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Larry Hancock

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Everything posted by Larry Hancock

  1. Brad, I have shared what I observed and know about the disconnection of links; I'm not involved with restoring the forum so your comments would be best directed to the moderators on that. All I can give you is the history I observed, which affected my own WEB site, hosted on the same server the Lancer forum was...
  2. Brad, you highlighted one of the strange things about the original Lancer server hack in that it was largely a matter of breaking links...I first noticed it on my web site when people would ask for pages I knew were there and they were just gone. That's why Debra did not notice it for some time, its like they started breaking down deep and then just moved upwards so on the serface the site looked relatively normal and just kept losing links and degrading bit by bit. I have no idea how that would be done and for that matter it might be something particular to that host company and that particular server's security. Might not work somewhere else; again I suspect the folks rebuilding it might have an idea but then again sharing that might be a matter or ongoing security as well. The train cars and the entire area behind the fence as well as the overpass were frequent topics of discussion; to this day I'm not sure about the DPD officer who said his view was blocked by a passing train, actually I just don't belive that. And I have never found anything that suggests the three parked work train cars were opened and searched that afternoon. You also brought up a point that bodes well for the restoration, there were people who posted there who are no longer active or who have passed away so that is the only way to retrieve their info. about the restoration, And yes Bill did seriously overload the system with graphics at times, I remember that well. Sounds like you might have worked out at Tinker AFB? And no, before the current very low depth earthquake swarms (not at all like your standard quake) we didn't have any other than over a couple of small fault lines in the east and one small one that actually runs right near my house down here in the SW, in the Wichita Mtns. As to tornadoes, they have always been just a fact of life here, interestingly it led to Okla City having some of the most advanced and best weather forecasting in the nation, the first to introduce doppler radar, to deploy trackers. We just got missed by a tornado when living north of Atlanta and it was amazing how much different the weather forecasting and coverage was there....had never really been a problem for them because they didn't have many. Here its a seasonal thing....like severe ice storms have become - we never had those before the last few years either.
  3. Paul, having had some interaction with Kris I doubt that he would order an author to participate but he would certainly suggest/encourage it - Vince might be able to give us a better read.
  4. Oklahoma is doing well this fall, its been wetter than usual and that always makes us happy - of course moving to number two in terms of earthquake risk right behind California might be considered a bit of a downer, it used to be we talked about dealing with tornadoes but at least we were safe from earthquakes - now not not so much. If we start to get hurricanes too, some of us might become paranoid. Your memory is far better than mine but I do recall the parking lot discussions and the missing list of license plates - just like the missing list of names taken by DPD at the theatre - I seem to recall a lot of discussion about sliding gates, how the lot at the train yard was sealed off and what Bowers could see, Debra did interview his brother who was adamant that he saw more than he felt safe to talk about. The phantom train and the tramps (all sorts of tramps) were big areas of discussion, the train thing has always really bothered me. Another very hot topic was the question of what was actually recovered down on the south side of Elm and who was picking up what. The fact that evidence appeared to disappear there got lots of discussion. There was always a lot of discussion about the TSBD on the Lancer forum, same as here. Also a lot of talk about folks behind the fence, especially so because for a long while Ed Hoffman was a subject of discussion as well. I'm hard pressed to recall what was being discussed when things went south, I know that a couple of threads had been segregated from the main forum, one I think about Judyth but not sure of the others, perhaps one on Tosh Plumlee. At this stage I sometimes have a hard time sorting out what were the hot topics on the old Compuserve JFK forum vs. Lancer. its becoming a blur - then again that may be those earthquakes...grin.
