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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. Thank you for boldly showing your full colors Matthew. You are racist and anti-Semitic. I do hope you give up on all us rational people here and move on.
  2. Pretty much agree with you. A true populist movement would be all about redistribution of wealth.
  3. Yes I’m aware that Raskin says he supports full release. I trust he will back the bill. Antifa dresses in black but you missed my analogy, or perhaps ignored it. Anarchists are not leading any kind of revolution. Antifa as an organization doesn’t actually exist. Anyone can wear black and wreak havoc at midnight on the streets of Portland. And they did. Populism, as it is being defined by the current Republicans, is mostly a whites only club. Do you see that differently?
  4. We’ve been down this road. Btw the book is now relatively affordable and available. The idea of a false flag attack being hijacked by real assassins is interesting of course. But the problem with this book is the use of the word Mishpucka.
  5. Matthew- allow me to withdraw the word provocateur. The word has connotations, and I shouldn’t have used it to describe you. I do however feel provoked by you. I’ve been clear - I’m on the side of full disclosure of JFK documents, and whoever gets done I’m prepared to be thankful to them. I’ve also said clearly I don’t think it’s gonna happen. If Schweikert manages to get his bill to the floor for a vote I hope it gets bipartisan support. Like Joe says, Tucker Carlson has been a lightning rod for conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact, such as the great replacement. I’m hardly surprised that the Feds infiltrated the Proud Boys and their ilk. I don’t want a blackshirt led bloody revolution, even if I agree we surely need a revolution. Trump cannot be the face of it and get my support - ever - because he is an autocratic narcissistic sexist sallow human. Matthew - you make the comment somewhere here that the Republican Party is now populist, and the Democrats status quo corporatists. Those aren’t your exact words, but that is the gist. Please correct me if I’m wrong. What I’d like to know is what is your definition of populist?
  6. You are making the most of this, and whatever differences we all have I’m certain we are all thankful for your tireless efforts.
  7. My post makes clear that I do NOT have confirmation bias. What I do have is a political point of view. I trust Carlson, and Republicans in general, less than I do Klobuchar and Democrats in general. It should be obvious that Senator Klobuchar has nothing to gain. We cannot say the same about Schweikert or Carlson. We simply don’t know. Time will tell. If I had to bet I would bet with Pat on this - nothing will come of it.That doesn’t mean I don’t want them to succeed. If as a result there was a political fracas between Republicans demanding full release and Democrats blocking it I would side with the Republicans. And to be clear, I’m a progressive pro labor pro inclusion anti big business LEFTY. I don’t believe in the Democratic Party, I believe in ideas.
  8. I’m fascinated by the comments on this thread. I’ll start with you Chris, someone whose perceptions often jibe with mine. It seems to me that you are saying that ‘liberals’ are afflicted with a psychological weakness that ‘conservatives’ are not. Is that what you believe? Personally I think we are all being bombarded with all manner of propaganda from all sides, and it’s a challenge for any and all of us to keep our heads straight. i agree mostly with Joe, and with Pat, whose viewpoints I don’t by any means always side with. But he is right in my view to be cynical of the motIves of Carlson, and maybe Schweikert as well. But first, it is absolutely the case that ‘Democrats’ and Liberals are doing nothing. I can concede that and still be skeptical of Tucker Carlson. As Pat says, what happens if he has Alex Jones or - worse - James Fetzer on air as an expert? If he had Oliver Stone, Jim DiEugenio, John Newman, on air instead, people that can articulate on JFK without dragging in the kitchen sink conspiracies, I’d then extend him more credit. Let’s see how things transpire. Rachel Maddow or her ilk don’t cover this while Tucker Carlson does. What does that prove? It’s all divide and conquer, all funded by monied elites who have more in common with each other than they do with any of us. Yes, it is in fact Good vs Evil, but these spokespeople are not the personification of those qualities. They are hired pundits. Maybe they believe what they say, maybe they don’t. But they are only esconced in their pulpits because other interests fund them and derive benefit, both commercial and political.
  9. Which is essentially why I think they are still running Coups, such as 2014 Maidan in Ukraine. I know others disagree on that one, but it’s important to realize that we never know what they are doing until some time later, maybe a lot later.
