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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. James and Jim, I'll see if I can simply itemize them. It will take me a little while. The supporting documentation runs to about 43 pages now. For James: A bunch of the citations appear in this Thread title: Harvey Lee Oswald http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/24392-harvey-lee-oswald/?tab=comments#comment-364061 Steve Thomas
  2. Jim, And isn't it interesting that in several documents in the U.S.S.R three years later,, he gives his mother's name as Margaret instead of Marguerite? On January 4, 1960, Lee Harvey Oswald applied for a non-citizen alien identity card. In the space for the names of relatives living abroad, he listed his mother, Margaret living at 3124 W. 5th. St. in Fort Worth. No brother is listed. Four photographs are provided. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135&search="Harvey_Lee+Oswald"#relPageId=425&tab=page (page 411) Steve Thomas
  3. James, Thank you for this. I have added it to my list of Harvey Lee Oswald references. I am up to 40 such instances now. Steve Thomas.
  4. Joe, I read an interesting article this morning that said that Trump is the culmination of a political movement that started with the overwhelming victory of Ronald Reagan over Walter Mondale in 1980. For forty years we have been living with the "smashmouth politics", take-no-prisoners, hyper-partisanship that the Tea Party movement brought with it and brought us figures like Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh, Jerry Falwell, Stephen Miller and Dick Cheney, etc. The article said that the American people are getting tired of it. Steve Thomas
  5. I just hope we don't wind up with Argentina's Disappeared. The federal agencies were denying they were arresting anyone. Steve Thomas
  6. john, Thanks. It would be interesting, I think, to learn if the DPD used fleet vehicles, and to learn what make of car they were. I noticed in Batchelor's report cited above that all the press cars were issued Chevrolets. I wonder what kind of cars the DPD used. Can you tell from pictures what kind of car Tippit was driving. I'm wondering if they used Fords, and if there was a connection to the Lincoln Ford dealership that seemed to factor in to so much of the surrounding events. Steve Thomas
  7. Report from Charles Batchelor to Chief J. E. Curry, November 30, 1963] Page: 21 of 70 Report entry from November 21, 1963 https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth338584/m1/21/?q=Lumpkin Purdue Lawrence testimony to the WC: I had been told was going to be ahead of this motorcade. I got in my car... I was in uniform, but I was driving a plain car which I drive,… I could hear Chief Curry on channel 2,... . Although I was not given this assignment--I proceeded on this route, and I followed it on down to the Trade Mart. I don't know of Lawrence was driving his own car, or a car he was given by the DPD, but it was a plain one.. He said he could hear Curry on Channel 2, but I don't see a whip antenna. Could he hear Curry on some kind of transistor radio tuned to the proper frequency? Steve Thomas
  8. Marco Rubio buried after botching tribute to John Lewis with a picture of the wrong Black lawmaker https://www.rawstory.com/2020/07/marco-rubio-buried-after-botching-tribute-to-john-lewis-with-a-picture-of-the-wrong-black-lawmaker/ Trump was busy golfing and selling beans. Steve Thomas
  9. https://www.npr.org/2020/07/17/892393079/dhs-official-on-reports-of-federal-officers-detaining-protesters-in-portland-ore?utm_campaign=storyshare&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social NPR's Sarah McCammon talks with acting Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli about reports of federal officers using unmarked vehicles to detain protesters in Portland, Ore. CUCCINELLI: Well, we are - we welcome - the more investigations, the better. With as much lawbreaking is going on, we're seeking to prosecute as many people as are breaking the law as it relates to federal jurisdiction. That's not always happening with respect to local jurisdiction and local offenses. But, you know, this is a posture we intend to continue not just in Portland but in any of the facilities that we're responsible for around the country. Steve Thomas
  10. This might explain his "funny kind of" forehead Bernardo's sister to John Simkin: https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKtorres.htm “After he came back from the invasion he was in critical condition for a of couple months. He was shot in the back of his head beneath his cerebellum and the bullet broke into five pieces. He went under surgery and had four of those pieces removed. One had to stay because it was too close to an area that if accidentally harmed could make him paralyzed." (2) (2) John Simkin, email interview with Bernardo De Torres' daughter (August 2006) Steve Thomas