  5. Brad, indeed you would not have seen it.....on the first occasion Debra managed to put it together again fairly quickly, however the next time around the hack was much worse...as far as my site went we never recovered some of the documents but I didn't even know that until people started asking me about stuff that was there and Deb and I started looking for it. In the end we moved my site to another server entirely - ditto with the JFK Lancer web site, not the forum part, that stayed like it was until its reconstruction. I know a bit about data comm but not web stuff so that is just my general impression - I would not swear to the exact sequence or extent of damage the first time, but the second time was the killer. As a forum user it was not all that visible until the thing went down completely. As to the nature of the hack my impression is that it was a deconstruction of the internal links rather than anything else....it was just taken apart at the seams. The Lancer WEB pages had to be rebuilt on the new server as did my site but the archives on the forum were a fundamental problem, perhaps those who reconstructed it would have a better technical explanation of the damage. As to the moderation, I think most folks know that Debra had some health problems and for times during that period was not even able to participate in the forum. Unfortunately that was still the situation when it began to be seriously hacked or perhaps more accurately deconstructed - she was seriously just about to call it quits at that point but her health did improve later - hence the resurgence and the continuation of the conferences and of some Lancer publishing. Long story short it is amazing that the forum itself has been rebuilt; as you say, that would be a story worthy of Mr Gates....it should be a nice resource on a great number of topics. I certainly know there was stuff discussed there that I can only vaguely recall at this point. Anyway, I hope that gives it some perspective, its about as much as I can remember - its been a tough road at points, that's for sure. Makes me wonder why I didn't just go back to rock collecting when I retired...
  6. Brad, it was most definitely hacked, much of my own web site was hacked and taken out at the same time because it was on the same server. In fact it was hacked at least twice to my knowledge. The site also had several different administrators over its lengthy history, not just one. On the other hand, it is accurate to say that it was a private site, not group funded and there were no bones about some topics and some posts being sanctioned. Facts are good but opinions usually seem to win out so I'll leave it at that.
  7. Well let's just say that if I were running for President disclosing my financials would be no problem...grin. In ten years you would see the sort of loss that would make any respectable businessman quake and my wife mutter about it. So, no, while its become something of a job now since I write about other Cold War and national security subjects but most definitely not for a profit. As to speaking, I'll fall back on the old political gambit about not running for office and if drafted/nominated not accepting. On the other hand, I can see it as a real quandary for folks who are published by Trine Day, especially with Kris having a big role in her conferences and promotions. Don't know if that is true now but it certainly was and generally speaking if your publisher asks you to help promote your book you are advised to do so and in some instances contractually bound to do so.
  8. Agreed Tommy, I just didn't want the point to get lost that Judyth's story is becoming a sort of alternative history in many places and is being promoted by many people- and its a much broader story about sponsors, motives, a very elaborate conspiracy that really does affirm an version of history all her own. From that perspective its a much larger issue than whether James Files was a shooter or Beverly was there with a camera. Judyth is operating at a much different level ...
  9. Wow, interesting thread...all about the issues of artificial history with Judyth, which she is currently and intensely and very successfully creating and then it goes off to something else entirely...
  10. The ARRB investigated the activities of the 112th at great length; its Dallas detachment was not activated in any sort of security mode and interviews with its personnel determined that other than Powell, who was on leave, none were in the area. Unfortunately all the dialog about the MI group takes attention from the people with fake credentials who were behind there, acting in a tactical team effort just as Chris describes...and creating a diversion. Powell was never behind the fence, he was on Houston, went to the corner, spoke to Brennan, and then went inside the building. Unfortunately the HSCA interviewed the 112th officer who was acting as G2 rather than the officer they should have who was in charge of operations - and Jones just confused them more.
  11. Sandy, I'm always very cautious about throwing around words like "lie". I don't know of anyone who actually accused Darby of lieing in regard to the print, however in my own conversations with Richard - who used to be a member here - many years ago, I gathered that there was an evolving process of showing prints to Darby, not just one print and there was an issue pertaining to a Wallace hand injury that came into play. Its way to vague for me to say anything firm which is why I would refer you to Richard who was possibly the closest one to it that you might talk with.. I do have to note that the whole context of the print came up as part of a much larger effort to prove in Wallace and Johnson in the crime. At one point I had actually written a book length piece on Wallace and Johnson and their possible role - which also involved Loy Factor - you will find some of my initial research on Wallace still on the forum if you look in the areas on articles...well at least it used to be there. However after a couple of years work I had to pull back simply because I was uncomfortable with some of the pieces. That was many, many years ago which is why I won't depend on memory to discuss it. I'll leave that to others. I would certainly suggest you read Joan's book and talk with Richard B before reaching any conclusions.
