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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Not surprising, Jimbo. That's because you're an ABO CT monger who will do whatever it takes (and call as many people liars and cover-up operatives as humanly possible) in order to promote your silly Anybody-But-Oz fantasy. So, now we can add the names of Donald Champagne and Monty Lutz to Jimbo DiEugenio's ever-growing list of "Liars" and/or "Cover-Up Agents". Are you up to 4 figures yet on your Liars List, DiEugenio? Just wondering.
  2. Bullxxxx. The Champagne-Lutz stuff is RIGHT OUT OF HSCA VOLUME #1, as I linked earlier. I wasn't citing "Reclaiming History". I was citing directly from 1 HSCA 454. Please note, though, how Jimbo has no problem discarding at the drop of a hat the HSCA testimony of firearms experts like Monty Lutz and Donald Champagne. They each said something that Delusional DiEugenio doesn't like--so, they're each tossed under the bus. (And don't come back with any "You Tossed Roger Craig Under That Bus Too, Davey Boy" -- because Roger baby deserved his trip under the White House Press Bus for the multitude of provable lies he told re the JFK case; I'm sure DiEugenio likes Craig a lot though; normally, CT mongers go for the least reliable evidence while ignoring the best evidence.) Penn and Teller [below] did it in 3.45 seconds (dry firing). Big deal. I'm sure that DiEugenio thinks this video should be tossed under the same bus with Champagne and Lutz--because Bugliosi pops up at the end: TWO JFK CONSPIRACY MYTHS DEBUNKED IN LESS THAN THREE MINUTES
  3. That's quite a belly laugh, White. You JFK CT mongers have the patent on "wasting time". You've been doing it for almost 50 years. And you'll keep doing it for another 150, I surmise.
  4. Yeah, common sense never has appealed to you conspiracy mongers, has it Mike?
  5. Bullxxxx. The exact opposite is true. The HSCA firearms panel dented a shell very similar to the way CE543 was dented. Look at 1 HSCA 454: http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/hsca/reportvols/vol1/html/HSCA_Vol1_0229b.htm Mr. McDONALD. Have you examined CE-543? FIREARMS EXPERT DONALD E. CHAMPAGNE. Yes, sir; I have. .... This composite photograph depicts CE-543 and in particular the area of the mouth that has an indentation in it. This is shown primarily in the lower left-hand photograph. It is rather difficult to see but it is there. It can also be seen to a certain extent in the upper left-hand photograph in this area. Mr. McDONALD. Mr. Champagne; as you have testified, this was one of the cartridges found on the sixth floor of the School Book Depository Building and the mouth has a dent. Could that dent have occurred during the loading process. Mr. CHAMPAGNE. No, sir; this is not a dent that would have been in the cartridge case during the loading process. Mr. McDONALD. Could it have occurred during the ejection process? Mr. CHAMPAGNE. Yes; during the testing of the weapon we found that one of the tests that were fired and ejected from the weapon by the panelists also included a cartridge case with a similar deformation of the mouth of the cartridge case. .... We also examined Federal tests. Of two tests that we examined, one of them also had an indented mouth. Mr. McDONALD. Are you saying then when your panel test fired CE-139, out of four fired cartridges, one was ejected with a dented mouth? Mr. CHAMPAGNE. Yes, sir, that occurred during the ejection process in firing the weapon. .... The ejection is that process whereby the bolt handle is moved to the rear to eject the expended cartridge case, ejecting the cartridge case out of the weapon. Mr. McDONALD. Now, when you tested the rifle, the panel tested the rifle, of your panel members, who ejected the shell or cartridge case that came out with the dent? Mr. CHAMPAGNE. Mr. Lutz. Mr. McDONALD. Would Mr. Lutz please come forward and demonstrate to us how you ejected to cause a dent in the test cartridge case. Mr. LUTZ. The particular amount of force that I used to extract and eject the cartridge case from the weapon was much in the manner that I would consider to be employed during an attempt to rapidly fire the firearm. The cartridge was fired with the bolt being closed and then with considerable speed and pressure being applied, opening it and pulling the bolt to the rear and holding it to my side, and in a manner very rapidly, kicking the cartridge back and ejecting the cartridge and causing it fall to the floor. ------------ All lies, right DiEugenio? Who cares? Are you SERIOUSLY suggesting that the patsy-framers WANTED to plant a shell that they had to know couldn't have been fired in LHO's rifle on 11/22? You really DO think your patsy-framers were total morons, don't you Jimbo? Besides, as mentioned, your argument is totally worthless anyway, because as I just proved via the above-cited HSCA testimony of Champagne and Lutz at 1 HSCA 454, we know that the HSCA firearms panel positively dented a lip in a similar fashion to CE543. Plus: even John McAdams said he had dented a shell in that fashion too. (He was lying out his ass, right Jimbo?) Plus: Why would there be ANY need to "plant" any shells in the Nest at all? You REALLY think that NOBODY was firing from the one and only rifle THAT THE GOOFBALL PLOTTERS WERE TRYING TO FRAME OSWALD WITH, Jimbo? More insanity from Patsy Framing University, it seems. Here are the minutes from the final meeting at Patsy Univ. in Nov. '63: Hey, guys! I've got a great idea! Let's take the time to set up this schnook named Oswald by putting together fake photos of him and by impersonating him all over Dallas in places that don't mean a Goddamn thing relating to this assassination---and then let's do something REALLY great! Let's NOT USE OSWALD'S RIFLE AT ALL ON ASSASSINATION DAY!! How 'bout it, guys? You with me?!
