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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. How can we have sunk so low? We've gone from JFK and Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama to a President who recommends injecting bleach into your body, brags about being able to repeat five words in a row, and is promoting a witch doctor? What the #$%^ happened? Steve Thomas
  2. ‘Nobody likes me’: Trump bemoans the fact that Dr Fauci is more trusted than he is https://www.rawstory.com/2020/07/nobody-likes-me-trump-bemoans-the-fact-that-dr-fauci-is-more-trusted-than-he-is/ “He’s got this high approval rating,” said Trump. “Why don’t I have a high approval rating?” He added that “Nobody likes me. It could only be my personality. I don’t know.” #WhyIDontLikeTrump https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WhyIDontLikeTrump Is now the #1 Trending topic on Twitter as of 07/29/2020 Steve Thomas
  3. Joe, You might be interested in reading this: Back in the (Great) Game: The Revenge of Eurasian Land Powers By Pepe Escobar 2008 https://consortiumnews.com/2018/08/29/back-in-the-great-game-the-revenge-of-eurasian-land-powers/ I personally learned a lot. Steve Thomas
  4. Gene, Thank you. This makes the battle for the Eurasian land mass even more interesting for me. Steve Thomas
  5. Trump and Trump Jr. praise doctor who says diseases are caused by "evil deposits from the spirit husband" https://boingboing.net/2020/07/28/trump-and-trump-jr-praise-doc.html Trump and Junior are urging their social media followers to heed the Covid-19 advice of Dr. Stella Immanuel, a Houston pediatrician who has determined that many diseases are caused by sex with demons and/or alien DNA. The Daily Beast reported that Dr. Immanuel "praises hydroxychloroquine and says that face masks aren’t necessary to stop transmission of the highly contagious coronavirus." From The Daily Beast: In sermons posted on YouTube and articles on her website, Immanuel claims that medical issues like endometriosis, cysts, infertility, and impotence are caused by sex with “spirit husbands” and “spirit wives”—a phenomenon Immanuel describes essentially as witches and demons having sex with people in a dreamworld. “They are responsible for serious gynecological problems,” Immanuel said. “We call them all kinds of names—endometriosis, we call them molar pregnancies, we call them fibroids, we call them cysts, but most of them are evil deposits from the spirit husband,” Immanuel said of the medical issues in a 2013 sermon. “They are responsible for miscarriages, impotence—men that can’t get it up.” ooooooooooookay Steve Thomas
  6. Gene, I used to live in that neck of the woods, and I know about the towns in western Colorado paved with uranium mill tailings. That's why I had sort of an interest in George DeMohrenschildt's comings and goings in Rangely. When I read that D.H. Byrd sold his interests in Byrd Oil and used the money to found Byrd Uranium, my ears perked up. Steve Thomas
  7. Jim. Over the course of time, I've been really surprised to learn that these White Russian guys were not just oil industry people, they all seemed to be "petroleum engineers" and geologists. They were the guys who find the oil. Along the way I learned that uranium deposits are often found alongside large oil fields. And off we go... Steve Thomas
  8. Ron, Doyle and Gedney’s arrest record: "These men were taken off a train boxcar in the rail yards right after President Kennedy was shot," https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth190292/m1/1/?q=Gedney William Chambers: “When questioned regarding the circumstances of their arrest, the three individuals indicated that they were on a freight car sleeping when they were wakened by officers with different colored uniforms than the ones worn by the officers who drove them down to the station. I would like to point out that it was Sheriff's Deputies who flooded the railroad yards immediately following the assassination. Steve Thomas
  9. Trump Announced, Then Canceled, a Yankees Pitch. Both Came as a Surprise. The president’s announcement that he would pitch at Yankee Stadium on Aug. 15 startled the team’s officials, who had not scheduled such an event. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/27/us/politics/trump-yankees-fauci.html President Donald Trump invited himself to Yankee Stadium to throw out a ceremonial first pitch, and it did not go well for him, according to a new report in The New York Times. “An hour before Dr. Anthony S. Fauci threw the first pitch at the season opener between the New York Yankees and the Washington Nationals, President Trump stood on the briefing room stage at the White House and declared that he, too, had been invited to throw out his own opening pitch,” the newspaper reported. “There was one problem: Mr. Trump had not actually been invited on that day by the Yankees, according to one person with knowledge of Mr. Trump’s schedule. His announcement surprised both Yankees officials and the White House staff,” The Times explained. “But Mr. Trump had been so annoyed by Dr. Fauci’s turn in the limelight, an official familiar with his reaction said, that he had directed his aides to call Yankees officials and make good on a longtime standing offer from Mr. Levine to throw out an opening pitch. But no date was ever finalized.” Steve Thomas