  12. Sandy, if you really want to explore this subject in detail I suggest you contact Richard Bartholemew who was part of the original Texas group and who could offer you a lot of background into exactly what was given to Darby and the process that was involved in his identification, which as I understand it was a bit more complex than just giving him one print. Walt Brown would also be someone for you to talk to as he was the spokesman for the group and ended up with much of the original material. I know that Joan talked at some length with Richard as I referred her to him. I'm sure Dawn has heard much of the original story about the work with Darby as well. I think those contacts would give you a lot more insight into his identification.
  13. Yep, of course a DA could declare it to be one but you can imagine the political repercussions....
  14. She will be in Dallas for the Lancer conference Jim, you can ask her there...and of course so can anyone else attending. And yes there is an extensive fingerprint chapter in her book - which I have only skimmed at this point. I did see that the expert she used mentioned that the prints he was working from appeared good enough to go into the FBI automated computer print system - but she has the same problem Stu and I do with MLK related prints. You have to have law enforcement involvement to use that system and in turn they have to have an active case to refer the search against. At least that's what we have been told. Violating that rule annoys the FBI and somebody's privileges gets pulled so the folks including AG's we have talked to are somewhat sensitive to its use.
  15. Heavens no, I had not even thought of that....OK, we are doomed...on the other hand it might get to Putin and he might offer her sanctuary, her being at risk and all...
  16. Unfortunately I suspect they will find somebody that will...they seem to be on a roll at the moment...certainly they are very, very busy.
  17. JFK Lancer got one as well, As I have been mentioning in my blogs, Putin's media machine is busily reviving old school Soviet era propaganda practices....a quick internet search will provide some insight on the types of stories this Russian media outlet features - coverage from the Ukraine seems to be especially popular.
  18. Glen, there is no doubt that Russo is a capable researcher, the concern is that he was given introductions to and pointed towards sources that would lead him down the Castro did it trail...that shows up in a video he helped with well after the original book. The question becomes not one of research but sources...well that and who you know that might help you a little too much, probably good to take a close look at where and how he got most of his more novel, insider type leads...
  19. Glenn, Morrow is extremely dubious, bottom line is that he was really interested in the assassination, turned up some leads that were interesting during the Church committee era and actually stimulated some of the interest in advance of the HSCA....however he hit some dead ends in his research and began writing just to stir the pot. A good friend of mine was rather close to him and Morrow admitted that much of what he wrote was fiction, intended simply to stir interest. Considering his was the one of the very first JFK books I ever read and it did get me hooked he was successful with some of us but after much extended study of his leads they really didn't prove out....well one still has some points of interest for me but it sort of hits a brick wall for me just as it did for him. On Russo, well I think the consensus among some of us is that the got a bit too close to some of his intelligence contacts and they did a mind meld on him, turning him into a Castro did it diversion....
  20. Sounds like a pretty accurate analysis.....I suspect he will indeed become a case study from several angles. Then again as he just said, he has the option of taking a very long, very nice vacation so I suppose it's not all bad.
