Nazis and neo-Nazis, terrorists and Mafia operatives. Typical was Prince Guterez di Spadafora, a former Mussolini undersecretary, whose son had married the daughter of Hitler's finance minister, Hjalmar Schact, tried for war crimes at Nuremberg. The leadership of PERMINDEX included a long-time asset of CIA Deputy Direct of Plans, Frank Wisner. His name was Ferenc Nagy, and he was the president of PERMINDEX. Nagy had been chairman of the Hungarian's 'People's Party' or 'Independent Party of Small Holders.' Briefly, in 1945, he had been prime minister of Hungary. But it was Nagy's CIA history that catapulted him to the leadership of PERMINDEX. Its general secretary, Bela Kovacs, was also a CIA asset. Kovacs had been arrested by the Soviet security police and charged with spying for 'a Western intelligence service.'

    Nagy had been on Frank Wisner's list of the individuals with whom his office would 'have dealings in connection with our authorized activities' since September 22, 1948. Wisner then had been Assistant Director of CIA as well as 'Assistant Director for Policy Coordination.' Nagy had been a 'cleared contact of the International Organizations Division of the Agency,' among Wisner's most trusted Eastern European contacts.

    Nagy's history with the CIA dates from its beginnings and links to PERMINDEX with the Agency's clandestine services. Confirming de Gaulle's thesis that PERMINDEX funded the OAS is that Nagy was a 'munificent contributer' to Jacques Soustelle, former professor at the École pratique des hautes études and former Algerian governor general. Soustelle became an OAS supporters, and his organization, Conseil national de la resistance, was all but identical to OAS. In 1960, Soustelle met in Washington, D.C., with Richard Bissell, then heading the CIA's clandestine services. A year later, Soustelle went into exile to avoid being arrested by de Gaulle's police. Two years after that he would be accused of colluding with OAS in the attempted assassination of de Gaulle. S Soustelle had openly 'advocated over throwing de Gualle,' while condoning OAS violence.

    In New Orleans, Delphine Roberts identified Nagy from his photograph as someone she had seen at Guy Banister's office.

    Nagy's partner in the leadership of PERMINDEX was Giorgio Mantello, aka George Mandel, who during World War II had traded in Jewish refugees, profiting handsomely from their misery from his perch at the consulate of El Salvador in Bern. It was Mandel who had been the official founder of PERMINDEX. CIA kept silent, but the State Department learned that, as 'Georges Mandel,' Mantello had been engaged in the 'wartime Jewish refugee racket' until he was expelled from Switzerland.

    Although Centro Mondiale Commerciale refused to reveal the origins of its vast income, the paper trail leads to a Miami bank, Astalde Vaduz, and to the CIA front 'Double-Chek.' CMC was connected as well to L.M. Bloomfield in Montreal, and to the Seligman banking family in Basel; Seligman banking in turn was allied with Sullivan and Cromwell, the law firm of CIA Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Dulles. 'My parents are very interested in PERMINDEX,' Peter Seligman-Schurch wrote to Clay Shaw.

    In Switzerland, PERMINDEX soon aroused 'widespread public suspicion.' Nagy and Seligman stonewalled the concerned American consulate in Bern after the Swiss complained they had 'insufficient confidence in the business integrity' of PERMINDEX.

    In the spring of 1958, Enrico Mantello, the vice president of PERMINDEX and brother of Giorgio, visited New Orleans. Touring the Trade Mart, he invited Clay Shaw to join the board of directors as a means of defusing the criticism of PERMINDEX; its critics by now included the State Department itself. Nagy appeared at the American Embassy in Rome to announce that he intended 'to strengthen US control in PERMINDEX by adding to its Board of Directors a Mr. Shaw, who is in charge of the New Orleans, Louisiana permanent exhibit.'

    Nagy claimed that Shaw 'had from the outset great interest in the PERMINDEX project,' and Shaw did use the term 'delighted' in his cable of acceptance. He made plans to visit Italy, then canceled. despite Mantello's urgings. When he added his PERMINDEX directorship to ' Who's Who in the South and the Southeast,' the Department of Commerce warned Shaw about 'this shadowy organization.' But, as in all his CIA assignments, grateful for the career CIA made of him, Clay Shaw honored his obligation.

    Internal evidence that PERMINDEX was a CIA front emerges in the fact that the CIA included PERMINDEX materials in its asset Clay Shaw's files, three years before as well as after the Kennedy assassination. One of these documents, dated March 16, 1967, reveals that at the time of his arrest Clay Shaw was working with Domestic Operations Division of the CIA's clandestine services. This was only a seeming contradiction since the CIA's operational component in New Orleans had resided under the umbrella of the Domestic Contact Division, at least since November 19, 1964, according to a CIA document on 'Garrison and the Kennedy Assassination,' MEMORANDUM No.8.

    'Most of us consider the CIA with abhorrence,' Shaw wrote in his Diary for the record, with his customary dark laughter.

    In 1962, Centro Mondiale Commerciale was expelled from Italy, ostensibly for financial malfeasance, and specious real estate dealings, but actually for subversion and illegal intelligence activity. 'Who was giving money to the CMC and what was it being used for?' Paesa Sera demanded. PERMINDEX relocated to a more compatible political venue, apartheid South Africa. Clay Shaw remained on its board, providing space at the Trade Mart for a permanent PERMINDEX display.

    The editors of Paese Sera were astonished when their March 1967 publication date for the series on PERMINDEX coincided with the arrest of Clay Shaw. They had been working on the series for months, former editor Giorgio Fanti says. Now they headlined Clay Shaw's involvement in PERMINDEX, with a subhead revealing that he had been arrested by Jim Garrison in New Orleans. Paese Sera noted that Shaw's name had first appeared in connection with the machinations of the organization. He had gone to Rome 'during the time preceding the disbanding of the CMC,' Shaw admitted to a Paesa Sera interviewer. Paesa Sera wondered, too, about Shaw's leaving the United States two days after the assassination, remaining abroad for two years with only intermittent visits to America.

    Shaw affected his customary disdain. He had agreed to be on the PEMINDEX board, he claimed, because 'a young Italian came to see me in New Orleans and told me about a world trade center that was being planned in Rome.' He also told the Paese Sera interviewer that he 'accepted the position in exchange for two New Orleans-Rome air tickets.' Even his closest friends were appalled. 'There must have been blackmail - they're very famous for that, the CIA,' Patricia Chandler says.

