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Ray Mitcham

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Status Updates posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. Hi Roy, if you would like me to draw it up for you,  you can email  me a rough pencil sketch of what you meant about the DPD basement, I''l try to polish it up and send it back to you.







    1. Roy Wieselquist

      Roy Wieselquist


      Thanks a bunch, but if I could draw it in an email, then I could probably draw it in a post, with all the tools they give.  My level of tech literacy, it's bad.  Thanks so much,

      Roy    rwwiesel@gmail.com

      I don't even know if this message will reach you.

  2. Hi Chris, I think it might be more productive for you to study the three horizontal shadow lines which cross the vertical stair post. These are supposedly the shadows of telegraph wires alongside the house. Assuming that the lines truly show these, how come they move so much down the post,  in the short time that Marina allegedly took the photos. 

    The highest three lines are in C1333A showing that it must have been taken earlier than the rest, when the sun was higher in the sky. Try to calculate how much distance there is between the three lots of shadows and see how much time there must have been for them to have moved that far. Also compare Oswald's shadow in all three compared to where the sun would have been to have caused the shadows of the power lines. 

    I believe this could be these shadow lines could blow the theory that the photos are genuine.

    Just a thought.


    Keep up the good work.






    1. Chris Bristow

      Chris Bristow

      Hi Ray, I have done a study of those shadows and found some surprises. First it is not the lines that run down the West side of the ally. The angle of the Sun from 3pm to 430pm shows the shadow would have to have been made by lines that are way down the ally. 75 feet from Oswald. The elevation of the sun shows that a 40 foot pole casts a shadow 26 feet long, so it cannot be a shadow of those lines. Very confusing till I found an old photo showing lines that ran right next to the house on the same side of the ally. Those lines were on an approx 30 foot pole with no crossbar. It ran to the backyard of the house behind Oswald. The angle and shadow length match  so I assume they must be the lines shadowed in the photo. I also was wondering why those shadows move faster than all the other. The reason is it is the longest shadow. I took the distance of the shadow times 2 time 3.14 and divided the result by 360. It turns out the shadow should move about 4 inches per degree and the elevation changed by 1.6 degrees every ten minutes. So the shadows moved about 6 inches up the 2x4 pole which represents about 7 minutes between the 1st and last photo. So it seems to make sense that the shadows move as they do, and why the other shadows do not move. The total change of elevation is about one degree or less so we might not be able to see it. 
       Still I think the backyard photo's may be faked. Even the head being pasted into the photo may be true even if they got the nose shadow right. I am looking at Oswald's lean now. I found a way to test the stance without having to duplicate the entire posture. It seems so far that the only way to duplicate it is to turn the right knee and foot way out and also be able to hyperextend the knee to get that weird 10 degree angle of the right femur as it angles out from the lower leg. Oswalds right foot is at about an 18 degree angle and I carefully measured the hip angle and he is almost straight forward. The hips are at about a 6 degree angle from the camera. I think it may be impossible to keep those two parameters and still lean so far, still testing it with my nephew who can hyper extend his kneeThat is why i posted recently asking about Oswald maybe having a minor case of knock knee. I did a video on it(below), you may have already seen it from my post a few weeks ago
         The final bit of weirdness I am looking at right now is the Sun's reflection of the tip of his left shoe. It is actually slightly to the right of center and the Sun is to the left. That is truly interesting, we will see. 



  3. Hi Jim, A guy on the JFK assassination Forum would like to get in touch with you, If you like I'll let him know how to contact you, if you so wish.


    " On another point I have been trying to find a way to find a contact for Jim Hargrove I found two old emails that didn't work Now I have sent a message to Debra Conway at the JFK Lancer Facebook page I am mostly curious about any DNA project

    1. Jim Hargrove

      Jim Hargrove

      I dunno Ray.  My email address has been at the very end of the HarveyandLee.net home page since 1998.  How much attention can this fellow be paying?

  4. Hi Chris. These are the actual measurements made of the entrance steps of the TSBD, made at my request some years ago by existing TSBD  staff . Hope they are of some help.


    If they don't transmit properly. email me at ray.mitcham@btinternet.com and I will send them via email.





    TSBD Steps measuremnt.pdf

    1. Chris Davidson

      Chris Davidson

      Thanks Ray,

      Your total (50inches) over 7 steps is 1 inch higher than my recreation steps.

      The height relationship between Frazier and PM seen in Darnell, pretty much matches my wife and me, via my recreation photos.

      So, someone standing 1 step below the landing(as my wife is) would work.



      I did move ourselves up to the top landing (7ft in depth), and took photos of my wife and me. Will post those eventually, so one can get an ideal of the drop-off in human size at 3 and 6 ft increments from the landing front edge.





  5. Sandy, I thought you were going to send me the questions etc re the teeth problem.

    1. Sandy Larsen

      Sandy Larsen


      Sorry it's taking so long. John Armstrong has been trying to send the presentations to a couple of retired dentists and it hasn't worked out so far. The problem is that neither of them is computer smart. John has tried sending links to the presentations for someone local to print, and then hand the hard copies to the retired dentist. Unfortunately nobody can get the presentations to print.

      So I've been waiting for them to sort it out and figure out a solution.

      I haven't sent anything to you because you said (or I got the impression) that your dentist friend is also not computer smart.

      BTW, how did you send this to me. It looks like a PM but I'm reading it here in my profile.

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