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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Main St. was the traditional exit ramp. Here is Will Fritz talking about transferring Ruby: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/fritz1.htm "For the other one to come to the outside door and when he saw our car flush with the door, bring that man right through those cameras and put him in the back seat, and they did, they shot him right through those people and they didn't even get pictures and we had him lie down on the back seat and two officers lean back over him and we drove him straight up that same street. turned to the left down Main Street, ran him into the jail entrance, didn't even tell the jailer we were coming and put him in the jail. It worked all right." Fritz had also been warned that a mob of about 100 men were going to try and take Oswald. He didn't want Oswald's transport car backing out onto Main St., stopping and making a three-point turn, putting it into drive, and then taking off. Steve Thomas
  2. David, It would be the rear of the car. I'm going on memory here, so if I flub up, forgive me, it's been 20 years or more. The parking garage, and prisoner receiving area was in the basement off of the street level, so these would be downward sloping ramps. Logistically, it would be easier to back "down" the ramp, rather than "up" the ramp. The original plan was to transport Oswald in an armored car. You can see pictures of where they had tried to back that armored car down the ramp, only to find out it was too tall. They had to abandon that plan. (Not much foresight there). Because of the one-way streets (Commerce and Main), one of the entrances had been historically designated as the "entrance" ramp, and one had been designated as the "exit" ramp. You'd go in one, and out the other. Because of my hazy memory, I don't remember which was which. Because of the press of bodies (press, TV cameras, onlookers, and police, etc.), one of the ramps had been closed off. That's why these vehicles were backing in. Steve Thomas
  3. David, I tried to find a written Report from the driver of the car. I haven't found it yet, but I did find this: Statement by Lt. R.E. Swain of the Burglary and Theft Bureau dated 11/24/63 https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339932/?q=Swain Steve Thomas
  4. I would think that Continuity of Government plans have been around since the British burned Washington in the War of 1812. Steve Thomas
  5. Jim, I always thought it was the driver trying to back the car up, telling those clowns to get the hell out of the way. Steve Thomas
  6. Andrej, Actually, the DPD's internal investigation of Ruby's killing of Oswald was headed by Captain O.A. Jones of the Criminal Investigation Division's, Forgery Bureau. The team consisted of about six Lieutenants, led by Paul McCaghren of CID's, Burglary and Theft Bureau. You can read his HSCA testimony here: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/jfkinfo/mccaghr.htm Revill was just one of the Lieutenants. Cornwall of the Special Service Bureau was another, and I think C.C. Wallace of the Juvenile Bureau was another. Ironically, Curry appointed the "Task Force" on November 29th, the same day that Johnson commissioned the Warren Commission. Initially, they were tasked with finding out how Ruby got into the basement, but ultimately branched out into several other areas including the Tippitt shooting, and whether Ruby and Oswald knew each other. The Task Force was abruptly disbanded about a month and a half after they started, around the time when the Dallas Police Department turned all its investigative material to the Texas Attorney General, Waggoner Carr. You'll find that the "Task Force"s investigative leads and conclusions mirrored the ultimate conclusions of the Warren Commission some nine months later. I was in touch with Paul McCaghren for a while back in the early 2000's. He was ummmm.... prickly. He told me that Curry picked him because he was the best investigator the Police Department had. Steve Thomas
  7. "Oh, the President of the United States has been assassinated in my City?" "Yawn, I think I'll go to the lake". "Call me if you need me." Steve Thomas
  8. Paul, You know, I've wondered, but I just don't know. If you ever find out for sure, could you let me know? Steve Thomas