    Jim Garrison had charged that the CIA had plotted the assassination of John F. Kennedy, for which they were aided and abetted in New Orleans by their operative, Clay Shaw. Thirty-five years later, a series of attacks on Paese Sera began to appear, accompanied by an excoriation of Jim Garrison. Among the publications sanctioning these attacks was the CIA's own web site, 'Studies in Intelligence.' Journalist Max Holland repeated in a series of magazine articles the erroneous thesis that the only reason that Paese Sera believed that the CIA was behind PERMINDEX was that the newspaper was the victim of KGB disinformation. Jim Garrison, therefore, had connected the CIA to the Kennedy assassination and to Shaw only owing to a KGB lie.

    Rather, Garrison's attribution of the planning of the assassination to the CIA was based on his discovery of the CIA connections of Lee Harvey Oswald, and not those of Clay Shaw, an inconvenient detail Holland omits. The truth is that Garrison had focused on the CIA in December 1966 and January 1967, well before the March publication of the Paese Sera articles.

    A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK's Assassination, and the Case that Should Have Changed History. by Joan Mellen. Pgs. 136-140.


    FBI..telex..Walter-Garrison..warning assn

    ON THE TRAIL OF THE ASSASSINS lists several critical evidence issues seemingly obstructed by the Warren Commission and later congressional committees in the House and Senate.

    While attorney and author Mark Lane was researching his book Citizen's Dissent, he broke a major story involving prior knowledge of the assassination, according to New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison.

    "...he [Lane] happened to meet a former FBI employee named William S. Walter. During their conversation Walter mentioned that on Novermber 17, 1963—five days before the assassination—he had been the night clerk on duty at the Bureau's New Orleans office when a warning about a possible presidential assassination attempt came chattering through on the teletype machine. Walter immediately called five agents and considered his work done."

    According to Garrison, "In 1976, Walter gave a copy of the text of the FBI telex to the Senate Intelligence Committee chaired by Senator Richard Schweiker of Pennsylvania. After the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was passed Lane also obtained a copy of the warning telex and made it available to me. This is what it said:

    "URGENT: 1:45 AM EST 11-17-63 HLF 1 PAGE




    "...when the assassination occurred, he [Walter] was eating lunch but immediately ran back to the New Orleans Bureau office. In the file he found the warning telex along with a duplicate which had soon followed it. At the time he copied the exact phraseology of the telex warning and kept it. Shortly afterwards he checked the file again to see if the warning was still there. It had been removed."

    "The telex had been most explicit, naming both a place and dates for the attempt to assassinate the President. It was addressed to all special agents in charge, which meant every on the country, including Dallas. And yet the FBI did nothing. There is no record that it notified anyone—not even the Secret Service, which as the President's bodyguard should have been informed immediately....nearly five years had passed since the assassination. But in that time none of the five agents Walter had called that morning of November 17 ever hinted to the American people or to the Warren Commission that the FBI had received a specific warning about the assassination five days before it occurred."


    Marty Underwood, Democratic National Committee advance man for the Dallas trip, told this correspondent that he was hearing all sorts of assassination rumors just 18 hours prior to the actual shooting. Underwood said that he conveyed this information to JFK, who told him not to worry. Former agent Kinney further stated that there was an assassination threat in Florida on November 18, 1963. Former agent Bouck said that he too was aware of the active pre-Dallas threats. ...V.Palamara....

    Larry King Interview With Jim Garrison

    Aired on Sat.3/14/68, in News Weekend, 6.00-6.30.pm


    HSCA Report Threats : Secret Service



    "The question is whether Lee Harvey Oswald killed the President alone and unaided; if the evidence doesn't support that conclusion -- and it doesn't -- a thousand (honorable) men sitting shoulder to shoulder along the Potomac won't change the facts.."

    -- JIM GARRISON; 1988

    HSCA Segregated CIA Collection




    The CIA Thought That Garrison Would Win.....

    Below is a copy of a CIA Memo...

    It relates that a Garrison Group had been formed ....See heading..

    It appears to be from their first meeting...it is dated Sep.20/67......

    It states that a senior aide to Counterintelligence Chief James Angleton...

    ..... " Rocca felt that Garrison would indeed obtain a conviction of Shaw for conspiring to assassinate President Kenedy...."....


    "The Media, the CIA and the JFK Assassination"

    In the JFK case, we find many journalists were serving two masters - the press and the FBI or the CIA, depending on which journalist you are talking about. For example: Jack Anderson, famous for his 'breakthrough' investigative journalism, briefed the FBI after talking to Jim Garrison. He told the FBI Garrison had quite a case, and was quite serious in his efforts. [FBI document from 4-4-67, referenced in Unreliable Sources] But what did Anderson tell the American public? That it looked like the president had been killed in what might have been a Communist plot!

    During the Garrison investigation, worried about public opinion, the CIA sent out this operational memorandum instructing media assets how to respond to critics of the Warren Commission's lone assassin verdict. Instructions include trying to associate critics with Communists, and trying to insinuate that the critics are only in it for money (neither of which has any bearing on reality, if my own experiences are worth anything!)

    Leading the charge against Jim Garrison, District Attorney for New Orleans in Louisiana, when he attempted to prosecute Clay Shaw along with others on the charge of conspiracy to assassination President Kennedy, was Saturday Evening Post writer James Phel an. Like Priscilla, Phelan proved to be serving two masters. While ostensibly working as a journalist, Phelan was also informing to the FBI on Garrison's case, sending them copies of documents from Garrison's case files. Here are a couple of FBI documents on Jim Phelan:

    Jim Phelan FBI documents

    and see.....


    "The CIA's Interest in Garrison's Case"

    Once Garrison started looking into the case, people affiliated with the CIA kept popping up over and over. Garrison came to believe the CIA had direct involvement in the assassination. Garrison's interest in the CIA was returned in kind. This file from the Assassination Archives in Washington demonstrates the CIA's keen interest not just in the defendent Clay Shaw, who had covert security clearance to operate with the CIA, but in a man solely called to testify about the impossibility of the "single bullet theory".

    That Counterintelligence Director for the CIA Jim Angleton would find it necessary not only to spy but to work with Hoover's FBI in an attempt to dig up dirt on this innocent man's background is key to understanding the nature of (and perhaps reason for) the CIA's intense interest in wrecking Garrison's case.

    Angleton Spying on Garrison's Witness


    "Media Distortions"

    When JFK was assassinated, Dan Rather was a small town TV newscaster in Texas. It was he who, immediately after viewing the Zapruder film, reported to all America that John Kennedy's head was "rocketed forward" by the head shot.

