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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Joe B., To each his own. Others disagree with your assessment about Bugliosi's tome: New York Times Book Review Los Angeles Times Book Review Washington Post Book Review Boston Globe Book Review
  2. Good Lord, what a load of garbage. Only a person hell-bent on promoting a conspiracy in the JFK case (such as Jim DiEugenio) could possibly just brush aside the massive amounts of actual evidence presented by Vincent Bugliosi in "Reclaiming History" and categorize that huge pile of evidence as merely "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, symbolizing nothing". Mr. DiEugenio, you're living in a fantasy world.
  3. If you want to believe that DiEugenio has "demolished" Vince Bugliosi's book, fine. But you're only fooling yourself. Because — newsflash! — the evidence in the John F. Kennedy murder case (laid out painstakingly by Bugliosi in his book) clearly establishes Lee Harvey Oswald's guilt---and very likely his lone guilt.
  4. The Dictabelt junk has been debunked, yes. No doubt about it, IMO. At the very least, the HSCA/4th Shot/Dictabelt evidence has a very dark cloud hanging over it (based on Steve Barber's "Hold everything secure" discovery alone). And even most CTers should be able to acknowledge the existence of that "dark cloud". (See the webpage below.) http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com / JFK Acoustics--Charles Rader Interview Re: The smell of "Gunsmoke".... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com / The Smell Of Gunpowder In Dealey Plaza Re: Bang....Bang-Bang.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com / The Spacing Of The Gunshots Re: The SBT and Governor Connally's reactions.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com / The Ultimate In SBT Denial Among Conspiracy Theorists
  5. The most "absurd" assertion made by conspiracy theorists at this forum (or any other) is the assertion that Vincent T. Bugliosi's "Reclaiming History" has (in any major way at all) been "debunked". Such a notion concerning Bugliosi's mammoth 20-year effort is not only utterly laughable, but also provably wrong (based on the sum total of evidence in the JFK case).
  6. "Some people have even said 'Oh, that tracheostomy has been altered; it's too big a wound'. Well, I can speak for that -- no, it had not been altered. That's exactly the way it was made at Parkland. It's just that people expected it to be smaller." -- Dr. Robert N. McClelland; Via this 2009 interview (at 41:25)
  7. But Mr. Simkin was simply wrong. As Pat Speer has already correctly pointed out in this discussion, the "printing error" concerning frames Z314 and Z315 of the Zapruder Film had nothing to do with LIFE Magazine's 11/29/63 issue. Instead, it had to do with a printing error in Warren Commission Exhibit No. 885. Those two Z-Film frames (Z314-315) are printed in reverse order in CE885 (at 18 H 70-71). Here's the portion of Vincent Bugliosi's JFK book, Reclaiming History, dealing with the subject of the "reversed Z-Film frames" (click to enlarge).... Also see.... This April 6, 2016, Education Forum post written by David Lifton pertaining to the "printing error" referred to by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.
  8. Exactly. .... "In my opinion, the major reaction that I see from Oswald at his famous midnight press conference is more DISGUST and ANNOYANCE. (Poor Lee Harvey truly looks annoyed and PUT OUT when he's being removed from that room right after his brief press conference.)" -- DVP; March 1, 2010 More: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/01/oswald-midnight-press-conference.html
  9. I certainly agree with you on this one, Jim. It most definitely is baloney. That's almost as bad as this theory (discussed at another forum), in which an outer-fringe conspiracy nutjob informed me that J.D. Tippit was really killed in Dealey Plaza, instead of on 10th Street, and that the "staged shooting" on Tenth Street came complete with "conspiracy-supplied witnesses". As the years pass, the number of conspiracy-happy clowns with really oddball theories seems to grow and grow.
  10. But they've already fully supported my opinion (via their multiple investigations).
  11. Yes, Ron, you're probably correct on this point (re: the "millions"). Let me revise my previous quote (so that it's technically more accurate): "Many people (including virtually everybody who was an integral part of the Warren Commission and the HSCA and the Clark Panel and the Rockefeller Commission) disagree very strongly with your above assessment [that Jim DiEugenio is the "ultimate JFK Truth warrior"]."
  12. But the autopsy findings are completely CONSISTENT with the BEST AUTOPSY EVIDENCE there is---the autopsy photographs and X-rays. The ultra-silly "wrong brain" myth refuses to die, I see. ~sigh~
  13. A quick reminder and Reality Check (re: some of the ridiculous things that are endorsed as the truth in the JFK case by James DiEugenio, who is a person that W. Niederhut just referred to as one of the "most knowledgeable people on the planet" ) ....
  14. I asked for your proof that the autopsy was "falsified". You provided nothing but your opinion. Wanna try again?
  15. And, along those same lines.... Anybody will believe anything they see on the movie theater screen---if it's an Oliver Stone production. Sad, isn't it?
  16. Many people (numbering in the millions) disagree very strongly with your above assessment.
  17. The "Vocative comma" and the dreaded "Comma immediately following a sentence-opening prepositional phrase" are things that I have been advocating and fully supporting for years now. 😇 In fact, when I was proofreading the text of the book I helped Mel Ayton write a few years back, I had the darndest time convincing Mel that many additional commas were needed in our manuscript before it went to press. I succeeded in getting most of them added. For some odd reason, it seems that there is a paucity of commas being utilized in books written by many British authors (like Mr. Ayton). I've yet to figure out why this is so. ~shrug~
  18. Oh, I assure you, I didn't read any of the two-part article. (~Shuddering at the thought.~) I merely searched both parts and used the handy "Word Find" tool to search for "its" and "it's". That's all.
  19. So, the thing you say is an "obvious entry wound" in the Stare Of Death photograph was somehow completely missed (or ignored?) by all of the autopsy physicians? How can anyone truly believe such a thing?
  20. Along these same "grammar" lines.... In his latest two-part essay on Pacino & Travolta, I see that Jim DiEugenio still hasn't managed to correct his persistent habit of misspelling the word it's as its (sans the apostrophe). (See Part 2 of the article for multiple examples.) I've noticed in recent months that multiple other Education Forum members (besides just Jim D.) also have that same habit of refusing to spell that particular word correctly. Which seems very curious to me. Is Jim's longtime grammar affliction contagious?
  21. [Source: Former Secret Service Agent Paul Landis' new book, "The Final Witness", to be released on October 10, 2023.]
  22. And you actually believe this? It's utterly ridiculous to think that Wesley J. Liebeler made any such statement to Sylvia Odio.
  23. More "Odio" Banter.... In 2012, I archived a pretty good "Sylvia Odio" Internet discussion, featuring Jean Davison and John McAdams: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2012/03/sylvia-odio-part-2.html
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