  9. Jim, I've had some experience working in the council/city manager environment, and Cabell's description sounds about right. Crull told the FBI that he went to the lake that weekend. Why he chose that particular weekend to go to the lake is another matter altogether. FBI interview with Elgin Crull December 12, 1963 (19H394 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1136#relPageId=412&tab=page http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/crull.htm Mr. CRULL. I believe that says simply that I went to the lake, to a cabin. The only change is that there is no cabin. I have a boat on the lake. Mr. HUBERT. Other than that? Mr. CRULL. Other than that, it is accurate. Mr. HUBERT. Now in the next paragraph, which is the third paragraph on page 1, you have put a little mark next to the statement that you heard over the radio of Oswald having been shot. Mr. CRULL I did not hear it over the radio. I was called by the operator of the marina, or one of his people, I do not remember which, who had heard it over the radio. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/cabell_e.htm Mr. HUBERT - Did you have any contact with, City Manager Crull during that time? Mr. CABELL - The Sunday morning, I knew that the city manager was out of town, and in my conversation with Chief Curry subsequent to the shooting of Oswald, I asked him if he had made contact with Mr. Crull, and suggested that if he had not, that he do make immediate contact and ask for his return to the city. Mr. HUBERT - That was after the shooting of Oswald? Mr. CABELL - This was after the shooting of Oswald. And he told me at that time that Mr. Crull had been contacted and was on his way back. Steve Thomas
  10. Bill, During Curry's WC testimony, he was asked three times, by three different Commission members (not the lawyers mind you, but the members themselves), if the Dallas Police had any record of Oswald. Curry unequivocally said no. He stressed "Oswald was not in their files." The research I have done on the list of TSBD employees that comprise CE 2003 tells me, anyway, that Oswald was not in fact in the DPD's official criminal intelligence list. Unofficially, they had to have been aware of him. I've seen Fort Worth newspapers from 1962 on Oswald's return from Russia. They were big articles. You asked about the Fort Worth Police. I have wondered about that too. I wonder how much cooperation, or non-cooperation between the different agencies there was. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/curry1.htm Mr. MCCLOY - While we are waiting for Mr. Rankin to continue his examination, let me ask you this question, Chief. Did you, prior to the assassination, know or hear of Oswald? Mr. CURRY - Never. Mr. MCCLOY - Didn't hear that he had been--there was a defector named Oswald in the city of Dallas? Mr. CURRY - No, sir. Mr. MCCLOY - Never heard of his name? Mr. CURRY - We didn't have it in our files. Representative FORD - Was there anything in your files that Lee Harvey Oswald had been involved with the Dallas police force? Mr. CURRY - No, sir. Representative FORD - No record whatsoever? Mr. CURRY - No, sir. Mr. DULLES - Was there any record of his having made a trip to the Soviet Union and returned? Mr. CURRY - Not in our files. Mr. DULLES - And returned to Texas? Mr. CURRY - We didn't have anything in our files regarding Lee Harvey Oswald. Senator COOPER - I want to come back to that point later, but I want to ask this, outside of what you had in your police files, your records, did you know yourself, or did you know whether anyone in authority in the police force or anyone in the police force, to your knowledge, had any knowledge of the presence of Oswald in Dallas? Mr. CURRY - No, sir; I have asked my criminal intelligence section, which would have been the persons who had knowledge of this. Senator COOPER - Had anyone informed you that he was working in the Texas School Book Depository Building? Mr. CURRY - No, sir. Mr. DULLES - Had he ever tangled with the Dallas Police in any respect of which there is any record? Mr. CURRY - We have no record at all of him. Look at what Revill told the HSCA in what, 1978 maybe? http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/jfkinfo2/jfk4/hscarevl.htm Mr. PURDY. What was the responsibility of the Criminal Intelligence Section in the 1950's and early 1960's? Captain REVILL. Our primary function was the gathering of information on individuals and organizations involved in criminal activities and extremist group individuals, and organizations. Mr. PURDY. Was the vice squad part of this unit? Captain REVILL. The vice squad was a part, an integral part of the Special Services Bureau which consisted of vice, narcotics, and intelligence, each unit commanded by a lieutenant of police. Mr. PURDY. To what extent did members of the intelligence unit have access to information concerning criminal activity generally in Dallas in the 1950's and early 1960's? Captain REVILL. We had complete access to recorded information of