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William Paris

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    Asbury Park, NJ
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    Music, family, all Philly sports

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  1. I’ve been to the Atlantic City Convention Hall numerous times. Once I was the by myself and went into the main hall. It was empty. I could feel the energy…
  2. If this is the episode where they try to pinpoint a timeframe for when the organizers started planning…it’s fantastic!
  3. Possibly. Another option is Pompeo discussed things with Tucker that he thought were off the record. What I noticed was that when Tucker aired this on Fox Pompeo disappeared. He was a guest all the time, then, poof, he was gone for months… then after Tucker left he came back
  4. In Pittsburgh last Nov Rob Reiner’s presentation was done via video. He took questions and I asked him about AI. He said he has been in meetings about it and to him a potential use of AI would be to bring more clarity (precision) to the Z film
  5. Very weak…a short blurb… don’t know what the goal was
  6. Looks like this might be a new segment in his prime time show
  7. I just saw an ad for a new Jesse Waters show on Fox… JFK Series. Starting tonight. Anyone have any info? Quick google didn’t bring up much
  8. There’s a really good Black Op Radio episode with Jim G
  9. When the pardon happened I really thought that was going to be the first of many dominos to fall….boy was I wrong https://www.justice.gov/pardon/black-history-month-2024
  10. The agents who didn't react failed to execute their duties. It's that simple. Knowing what we know now, the agents in that detail should probably be combat vets...
  11. On a virtual presentation at Pittsburgh Talbot made a reference to the fact that 60 Min (Hewitt) and Wapo (Bradlee) bigs didn't use their platform to push for JFK truth because they were afraid it would destroy their careers. Fear.... isn't that how LBJ bullied Warren into a corner...
  12. Next year during the campaign Trump/Biden could be forced to explain their decision to not release the files more specifically. Hopefully Bobby can back them into a corner.
  13. If elected, could Trump or RFK Jr reverse Biden’s final determination of the JFK Act?
  14. David, I don't believe anyone asked him that. The first half of the presentation was about his background with the Secret Service and what he did leading up to Dallas. Robenalt was with him and assisting. I don't think there were any "hard hitting" type of questions. I might be making a mistake with my memory... Landis said that when he finally wanted to bring out to public his recollections he reached out to an unnamed Secret Service contact. This person, who knew of the Wecht Institute/Cyril involvement, reached out to the president of Duquesne (who the agent knew) who then connected with Robenalt. Someone will certainly correct me if I'm wrong. What I can say David, is it's not too late to get some clarification. I recommend you reach out to Robenalt immediatly.
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