  10. I saw him do one, and he noted my Coup D’Etat trading card deck, sitting on his table, in his intro.
  11. We are hopelessly stuck between tweedle Dee and tweedle Dumb. It might be a great time for a third party candidate, since in 2024 it might even become a fourth if Trump runs as an independent.
  12. I recall something about intercepted OAS radio traffic, not specifically Souetre.
  13. Yes I get that he might have lied. But I don’t see pics of them in jail on the website. My other question - do you think Souetre took part in assassination teams targeting DeGaulle? In the past you had concluded that Souetre was more public relations for OAS rather than terrorist. Do you stand by that? Albarelli had other sources on Souetre, such as being a trainer for Skorzeny in Madrid. Have you looked at that?
  14. Steve - maybe so. But the picture is certainly not taken from jail. I’m actually not sure what you are getting at. Are you saying that Souetre wasn’t involved in the assassination attempts against DeGaulle? Or that he couldn’t have been in the US or Caribbean because these three Hungarians were in jail at the time? Or something else?
  15. Where’ve we go in this discussion, it would be helpful in my view to make clear that while discussing the wider issues of the war, and historical antecedents, we are not trying to absolve Putin of crimes against Ukraine. My focus on all of this is that this war should not be happening at all, and that the consequences are deadly for so many, though not for us Americans. It’s like Jesus said - not a quote - look to the moat in your own eye. Be free of blame before you blame others.
  16. Thanks Steve for reminding us of this thread. Hard to corroborate Fensterwald but so many interesting things. I recall asking Larry about Hunt meeting Souetre in Madrid. Hunt later became station chief there, but not in 1963. resurrecting this for Leslie Sharp.
  17. It’s a good question W. I guess that means we are at war with Russia. Sorry if I didn’t read every word of Hersh or necessarily believe everything he or any news source says in the fog of war, but did he say the US and NATO together blew up the pipeline? You know, during WW2 we were kind of selective with what we bombed. We didn’t bomb railway lines leading to concentration camps, and I’ve read that we didn’t bomb Standard Oil operations either. This act of sabotage was surely a double edged sword. Did it hurt Russia as much as it hurt European citizens? It surely benefitted western oil and gas companies, but was that part of the equation? The problem with war is the FOG. The Propaganda. I won’t read any reports, because I don’t know how much truth they contain. But I am absolutely sure of one thing - this war was preventable. This is not Hitler marching through Europe. I wish we cared more about how we got here. It is very possible to square the circle in this case. Putin sucks at home and abroad, and so does NATO and US Empire. I won’t condone Putin, or whitewash Biden. Way too simplistic.
  18. So Shackley was involved in the Hungarian operation. Presumably in 1956, and he surely knew Dorothe Matlack because of that. I’ll point out that Brandstetter was Hungarian. And didn’t I read in Coup that Souetre worked with a coupe of Hungarians in OAS attempts against DeGaulle? Not to cast aspersions on Hungarians, just wondering if any of this ties together.
  19. That would make sense out of later comments by Souetre naming Mertz as someone using his name as an alias. Also that it’s US Intel that provides most of the name confusion.
  20. Leslie - you think it might have been Colonel Rose who met with Hoover on 12/11? That’s the correct date? He worked out of the Assistant Chief of Staff Office for certain. The structure of ASCI isn’t clear to me. I suspect there were several assistants, Rose and Matlack among them. Rose was definitely Brandstetter’s connection.
  21. Steve - thanks for locating the thread where I quoted the oral history on Crichton that was actually misfiled in the 6th floor museum because they misspelled Crichton. It seems to me that wondering about whether Crichton’s Intelligence Unit was the 488th MID misses the main point, which is looking closely at Crichton and his association with DPD detectives. Btw it was probably Dorothe Matlack, ACSI - Army chief of staff Intelligence at the Pentagon. She pops up later in what Joan Mellen dug up in Our Man in Haiti, which is that she was present with George DeMohrenschildt along with a few others in the spring of 1963. I don’t have the book in front of me now. Dorothe wasn’t Brandstetter’s ACSI ‘big brother’ that he reported to for decades, the one that assigned him to the 488th after he returned from Cuba. That was some other Colonel.
  22. And there you have it. I’ll look forward to Chris being reinstated.
  23. It was news to me that Crichton served on HL Hunt’s Board. Hardly surprising though.
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