criminal elements. Mr. PURDY. When did you join the intelligence division? Captain REVILL. In February of 1958, I believe. Mr. PURDY. What division did you work in prior to that time? Captain REVILL. Prior to that I was a lieutenant commanding the narcotics unit. Mr. PURDY. In your work with the intelligence division, did you gain access to information concerning all types of criminal activity or just specific types? Captain REVILL. All types of criminal activity. Up until Marina Oswald's magic production of the Walker note, what part of Oswald's life would have drawn the attention of the Criminal Intelligence Division of the Dallas Police? His arrest in New Orleans in August might not have come to the attention of the Dallas Police. Actually, I do believe Curry and Fritz and Revill when they testified that Oswald was unknown to them prior to 11/22. The emphasis of the Special Service Bureau seemed;,to me, to be on groups and not lone-wolfs. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/curry1.htm Mr. RANKIN - I will hand you Exhibit No. 710 and ask you if that isn't a copy of what you are referring to. Mr. CURRY - Yes; it is Mr. RANKIN - You won't have to read that, Chief, if you will just describe in a general way what was done that you know about and then I will offer that to show what it proves. Mr. CURRY - In essence, this report says prior to the announcement of the President's visit, there were rumors he would visit Dallas and because of these rumors the intelligence section increased its efforts in attempting to get data concerning not only extremists and subversive groups. Steve Thomas
  11. Andrej, I read a little of Cabell's WC testimony. The eight-member Dallas City Council did not meet between November 22nd and November 24th. The City Manager, Elgin Crull was out of town and did not return until after Oswald had been shot and Curry had to call him and ask him to please come back to town. That's just kind of mind boggling. What do you think were the chances that this "torchlight parade" would have turned into a good old-fashioned wild-west lynch mob? My bet would have been even odds. Cabell Exhibit 1. (19H243) https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1136#relPageId=261&tab=page FBI interview with Mayor, Earl Cabell December 12, 1963. https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/dallas-tx/william-smith-5347137 William Lancaster “Lank” Smith, III passed away peacefully on Monday, December 17, 2012, in Dallas, Texas. He was born in Lebanon, Kentucky on June 14, 1923. He was a beloved husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and friend. He attended high school in Lebanon, Kentucky at St. Augustine. He joined the U. S. Army Air Force and played tailback on the Third Air Force football team. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Notre Dame in 1946. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame Law School in 1950. While at Notre Dame, he played football as a defensive halfback under the coaching of Frank Leahy and was part of Notre Dame’s legendary undefeated and national championship teams in 1946, 1947 and 1948. While in law school, he served as the coach of the Notre Dame Freshman football team. In 1950, he became the coach of the Jesuit High School football team in Dallas eventually guiding them to their first T.C.I.L. State Championship. He served as an Assistant District Attorney in Dallas from 1954 through 1957 and later became a partner in the law firm of Turner, White, Atwood, Meer & Francis. In 1961, he formed his own law firm which eventually became known as Smith, Smith & Smith, LLP. He spent decades practicing law with his sons in Dallas County. His love of Notre Dame and its football team never faded. He was voted Notre Dame Man of the Year, Dallas Club, in 1954. He was elected National President of the Notre Dame Alumni Association 1965 to 1967, then served seven years as a Board Member. He served as President of the N. D. Monogram Club 1986 through 1988 then served seventeen years on its Board. He served as President of the Dallas Citizens Council for Decent Literature, Vice-President of the Cincinnati National Citizens for Decent Literature and was cited by the National Conference of Christians and Jews as a speaker on brotherhood. Steve Thomas
