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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Kirk, I told someone a while back that this will come down to a civil war within the military. Some will follow him because he is the Commander-In-Chief. Some will refuse what they perceive to be unlawful orders. The ex-generals and ex-admirals coming out now is to give cover to those in active service who will be among the ones who will refuse to follow Trump. It will be Venezuela here in the U.S. Steve Thomas
  2. Ron, I don't think you will. Here is my take at the moment. Trump will declare the election to be invalid due to massive voter fraud and will barricade himself inside his newly established fortress and refuse to leave. The issue will go to the Supreme Court. The Court will dither until January 20th and a Contingent Election will be held. A Contingent Election is provided for in the XXth and XIIth Amendments to the Constitution. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twentieth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution "The Twentieth Amendment (Amendment XX) to the United States Constitution moved the beginning and ending of the terms of the president and vice president from March 4 to January 20, and of members of Congress from March 4 to January 3. It also has provisions that determine what is to be done when there is no president-elect. The Twentieth Amendment was adopted on January 23, 1933.[1] The amendment was designed largely to limit the "lame duck" period, the period served by Congress and the president after an election but before the end of the terms of those who were not re-elected. Because under the amendment Congressional terms begin before presidential terms, it is now the incoming Congress, rather than the outgoing one, that would hold a contingent election in the event that no candidate wins a majority of the electoral vote in a presidential election. The amendment also establishes procedures in the case that a president-elect dies, is not chosen, or otherwise fails to qualify prior to the start of a new presidential term. Section 3. If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contingent_election In the United States, a contingent election is the procedure used in presidential elections in the case where no candidate wins an absolute majority of votes in the Electoral College, the constitutional mechanism for electing the president and the vice president of the United States. A contingent election for the president is decided by a vote of the United States House of Representatives, and the contingent election for the vice president is decided by a vote of the United States Senate. The contingent election procedure, along with the other parts of the presidential election process, was first established in Article Two, Section 1, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, and then modified by the 12th Amendment in 1804. Contingent elections are extremely rare, having occurred only three times in American history, all in the early 19th century." It's going to be a mess. Steve Thomas
  3. Jim, You might be interested in Richard C. Lindberg's & John William Tuohy's take on Jack Ruby's past. http://www.richardlindberg.net/articles/chicago_mob.html Steve Thomas
  4. Historians are now saying that Donald Trumps Bible-toting photo op last Monday is the moment that marked the beginning of the end of his Presidency. That Bible was provided to him by his daughter, Ivanka. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8381977/Ivanka-Trump-carried-Bible-Donald-Trump-posed-1-540-Max-Mara-handbag.html Ivanka Trump carried the Bible Donald Trump posed with in her $1,540 Max Mara handbag in infamous photo-op 'masterminded by Hope Hicks' She was asked to carry it simply because she had her hand bag with her for the walk, DailyMail.com learned. President Trump is facing an on-slot of criticism for posing in front of the boarded-up 104-year-old Episcopal Church in Lafayette Square, across the street from the White House, in a photo-op orchestrated by Trump adviser Hope Hicks. Hicks has been identified as having helped hatch the plan for the staged event that saw police and National Guard forces facilitate by using tear gas and rubber bullets to clear away peaceful protesters. When Donald Trump is finally pried from the fortified White House grounds seven months from now after suffering the worst election landslide defeat in American history, I wonder what he will think of his good old daughter, Ivanka then. Steve Thomas
  5. Jim, Footnote 1505 in Paragraph 1145 of the HSCA material refers to a 1947 Federal Bureau of narcotics interview of Jack Ruby and an Affidavit taken of Hyman Ruby. The 1947 Bureau of Narcotics interview of Jack Ruby and Affidavit of Hyman Ruby is CE 1708 pp. 203-204. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1139#relPageId=235&tab=page That aside, if you want to look at organized crime, you might want to explore the 1939 murder of Leon Cooke of the Chicago Waste Handler's Union and Ruby's association with Paul Dorfman. Ruby was a suspect in that case. I was just interested in the iron pipe business. Steve Thomas
