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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Cliff, Is your last post supposed to prove that I'm wrong about Dave Reitzes? If so, I must've missed the connection. Sorry.
  2. Utter nonsense, Cliff. David Reitzes never engaged in "personal attacks" on anyone here at the Education Forum. At least I certainly never witnessed that kind of behavior from him. Just the opposite, in fact. Dave always seems to go the extra mile to be quite polite and non-abusive in his forum messages. He rarely even raises his "Internet voice" (so to speak). For Dave R. to be banned from this forum for what seems to be a very minor thing [see Dave's own explanation at the link below] is, in my opinion, completely uncalled for and without justification. And to have all of his previous posts and threads removed is totally ridiculous, although it's certainly nothing new. I experienced the exact same thing (mass post deletion) in July 2006 when I was banned from this forum after a whopping 4 days of posting a wealth of facts and common-sense arguments. But even when discussing getting banned from this forum, it's plainly evident that Dave Reitzes still isn't engaging in any "personal attacks" against anyone: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.assassination.jfk/WVD-MYpXd9Y/Dd637yDOvv4J
  3. I don't think that is a fair assessment of the "entire prosecution of the lone gunman" case as laid out by Gerald Posner in Case Closed. Yes, Posner thinks the bullet hit the oak tree and then the lead core separated from the copper jacket. I think that's probably the correct scenario to account for Tague's minor injury too. And such a scenario is certainly physically possible, as proven by some of Dr. John Lattimer's experiments, in which he fired Carcano bullets into tree limbs, with the copper jacket "often" separating from the lead core [source: Case Closed, page 325, footnote]. It might seem quite strange to some people that the exact same type of Mannlicher-Carcano FMJ bullet could split in two after striking an oak tree branch, and yet remain totally intact and undamaged after penetrating several feet of a pine tree (which has been proven in demonstrations). But, under certain conditions and circumstances, apparently both of those things can and will happen to a Carcano bullet. But since we're talking about the MISSED shot that struck no limo victims, we are, after all, really only talking about GUESSWORK when it comes to what happened to that bullet. And Mr. Posner certainly understands it's guesswork too. Yes, he seems pretty sure in his own mind that Oswald's first shot struck the oak tree and deflected to the Main Street curb. But that doesn't necessarily mean that an alternate scenario couldn't also be correct. Such as the theory that has a fragment from the head shot doing the damage to the curb and Tague. And I doubt that Posner himself is so stubborn that he has totally dismissed at least the possibility of that latter "head shot" scenario being true. I do, however, agree with John Crites' earlier post regarding Vince Bugliosi's "bouncing bullet" theory. IMO, that scenario put forth by Mr. Bugliosi just does not seem likely at all -- especially when comparing it to the other two alternate scenarios mentioned above that could account for the Tague/Main St. damage. More of my thoughts about the "Missed Shot Controversy": JFK-Archives.blogspot.com / The Shot That Missed
  4. Robert P., I've always been a bit confused and uncertain as to the exact "entry" and "exit" points regarding John B. Connally's wrist injuries. But we can never know the exact angle and the exact positioning of his wrist at the instant Bullet CE399 struck it. That forever will remain in the "unknowable" file. But I think you're wrong when you said this: But you cannot even begin to accept the notion that the bullet continued in a forward and downward direction and entered Connally's thigh? What's your alternative, Bob? A second bullet hit Connally? There's no evidence of that whatsoever. Dr. Robert Shaw even said, immediately after operating on JBC's chest wound, that he was probably hit by "one bullet", and then Shaw goes on to tell the press and the live television audience about the path the bullet likely took. And it's a path that aligns itself perfectly with the SBT -- Entering Connally's upper back....exiting his chest....striking the wrist (but not lodging in it)....and then striking the left thigh. 4 wounds. 1 single bullet. And spoken by Connally's chest surgeon on Day 1 (11/22/63). The SBT fits the evidence (and Dr. Shaw's first-day press conference comments) to a tee.
  5. Everybody needs to look at Dobson's last two childish posts, complete with so much name-twisting cuteness, it just makes you wanna pinch lil' ol' Blair's cheeks till they're beet red. He's just so adorable. ~yawn~ And yet it is me, Baron Von Painhausen, who Dobson says engages in "teenage antics". The pot/kettle irony never ceases to flow from the JFK forums. Ya gotta love it.
  6. Yep. Let's blame the Government for everything. That's always a good fall-back. Right, Bob? Funny, isn't it, that the HSCA saw those same X-rays that Bob is looking at, and the HSCA had no problem at all accepting the fact that CE399 did, indeed, go through JFK and Connally. Maybe I should cry "Doesn't prove a damn thing, Davey! Those guys were on the Government payroll! So of course they're all liars!
  7. And just how much velocity do you think it would take to enter JBC's thigh (but not strike the femur beneath the skin)? The thigh wound was quite superficial. A bullet that was almost completely out of gas hit that thigh. (Unless you'd like to theorize that a small fragment from the JFK head shot caused Connally's thigh injury. But in such a case, where did the bullet go that just exited Connally's wrist? Did it just disappear?) There is no argument you can make that diminishes the validity of the Single-Bullet Theory. None. IOW, every argument that anyone makes in favor of some OTHER theory to explain the non-fatal wounds to JFK & JBC can always be amply countered by a pro-SBT argument that makes much more sense. A perfect example being the conspiracy theory that has three different bullets striking JFK and John Connally (none of which is CE399, naturally), with all three of these bullets just vanishing, including TWO missiles in JFK's neck and back--even though neither of those bullets made a journey into his body of more than just a few measly inches. See what I mean? Why not just face the obvious common-sense fact that one bullet went through both Dealey Plaza victims on November 22nd? I faced that fact years ago. Why more conspiracy theorists won't face it is still a mystery. They can still pretend the head shot came from the Knoll even with the SBT intact. Side note --- Gerald Posner was dead wrong about something he said during his SBT debate with Wecht, though, because it's not just a small minority of conspiracy theorists that is currently not accepting the SBT. It's almost 100% of CTers (from what I can see). Virtually no CTer accepts the SBT, and I'm wondering why on Earth Posner said such a silly thing on Anderson Cooper's program yesterday about the SBT becoming more widely accepted by conspiracy advocates. Because that's not what I'm seeing on the Internet at all. Far from it. CTers are just as much in denial about the Single-Bullet Theory as they've ever been.