    The Zapruder film then vanished into TIME/Life's vaults, never to be publicly seen until the Jim Garrison trial subpoenaed it, and Dan Rather leapt to network status.



    ""An example of particularly shabby scholarship and unacceptable

    behavior is George Lardner Jr's contribution to the Post's campaign

    against the movie. Lardner wrote three articles, two before the movie

    was completed, and the third upon its release. In May, six months

    before the movie came out, Lardner obtained a copy of the first draft

    of the script and, contrary to accepted standards, revealed in the

    Post the contents of this copyrighted movie (*68). Also in this

    article, (*69). Lardner discredits Jim Garrison with hostile

    statements from a former Garrison associate Pershing Gervais. Lardner

    does not tell the reader that subsequent to the Clay Shaw trial, in a

    U.S. Government criminal action brought against Garrison, Government

    witness Gervais, who helped set up Garrison for prosecution, admitted

    under oath that in a May 1972 interview with a New Orleans television

    reporter, he, Gervais, had said that the U.S. Government's case

    against Garrison was a fraud (*70). The Post's 1973 account of the

    Garrison acquittal mentions this controversy, but when I recently

    asked Lardner about this, he was not clear as to whether he remembered

    it (*71).""


    ""I only wish the press would allow our case to stand or fall on its merits in court. It appears that certain elements of the mass media have an active interest in preventing this case from ever coming to trial at all and find it necessary to employ against me every smear device in the book. ""...Jim Garrison

    Jim Garrison, whether we agree with all or not, was the only official within the Unites States to ever

    bring anyone, to trial for being involved in the Assassination of President John F.Kennedy..

    The man named Clay Shaw, alias Clay Bertram, upon information found in documents that were later released,

    was also proven to have been a C.I.A. employee....

    Had this information been allowed, as it should have been at the trial....Jim Garrison

    would have had a conviction, as it was the proof, that connected, Clay Bertram,

    to the assassination dealings....Clay Shaw was Clay Bertram....


    Clay Shaw Trial Transcripts


    WWL-TV Reporter Bob Jones and News Director Bill Reed discuss the 1967 trial of Clay Shaw.



    By Jim Garrison

    A MAN WHO CARES too much for the human race may find himself living in a hostile environment. His humanity may not regarded as dangerous so long as his voice cannot be heard by too many people, but if he is eloquent, or in a position to affect the affairs of the nation, then his humanity will be regarded by some men as a great threat.

    AFTER THE UNITED STATES ascended to the position of the most powerful military nation in history, in the midst of its accumulation of the most effective death machinery of all time, there occured the accident election of a President who regarded the entire human race with compassion. By the time this happened, the cold war had become our major industry, and the Central Intelligence Agency had become the clandestine arm of our military-industrial complex and, in the process, (it had become) the most effective assassination machine in the world.

    JOHN KENNEDY'S EFFORTS to obtain a lasting peace represented the threat of civilian control reasserting itself over the military and industrial power structure which had developed during the years of the cold war. Shortly after twelve noon on November 22, 1963, Kennedy's hopes died by assassination.

    THE COUNTERTHRUST HAD taken less than six seconds. There was no risk the federal government would expose the truth about the President's murder, because agents of the federal government had participated in it. There was no risk of exposure from the national press, because, having been tossed a lone assassin and presented with an acceptable fable, the press would not go farther and try to digest the indigestable, to think the unthinkable and to question Brutus about the removal of Caesar.

    THE USE OF THE COUP D' ETAT - the murder of a leader by forces within his own government - is as old as the struggle of men for power. From modern intelligence agency techiques, however, there comes a new refinement. Through the employment of cover devices and the controlled disemination of information, the role of the government in assassinations can be effectively concealed.

    COUP D' ETAT GENERALLY have been accomplished by men powerful enough to be free from any fear of retribution. If they did not possess, at the outset, some manner of achieving control over the machinery of government, they would not have initiated the murder of a national leader. The people afterward may be free to make Caesar a god, as they did in Rome, but they must not be free to disturb the men who killed him.

    IN THE MEANTIME, the men who sponsored his removal can change the government's policies to suit their desires, leaving the citizens free to mourn and worship their dead leader.

    NO ONE WANTS TO RECOGNIZE that somewhere along the line America has ceased to be the home of the brave and the land of the free, and that only in after-dinner speeches, it is still the sweet land of liberty. No one wants to recognize that there are assassins at work in the land, systematically eliminating men who speak out for the human race and for the future. No one wants to admit that in America peace is dangerous business. Better to have the assassination accompanied by wafer-thin deceptions, eagerly accepted one after the other, than to have to face the truth.

    JUSTICE IS NOT SO blind that it pursues the most powerful forces in the country. Nor is the press so committed to truth that it wants the burden of knowledge of what is happening.

    AMERICA HAS BECOME A nation controlled by men who seeks ever-increasing power. Justice is whatever they want to happen. Truth is whatever they annouce has occured.

    AS THE PRESIDENT'S limousine turned right from Main Street onto Houston, gunman waited in Dealey Plaza. In other towns and cities men glanced at their watches and waited for the news bulletin. At the corner of Elm the car made a sharp left turn past the Texas School Book Depository. President Kennedy had ten seconds to live.

    "What kind of peace do we seek.... not a Pax-Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of of the grave, nor the security of the slave. Not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women, not merely peace in our time, but peace in all time.

    Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.

    Too many of us think that this is impossible, that war is inevitable, than mankind is doomed. That we are gripped by forces we cannot control. We need not accept that view, our problems are man made, therefore they can be solved by man, man's reason and spirit has oftened solved the seemingly unsolvable, and I believe they can do it again."

    SUDDENLY became mere words.

    OUR INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT BEGINS and ends with deception. Perceiving this deception is the key to understanding how the assassination of President Kennedy was accomplished. Understanding the motivation for his assassination is the key to understanding what has happened to America.




  8. John H. Davis, Frank Ragano, Dan Moldea, Philip Melanson, James Spada and Victor Marchetti are clearly wrong in their assessment of Jim Garrison. As J. Raymond Carroll rightly points out: “if Garrison wanted to keep attention away from Marcello, the last thing he would have done is draw attention to New Orleans, which had heretofore been largely ignored by Warren Commission critics”.

    These writers have got it the wrong way round. The role of people like Richard Billings, Bernardo de Torres, Gerry Hemming, Thomas Bethall, etc. was to direct Garrison away from the CIA towards Marcello and the Mafia. Garrison refused and so every effort was made to discredit him. This included a very successful campaign to persuade the public that Garrison was in the pay of Marcello.