  6. Jim, I don't know about crime "figures", but I was interested in the 1947 iron pipe/heroin smuggling case for a while. HSCA vol. 9 pp. 522-523 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=955#relPageId=531&tab=page HSCA vol. 9, page 1154 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=955#relPageId=1162&tab=page HSCA vol. 9, page 522 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=955#relPageId=530&tab=page WC testimony of Eva Grant http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/grant_e1.htm “Mrs. GRANT. I don't think he ever saw him as far as I know, but I want to tell you that Roland Jones went to Chicago during the period of those 6 months and he did meet my brother Hyman. I don't know what conversation my brother had--my brother thought he was a nice guy--we didn't know anything about his background. Mr. HUBERT. Do you know what happened to him? Mrs. GRANT. Oh, yes; he went to jail for something about narcotics from Turkey or something like that.” WC testimony of Eva Grant http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/grant_e1.htm Mrs. GRANT. We were buying metals, at least we were trying to buy metals and materials to sell to--in fact, gas companies--one is--I have the files, believe me, and I think it's at Jonesboro--is it in Arkansas or Oklahoma? Well, we got the specifications and Paul Roland Jones brought me a piece of metal, maybe 6 inches long--it's a certain type of pipe, rather, he brought me, and this man didn't want it, so I sent it on to Chicago to my brother. Mr. HUBERT. Which brother? Mrs. GRANT. It seems to me I sent it to my older brother, Hyman, and he says he knew somebody that might be able to use the amount of footage we had at this place, and we were going to make what you call a finder's fee or broker's fee, but little did we know of Paul Roland Jones' connection, because I'm going to tell you. This man told me several things-- "I'm not fit to be in the night club business, I'm not the caliber of a person." Mr. HUBERT. Who was that--Jones told you that? Mrs. GRANT. Yes; and he seemed to be a very nice fellow and he used my phone for a long distance call to Ardmore, Okla., and I know he paid me $2 or $3 in change when he did it, and I didn't know a thing about this. Mr. HUBERT. About what, ma'am? Mrs. GRANT. Well, wait a minute, I pick up the headlines and they got Paul Roland Jones in jail somewhere in Fort Worth. I no sooner picked this up--this paper, the paper of this city, my brother is calling me from Chicago that the FBI or some organization, one of your organizations went to the Congress Hotel where Jack was staying and they are questioning him about whether--about what he knew about Paul Roland Jones. I don't think Jack ever heard me mention the name. 449 Mr. HUBERT. How long had you known Paul Roland Jones when this occurred? Mrs. GRANT. Not too many months--if it was 6 months or 8 months--it was the longest. Mr. HUBERT. Had you done any business with him? Mr.s GRANT. No--never. Mr. HUBERT. It was simply through meeting at the club? Mrs. GRANT. Well this doctor brought him in one afternoon. He knew him because he went to him for treatment. Mr. HUBERT. Well, that's the first meeting, but thereafter, what was the basis of the meeting? Mrs. GRANT. Nothing. I mean, he came in, and I went to dinner with him and the doctor once, and we went for a ride, but I'll tell you, the doctor and I didn't know anything about his background. Mr. HUBERT. He was ultimately charged, was he not, with the possession of narcotics? Mrs. GRANT. Oh, yes; in fact, we read the story that night. We were shocked. We knew he took trips, we knew he was married to a dancer in New York, but this all came out--wait a minute, his wife came from New York that summer. Mr. HUBERT. Now, we'll get into that later. Did Jack know Paul Roland Jones at that time? Mrs. GRANT. If he did--no; I doubt if he ever even heard of him. Mr. HUBERT. Jack had not come down here yet? Mrs. GRANT. If he was, he didn't stay long. Mr. HUBERT. But to your recollection he didn't know Jones at all? Mrs. GRANT. I don't think he has ever seen him--well, wait a minute, he may have seen the man or heard about him. Mr. HUBERT. I understand that, but at the time of this episode that you are telling us about? Mrs. GRANT. I don't think he ever saw him as far as I know, but I want to tell you that Roland Jones went to Chicago during the period of those 6 months and he did meet my brother Hyman. I don't know what conversation my brother had--my brother thought he was a nice guy--we didn't know anything about his background. Mr. HUBERT. Do you know what happened to him? Mrs. GRANT. Oh, yes; he went to jail for something about narcotics from Turkey or something like that. Mr. HUBERT. Did he have any other charges later against him? Do you know? Mrs. GRANT. Do you want to know something--I went into a hotel here, and let me think, either the Whitmore or the Southland since he has been out, or when he got out, and this friend of mine said, "Guess who got out of jail?" He said "Paul Roland Jones," and I said, "That's nice." Mr. HUBERT. How long ago was that? Mrs. GRANT. This must be 7 years or 8 years--it seems like a long time ago. Mr. HUBERT. Have you seen him since? Mrs. GRANT. Yes; he was here 2 years ago, I think. He came through and he stopped by the Vegas Club