  6. Gregory's skepticism is understandable, Michael. I admit that. But what other option is there, given the bullet evidence in this case (including the LACK of bullets that SHOULD BE THERE if the SBT is not correct)? Answer: None.
  7. Better go tell those CTers who believe in a massive "Oswald Frame-Up" that they've got it all wrong then, Cliff.
  8. Yes, that's right. Which, of course, proves exactly the OPPOSITE from what the "LBJ Did It" CT mongers want it to prove. For, why on Earth would LBJ (on tape yet!) want to botch the whole "patsy" conspiracy by ADMITTING (on tape!) that he didn't believe a key part of the WC's findings? Was LBJ trying to blow the plot wide open? In actuality, of course, to any reasonable person listening to the 9/18/64 LBJ/Russell phone call [linked HERE], it's quite obvious that LBJ was just as clueless about the workability and feasibility of the SBT as Goofball Richard Russell was. Neither one of them knew what they were talking about. But to think Johnson would want to undermine ANY part of the WC's work IF HE HIMSELF WERE PART OF THE COVER-UP is just ludicrous to begin with.
  9. Oh, certainly not, Jim! If it leads to LHO, then forget it. Right? You're hilarious. As I said earlier, Jimbo has become the poster boy for "JFK Conspiracy Caricatures". And he's basking in all its glory.....from still supporting a fraud named Jim Garrison, to supporting a person who is silly enough to write a book claiming there were TWO Lee Oswalds and TWO Marguerites.....to purporting the outlandish idea that Buell Frazier and Linnie Randle just MADE UP the paper bag.....to accusing Ruth Paine of being a CIA agent who was "up to [her] neck" in framing Lee Harvey Oswald.....to the totally absurd assertion that there's virtually no evidence at all for any sniper being in the sixth-floor Sniper's Nest at all on 11/22/63.....to the even more ridiculous assertion that Oswald was innocent of shooting J.D. Tippit. The above things represent the typical type of conspiracy crackpottery that Jimbo enjoys wallowing in on a daily basis. You're a howl, Jim. But please continue. I love watching you spill your conspiracy guts with the vast heaps of impossible-to-prove CT garbage that you spew daily. Which is an article riddled with speculation, half-truths, and misrepresentations (as usual). DiEugenio hasn't come close to proving CE399 wasn't fired at JFK on Nov. 22. And the chain of possession is perfectly intact, despite DiEugenio's constant whining about it. As John McAdams has correctly stated, an officer/agent does not need to physically MARK a piece of evidence in order for the chain of custody to be established. And, btw, Elmer Todd's initials ARE somewhere on that bullet. And DiEugenio will apparently never tire of misrepresenting the things that John Hunt did for his CE399 examination. Hunt didn't use the ACTUAL BULLET for his 2006 CE399 article. Hunt used the NARA photos. DiEugenio can't seem to distinguish the difference. So, your stupid, ever-bumbling Patsy Framers are at it again, I see. They "plant" a shell that could have never been fired that day in an effort to frame Oswald as the lone gunman. Brilliant. DiEugenio, as he always does, totally misrepresents CE543 and its capabilities. SEVERAL people have gotten "dented" shells after firing them in MC rifles. DiEugenio doesn't like that fact, so he will ignore it. It's true, I ignore lots and lots of DiEugenio's nonsensical bullxxxx too....so there's no need for Jimbo to come back at me with that 'pot/kettle' retort. I admit I ignore lots of DiEugenio's arguments. Most of them are just too off-the-wall and silly to even respond to. And I will admit that I know far less about the Garrison debacle than Jimbo does. But a person I trust much more than DiEugenio has said this recently about a couple of Jimmy's arguments re the Garrison case: "My, is this silly: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=16450&st=465&p=204804entry204804 [Quoting DiEugenio:] The idea that somehow Clay Shaw lost something important over this is a myth promulgated by his backers like James Kirkwood and Warren Rogers etc. It makes me wonder what DVP reads besides McAdams and VB. The minute JG indicted Shaw, the CIA began an illegal and covert campaign to make sure he would not be convicted. Because Jim Angleton's Garrison Group had decided that if things were left as is, JG would convict Shaw-and we have that in writing.