    Garrison real problem was that he did not realize that after the CIA failure to get him to accept the Marcello story, their next strategy was to direct him towards Clay Shaw. Cleverly, they did use someone with links to the CIA. Garrison took the bait and as a result he was finally discredited by his poor case against him.

    Clay Shaw was a director of Permindex. This was the organization headed by British SOE Louis Mortimer Bloomfield. This was also the organization identified by French Intelligence in 1967 as being responsible for the assassination attempts against Charles DeGaulle in the early 1960's. Permindex was also linked to the murder of Italian industrialist Enrico Mattei.

    Garrison was right on target identifying Clay Shaw as being part of the conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy. The problem with his investigation came with interlopers like Lord Bertrand Russell (who despised President Kennedy) who got inside his investigation, as well as the dirty tricks carried out by former Kennedy Justice Department operative Walter Sheridan.



    The National Broadcasting Company became an active participant in the government's efforts to protect Clay Shaw and to ruin Jim Garrison.

    Two of NBC's high-level management people, Richard Townley of NBC's affiliate in New Orleans, WDSU, and Walter Sheridan, executive producer, became personally and directly involved in the Shaw trial. They were indicted by a grand jury in New Orleans for bribing witnesses, suppressing evidence and interfering with trial proceedings. NBC top-level management backed Sheridan and Townley.

    NBC produced a highly biased, provably dishonest program personally attacking Garrison and defending Shaw prior to the trial. Frank McGee, who acted as moderator, later had to publicly apologize for lies told on the program by two "witnesses" whom NBC paid to give statements against Garrison. The FCC ruled that NBC had to give Garrison equal time because the program was not a news program but a vendetta by NBC against Garrison. NBC did give Garrison 30 minutes (compared to their one-hour attack) to respond at a later date. Sheridan was the producer of the one-hour show.

    With Sheridan and Townley so deeply involved, and with such an extremely strong editorial position favoring the Justice Department, the Warren Commission, and the lone assassin stance, suspicions were raised about NBC's and RCA's independence.[7] At one point in 1967 the president of NBC, according to Walter Sheridan, helped in the bribery efforts by calling Mr. Gherlock, head of Equitable Life Insurance Company's New York office, and asked for assurance that Perry Russo, who worked for Equitable, would cooperate with NBC.

    NBC is also the owner of several important pieces of photographic evidence. A TV film taken by NBC photographer David Weigman was suppressed by NBC and not made available to researchers. It shows the grassy knoll in the background just a fraction of a minute after the shots. Some of the assassination participants can be seen on the knoll.

    Fortunately for researchers, NBC sold the Weigman film to the other networks and to the news film agencies before realizing its importance. The author was able to purchase a copy from Hearst Metrotone News.

    NBC's affiliate, WBAP in Fort Worth, has several important film sequences. James Darnell took several sequences on the grassy knoll and in the parking lot which should contain important evidence. Dan Owens took TV movies in and around the Depository building which should show how the snipers' nest was faked on the sixth floor, and one of the assassins in front of the building.

    Saturday Evening Post

    The position of the Saturday Evening Post solidified after the Garrison probe became public. It was based in large part on the reporting of one man, James Phelan. Phelan wrote a blistering article for the Post published on May 6, 1967. He attacked Garrison and Russo, and claimed that Russo's original statement to Assistant D.A. Andrew Sciambra differed from his later testimony. In view of the earlier editorial position of the Post when Lyron Land and his wife questioned the Warren Commission findings, the Phelan article came as somewhat of a surprise. In fact, the Post had taken a strong conspiracy stand when in 1967 it published a long article excerpted from Josiah Thompson's book, Six Seconds in Dallas, and featured it on the magazine's cover.

    The Garrison investigation, however, turned the Post around. Phelan became directly involved in the case, and in a sense was more of an accessory than Walter Sheridan or Richard Townley. He travelled to Louisiana from Texas, spent many hours with Perry Russo and other witnesses, and generally obfuscated the Shaw trial picture.

    Phelan joined the efforts to persuade Russo to desert Garrison and to help destroy Garrison and his case. According to a sworn Russo statement, Phelan visited his house four times within a few weeks. Phelan told Russo he was working hand-in-hand with Townley and Sheridan, that they were in constant contact, and that they were going to destroy Garrison and the probe. Phelan warned Russo that he should abandon his position and that Russo would be the only one hurt as a result of the trial. Phelan claimed Garrison would leave Russo alone, standing in the cold.

    Phelan offered to hire a $200,000-a-year lawyer from New York for Russo if he would cooperate against Garrison. He asked Russo how he would feel about sending an innocent man (Clay Shaw) to the penitentiary. Phelan left New Orleans and Baton Rouge and returned to New York, only to telephone Russo several times and offer to pay Russo's plane fare to New York to meet with him and discuss going over to Clay Shaw's side.

    Phelan was subpoenaed by Shaw's lawyers during a hearing in 1967 because his article attacked Garrison. Sciambra welcomed the opportunity to cross-examine Phelan on the stand. He described the article as being incomplete, distorted and tantamount to lying. Sciambra said, "I guarantee that he (Phelan) will be exposed for having twisted the facts in order to build up a scoop for himself and the Saturday Evening Post.""

    Sciambra went on to say that Phelan had neglected the most important fact of all in his article. It was that Phelan had been told by Russo in Baton Rouge that Russo and Sciambra had discussed the plot dialogue (to assassinate JFK) at their initial meeting.

    and on.........



    GARRISON: ""Guy Banister -- it's difficult to say much about him, because he always stood in the shadows and pushed someone else to the front. He was a strongly disciplined man, perhaps the outgrowth of his many years as a special agent in charge of the Chicago office of the FBI. But he was a key man in the assassination, and that's clear from the fact that Oswald's "sheep-dipping" -- his being portrayed as a Communist -- was done out of Guy Banister's office. So he was sheep-dipped for months as a Communist by giving literature: "Lee, hand this out today. This is your assignment.""

    TMWKK pt 4.....B

    Fletcher Prouty Eulogizes Jim Garrison

    We all note and mourn the passing of that "Old Law-Man" Jim Garrison of New Orleans. Jim was the only official in this great country of ours w/the courage & fortitude to comply w/the law & the terms of his sworn oath of office to bring charges against the conspirators in the case of the death of our Pres. John F. Kennedy. Law requires that a murder be tried in the state where it occurred, & for that crime there is no statute of limitations. This remains the responsibility of the State of Texas.