  10. ken olin @kenolin1 "Trump’s wall goes down in high winds. The amount of money @realDonaldTrump has wasted in the past three and a half years is breathtaking. The man is a living, breathing bankruptcy." https://twitter.com/i/status/1287673492972793856 Steve Thomas
  11. https://www.nbc12.com/2020/07/25/protests-continue-richmond-unlawful-assembly-declared-dump-truck-set-fire/ RICHMOND, Va. (WWBT) - Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney and Police Chief Gerald Smith addressed overnight riots in Richmond during a press conference on Sunday. Both city officials thanked peaceful protesters and the Black Lives Matter movement and detested violence and arson fires started by some in the crowd. Stoney said there were reports of white supremacists in the crowds who incited the violence. “There were white supremacists marching under the banner of Black Lives Matter, an attempt to undermine an otherwise overwhelmingly peaceful movement toward social justice,” Stoney said. “We’ve spoken on many occasions about those who’ve chosen a more violent route to express their discontent and what that does for the overall movement toward social justice.” Steve Thomas
  12. Ron, Many years ago, Denis Morissette had collected a number of FBI interviews of such people as Marvin Wise, William Chambers, Bill Bass, Gedney, Doyle, etc. He put these on a GeoCities server that expired when GeoCities went down in 2009. Mark Stevens located an archived copy of these documents and posted a link to them in the Education Forum Thread, Revisiting The Three Tramps In Dealey Plaza. Here is a link to those documents: https://www.oocities.org/capitolhill/senate/5439/Documents.html These interviews are well worth reading and cross-referencing. Steve Thomas
  13. Trump supporters fume at the president’s campaign for spamming them with ‘sleazy’ text messages https://www.rawstory.com/2020/07/trump-supporters-fume-at-the-presidents-campaign-for-spamming-them-with-sleazy-text-messages/ “You FAILED to use your 5x match,” reads one text message. “It EXPIRED… Why did you let us down? LAST CHANCE.” “We texted you TWICE,” reads another. “Why did you let your 500% Trump House Patriot match expire AGAIN? We’ll give you 1 more chance.” “I’m constantly getting texts like this from yesterday,” wrote one of Schlichter’s followers in response. “I received 4 of the same text, all within 10 mins of each other. I texted ‘STOP’ & got a text stating I’m now unsubscribed, only to have a different number send me more of the same the next day.” “I’m getting multiple texts a day similar to this. AND THE EMAILS…my emails have doubled because of the incessant begging for money from the GOP and various campaigns. Makes me sorry I ever donated to anyone’s campaign.” Steve Thomas
  14. Cash-strapped House Republicans furious with Jared Kushner for blocking RNC help: report ublished 4 hours ago on July 26, 2020 By Tom Boggioni https://www.rawstory.com/2020/07/cash-strapped-house-republicans-furious-with-jared-kushner-for-blocking-rnc-help-report/ “According to a report from the Washington Post, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has been pleading for money from the Republican National Committee to help bolster the struggling campaigns of some of his colleagues in the House — only to be ignored. Following the “Blue wave” 2018 midterm election that resulted in the Republican Party losing control of the House, McCarthy has been attempting to stop the bleeding in 2020 in what is expected to be a high-turnout election with an embattled Donald Trump at the top of the ticket. The report notes that McCarthy has asked the RNC which is flush with cash for a check for the National Republican Congressional Committee multiple times, only to be given a cold shoulder as the RNC focuses on keeping Trump in office. The roadblock for the frustrated McCarthy reportedly is Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner. “McCarthy specifically has asked Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, to make a financial commitment to the House GOP, according to several officials familiar with the discussions, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to freely describe private conversations,” the report states. “But Kushner, who oversees such decisions and has a greater say than RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, has refused thus far, the officials say. While the Trump campaign and the RNC have brought in record amounts of money, some Trump officials see donating to the House as a wasteful investment as the GOP’s chances of reclaiming the majority sharply deteriorate.” According to the report, House Republicans are furious with Kushner, “many of whom believe the president has a duty to help the party — not just himself,” particularly because some Republican House members in safe seats have forwarded donations in the tens of thousands of dollars to the RNC at the request of the president’s campaign officials.” Republicans are learning the hard way that loyalty, and the money flow with the Trump family is a one-way street. You’d think that after the Trump Charity they would have learned their lesson. Steve Thomas