  11. John, Actually, the Pilot Car would not be seen in any of the Dealey Plaza photographs. The Portal to Texas History Report from Charles Batchelor to Chief J. E. Curry, November 30, 1963] Page: 13 of 70 https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth338584/m1/13/?q=Lumpkin It held four men: Lumpkin, Whitmeyer, Turner and Senkel. Steve Thomas
  12. Douglas, The Hill, July 13, 2020: #BREAKING: President Trump says federal government may "take over cities" to combat rising crime: "Numbers are going to be coming down even if we have to go and take over cities." He has threatened to the same thing in Milwaukee and Chicago. Steve Thomas
  13. Kirk, I told my sister a while back that it's going to come down to a civil war within the ranks of the military. Some will obey orders from Trump because he is the Commander-in-Chief. Others are going to refuse what they consider to be unlawful orders. It will be a mess. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/tom-cotton-militarism-home-and-abroad Re: Tom Cotton of Arkansas "This month, the Republican legislator attracted the ire of many Americans when, in a New York Times op-ed, he called for the military to be deployed on America's streets. The column made a case for using the army to quell the nationwide protests against police brutality after a white officer killed George Floyd in Minneapolis... In his op-ed, Cotton, a 43-year-old army veteran who fought in both Afghanistan and Iraq, said US governors should seek federal help and allow the army to deal with "rioters" and "looters"." Will we see tanks in the streets? I don't know. Steve Thomas
  14. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/07/trump-flood-pentagon-with-inexperienced-loyalists-before-election-report/ “According to a report at Politico, Donald Trump’s administration is using loopholes in the appointment process to install young inexperienced loyalists in key Pentagon posts that has Democrats and defense analysts concerned. The report notes that Congress is being left out of the loop on many of the appointments which have led to fears that experienced candidates for other jobs will pass on working at the Pentagon fearing a “politicized” atmosphere. As Politico’s Lara Seligman writes, the administration is avoiding candidate scrutiny by using loopholes included in the Vacancies Act. According to Lindsay Cohn, an associate professor at the Naval War College, it is concerning that, “the criterion that seems to be getting these particular young, inexperienced people in is personal loyalty to the president.” “This can actually undermine the entire idea of a meritocratic democracy because it creates power with connection with the patron as opposed to power within the structure of the system,” she explained. According to Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), the president is undermining the Pentagon and damaging its mission. “This administration is shamefully circumventing the Senate confirmation process to install partisan puppets in senior Pentagon posts,” he said. “By exploiting loopholes, they seek to escape congressional and public scrutiny of these underqualified officials. This is a threat to our national security...”” Steve Thomas
  15. Joe, In my personal opinion, this is the person popularly known as Black Dog man. You can follow his progress as leaves the knoll and walks over in the direction of the TSBD. As to his identity, I have no idea. I suspect a photographic technique has been applied to the various pictures to make him and his clothes completely black in all the photos where everyone else's skin tones show up perfectly. Steve Thomas
  16. Yesterday, Trump said that Confederate flags are OK with him; they are just a matter of free expression. This gives a green light to a large display of Confederate flags at his rallies from now on. If the Republican National Convention is going to be a coronation of Donald Trump, can you imagine the sinking feeling among other Republican candidates who are going to have to run for office against a backdrop of Confederate flags waving in the breeze.? If he is going to say it, he should own it. I think a huge number of Confederate flags should ring the White House from now on. All the way around it. Steve Thomas
  17. I think that something that Giuliani said about Trump's audits kind of slid under the radar. https://www.thedailybeast.com/rudy-giuliani-blows-up-trumps-audit-excuse-on-tax-returns "After telling Fox News host Maria Bartiromo that he thought the Supreme Court ruling that the president must turn over his financial records to New York investigators was “terribly decided,” Giuliani said, “They have no reason to believe that there is anything wrong with his tax returns. All these tax returns have by and large—maybe not the last one—but all of them have been audited, all of them have either been passed on or settled.” “There should be some finality in tax returns,” he continued. “In other words, we get audited, we make a deal, we pay the government, you don’t come after me forever for that.”" What's this about Trump settling with the IRS. and making a deal and paying the government? To the best of my knowledge, there's only one reason you make a deal and settle with the IRS, pay the government and move on. Did someone not pay his taxes? Steve Thomas