one night. Oh, he says, he got in a cab and he was coming through--he probably was here other times but he didn't want anybody to know--he said he was coming through changing planes and he says he's sure going to be picked up and he says to say hello to Jack. Mr. HUBERT. When was that? Mrs. GRANT. Maybe a year and a half or 2 years ago. Mr. HUBERT. Did you see him in November 1963? Mrs. GRANT. Oh, no. Mr. HUBERT. Did you talk to him on the phone? Mrs. GRANT. No. Mr. HUBERT. Did you know he was in Dallas? Mr.s GRANT. No. Mr. HUBERT. Is there anything you know that would indicate that your brother, Jack, knew he was in Dallas? Mrs. GRANT. I don't know. Mr. HUBERT. In November 1963? Mrs. GRANT. I don't know. I'll tell you how I figure this out, if I can go 450 see my contract--you see, my band leader was making a record, you know, a record of music. Mr. HUBERT. But so far as your recollection is concerned, it would be over a year from today? Mrs. GRANT. Easy--easy. Mr. HUBERT. And by "contact with him," of course, I mean--you know--telephone, letters, messages? Mrs. GRANT. No; he came in--he told me that he knows people at Mercury Records and that if I send in the song he was going to make it, and truthfully, I was glad when he came in, when he left, for more reasons than one. We don't discuss his background or anything. Mr. HUBERT. Now, that's over a year ago certainly. Mrs. GRANT. It has been so long--I say a year and a half--the airlines would know quicker than I know because he said he just flew in and he was just there for the evening and going back out, at least that's what he told me. I don't discuss his background or anything like that--at least, that's what he told me. Steve Thomas
  7. America's secret police. Trump Has Flooded DC With Law Enforcement Officers Who Won’t Identify Themselves By Dan Friedman https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/06/trump-has-flooded-dc-with-law-enforcement-officers-who-wont-identify-themselves/ “They’re not Blackwater. But it’s fair to ask.” “American citizens are left confronting unidentified apparent paramilitary police with no way of knowing what legal authority, if any, these forces vested with the power to kill us possess. That is not occurring in Ukraine, where Russia’s “little green men” occupy parts of Donbass, or in dystopian fiction. It’s happening today, a few feet from the White House.” “The badge on the left shoulder of one officer appears to be from a “Disturbance Control Team” at the Bureau of Prisons, my colleague Russ Choma found. Again, federal riot police.” “On Wednesday afternoon, Garrett Haake, an MSNBC reporter, tweeted pictures of unidentified law enforcement officers with name plates and insignias removed. Haake said the officers refused to identify themselves. Back outside the White House. Today the perimeter has been pushed back another half block. Federal law enforcement of some kind, but they won’t identify themselves, and all insignias and name plates have been removed.” “In a tweet that included my photo of unidentified federal officers by the Navy Memorial, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said Wednesday night that he plans to introduce legislation to require that uniformed federal officers doing domestic security work identify what agency or military branch they work for. We cannot tolerate an American secret police. I will be introducing legislation to require uniformed federal officers performing any domestic security duties to clearly identify what military branch or agency they represent. pic.twitter.com/2kaFAlWUow — Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) June 4, 2020”
  8. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/06/02/trump-protests-washington-dc-muriel-bowser-karl-racine-296878 “Outrageous or not, the president could have the authority under D.C. law to commandeer the local police. He threatened on Monday to deploy the military to put down protests in cities across the country. But in the District, the president can invoke a never-used “Emergency control of police”: Since the District is a federal enclave, under control of Congress and the White House, the law states the president may “direct the Mayor” to provide “services of the Metropolitan police force for federal purposes.”” "As of Tuesday, federal officials had floated the idea of invoking the law, but Trump had not made the call." “Should President Trump become desperate for another show of personal force, his next act with D.C. as backdrop could be essentially deputizing the Metropolitan Police Department or calling in federal troops. If that happens, he may well get his military march down Pennsylvania Avenue — if for no other reason than to inspect his troops.” He's already started fortifying the White House grounds with that 8' fence. Steve Thomas
  9. From James LaPorta: “700 members of the 82nd are at Joint Base Andrews and Fort Belvoir. 1,400 more soldiers are ready to be mobilized within an hour. Soldiers are armed and have riot gear. They also were issued bayonets.” From Steven Dupler: “Kent State May 4, 1970": Steve Thomas