  8. Yes, I realize that, Chris. I was just tossing in my $0.02 on my YouTube experiences regarding quality loss.
  9. Keep pretending that the evidence is worthless, Blair. I, however, choose not to live in that fantasy world you live in.
  10. I agree with you to an extent, Chris. The YouTube processing and converting of the videos does dilute the PQ to a degree. But in my experience, it's never been a major loss in quality (in either video or audio). Of course, I normally upload really old stuff from the 1960s, which often isn't exactly Blu-ray quality to begin with, so the "loss" factor in the PQ is negligible in those instances.
  11. Dr. Wecht didn't clean anybody's clock. Wecht is just flat-out wrong about several things, including the large fib he told about Governor Connally going to his grave with bullet fragments in his chest, which is dead wrong..... ARLEN SPECTER -- "Was any metallic substance from the bullet left in the thoracic cage as a result of the passage of the bullet through the Governor's body?" DR. ROBERT SHAW -- "No. We saw no evidence of any metallic material in the X-ray that we had of the chest, and we found none during the operation." TOO MANY CE399 BULLET FRAGMENTS IN JOHN CONNALLY? HARDLY! And Dr. Wecht continues to make the absurd claim about the Warren Commission's test bullets that were fired into goat ribs and a human wrist. Wecht HAS to know full well that those bullets did not in any way mimic the flight path of the SBT bullet, because those WC/Edgewood Arsenal bullets did not travel through TWO bodies before smashing into the goats and the human wrist bone. And yet Wecht, in his passionate arguments, continues to make it seem as if the WC test bullets were an exact duplication of what CE399 is said to have done. That has always been one of Wecht's dumbest arguments. It was dumb in 1986 when he said it at the Bugliosi/Spence mock trial; it was dumb when he brought up those Warren Commission test bullets in 2007 during a radio debate against Vince Bugliosi; and it's just as dumb here in late 2013 as well. Wecht Vs. Posner on Anderson Cooper 360 (November 22, 2013) (MP3 audio version): http://app.box.com/s/2b1fgrct3k1ivjjmz8qo
  12. I have no idea who "Davis Von Pain" is, but I'm right here.
  13. Looks like Blair's new profile picture is quite appropriate, huh? Scary.
  14. Sounds more like the conspiracy theorists' M.O. to me. And 'round and 'round we go. If you prefer Bugliosi, McAdams, Reitzes, Myers, Nizer, Bill Buckley, or Jim Moore -- I've got plenty from those people too. Just more silly LN "blowhards", right Blair?
  15. Somehow, supporting and propping up the facts in the JFK case means that the MSM has become "desperate" (in the mind of a conspiracy advocate). Kinda sad.
  16. You mean you're willing to settle for just DVD?! Why not a high-def Blu-ray set, complete with behind-the-scenes footage of Kennedy's "practice" conferences prior to each live TV news conference? Let's go the whole nine yards.
  17. Looks like a hat trick for Pat, as he ignores the question asked in Post #22 for a third time now. Nice.
  18. FYI / BTW, In the newest batch of "never before seen" photos that has just been unearthed in TIME Magazine and on the TIME website, we find yet another photo of JFK's jacket all bunched up shortly before he was shot. This picture was taken a little earlier in the motorcade, near Turtle Creek, prior to the President's car entering the heaviest downtown crowds:
  19. I'll try asking this for the third time (never got Pat to answer the previous two times): Why is the ruler in the red spot autopsy picture situated right next to the red spot (very similar in nature to the ruler we find in the photo showing JFK's upper-back wound)? What were they "measuring"? Why is a ruler needed in that photo if the red spot (which is right next to the ruler) isn't really a bullet hole at all?
  20. But the "red spot" autopsy photo debunks that theory. Simple as that. Plus, the Clark panel found a bevelled-in place on the X-ray that was 100mm. above the EOP, which perfectly aligns with the location of the red-spot entry hole. There is also the testimony of the HSCA/FPP doctors (plus Charles Petty's testimony at the '86 mock trial) which fully supports the higher entry point, due to the fact that the lower part of the brain did not sustain the kind of damage to support a low/EOP entry. To my mind, all of that stuff is called corroboration for the high cowlick entry. And it's photographic corroboration, which is (I would think) the best kind.
  21. Yes, Dave, even though during the "Cold Case" program they showed on camera this autopsy photo, which couldn't be any clearer as to the location of the entry wound in JFK's head---and it sure isn't "low" on the head.... I guess the PBS/NOVA people must think that Kennedy's scalp was, indeed, s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d four inches when that picture was taken. But even so, it still doesn't help explain how a "stretched" hole which started out down around the EOP can be penetrating what clearly appears to be the "cowlick" area of JFK's head. ~large-sized shrug needed here~
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