  15. Mark, Sorry. The correct link is: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=57753&relPageId=109 Rankin had asked Hoover to find the source for the description of the shooter broadcast by the police at 12:45 pm on the 22nd of Nov. Hoover wrote him back and said that according to the police, the source was from an "unidentified citizen". By January of 64, Brennan had certainly been identified. Steve Thomas
  16. Mark, J. Edgar Hoover wrote a letter to J. Lee Rankin on January 14, 1964 that the Dallas Police Department had provided this description of the assailant based on the description provided by an unknown citizen, of a man seen running from the Texas School Book Depository immediately after the assassination. This unknown man had never reported to the Sheriff’s office as instructed. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=109 On November 2, 1964 ( two months after the Warren Report was published) Rankin again asked Hoover to find out where that description came from. Hoover responded with a letter on November 12, 1963 that, according to the Dallas police the information came from an ‘unidentified citizen’.” http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=72 - The description had nothing to do with Brennan. Steve Thomas
  17. Mark, Brenan failed to identify Oswald in a lineup at police headquarters later that day. It's hard to see how he could describe him, yet fail to identify him. For more info on this lineup, see, Brennan's Lineup Unfortunately, the DPD Archives has been taken down, and all the records were transferred to the Portal to Texas History. https://texashistory.unt.edu/explore/collections/JFKAM/browse/?start=0 Steve Thomas
  18. Paul, I don't have any opinion on this TSBD mystery man. There were just too many people floating in and out of this crime scene. As far as Gerald Hill goes, I don't know when he got there, but from the Dispatch tapes: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/dpdtapes/tapes2.htm 1:19 Dispatch: No physical description Dispatch to 91(Ptm. Wentzel: 91, have a signal 19 west on Jefferson. No description at this time. (Pause) Suspect just passed 401 E Jefferson. 1:22 Dispatch: We have a description on this suspect over here on Jefferson. Last seen about 300 block of East Jefferson. He's a white male, about thirty, five eight, (siren) black hair, slender, wearing white jacket, a white shirt and dark slacks. (Sirens) The first time we hear from Gerald Hill was at 1:26PM - four minutes after Dispatch has broadcast a description of an entirely different man. 1:26 from 91: What was the description besides the white jacket? 1:26 Dispatch: White male, thirty, five feet eight, black hair, slender build, white shirt, black trousers. Going west on Jefferson from the 300 block. 1:26 550/2 (Gerald Hill) I'm at Twelfth and Beckley now. Have a man in the car with me that can identify the suspect if anybody gets him. What was he doing at 12th and Beckley, which is way south of the shooting? Who was this mystery man he had in the car with him? As far as I can tell, he never told Dispatch the description he was given at the scene. Steve Thomas
  19. @JoshuaPotash Portland right now. Stunning. https://twitter.com/i/status/1286902233007874048 Steve Thomas
  20. Paul. No, I don't believe that there was any "unidentified man" who gave Gerald Hill a description of Tippit's killer. I believe Hill had that description in hand went out to the shooting scene. The idea that an eyewitness to a shooting (especially of a police officer) would walk up to a police investigator and tell him that he was an eyewitness to the shooting and that investigator would allow that witness to simply walk away and would not get that witness's name and address for use in a later trial simply defies all logic and common sense. The Harvey Lee Oswald dossier was a part part of the frame. Steve Thomas
  21. Presidential eloquence https://twitter.com/i/status/1286392679232942080 Steve Thomas
  22. Ron, Kleinlerer and his girlfriend Lydia Dimytruk are definitely worth looking into. Do a Google search for George Bloodworth. Lydia Dimytruk is Kleinlerer's girlfriend. For more information on Lydia Dimytruk, see: (she is a piece of work!) http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/FBI%20Records%20Files/105-82555/105-82555%20More%20Referrals/105-82555%20More%20Referrals%203-04.pdf pp. 13-33, Suspected of being a Russian spy. Formerly married to Vasily Kostenko, also suspected of being a Russian spy. She marries Pavel Dimytruk in 1956. Emigrates to the U.S. In 1959 and divorces him in 1960. Sound familiar? FBI - HSCA Subject File: Lydia Dymitruk (page 9 in the file, page 7 of the Report https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=129757&search=Alexander_Kleinlerer#relPageId=9&tab=page On December 3, 1968 the FBI interviewed a George Bloodworth, who was a Warrant Officer Candidate in the U.S. Army Helicopter School in Mineral Wells, Texas. He met George Bouhe in the apartment of Alexander Kleinlerer. Bloodworth had formerly been in the Marines and had been stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Tunisia. He was very security conscious. Kleinlerer left the apartment to buy some food at a delicatessen, and Bloodworth and Bouhe got to talking. While they were talking, Bloodworth got the impression that Bouhe was “one of us”, meaning an Army Intelligence Agent. AGENT REPORT For use of this form, see F M 30-f7(C); AR 381-130; the proponent agency is the Office of the Assistant Chief of Stoff for Intelligence. 