  10. No kidding. Just ask Don Adams. He's got eleven shots being fired from God knows how many guns. And Bob Groden is almost as bad. Bob has 8 to 10 shots being fired from at least 3 or 4 locations. I think a better question for the conspiracy theorists who think LHO was set up and framed as a lone patsy would be: WHY would any of the conspirators have even WANTED to risk the whole "patsy" ballgame by utilizing two, three, or four gunmen in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63?
  11. Oh, I see that the chronic xxxx named Roger Craig has you hypnotized, eh? Can't you see the idiocy of Craig's statement about the shells being only about an inch apart and all pointing the same direction? Who would even WANT to plant shells in such an obvious "THESE SHELLS WERE PLACED HERE, THEY DIDN'T FALL THIS WAY ON THEIR OWN AFTER BEING FIRED FROM RIFLE C2766" fashion? Just how stupid were those patsy-framers anyway? I'd really like to know. Let's take a quick "How Stupid Were These Plotters?" inventory: They supposedly planted a bullet on the WRONG stretcher at Parkland (per some CTers). They planted shells in the Sniper's Nest in such a manner to make it look like they were placed there by hand (per some CTers). They wait until Sunday, Nov. 24th to shoot Lee Oswald, so that their "hit man" named Ruby could perform the murder on live television in front of millions of people. They allow their one and only patsy to wander around on the lower floors of the Book Depository at the exact time they desperately need him upstairs on the sixth floor firing a gun at the President. (This one is momumentally stupid on the part of the unknown and unseen "they".) They go to the immense trouble of impersonating LHO all over God's Creation PRIOR to Nov. 22, and they take the time to "fake" the backyard photos (and then they got Marina to lie about them by getting her to say for the rest of her life that she, herself, took those pictures of her late husband) -- and yet when Game Day (11/22) rolls around, what do "they" do? --- They start popping away at JFK from several different directions in Dealey Plaza, even though they are supposed to be framing just ONE guy in the TSBD. These bumbling patsy-framers must have all attended "Idiots 'R Us University" before commencing their Let's Frame Oswald project. If it's the testimony of a known xxxx such as Roger Dean Craig, then no. As far as the JFK murder case goes, there was no bigger and more blatant PROVABLE xxxx than Roger D. Craig. No question about that fact. And anyone who places a single ounce of faith in anything that xxxx says in connection with the JFK assassination is nothing but a fool.
  12. Oh, naturally. If you didn't die, you must have lied. Right, David Andrews? Hilarious.
  13. The above is merely more reprehensible tripe and garbage coming from someone who obviously wants there to be some kind of a conspiracy and cover-up surrounding the assassination of the 35th U.S. Chief Executive. Pathetic.
  14. Why is it even necessary to go beyond what I just said above? To believe that LBJ had JFK killed is a nutty idea. Always was nutty. Always will be.