  18. https://boingboing.net/2020/07/13/trump-says-federal-government.html "Numbers are going to be coming down even if we have to go and take over cities," said impeached U.S. president Donald Trump today (July 13, 2020), in a word salad series of lies about violent crime. "Number are gonna be coming down even if we have to go in and take over cities ... We're not supposed to, we're supposed to wait for them to call, but they don't call." Steve Thomas
  19. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/07/missouri-school-district-forces-parents-to-sign-covid-19-waiver-for-children/ “A school district in Missouri is requiring parents to sign a waiver in case children become infected with COVID-19 and die. The “waiver of liability” from Hazelwood School District was shared on Tuesday by attorney Natasha Scruggs. “I feel sick reading it,” Scruggs said. The document asks parents to acknowledge that COVID-19 is a public health crisis and to relinquish their rights to hold the district responsible even if a student’s death is “caused by the negligence of carelessness” of school staff.” “The undersigned agrees to release, discharge, hold harmless and indemnify the Hazelwood School District, it’s agents, employees, officers, Board of Education members, insurers and others acting on the District’s behalf (the Releasees) of and from any and all claims, demands, causes of action and/or legal liabilities for injuries to or death of my child occurring during, or resulting from, or participation in the above-mentioned program or activity and related in any way to COVID-19, even if the cause, damages or injuries are alleged to be the fault of or alleged to be caused by the negligence of carelessness of the Releasees.” It was bad enough when they said it was OK to kill off our grandparents in the pursuit of "getting the economy going again, because it was just an "old persons disease". Now they want the right to freely kill off our children too. Steve Thomas
  20. TO KGB AGENTS, OSWALD WAS 'EXTREMELY AGITATED' https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1993/11/16/to-kgb-agents-oswald-was-extremely-agitated/4089867a-47b4-4245-a2df-9560e805d1c4/ “The next morning, Saturday, Sept. 28, Oswald returned to the Soviet Embassy while the KGB men were suiting up for a soccer game with their rivals in miltary intelligence, the GRU. This time, he was brought to a third consular official and KGB officer, Pavel Yatzkov, who remembered, according to a CIA report, that Oswald "was nervous and his hands trembled." “In recounting all this, he continually expressed concern for his life," Kostikov said. He described Oswald as "extremely agitated and clearly nervous, especially whenever he mentioned the FBI." It was at that point that Oswald pulled out the revolver and put it on a table, saying, "See? This is what I must now carry to protect my life." Yatzkov grabbed the gun, took the cartridges out and put them in a drawer. When the meeting was over, Oswald picked up the gun again, put it in his pants, and Yatzkov gave back the bullets.” To me, this whole alleged incident is laughable. You want to tell me that an armed, “extremely agitated” American was allowed into the Soviet Embassy in the first place? Yatzkov grabbed the gun, but Oswald picked it back up off the table? Yatzkov put the bullets in a desk drawer, but gave them back to Oswald so he could load the gun again? All the while the KGB guys are dressed as soccer players? Oh please, this just strains credulity. Steve Thomas
  21. Our President sought to enlighten his people by re-tweeting this: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=%22Chuck+Woolery%22 Charles Herbert Woolery is an American game show host, talk show host, and musician. He has had long-running tenures hosting several game shows. Woolery was the original host of Wheel of Fortune, the original incarnation of Love Connection,... Don't believe scientists, don't believe the free press, don't believe 31% of the voting public, don't believe doctors. Believe a game show host! This is the end result of 56 years? Steve Thomas