    Jim Garrison did his best when, as District Attorney in New Orleans, he brought charges against the man he had reason to believe was a conspirator in that crime. For this...for doing his duty, Jim was attacked from all sides, from the Fed. Govt, other state govts, the biggest guns of the media, & many members of the press. Jim was doing his duty. They maligned him, castigated him, whipped him. Still he held his head high with determination & pride.

    I'm proud to say that Jim was my friend. We corresponded after he sent me the manuscript of his great book, "On the Trail of the Assassins" & had great respect for each other's work. He & I worked together with Oliver Stone and Zachary Sklar on the development of the script for the movie "JFK." For this, all of us were again attacked by the media and others.

    Jim and I were born early in the era of "Communism" and we have out-lived the Cold War. We have both lived to see the end of that ideological structure that overshadowed all our lives. Jim hoped his "book will help the younger generation to understand better the political, social, & historical consequences of the assassination & the subsequent cover-up. Today we still live with those consequences...a deceptive secret government, a docile press, a pervasive cynicism and corruption." My friend Jim Garrison fought against great odds to change all that. Those of us who were with him continue that fight. The Garrison battle lives on. Jim would understand us as we say, "To Live in the Hearts We Leave Behind is Not to Die."

    Fletcher Prouty

    below small photo on right is andrew sciambra..

    Bernice this is a priceless post you just made, I also agree with the points made by Terry Mauro......

    I have been involved in a special project in which I am basically compiling a catalogue of all 1,555 Warren Commission Documents, although the idea may seem laughable, I have learned more over the last couple of months about the assassination, than I did in any comparable time frame. If you go to NARA and look at the various other files of ARRB members, other than Russ Holmes' files, one gets the distinct impression, that possibly a majority of the remaining classified documents deal extensively with two topics

    Documents pertaining to the Office of Naval Intelligence and Jim Garrison's files.

    It would be wise to remember that when Connick inherited the office of District Attorney after Jim Garrison later became a judge in Louisiana, there were allegations, some might say irrefutable proof, that Garrison's files became very harmful

    to the lone assassin nonsense of the 1960's.

    Joan Mellen argued that one CIA personage, Alfred J. Moran, had his CIA file "sanitized," and not with Lysol, if you know what I mean.....

    I have had, and still have, major concerns about the "sanctity" read, security of the current repository of JFK Assassination related documents, my concern has validity in light of the fact, that it is a documented fact that the Secret Service was responsible for the destruction of some of its own documents pertaining to the assassination, in direct contravention of the directives outlined in the establishment of the JFK Records Collection Act.

    I have made the point before that I fear the remaining JFK Classified documents may ultimately share the same fate as the big fish in Hemingway's Old Man & The Sea........

    I would love to be wrong but it was not so long ago, that documents pertaining to the death of George Polk suddenly went down a rabbit hole......probably never to be seen again....



    material. After Mastrovito finished “culling” irrelevant material, HA.. :rolleyes: the collection was down to one five-drawer

    file cabinet. Mastrovito guessed that his purging of extraneous material took place around 1970.

    The Secret Service White House Detail of President John F. Kennedy PHOTOS

    www.youtube.com/ watch?v=xFALugIcQGs

    www.youtube.com/ watch?v=xFALugIcQGs

    HERE'S WHAT JAMRS MASTROVITO HAS TO SAY...11 May 2005 ... My name is James M. (Mike) Mastrovito and I retired in 2004 after a .... Michael Mastrovito of the Secret Service should be interviewed ...

    www.barnley.blogspot.com -11 May 2005 ... My name is James M. (Mike) Mastrovito and I retired in 2004 after a .... Michael Mastrovito of the Secret Service should be interviewed ...

    www.barnley.blogspot.com/ -

  9. /Featured_Dealey_Plaza_Echo_-_Volume_12_Issue_ 2 -

    Dealey Plaza Echo - Volume 12 Issue 2

    The July 2008 issue of Dealey Plaza Echo, the outstanding Kennedy assassination research journal published by the Dealey Plaza UK group, is now available online.

    This issue, in addition to news and other segments, contains several original essays:

    Who Really Found the Rifle, by Ian Griggs.

    The Single Bullet Theory in Flatland, Part 4/4, by Alaric Rosman.

    Bugliosi and the Single Bullet Theory, by Russell Kent.

    The Case of Barry George and How the British Legal System Sets Up a Patsy, by Mark Bridger

    Review - Echo From Dealey Plaza - Abraham Bolden, by John Delane Williams

    The Mary Ferrell Foundation has an ongoing agreement with Dealey Plaza UK to publish each issue of Dealey Plaza Echo after the paper version has been out for one year.

    Retrieved from "http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/index.php/Featured_Dealey_Plaza_Echo_-_Volume_12_Issue_2"


    sorry the link will not enable copy and paste into google..tx b

  10. John H. Davis, Frank Ragano, Dan Moldea, Philip Melanson, James Spada and Victor Marchetti are clearly wrong in their assessment of Jim Garrison. As J. Raymond Carroll rightly points out: “if Garrison wanted to keep attention away from Marcello, the last thing he would have done is draw attention to New Orleans, which had heretofore been largely ignored by Warren Commission critics”.

    These writers have got it the wrong way round. The role of people like Richard Billings, Bernardo de Torres, Gerry Hemming, Thomas Bethall, etc. was to direct Garrison away from the CIA towards Marcello and the Mafia. Garrison refused and so every effort was made to discredit him. This included a very successful campaign to persuade the public that Garrison was in the pay of Marcello.

    Garrison real problem was that he did not realize that after the CIA failure to get him to accept the Marcello story, their next strategy was to direct him towards Clay Shaw. Cleverly, they did use someone with links to the CIA. Garrison took the bait and as a result he was finally discredited by his poor case against him.

    Clay Shaw was a director of Permindex. This was the organization headed by British SOE Louis Mortimer Bloomfield. This was also the organization identified by French Intelligence in 1967 as being responsible for the assassination attempts against Charles DeGaulle in the early 1960's. Permindex was also linked to the murder of Italian industrialist Enrico Mattei.

    Garrison was right on target identifying Clay Shaw as being part of the conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy. The problem with his investigation came with interlopers like Lord Bertrand Russell (who despised President Kennedy) who got inside his investigation, as well as the dirty tricks carried out by former Kennedy Justice Department operative Walter Sheridan.