1 NAME Of SUBJECT OR FILE OF INCIDENT: SAEDA (U) Munich, FRG 28 Sep 76 2 DATE SUBMITTED: 23 March 1977 4 REPORT OP FINDINGS Kleinlerer and Mrs. (George) Bloodworth then went to a delicatessen to purchase some items, and were absent from the apartment approximately 45 minutes. During this time Bouhe and Lydia (Dimytruk) asked Bloodworth numerous questions concerning the types of helicopters in use by the US and about the armament capabilities of these helicopters. During the questioning, Bouhe and Lydia also engaged in conversations between themselves in a language other than English. In response to Bloodworth's questions, they informed him that they were speaking in the Russian language. Bouhe asked Bloodworth what he thought about the Vietnam War and how long he thought it would take before the war ended. Bloodworth thought it strange that two civilians would be asking questions about helicopter armament and only answered their questions when he knew the information was unclassified and could be read in any aviation magazine or newspaper. Bloodworth was not questioned about his background. Bloodworth overheard Bouhe and Lydia talking about two radios that were located in the apartment. Lydia stated that Kleinlerer had bought another radio and Bouhe immediately asked why, because he (Bouhe) had given Kleinlerer a radio that would receive "Moscow." Bloodworth noticed two radios located on a table in the rear of Kleinlerer’s apartment, however could provide no positive identifying data on the radios because they were encased. PS: I have always been suspicious of the radio that seemed to be so important to Oswald. Steve Thomas
  23. White House seeks advice of 'torture memos' author on powers https://apnews.com/9b8cee4c505dda9069ea4da908c91f35 WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is relying on an outlier interpretation of a recent Supreme Court decision to assert broad new powers as he prepares to sign a series of executive orders in the coming weeks. The expansive view of presidential authority has been promoted by John Yoo, a Berkeley Law professor known for writing the so-called “torture memos” that the George W. Bush administration used to justify using “enhanced interrogation” techniques after the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Yoo told The Associated Press on Thursday he’s had multiple conversations with senior administration officials in which he’s made the case that a June Supreme Court ruling that rejected Trump’s effort to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, opened the door to enormous new presidential power. Under the court’s decision, he wrote in Newsweek, “presidents can now stop enforcing laws they dislike, hand out permits or benefits that run contrary to acts of Congress and prevent their successors from repealing their policies for several years.” In National Review, Yoo suggested Trump could, for instance, now create a nationwide right to carry guns openly by refusing to enforce federal firearms laws and then creating a new “Trump permit” that would free any holder of local gun restrictions. Steve Thomas
  24. Jim, No. Just the opposite. According to George Bouhe (WC testimony) http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/bouhe.htm Mr. LIEBELER - Did youl know where Oswald lived when he moved to Dallas? Mr. BOUHE - Yes, sir. Mr. LIEBELER - Where? Mr. BOUHE - YMCA on Ervay Street. Mr. LIEBELER - Do you know how long he lived there? Mr. BOUHE - I certainly would be willing to bet that he lived there from about October the 7th or 8th, I am sorry, about October 8, which is a Monday, until about October 18. But that latter figure I do not know myself except from an FBI agent who told me he checked out on the 18th, but that I do know. Mr. LIEBELER - Do you know where he moved when he checked out of the YMCA? Mr. BOUHE - At some point thereabouts he threw at me when I asked, "Where do you live now?" He gave me, if I recall correctly, a name of the Carlton boarding house on Madison Avenue, but it proved to be wrong. Mr. LIEBELER - Did you tell the FBI that he told you he lived at the Carlton boarding house? Mr. BOUHE - Yes. Mr. LIEBELER - The FBI checked it out and told you subsequently that he had not lived there? Mr. BOUHE - That's correct. The FBI men went there, and it developed that Oswald told me a lie to send me on a wild goose chase, but the name strikes me somehow; and FBI rechecked this place and said it was a bum steer. Except that Oswald didn’t move to the YMCA until October 15th. Like I said, nobody knew where the hell he was living. In my mind, October of 1962 would be one of the most fruitful areas of research a researcher could look for. Steve Thomas
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