  22. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-executions-specialreport/special-report-how-the-trump-administration-secured-a-secret-supply-of-execution-drugs-idUSKBN24B1E4?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=twitter -QUOTE - (Reuters) - If the Trump administration carries out the first federal execution since 2003 on Monday, as scheduled, it will mark the culmination of a three-year campaign to line up a secret supply chain to make and test lethal-injection drugs, a Reuters investigation has found. Intent on enforcing the death penalty, President Donald Trump’s Department of Justice had started building the network of contractors it would need by May 2017, federal procurement records show. Since then, it has pursued a new drug protocol that could survive legal challenges through firms whose identities it has fought to keep hidden. Without the secrecy, the government has argued in court filings, its ability to procure the drugs would be “severely impaired” because the companies are not willing to supply or test execution drugs if they are publicly identified. In some cases, even the companies involved in testing the deadly pentobarbital said they didn’t know its intended purpose. Among them is DynaLabs in downtown St. Louis, a laboratory that years ago decided against doing quality tests on execution drugs because of the controversy surrounding capital punishment. So co-founder Michael Pruett was surprised to learn from a Reuters reporter that his firm had been testing drugs that the Justice Department planned to use in lethal injections of condemned prisoners. All three firms confirmed that they had produced the test results cited by the Justice Department in court filings. One of the firms, ARL Bio Pharma Inc in Oklahoma City, said in a statement to Reuters that it was “not aware of the intended use” of the drugs. The third firm, Eagle Analytical Services Inc in Houston, declined to comment on whether it knew at the time that it was testing lethal-injection drugs for the government. The department first announced in July 2019 that it would resume executions. But its work in lining up a lethal drug supply had started more than two years earlier, a timeline that has not been previously reported. In May 2017, the department — anticipating legal challenges — hired an Arizona litigation consulting firm, Elite Medical Experts LLC, according to contracting records in the government’s procurement database. The refusal by pharmaceutical companies to sell execution drugs to U.S. prison systems has choked legal supply channels for Texas, Missouri and the more than two dozen other states that still enforce the death penalty. Over the last decade, some states have resorted to promising anonymity to their lethal-drug suppliers, with at least 13 passing new laws to keep the companies’ identities secret. Many pharmaceutical firms avoid any involvement in supplying drugs for executions, reasoning that their medicines are intended to promote health rather than kill people. - ENDQUOTE - Steve Thomas
  23. Doug, There's a report out today that Trump wanted to sell Puerto Rico. Maybe he was going to use the proceeds to pay for his tax bill. Steve Thomas
  24. Back when Oswald was in Russia, he wrote a letter to either the Department of State, or to John Connally as Secretary of the Navy (I can't remember which) trying to negotiate his return. In his letter, Oswald said something like he'd be willing to return, provided he wouldn't suffer any legal repercussions. I've always wondered if he was working for the CIA or ONI over in Russia, why would be go to work for the FBI once he got back. Frontline interview with Robert Oswald, November 19, 2013. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/interview-robert-oswald/ Following his return from Russia in the latter part of June, 1962, Lee Oswald gets a call from SA John Fain asking for a meeting. Oswald agrees. Afterwards, Robert asks him how it went. Lee answers, "Well, everything went all right. They even asked me if I had ever been an agent of the Federal government or the CIA." "I said, What did you tell them?" "He says, Well, don't you know? and just laughed." Fain interviewed Oswald on June 26, 1962. See Belmont’s WC interview here: https://books.google.com/books?id=Mr1FAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA8&lpg=PA8&dq=Oswald+Fain+June,+1963&source=bl&ots=Ec2hOMYYIF&sig=ACfU3U38QhVERsiEDLujno8fo1DNh5L3Aw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjNvIT6x8fqAhXqmeAKHV2aDO4Q6AEwAnoECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q=Oswald%20Fain%20June%2C%201963&f=false Fain re-interviewed Oswald in August, 1962. Warren Commission Hearings Volume XVII page 738 CE 824 - Copy of an FBI report by Special Agent Fain, dated August 30, 1962. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1134&relPageId=764 This made the investigators suspicious” I don't think he was a spy wanna-be over here. I think the FBI threatened him, and told him if he didn't go to work for them, they'd make his life a living hell. Marina Oswald testified that Lee's behavior change could be traced back to those visits from the FBI in June and August of August, 1962. Steve Thomas
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