    The National Broadcasting Company became an active participant in the government's efforts to protect Clay Shaw and to ruin Jim Garrison.

    Two of NBC's high-level management people, Richard Townley of NBC's affiliate in New Orleans, WDSU, and Walter Sheridan, executive producer, became personally and directly involved in the Shaw trial. They were indicted by a grand jury in New Orleans for bribing witnesses, suppressing evidence and interfering with trial proceedings. NBC top-level management backed Sheridan and Townley.

    NBC produced a highly biased, provably dishonest program personally attacking Garrison and defending Shaw prior to the trial. Frank McGee, who acted as moderator, later had to publicly apologize for lies told on the program by two "witnesses" whom NBC paid to give statements against Garrison. The FCC ruled that NBC had to give Garrison equal time because the program was not a news program but a vendetta by NBC against Garrison. NBC did give Garrison 30 minutes (compared to their one-hour attack) to respond at a later date. Sheridan was the producer of the one-hour show.

    With Sheridan and Townley so deeply involved, and with such an extremely strong editorial position favoring the Justice Department, the Warren Commission, and the lone assassin stance, suspicions were raised about NBC's and RCA's independence.[7] At one point in 1967 the president of NBC, according to Walter Sheridan, helped in the bribery efforts by calling Mr. Gherlock, head of Equitable Life Insurance Company's New York office, and asked for assurance that Perry Russo, who worked for Equitable, would cooperate with NBC.

    NBC is also the owner of several important pieces of photographic evidence. A TV film taken by NBC photographer David Weigman was suppressed by NBC and not made available to researchers. It shows the grassy knoll in the background just a fraction of a minute after the shots. Some of the assassination participants can be seen on the knoll.

    Fortunately for researchers, NBC sold the Weigman film to the other networks and to the news film agencies before realizing its importance. The author was able to purchase a copy from Hearst Metrotone News.

    NBC's affiliate, WBAP in Fort Worth, has several important film sequences. James Darnell took several sequences on the grassy knoll and in the parking lot which should contain important evidence. Dan Owens took TV movies in and around the Depository building which should show how the snipers' nest was faked on the sixth floor, and one of the assassins in front of the building.

    Saturday Evening Post

    The position of the Saturday Evening Post solidified after the Garrison probe became public. It was based in large part on the reporting of one man, James Phelan. Phelan wrote a blistering article for the Post published on May 6, 1967. He attacked Garrison and Russo, and claimed that Russo's original statement to Assistant D.A. Andrew Sciambra differed from his later testimony. In view of the earlier editorial position of the Post when Lyron Land and his wife questioned the Warren Commission findings, the Phelan article came as somewhat of a surprise. In fact, the Post had taken a strong conspiracy stand when in 1967 it published a long article excerpted from Josiah Thompson's book, Six Seconds in Dallas, and featured it on the magazine's cover.

    The Garrison investigation, however, turned the Post around. Phelan became directly involved in the case, and in a sense was more of an accessory than Walter Sheridan or Richard Townley. He travelled to Louisiana from Texas, spent many hours with Perry Russo and other witnesses, and generally obfuscated the Shaw trial picture.

    Phelan joined the efforts to persuade Russo to desert Garrison and to help destroy Garrison and his case. According to a sworn Russo statement, Phelan visited his house four times within a few weeks. Phelan told Russo he was working hand-in-hand with Townley and Sheridan, that they were in constant contact, and that they were going to destroy Garrison and the probe. Phelan warned Russo that he should abandon his position and that Russo would be the only one hurt as a result of the trial. Phelan claimed Garrison would leave Russo alone, standing in the cold.

    Phelan offered to hire a $200,000-a-year lawyer from New York for Russo if he would cooperate against Garrison. He asked Russo how he would feel about sending an innocent man (Clay Shaw) to the penitentiary. Phelan left New Orleans and Baton Rouge and returned to New York, only to telephone Russo several times and offer to pay Russo's plane fare to New York to meet with him and discuss going over to Clay Shaw's side.

    Phelan was subpoenaed by Shaw's lawyers during a hearing in 1967 because his article attacked Garrison. Sciambra welcomed the opportunity to cross-examine Phelan on the stand. He described the article as being incomplete, distorted and tantamount to lying. Sciambra said, "I guarantee that he (Phelan) will be exposed for having twisted the facts in order to build up a scoop for himself and the Saturday Evening Post.""

    Sciambra went on to say that Phelan had neglected the most important fact of all in his article. It was that Phelan had been told by Russo in Baton Rouge that Russo and Sciambra had discussed the plot dialogue (to assassinate JFK) at their initial meeting.

    and on.........



    GARRISON: ""Guy Banister -- it's difficult to say much about him, because he always stood in the shadows and pushed someone else to the front. He was a strongly disciplined man, perhaps the outgrowth of his many years as a special agent in charge of the Chicago office of the FBI. But he was a key man in the assassination, and that's clear from the fact that Oswald's "sheep-dipping" -- his being portrayed as a Communist -- was done out of Guy Banister's office. So he was sheep-dipped for months as a Communist by giving literature: "Lee, hand this out today. This is your assignment.""

    TMWKK pt 4.....B

    Fletcher Prouty Eulogizes Jim Garrison

    We all note and mourn the passing of that "Old Law-Man" Jim Garrison of New Orleans. Jim was the only official in this great country of ours w/the courage & fortitude to comply w/the law & the terms of his sworn oath of office to bring charges against the conspirators in the case of the death of our Pres. John F. Kennedy. Law requires that a murder be tried in the state where it occurred, & for that crime there is no statute of limitations. This remains the responsibility of the State of Texas.

    Jim Garrison did his best when, as District Attorney in New Orleans, he brought charges against the man he had reason to believe was a conspirator in that crime. For this...for doing his duty, Jim was attacked from all sides, from the Fed. Govt, other state govts, the biggest guns of the media, & many members of the press. Jim was doing his duty. They maligned him, castigated him, whipped him. Still he held his head high with determination & pride.

    I'm proud to say that Jim was my friend. We corresponded after he sent me the manuscript of his great book, "On the Trail of the Assassins" & had great respect for each other's work. He & I worked together with Oliver Stone and Zachary Sklar on the development of the script for the movie "JFK." For this, all of us were again attacked by the media and others.