  12. Bill, I once read that the Criminal Intelligence Sections of these Special Service Bureaus concentrated on "non-Mafia related" criminal matters. (which kind of goes along with Hoover's denial that the "Mafia" even existed). I would take H.M. Hart's role as Revill's "second in command" with a grain of salt. Revill was a Lieutenant in that Bureau, but there are no Sergeants listed in Batchelor's Exhibit 5002, (see page 4) https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/pdf/WH19_Batchelor_Ex_5002.pdf In his various memos in the Dallas Police Archives, Hart only identifies himself as "Detective" Hart. https://www.maryferrell.org/php/showlist.php?docset=2105 Hosty may have identified Hart as his "counterpart", but I think that's just Hosty being Hosty. Steve Thomas
  13. Andrej, One name from this list that jumped out at me was E.B. Germany. I've seen his name before. McLane, Curren R. (Colonel). A History of the Texas State Guard, (TSGRC is the Texas State Guard Reserve Corps.) 1948 - 1965 The Reserve Corps consisted of three Brigades of four regiments each, for a total of twelve regiments. Another one of those "Colonels". Steve Thomas
  14. Keyvan, You might want to contact Orville's daughter, Gayle Nix Jackson. She might have some answers for you. https://gaylenixjackson.com/ Steve Thomas
  15. Ron, I'm not sure why, but this deal with smuggling heroin in from Mexico in iron pipes fascinates me. I'm pretty sure that Ruby was involved with a smuggling ring running cars stolen in Chicago, and run down to Mexico. I wonder if they got paid in heroin. Do you know if the "pipes" investigation went any further? Ruby's brother Hyman, and his sister, Eva sound like a real pair. Thousands of feet of very specialized pipe that gas companies might be interested in... very interesting. Here are some notes I have clipped. Have you ever read footnote 1508: a Secret Service interview with Jack Ruby done on December 6, 1963? It's cited as HSCA JFK Document# 004232 ? HSCA vol. 9 pp. 522-523 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=955#relPageId=531&tab=page HSCA vol. 9, page 1154 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=955#relPageId=1162&tab=page HSCA vol. 9, page 522 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=955#relPageId=530&tab=page WC testimony of Eva Grant http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/grant_e1.htm “Mrs. GRANT. I don't think he ever saw him as far as I know, but I want to tell you that Roland Jones went to Chicago during the period of those 6 months and he did meet my brother Hyman. I don't know what conversation my brother had--my brother thought he was a nice guy--we didn't know anything about his background. Mr. HUBERT. Do you know what happened to him? Mrs. GRANT. Oh, yes; he went to jail for something about narcotics from Turkey or something like that.” WC testimony of Eva Grant http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/grant_e1.htm Mrs. GRANT. We were buying metals, at least we were trying to buy metals and materials to sell to--in fact, gas companies--one is--I have the files, believe me, and I think it's at Jonesboro--is it in Arkansas or Oklahoma? Well, we got the specifications and Paul Roland Jones brought me a piece of metal, maybe 6 inches long--it's a certain type of pipe, rather, he brought me, and this man didn't want it, so I sent it on to Chicago to my brother. Mr. HUBERT. Which brother? Mrs. GRANT. It seems to me I sent it to my older brother, Hyman, and he says he knew somebody that might be able to use the amount of footage we had at this place, and we were going to make what you call a finder's fee or broker's fee, but little did we know of Paul Roland Jones' connection, because I'm going to tell you. This man told me several things-- "I'm not fit to be in the night club business, I'm not the caliber of a person." Mr. HUBERT. Who was that--Jones told you that? Mrs. GRANT. Yes; and he seemed to be a very nice fellow and he used my phone for a long distance call to Ardmore, Okla., and I know he paid me $2 or $3 in change when he did it, and I didn't know a thing about this. Mr. HUBERT. About what, ma'am? Mrs. GRANT. Well, wait a minute, I pick up the headlines and they got Paul Roland Jones in jail somewhere in Fort Worth. I no sooner picked this up--this paper, the paper of this city, my brother is calling me from Chicago that the FBI or some organization, one of your organizations went to the Congress Hotel where Jack was staying and they are questioning him about whether--about what he knew about Paul Roland Jones. I don't think Jack ever heard me mention the name. 449 Mr. HUBERT. How long had you known Paul Roland Jones when this occurred? Mrs. GRANT. Not too many months--if it was 6 months or 8 months--it was the longest. Mr. HUBERT. Had you done any business with him? Mr.s GRANT. No--never. Mr. HUBERT. It was simply through meeting at the club? Mrs. GRANT. Well this doctor brought him in one afternoon. He knew him because he went to him for treatment. Mr. HUBERT. Well, that's the first meeting, but