  10. https://www.thedailybeast.com/pentagon-tries-to-retreat-from-trumps-call-to-dominate-protests “These Pentagon officials added that it was the White House, not the Defense Department, that was pushing for active military might in the streets. A senior DOD official said it was the White House that requested military helicopters fly low over protesters in D.C. and that it was part of a broader request from the Trump team that the national guard ramp up its presence in the city. The Associated Press was the first to report about the military flyover being connected to a request from President Trump. Additionally, the president has pressed aides and Pentagon officials for graphic details on the kind of armored vehicles, military units, aircraft, and even “tanks” that they could potentially send to maintain order in U.S. areas rocked by protests and rioting, according to two people familiar with recent discussions.” “In rare occurrences in this country has civil unrest resulted in the deployment of active duty military personnel. It has caused huge challenges because those individuals aren’t trained and equipped to deal with quelling civil disorder. And it can cause operational confusion,” said John Cohen, the former deputy under secretary for intelligence and analysis at the Department of Homeland Security. “The military also operates under very different rules of engagement than police. Their job is basically to identify an enemy, engage that enemy and potentially kill that enemy. That’s not necessarily that philosophy you want individuals operating under when they are in the situation we’re in today.” Steve Thomas
  11. Remind me never to go to Iowa. I might want to walk my dog or go bird watching or some other kind of constitutional activity. The police have the right to stop and beat me over the head with a club or shoot me with tear gas. I could just turn violent at the drop of a hat, you know. https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/02/politics/congress-republican-reaction-trump-church/index.html "Sen. Chuck Grassley, the most senior Republican in the Senate, told CNN that peaceful protesters have the right to demonstrate but he didn't know the extent to which the "police might expect violence from some of the people -- maybe 5% of the people -- and that could be a potential problem, the answer would be, it's OK" to clear them out with force. Asked about the fact that the protesters were acting peacefully, Grassley said: "It's all assumed to be peaceful until someone that's got a terrorist activity or a rioting activity, you don't know that until it happens. So I don't know if they could have known that."" So much for the 1st Amendment. That's "The Killing of America". Steve Thomas
  12. I just read that the Republicans have figured out to stop all this violence we're seeing. Give billionaires a tax cut. Steve Thomas
  13. I never dreamed this would go global. What was it we used to chant back in the 60's? "The Whole World is Watching" "The Whole World is Watching". "Thousands now chanting “black lives matter” in front of the US Embassy in Berlin #GeorgeFloyd" https://twitter.com/CarlNasman/status/1266763136100708353 "Global Protests for George Floyd Staged in Berlin, London and Toronto https://variety.com/2020/politics/global/george-floyd-protests-berlin-toronto-london-black-lives-matter-1234621350/ Steve Thomas
  14. There is an interesting dichotomy shaping up I think. July 4th is a national holiday celebrating freedom and independence. Donald Trump wants to change it to a glorification of the military, at the same time he wants to deploy the military into American cities. Pentagon considering military flyovers, bands for July 4 celebration https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/29/pentagon-considering-military-flyovers-bands-for-july-4-celebration-290000 Pentagon Puts Military Police on Standby to Head to Minneapolis https://www.thedailybeast.com/pentagon-puts-military-police-on-standby-to-head-to-minneapolis No good is going to come of this. You watch. Steve Thomas
  15. John, Probably the most famous one is the cable that was sent out in the evening of 11/22/63. 6.There have been references on several threads about a cable sent on the evening of 11/22 from Fort Sam Houston to Strike Command, McDill AFB in Florida. In the cable, reference was made to information obtained by Detective Don Stringfellow of the Dallas Police Department. I managed to locate a copy of the cable, which you can find here: https://archive.org/details/nsia-ArmyIntelligenceJFK I think this is in the Weisberg collection. L.D. Stringfellow was a Detective in the Dallas Police Department's Special Service Bureau. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/pdf/WH19_Batchelor_Ex_5002.pdf 1) Note the reference in this military intelligence file's cable to Harvey Lee Oswald Steve Thomas
  16. Huffingtom Post 05/25/2020 "President Donald Trump’s senior economic adviser, Kevin Hassett, presented a cold view of the U.S. economic system Sunday, referring to American workers as “human capital stock.” In a Sunday interview on CNN, Hassett predicted that business would pick up again soon. “Our human capital stock is ready to get back to work,” he said...", That just about says it all, doesn't it? Gives me warm and fuzzy feelings all over. Steve Thomas