    Jim and I were born early in the era of "Communism" and we have out-lived the Cold War. We have both lived to see the end of that ideological structure that overshadowed all our lives. Jim hoped his "book will help the younger generation to understand better the political, social, & historical consequences of the assassination & the subsequent cover-up. Today we still live with those consequences...a deceptive secret government, a docile press, a pervasive cynicism and corruption." My friend Jim Garrison fought against great odds to change all that. Those of us who were with him continue that fight. The Garrison battle lives on. Jim would understand us as we say, "To Live in the Hearts We Leave Behind is Not to Die."

    Fletcher Prouty

    below small photo on right is andrew sciambra..

  11. 3976777499_6d0951bc84_o.jpg


    Thanks Tom,

    But they don't tell us who his father and mother were, which was the problem with the other Des Fitz.

    There were reports he was a cousin of the Kennedys, but I think he was just good friends, tennis partners with Bobby and others, and since the Kennedy's other half of the family were Fitzgeralds, they joked that he was related.

    But then again, maybe they were cousins, as it was the Fitzgeralds who were from Wexford.



  12. At the 43:10 mark of the below link:


    Professor McAdams states:

    "There's really no evidence linking Lee Oswald to David Ferrie or Guy Bannister."





    LHO in NO, part 2 276 in his address book. An FBI report states, "Mr. Edward Rogge, .... Many of Ferrie's cadets became involved in Ferrie's wide spectrum of other ...

    www.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/JA/DR/.dr10.html ...www.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/JA/DR/.dr10.html -


    Cached - Similar -


    B.. :)

  13. 1.Obama's first speech to UN (transcript) - International ...

    ... on Wednesday to the United Nations General Assembly. Below is the full transcript of Obama's speech as prepared for ... Gaddafi blasts big powers in first U.N. speech ...

    ibtimes.com/.../obamas-first-speech-un-transcript.htm - 54k -


    will someone Enable the links thanks..THEY will not work for moi...B

    b :blink:

    Castro link will not work either.. :blink::tomatoes


    :lol: b :lol:

    It appears that Gaddafi's personal translator collapsed before the end of the speech and its' taking awhile to get this properly translated.


    Ha, ha, the jokes on us.

    While we're waiting, maybe we could read a transcript of Fidel Castro's UN speech. Is there a link to that?


    PERHAPS BILL....Gilad Atzmon – Ahmadinejad: "Read My Lips" plus Full Text of Speech

    Accueil Envoyer à un ami Version imprimable Augmenter la taille du texte ... Discours de Mouammar Khadafi au 15e sommet des non-alignés ...alterinfo.net/Gilad-Atzmon-Ahmadinejad-Read-My-Lips-plus-Full-Text-of-Speech

    . - 200k - Cached - More from this site b

    Ahmadinejad's speech:


    lordy I hope this works kelly...b :lol: YEAH NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH IT... ;)

  14. 1.Obama's first speech to UN (transcript) - International ...

    ... on Wednesday to the United Nations General Assembly. Below is the full transcript of Obama's speech as prepared for ... Gaddafi blasts big powers in first U.N. speech ...

    ibtimes.com/.../obamas-first-speech-un-transcript.htm - 54k -


    will someone Enable the links thanks..THEY will not work for moi...B

    b :blink:

    Castro link will not work either.. :blink::tomatoes


    :lol: b :lol:

    It appears that Gaddafi's personal translator collapsed before the end of the speech and its' taking awhile to get this properly translated.


    Ha, ha, the jokes on us.

    While we're waiting, maybe we could read a transcript of Fidel Castro's UN speech. Is there a link to that?


    PERHAPS BILL....Gilad Atzmon – Ahmadinejad: "Read My Lips" plus Full Text of Speech

    Accueil Envoyer à un ami Version imprimable Augmenter la taille du texte ... Discours de Mouammar Khadafi au 15e sommet des non-alignés ...alterinfo.net/Gilad-Atzmon-Ahmadinejad-Read-My-Lips-plus-Full-Text-of-Speech

    . - 200k - Cached - More from this site b

  15. 1.Obama's first speech to UN (transcript) - International ...

    ... on Wednesday to the United Nations General Assembly. Below is the full transcript of Obama's speech as prepared for ... Gaddafi blasts big powers in first U.N. speech ...

    ibtimes.com/.../obamas-first-speech-un-transcript.htm - 54k -


    will someone Enable the links thanks..THEY will not work for moi...B

    b :blink:

    Castro link will not work either.. :blink::lol:


    :lol: b :lol:

    It appears that Gaddafi's personal translator collapsed before the end of the speech and its' taking awhile to get this properly translated.


    Ha, ha, the jokes on us.

    While we're waiting, maybe we could read a transcript of Fidel Castro's UN speech. Is there a link to that?


  16. 1.Obama's first speech to UN (transcript) - International ...

    ... on Wednesday to the United Nations General Assembly. Below is the full transcript of Obama's speech as prepared for ... Gaddafi blasts big powers in first U.N. speech ...

    http://www.ibtimes.com/.../obamas-...-transcript.htm - 54k -


    will someone Enable the links thanks..THEY will not work for moi...B

    b B)

  17. From John Judge:


    The Coalition on Political Assassinations presents:


    15th Annual Regional Conference, November 20-22, Dallas, TX

    Latest evidence and research, authors, medical and ballistic experts, academics and researchers into modern political assassinations, including Malcolm X, John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy. Resource room with books, DVDs and digital collections. Films and presentations. Join us.


    Dr. Cyril Wecht, M.D., J.D., former president American Academy of Forensic Sciences

    Jim Douglass, author of JFK and the Unspeakable

    Walt Brown, author of Master Analytic Chronology: The Death of President Kennedy

    Russ Baker, author of Family of Secrets

    John Armstrong, author of Harvey & Lee will be available to sign his book

    Randy Benson, award-winning filmmaker, showing excerpts from The Searchers

    T Carter, author an upcoming book Jerry Ray: A Memoir of Injustice

    Ben Rogers, curator of the Penn Jones collection at Baylor University's Poague Library

    Jim DiEugenio, author of Destiny Betrayed and editor of Probe

    Lisa Pease, co-author of The Assassinations and editor of Probe

    Robert Groden, author of The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald and Absolute Proof

    Other speakers to be announced


    Friday, November 20

    COPA keynote speaker

    7:00 pm, Mezzanine level

    Adolphus Hotel, 1321 Commerce Street, (214) 742-8200

    Movies, 10:00 pm, Second floor Rear

    Hotel Lawrence, Houston & Jackson Sts., just off Dealey Plaza

    Resource room open on 2nd floor rear Friday to Sunday, books and DVDs, authors

    Saturday, November 21

    Speakers 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Second floor Rear

    Movies 10:00 pm, Second floor Rear

    Hotel Lawrence, Houston & Jackson Sts.