  15. Total nonsense. This crap about LBJ being involved is nothing but delusional claptrap.
  16. But what about the potential bullets and fragments in John Connally's body? Connally didn't die, and therefore could not be subjected to any kind of "rigged" or phony autopsy (which is what CTers think happened with JFK's autopsy). So did the plotters of this grandiose "REMOVE ALL BULLETS AND IDENTIFIABLE FRAGMENTS FROM THE WOUNDS BEFORE THE OFFICIAL AUTOPSY" scheme just get lucky when no bullets or large, identifiable fragments were recovered from the wounds of Governor Connally at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas? Conspiracy theorists sound so incredibly silly when they start talking about the physical evidence in the JFK case. And what makes it so incredibly silly, of course, is the fact that none of this stupid crap they think happened with the bullet evidence ever really happened at all. Nor COULD it possibly have happened--unless all of the plotters and conspirators had the same talents and abilities as magician David Copperfield.
  17. This shows what Michael Hogan's mindset is -- he's saying that not even "valid evidence" and "solid evidence" are good enough to provide "solid proof" of something in the JFK case. A curious mindset indeed.
  18. You'd better go tell Jim DiEugenio that he's got things all wrong re CE399 then. Because people like DiEugenio believe that there was no bullet planted at Parkland at all. Jimbo (and many others like him) think that a pointy-nosed bullet was found on Ronnie Fuller's stretcher at Parkland. (And what kind of idiot bullet-planter would want to frame OSWALD with a bullet that could never be tied to his gun?) Therefore, that "pointy" bullet had no connection to the JFK/Connally case at all, per many CTers. It was a totally unrelated bullet. But people like Jimbo think that Hoover's FBI boys decided they wanted to "switch" the bullets, and so CE399 came into the mix. I guess the thinking among the CTers is that the FBI never thought that the bullet might not have been connected to the Kennedy case at all, and they had to (at all costs) frame Oswald with as much evidence as humanly possible; so CE399 was placed into the record. Of course, just exactly WHEN the evil FBI performed this switch-out of the bullets is not known and is never defined by the CTers. The FBI wasn't even in the possession of Oswald's rifle until around midnight on Nov. 22....and since DiEugenio thinks there were TWO separate bullets handed over to Robert Frazier of the FBI BEFORE midnight (at 7:30 and 8:50 PM EST), I assume that Jimbo assumes that one of those bullets was, indeed, CE399. But that scenario I just described is totally impossible, since Rifle C2766 wasn't in the hands of the always-evil Federal Bureau of Investigation until 11:45 PM CST on November 22nd. And it took a few hours to fly the rifle back to Washington too. So, logically, this would mean that the very earliest the big bad FBI could have started planting bullets from Oswald's rifle into the official record would be about 3:00 or 4:00 AM EST on Sat., Nov. 23rd. No worries, though. People like DiEugenio can always make up some kind of theory they think will bolster their claims of Government wrong-doing and evidence-planting.
  19. The mere fact that CE399 is a bullet that came out of the SAME WEAPON that produced CE567, CE569, and the three bullet shells found on the floor under the Sniper's Nest window is solid evidence that CE399, which WAS entered as OFFICIAL evidence in the JFK case whether any conspiracy theorist likes it or not, is also a valid piece of evidence in this case. I guess Michael Hogan thinks it's very likely that the evil conspirators would have had a desire to want to start "planting" or "substituting" CE399 in order to frame Oswald, even though those plotters should have already known they had the three shells in the Sniper's Nest and CE567/569 to link to their prized patsy named Oswald. Or are the 3 shells and the 2 limo fragments supposedly all "faked" evidence too, Michael? And if the CTers want to start pretending that the 3 shells and CE567/569 ARE faked pieces of evidence, then my other question is still really just as valid as it is via the scenario which has the 3 shells and the limo fragments being legitimate evidence -- Why the need to fake the stretcher bullet too? Or weren't the "fakers" of CE399 aware that OTHER evidence was going to show up to implicate their patsy (whether it be "faked" or legit evidence)? Maybe the CTers ought to check up on how many plotters were supposedly manipulating the evidence on November 22, because it doesn't seem like the left hand knows what the right hand is doing.