thereafter, what was the basis of the meeting? Mrs. GRANT. Nothing. I mean, he came in, and I went to dinner with him and the doctor once, and we went for a ride, but I'll tell you, the doctor and I didn't know anything about his background. Mr. HUBERT. He was ultimately charged, was he not, with the possession of narcotics? Mrs. GRANT. Oh, yes; in fact, we read the story that night. We were shocked. We knew he took trips, we knew he was married to a dancer in New York, but this all came out--wait a minute, his wife came from New York that summer. Mr. HUBERT. Now, we'll get into that later. Did Jack know Paul Roland Jones at that time? Mrs. GRANT. If he did--no; I doubt if he ever even heard of him. Mr. HUBERT. Jack had not come down here yet? Mrs. GRANT. If he was, he didn't stay long. Mr. HUBERT. But to your recollection he didn't know Jones at all? Mrs. GRANT. I don't think he has ever seen him--well, wait a minute, he may have seen the man or heard about him. Mr. HUBERT. I understand that, but at the time of this episode that you are telling us about? Mrs. GRANT. I don't think he ever saw him as far as I know, but I want to tell you that Roland Jones went to Chicago during the period of those 6 months and he did meet my brother Hyman. I don't know what conversation my brother had--my brother thought he was a nice guy--we didn't know anything about his background. Mr. HUBERT. Do you know what happened to him? Mrs. GRANT. Oh, yes; he went to jail for something about narcotics from Turkey or something like that. Mr. HUBERT. Did he have any other charges later against him? Do you know? Mrs. GRANT. Do you want to know something--I went into a hotel here, and let me think, either the Whitmore or the Southland since he has been out, or when he got out, and this friend of mine said, "Guess who got out of jail?" He said "Paul Roland Jones," and I said, "That's nice." Mr. HUBERT. How long ago was that? Mrs. GRANT. This must be 7 years or 8 years--it seems like a long time ago. Mr. HUBERT. Have you seen him since? Mrs. GRANT. Yes; he was here 2 years ago, I think. He came through and he stopped by the Vegas Club one night. Oh, he says, he got in a cab and he was coming through--he probably was here other times but he didn't want anybody to know--he said he was coming through changing planes and he says he's sure going to be picked up and he says to say hello to Jack. Mr. HUBERT. When was that? Mrs. GRANT. Maybe a year and a half or 2 years ago. Mr. HUBERT. Did you see him in November 1963? Mrs. GRANT. Oh, no. Mr. HUBERT. Did you talk to him on the phone? Mrs. GRANT. No. Mr. HUBERT. Did you know he was in Dallas? Mr.s GRANT. No. Mr. HUBERT. Is there anything you know that would indicate that your brother, Jack, knew he was in Dallas? Mrs. GRANT. I don't know. Mr. HUBERT. In November 1963? Mrs. GRANT. I don't know. I'll tell you how I figure this out, if I can go 450 see my contract--you see, my band leader was making a record, you know, a record of music. Mr. HUBERT. But so far as your recollection is concerned, it would be over a year from today? Mrs. GRANT. Easy--easy. Mr. HUBERT. And by "contact with him," of course, I mean--you know--telephone, letters, messages? Mrs. GRANT. No; he came in--he told me that he knows people at Mercury Records and that if I send in the song he was going to make it, and truthfully, I was glad when he came in, when he left, for more reasons than one. We don't discuss his background or anything. Mr. HUBERT. Now, that's over a year ago certainly. Mrs. GRANT. It has been so long--I say a year and a half--the airlines would know quicker than I know because he said he just flew in and he was just there for the evening and going back out, at least that's what he told me. I don't discuss his background or anything like that--at least, that's what he told me. Steve Thomas
  16. Oh boy. The coronavirus was started by Bill Gates and George Soros as a way to make money, and only affects people of the Mongoloid race. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Ftvzvezda.ru%2Fnews%2Fvstrane_i_mire%2Fcontent%2F202023353-O9wUV.html This is a Google translated version of this site out of Russia: https://tvzvezda.ru/news/vstrane_i_mire/content/202023353-O9wUV.html “After such statements, adherents of conspiracy theories literally have no doubt that the virus is of artificial origin, and Bill Gates is one of its main sponsors. Another fact adds weight to this theory - a few months ago, the head of Microsoft held a conditional exercise called Event 201, which simulated an outbreak of a new virus that killed 65 million people in 18 months. The idea of the teachings is simple - globalization in the name of salvation. "So, let's