  17. Denny 9. OSWALD CASE-REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE ATTACHED C COPY OF AN INCOMING STATE DEPARTMENT TELEGRAM DATED 19 DECEMBER 1963, IN CONNECTION WITH THE HARVEY LEE OSWALD CASE https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=5921&search=%22Harvey_Lee+Oswald%22#relPageId=2&tab=page To: Chief/Research Branch/SRS/OS Date: December 30, 1963 From: M.D. Stevens Subject: Oswald Case Reference is made to the attached copy of an incoming State Department telegram dated 19 December 1963, in conjunction with the Harvey Lee Oswald case (see Tab A). This telegram concerns a Mr. and Mrs. DeMohrenschildt who appear to have lived in Dallas, Texas, but on 2 June 1963 went to Haiti and have not since returned to the United States. (Tab A is not included with this memo) The Harvey Lee Oswald name can't be attributed to a simple inversion, or a mistake, or a typo. It appears in too many places. You have it showing up in CIA files, Secret Service Files, Military Intelligence files, Army and Navy files, FBI files, and local law enforcement files. I believe that a dossier on a Harvey Lee Oswald was circulated or shared across many different intelligence agencies. Now when that dossier was started, and by whom and for what purpose, are open questions. I agree with Peter Dales Scott when he wrote, " This "Harvey Lee Oswald" reference is no accidental anomaly, but part of an organized pattern, widely dispersed, that suggests an official intelligence deception (and possible dual filing system). Serial 02296-E of 27 Jun 60 is the earliest Harvey Lee Oswald reference we now possess of over two dozen, from the files of ONI, FBI, CIA, Army Intelligence, the Secret Service, the Mexican Secret Police (DFS), and the Dallas Police.9 9 . For a discussion and incomplete list, see Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics Two, 80, 85-89, 118-19, 142-49. Steve Thomas
  18. John, 9. Commission Document 498 - SS Rowley Memorandum of 13 Mar 1964 Forwarding Reports https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10898&search=%22Harvey_Lee+Oswald%22#relPageId=37&tab=page pp. 37-38. The Report is titled, Harvey Lee Oswald. SS Protective Research Report by Kenneth J. Weisman of an interview with Billy Joe Lord, who traveled to Europe with Oswald aboard the SS Marion Lykes. Lord constantly refers to “Harvey Lee Oswald” whom he found to be “unfriendly, standoffish, and that the two of them “didn't hit off”. (p. 38.) The Report was written by Weisman on February 28, 1964 and approved by a Jose (?)(Benavides?)(sic?) on March 2, 1964. The name, Harvey Lee Oswald is used seven times in the same document. Steve Thomas
  19. John, To me, this is one of the more interesting ones: 27. MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD: SUBJECT - HARVEY LEE OSWALD https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=18291&search="Harvey_Lee+Oswald"#relPageId=2&tab=page The author of this memorandum is unknown. The subject of the memo is Harvey Lee Oswald. It looks like it dates from 1972. “The DC/CI (counterintelligence) advised me that the Director had relayed via the DDP (Deputy Director of Plans) the injunction that the Agency was not, under any circumstances, to make inquiries or ask questions of any source or defector about Oswald.” 1. Sheriff Decker's file on the assassination, given to the Warren Commission list the assailant's name as "Harvey Lee Oswald" (12H51) (CE 5323) Deposition of Sheriff Decker dark brown heavy folder with a label on the outside: Harvey Lee Oswald. Steve Thomas
  20. John, You might want to look at this Forum thread: Harvey Lee Oswald http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/24392-harvey-lee-oswald/ Steve Thomas
  21. Denny, Oswald wasn't "passing through" Minsk. He was sent there. From, “Lee Harvey Oswald in His Own Words: The "Historic Diary"” http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/historicdiary.htm Jan 4 (1960). “I am called to passsport office and finally given a Soviet document, not the soviet citizenship as I so wanted, only a Residence document, not even for foreigners but a paper called, "for those without citizenship." Still I am happy. The official says they are sending me to the city of "Minsk." Jan. 11." I visit Minsk radio factory where I shall work." Steve Thomas
  22. Jeremy, You wrote, " Steve, The word гражданин here means citizen in the sense of someone who is permitted to live in a particular place. The document refers to Oswald's legal residence in the Soviet Union, and does not imply that he possessed Soviet citizenship in the usual sense of the word. A pedant writes: гражданин is pronounced 'grazh-da-nin', not 'grach-da-nin' ('zh' as in Dr Zhivago)." Thanks. I had that letter mixed up with the X that would be pronounced like :Loch Ness Monster, or the German word, Achtung! I have a lot to learn. The word "Citizen" is defined as, a native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection (distinguished from alien). In my mind, a "Citizen" conveys something stronger than just permitting someone to live there. Just granting Oswald the right to live in the USSR was the whole purpose for his "non-citizen alien identity card". But, like you say, maybe I've been reading too much into it. Steve Thomas
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