    Sunday, November 22 46th anniversary

    Speakers and discussions 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Second floor Rear

    Hotel Lawrence, Houston & Jackson Sts.

    12:30 pm Moment of Silence

    Commemorating the Assassination of President Kennedy

    Grassy Knoll, Dealey Plaza, speakers following

    Union Station and West End stations on DART rail.

    All events open to public.

    Registration at door - $60 for all events, $25 per day, $20 for Adolphus events

    Coalition on Political Assassinations, PO Box 772, Washington, DC 20044

    copa@starpower.net www.politicalassassinations.com


    Regards, TOM BLACKWELL, PO Box 25403, Dallas, Texas 75225


  18. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Last update - 00:00 12/06/2008

    Gadhafi: Obama fears Israel will assassinate him like it did JFK

    By Reuters

    Tags: JFK assassination

    Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said on Wednesday that U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's expressed support for Israel stems from his fear that the Mossad would assassinate him, just as it did President John F. Kennedy.

    "We suspect he may fear being killed by Israeli agents and meet the same fate as Kennedy when he promised to look into Israel's nuclear program," Gadhafi said.

    While the existence of Israeli nuclear weapons is widely assumed, Israeli officials have never admitted their existence and U.S. officials have stuck to that line in public.


    Gadhafi saw a dark motive behind a recent speech by Obama in support of Israel. "Obama offered $300 billion in aid to Israel and more military support. He avoided talking about Israel's nuclear weapons," he said.

    Gadhafi said Obama would have an "inferiority complex" because he is black and if elected he might "behave worse than whites."

    "We fear that Obama will feel that, because he is black with an inferiority complex, this will make him behave worse than the whites," Gadhafi told a rally at a former U.S. military base on the outskirts of the Libyan capital Tripoli.

    "This will be a tragedy," Gadhafi said. "We tell him to be proud of himself as a black and feel that all Africa is behind him because if he sticks to this inferiority complex he will have a worse foreign policy than the whites had in the past."

    He was speaking before thousands of cheering supporters at a ceremony to celebrate the 38th anniversary of the departure of U.S. troops from Libya.

    Gadhafi, known for his controversial statements, took power in 1969 in a military coup in his oil- and gas-rich North African state. He was shunned for decades by the West, which accused him of supporting terrorism.

    His ties with Western countries have improved since Libya announced it was scrapping weapons of mass destruction programs in 2003 and agreed to pay compensation for families of victims of bombings of U.S. and French airliners.

    Obama, the son of a Kenyan father and a white mother from Kansas, would be the first African American elected U.S. president. In his campaign he has largely eschewed the rhetoric of racial struggle and drawn support among blacks and whites.

    Gadhafi said Obama should adopt a policy of supporting poor and weak peoples such as the Palestinians and be a friend of what he called free Arab peoples rather than U.S. "agents" in the Arab world who, he said, were hated by their own people.

    "We still hope he will be proud of Africa and change America and free America of its past policy, namely with the Arabs," said Gadhafi.

    Related articles:

    Former pariah Libya becomes UN Security Council President

    Israel says Libya unworthy of seat on UN Security Council

    Libya stands by comparison of Nazi concentration camps, Gaza

    Clinton 'regrets' Kennedy assassination reference in defending her candidacy< span>

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  19. Bill, Question, your interview with Holt was by phone or in person - and if so where. In 1992 I lived in the San Diego area and was actively working with Plumlee and others on the events of 11/22/63. I was aware that Holt lived but 20 minutes drive from me and phoned him. We chatted a few times, but he tried to NOT meet me and succeeded....despite many attempts. I was too close for comfort, either physically or because of someone else I was in contact with made him uncomfortable, would be my guess. Just another in many mysteries of trying to untangle this case....FWIW

    Hi Peter,

    I was in San Diego, staying with my photographer friend Zavin, who I had met in Australia. I had talked with Chauncey from Houston and made arrangements to interview him when I got to San Diego, traveling by train. Zavin drove southeast of the city, in the hills, in a large, sprawing house that Holt said was once a casino. No one else was around. After the interview, conducted in his living room, he took us to a garage or workroom where his art work was located.

    Holt asked me about the bonifides of some other researchers who sought him out, and I gave him my evaluation of those who I knew. Some I didn't. I know a few people who lived in the area who also got to know him - an eye doctor from San Diego who attended COPA conferences in Dallas, and a reporter.

    The guys who wrote The Man on the Grassy Knoll had a good relationship with Holt and he gave them a copy of his manuscript - which they let me read when I was visiting with them. Holt's manuscript was about three or four inches thick and was chock full of details, though I've never seen it again. Maybe his daughter has it?

    I found him charming and believeable, and possessive of all the attributes that made him a self-acknowledged artist, forger, pilot, marksman, bookie, acountant and confidence man.


    Bill, thanks for that. Yes, the eye doctor...I remember communication with him, but can't recall his name. [i was forced out of San Diego in chaos after legal attacks I have always assumed had something to do with my research work]. The reporter, was that one who worked for the Reader there? The manuscript sounds interesting and I hope still exists no matter who/what he was. He talked about his art and past forging of IDs with me on the phone, but wouldn't really answer about being a tramp...only playing word games on that...in fact games on anything involving Dallas - other than his admitting he made some false IDs for that day [and many other days operations]. He told me he was in Lemon Grove, but refused to give his address or meet. He seemed to know all about me before I called. He was charming on the phone also and I remember his voice as I write this. Did he ask you about me when you met him? At that time I was well known to your friend John Judge...and many others. Did he have anything to say about Plumlee?

    Bill, don't mean to pester, but had forgotten about this thread and the questions here. Anything to add? I'm sure the reason he refused to meet me was that he was aware I was working with Plumlee at that time...we [Plumlee and I] met regularly. He'd travel from another state, stay at a safe house near my place for some days while we worked on things. At another point he had a job training people to fly not far away, in N. San Diego Co. What a very strange part of my life, looking back now.....

    Hi Peter,

    No, I don't have anything else to add. I went to Lemon Grove, up on a hill.

    Holt asked me about Bob Dorf and a few others, but didn't mention you or Plumlee.

    I'd like to get a copy of the manuscript he wrote, but I guess that's been squandered.

    Holt was a self-acknowledged con artist, but he was also a really good artist.


    yes he was a very good artist here is a self portrait....................B

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