  21. Douglas, of course that's a true statement and one of the gravest risks is if a newly elected president fails to be fully briefed by his predecessor or to pay attention to his predecessor's advice. My view is that one of the gravest transitions in decades took place with GWB's transition into the office. Far too detailed to go into here but I deconstruct in Surprise Attack. To a large extent failures during that transition produced a failure to interdict the attacks of 9/11. Earlier failures during the JFK transition led to the Bay of Pigs. Transitions are always dangerous times...and our system has some endemic problems with them. Of course another grave risk is when one party decides to absolutely obstruct and defeat anything a new administration might attempt, regardless of the consequences and regardless of what advantages that might lend to international competitors. But since this thread is so off course I'll add one more thing...personally I will take "Morning in America" any day over a constant drone about how things have never been worse - I've been there, I've seen them worse......anybody campaigning strictly on fear and whining is not for me... totally different than campaigning on things that need to be fixed or improved.....maybe my boys the Eagles said it best...Get Over It! .-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H-Y7MAASkg
  22. Indeed Tom, I don't think anyone really wants to revisit how big a role both the major corporations and the crime families had in forming Administration policy towards Cuba. It has to be noted that Nixon and some of his personal friends were very much involved in the Casino scene in Cuba, that Meyer Lansky actually brought Roselli down to clean up after a complaint from one of Nixons's buddies and perhaps most importantly that the first assassination attempt against Castro was by crime figures connected to Vegas (even though it went down in New York City) and very likely came from the Lansky/Roselli nexus. Not to mention that when the CIA was first getting started, the people they went to for covert assistance (David Phillips specifically) were the big New York, Texas and La. companies that had been doing business in Cuba.
  23. Boy, fear is really in vogue this season.....neither Churchill nor JFK would be much impressed. And interestingly enough JFK assessed and laid out a whole series of very calculated "pay the price" escalations in regard to the Berlin Crisis the year after he was elected, including the nuclear option. Amazingly enough it worked out quite well, the Russians were very clear about what the price was and made none of their anticipated moves. The key is doing that before they move and letting them know the cost and consequences....as we failed to do a number of times throughout the Cold War and more recently.... If that little teaser about JFK and contingency plans got your interest, check out this link: http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/nukevault/ebb310/
  24. In late 1995, journalist and former HSCA investigator Gaeton Fonzi traveled to Cuba and interviewed Fabian Escalante, the former head of Cuban Counter Intelligence. The interview was part of a planned article for Esquire magazine. Escalante talked with Fonzi for hours about his role protecting Castro, and together they toured a museum devoted to artifacts of assassination plots against the Cuban leader. The article was never published by Esquire. But, through the generosity of Fonzi's widow Marie, the Mary Ferrell Foundation is now making it available for the first time. It is entitled "And Why, By the Way, is Fidel Castro Still Alive?: The Inside Story of Cuban Intelligence. You will find the article through the link below. We were happy to have Marie Fonzi speak at last year's JFK Lancer conference in Dallas and even happier that she will be returning to present again this November. She has some fascinating insights into what her husband did while working as one of the few experienced investigators to serve Congressional inquiries - as well as his personal thoughts about the people involved and his inside view of the HSCA practices. https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/Featured_Unpublished_Fonzi_Essay.html
  25. Hi Brad, I'm from pretty much the same generation you are....just a note about the bomber reference (which I wrote about in some detail in Surprise Attack). "I vividly remember one of my college professors telling his class about a B-29 bomber (same aircraft that dropped the two A-bombs on Japan) being forced to land somewhere on Soviet soil somewhere around the end of WWII. The B-29 contained a top secret bomb sight mechanism at the time. The Soviets copied the aircraft down to the rivets, secret bombsight & all. I was impressed." Actually the B-29's were part of a conventional transit bombing missions over Japan with an agreed upon landing on Russian territory....the Russians then allowed the crews to leave but kept the planes and did copy them to create their first strategic bombers....well we assumed that is what they were going to do and built our entire early 50's air defense around that assumption. Instead the relatively small number of aircraft made were flown into Siberian bases and staged mainly for reconnaissance against our Navy and potential Navy attack missions. Its a very interesting story, since we were building SAC we thought they would build "SUSAC"....they actually did nothing comparable but focused on air defense. The gambit they used to make us think they were building a huge bomber force was a real classic, and drove us into the belief in a bomber gap, and the development of SAGE, an air defense system more expensive than developing the atomic bomb. Its also very instructive to really dig into how cooperative military efforts with the Russians have worked out. During WWII they allowed us to stage bombers at bases in the West of Russia, but would not allow us to place fighters there - then they allowed the Germans to follow the bombers home to the bases and deployed no air defense, we lost lots of planes and some good crews in that operation. By that time momentum was beginning to swing and it was felt Stalin wanted no credit going to the Americans....it was an easy way to close out a project he had never been too excited about...
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