  20. 1.) Three bullet shells found under TSBD window from where assassin was firing at JFK -- Linked to Oswald's rifle to the exclusion of all other weapons. 2.) CE567 & CE569 (the two bullet fragments found right inside the President's limousine) -- Linked to Oswald's rifle "to the exclusion". 3.) CE399 -- Bullet fired from Oswald's rifle "to the exclusion". Since #1 and #2 exist in the JFK case (and there hasn't been a single conspiracy theorist who has ever proven that either #1 or #2 were "planted" or falsified in some manner), then the likelihood of #3 (CE399) being a "fake" or "planted" or "substituted" piece of evidence is substantially diminished. IOW -- Why on Earth was there any NEED to fake CE399 when the #1 and #2 items on my list above existed as evidence in the JFK murder case also? The CTers who continue to bitch and moan about the legitimacy of CE399 are living in a dream world. There has never ever been any solid proof that Commission Exhibit No. 399 is anything but what it was purported to be by both the Warren Commission and the HSCA -- and that is a bullet that was fired by Lee Harvey Oswald on 11/22/63, which was one of three bullets LHO fired from his own Carcano rifle at JFK's car on Elm Street. WAS CE399 PLANTED? (PART 1)
  21. Try this webpage (via Robin Unger's collection): http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=21
  22. A DON ADAMS FOLLOW-UP: On August 20, 2010, I made the following comments about Don Adams: "Adams tells all kinds of falsehoods [during a July 28, 2010, interview on WTAM-Radio in Cleveland, Ohio], such as the howler about how Oswald would have had to criss-cross the Book Depository building a total of THREE different times in order to get from the sixth-floor "loft" (as Adams calls it) to the second-floor "break room" (as Adams calls the lunchroom)! Adams actually seems to think that Oswald had to cross the entire length of the building THREE times--once to hide the rifle; then another criss-cross to get to the stairs (totally untrue); and then a third crossing of the building in order to reach the lunchroom (also a lie). This guy doesn't know the most basic facts about the assassination or Oswald's movements." -- DVP; 08/20/10 [original post HERE] Ten days later, on August 30, 2010, Adams was a guest on James Fetzer's "Real Deal" Internet radio program [http://RadioFetzer.blogspot.com]. The lengthy segment with Adams is linked HERE. During the Fetzer broadcast, Mr. Adams talked briefly about a person who was criticizing him for saying that Oswald would have needed to cross the TSBD building three separate times prior to LHO's encounter with Officer Marrion L. Baker. And although Adams didn't mention me by name, I know he was referring to me and my Internet comments quoted above. Adams, on the Fetzer program, claims he never said any such thing about Oswald's criss-crossing movements during the WTAM show in July. Well, the proof is in the pudding, as they say. Or, in this instance, the proof is in the podcast, which I've linked below. Unfortunately, since I wrote my original post about this matter on August 20th, Mr. Adams has removed from his website the audio links to his 5-part July interview on WTAM-Radio, so you can't find them on Adams' homepage any longer [http://adamsjfk.com/Home.html] -- at least not as of today's date of September 13, 2010. But Adams' WTAM interview is not lost entirely. I found that it is still available (as of today anyway) at the WTAM website, which enabled me to prove that I was correct and Don Adams was wrong regarding this topic about Oswald criss-crossing the Book Depository. This issue isn't important at all in the grand scheme of things, of course, but I just wanted to clarify the record (mainly for my own archived collection of Internet articles and posts). And the record can, indeed, be clarified by going to approximately the halfway mark in the MP3 audio file linked below, which is where conspiracy theorist Don Adams can be heard saying this: "When we talk about Oswald doing the shooting, at the loft [the Sniper's Nest on the sixth floor of the TSBD], he would have ran from the loft after he did the shooting, he ran to the front of the building [it was actually the back of the building, further illustrating that Adams doesn't know what he's talking about] and he hid the weapon in a bunch of cardboard boxes. He then ran across the building and went down four flights of stairs, and then ran across the building to the break room." -- Donald A. Adams; July 28, 2010 Adams also says in the podcast below that he thinks there were "11 shots fired in Dallas" at President Kennedy. Now, if that statement isn't enough to make all reasonable and rational people roll their eyes, then I don't know what would be. DON ADAMS' INTERVIEW FROM JULY 28, 2010 David Von Pein September 13, 2010
  23. That fellow looks a lot more like LHO than this "Tippit killer", who not only looks nothing like Oswald, but is also way over 6 feet tall (Files is 5-11). This picture is from Wim Dankbaar's site:
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