begin. The world has been seized by a global pandemic. And only well-coordinated work of states and big business can stop it. ” “This cannot be a coincidence, when the exercises were conducted, the coronavirus did not exist. Either it should be Nostradamus, or the person who created it. Therefore, these exercises are no longer even indirectly, but directly confirm Gates’s involvement in this story, ”said Dmitry Zhuravlev, political scientist and director of the Institute for Regional Problems. The fact is that while the disease affects only the representatives of the Mongoloid race, such suspicious selectivity raises questions from experts. No less widespread discussion was caused by the story around the laboratory for the study of dangerous viruses. It is located in Wuhan, 32 kilometers from the same market where the disease was first recorded. However, there is another biolaboratory in Wuhan - until recently, nothing was known about it. Her address is like someone’s joke - Gaoxin, three sixes - the number mentioned in the Bible, under which the name of the beast of the Apocalypse is hidden. But it’s even more symbolic that it exists on the money of the famous banker Jorozh Soros, who shares the globalist ideas of Bill Gates. It would seem that nuclear conspiracy theology is completely different, but experts say that a tricky plan lies behind an absurd wrapper. One thing is clear, those who benefit from the disease will continue to fuel mass hysteria. However, on a deadly virus, you can earn not only money, but also subscribers. Bloggers and just active users of social networks, taking advantage of the moment, shoot provocative videos that sometimes scare people, to put it mildly.” Steve Thomas
  17. https://consortiumnews.com/2020/03/16/the-angry-arab-middle-east-faces-corona/ THE ANGRY ARAB: Middle East Faces Corona Politicizing the Crisis Not unlike the U.S., the crisis has been politicized in the region. The Saudi government, for example, imposed a curfew on the predominantly Shi’ite Qatif province, and its media blamed Iran and some even called it “the Iranian virus.” Conspiracy theories about the virus abound, here and there: some in the U.S. blame China, while some in China blame the U.S., and some in Iran blame the U.S. Gotta love it. I'm waiting for the Great Flood stories to start coming out. "Punish the wicked", that 's what I say. Or maybe it's the extraterrestrials' attempts to exterminate mankind. I can never remember which. Steve Thomas
  18. Ron, The viciousness and completeness of del Valle's and Johnny Rosselli's murders always struck me. Steve Thomas
  19. Mark, If you plug his full name, Eladio Ceferino del Valle Gutierrez, into the search box on the Mary Ferrell Foundation page, you get about 400,000 hits. Steve Thomas
  20. Jerry was always pretty straightforward with me. His approach is from a Historical Association perspective. Steve Thomas
  21. Ron, From that same Commission Exhibit: What do you think the chances are that Marina knew exactly where Oswald was living as of October 15, 1963, despite what she and Ruth Paine told James Hosty on November 1st? Steve Thomas
  22. I have recently become aware of Commission Exhibit 1838 and I am kind of stunned. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1139#relPageId=549&tab=page On March 3, 1964, Marina Oswald drove around in a car with FBI Agents Wallace Heitman and Anatole Buguslav, and pointed out the route she and Lee Harvey Oswald had taken on a night in March, 1963 with him carrying a rifle wrapped up in a raincoat. At the end of the evening in March, 1963, she thinks that Oswald catches a bus somewhere, and she is left alone in the dark to make her own way back home. However, Exactly one month earlier, on February 3, 1964, Marina had told the Warren Commission. WC testimony of Marina Oswald February 3, 1964 http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/oswald_m1.htm Mr. RANKIN. Did you ever observe your husband taking the rifle away from the apartment on Neely Street? Mrs. OSWALD. Now, I think that he probably did sometimes, but I never did see it. You must understand that sometimes I would be in the kitchen and he would be in his room downstairs, and he would say bye-bye, I will be hack soon, and he may have taken it. He probably did. Perhaps he purely waited for an occasion when he could take it away without my seeing it. Mr. RANKIN. Did you learn at any time that he had been practicing with the rifle? Mrs. OSWALD. I think that he went once or twice. I didn't actually see him take the rifle, but I knew that he was practicing. I don't know what to say. Steve Thomas
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