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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Ed, Hosty told the WC that as early as November 1st, he knew that LHO worked at the TSBD, but that he didn't live at 2515 W. 5th St. in Irving. Why, if he was so hot to locate Oswald, didn't he tail him home from work one day in those three weeks before 11/22? I once wrote an essay on How Did the Police First Learn of 1026 N. Beckley? http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/2331-how-did-the-police-first-learn-of-1026-n-beckley/ I concluded that the information most likely came from military intelligence. My guess these days is that the policeman who told Fritz out in the hall that Oswald lived there was B.L. Senkel, who rode in the Pilot Car with George Lumpkin and George Whitmeyer, and who was sent to 1026 N. Beckley at 2:40 PM by Captain Fritz. I believe that there was a file or a dossier of a Harvey Lee Oswald in MI files, and that's why the police were asking for a person by that name when they got to Beckley as Earlene Roberts twice said. Steve Thomas
  2. Ron, The policeman's white cap tells me he was a member of the Traffic Division. Larry Sneed's No More Silence contains interviews with a number of the motorcycle cops. Maybe one of them talks about standing guard in a Parkland hallway. Logicically, it would seem that the motorcycle cop is one of the motorcycle jockeys in the parade escort who arrived d at Parkland before anyone else, and were stationed in the hallways to restrict access to places like the trauma rooms. Steve Thomas
  3. Secret Service: On the Knoll and Beyond: “I pulled my pistol from my holster, and I thought, this is silly, I don't know who I am looking for, and I put it back. Just as I did, he showed me that he was a Secret Service agent”. Warren Commission Counsel, Wesley Liebeler asked Officer Smith if he had accosted this man. Joe Smith replied, “Well, he saw me coming with my pistol and right away he showed me who he was” “Perhaps Officer Smith’s recollection could have been tainted by his “physical and emotional strain”, except for two things. First, he said that the Secret Service agent “showed me that he was a Secret Service agent”. The question arises, had Officer Smith ever seen Secret Service credentials? As a matter of fact, Smith told author Anthony Summers that he had. As he said to Summers, “The man, this character produced credentials from his hip pocket which showed him to be Secret Service. I have seen those credentials before, and they satisfied me and the deputy sheriff.” Well, "who was he"? Smith, "I dunno" Steve Thomas
  4. Larry, Thanks for the info. I really don't know much about the CIA. Steve Thomas
  5. David, He doesn't. Berger was talking about two different people. Steve Thomas
  6. Matt, I don't think it's the same person as the unidentified Parkland Hospital man.. The ears are all wrong, and I don't think the jawline is the same. Steve Thomas
  7. Larry, We don't. Or, I should more correctly say, I don't. That was presumptuous on my part. I realized that just as I hit the send button. (Damn computers). I've got it in my head that the people who killed JFK were trained snipers, and who does training better than the military? When I see CIA, I think more in terms of hit and run commando type raids, or sometimes long term insertion teams that were tasked with gathering intel. CIA assassinations seemed to be more up close and personal like poisons and car bombs than long range snipers - but I could be wrong. As an aside, when you use SAS, you're talking about Special Affairs Section, right? When I see SAS, I have to force myself not to think of British Special Forces. Steve Thomas
  8. Stu, If you go here" List of Participants of the Bay of Pigs Invasion https://cuban-exile.com/doc_026-050/doc0035.html and start scrolling down through the list of people who were assigned to Fort Benning in Georgia, I think you'll get a pretty good idea. Steve Thomas
  9. Army plane? What army plane? Who in the Secret Service would have told Zapruder to send anything by way of the Army? Who in the Army would Zapruder have talked to to send anything on an Army plane? Steve Thomas
  10. “None of us has any idea what Angleton did with the diary while it was in his possession,” Bradlee wrote in his memoir." The JFK Mistress Gunned Down in Cold Blood https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-jfk-mistress-mary-pinchot-meyer-was-gunned-down-in-cold-blood-why?ref=home editors' note: This article was updated on at 9:30 a.m. EST, 21 January 2020, to correct the spelling of the names of Wistar Janney and Dovey Johnson Roundtree, and to add further material about the missing diary or diaries. Steve Thomas
  11. Vince, Did employees of the CIA carry "credentials" identifying them as such? If he had "credentials", how could he be "unidentified? Steve Thomas
  12. Joseph, Thanks for this. I'm glad that somebody is calling it for what it is. Trump bragged that he could stand in the middle of 5th Ave and shoot somebody and get away with it. Well, he's done just that. Steve Thomas
  13. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=57768&search=YMCA#relPageId=57&tab=page Letter from J.Edgar Hoover to Deputy Assistant Secretary for Security, Department of State dated February 12, 1964: “We are endeavoring to identify Lee Harvey Oswald's place of residence during the period from October 19, 1962 when he moved out of the YMCA in Dallas to November 2-3, 1962, when, with his wife, he moved into a furnished apartment at 604 Elsbeth Street, Dallas, Texas.” The letter is asking that George de Mohrenschildt be re-interviewed concerning what he might know. Reading through Mary Ferrell’s Chronologies for the month of October, beginning from around October 8 – October 14th. she asks “where does Oswald spend the night?” https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40390#relPageId=77&tab=page pp. 77-80. By greg parker on Sat 15 Oct 2016, 11:33 pm Steve, here is the Taylor interview. Only had a quick read, but my impression is that it needs a deeper look. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=57773&search=taylor#relPageId=58&tab=page Mr. TAYLOR. It had to be some time between September and November 15, because my wife and I separated after that. Anyway, at some point during this period, I do remember going to an area in Oak Cliff and looking for Lee. I don't think I found him--at least, not on the occasion I remember. All I had was some vague directions that---- 88 Mr. JENNER. From whom? Mr. TAYLOR. Well, directly from my wife but indirectly I believe that came to her from Mrs. De Mohrenschildt. Mr. JENNER. Were you requested to seek to locate him? Mr. TAYLOR. I don't know why I was trying to locate him. I don't remember anything except I remember driving around one area one evening looking for a residence of his on some vague directions. As I say, I don't even remember if it was a residence of the whole family or just of Lee. I went back to this area within the last few weeks and located a building that stuck--or I had a recollection of one building in this area and I went back to the area and found it and gave that information to Agent Yelchek of the FBI. I don't know what he---- Mr. JENNER. What location was that? Mr. TAYLOR. I gave him the exact street address---but it seems to me like it was---well, the name of the apartment building was the Coz-I-Eight [spelling] C-o-z---I---E-i-g-h-t--apartments, and I thing they were located at 1404 North Beckley. But the address I could be off on; but the name I do remember. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=45#relPageId=148&tab=page WC testimony of Mrs. Gibson: at 11:00 AM, May 28, 1964 (formerly Alexandra de Mohrenschildt) (11H138) Mrs. GIBSON. Yes; I am trying very hard to think of where he stayed. It is such a very vague recollection, so vague it is barely there, that he had a room. But I don't know where. Mr. JENNER. During this period? Mrs. GIBSON. During that period; yes. Mr. JENNER. From the 19th to the 3d? Mrs. GIBSON. Yes; it is so vague but it is there, that he had a room somewhere. Where I don't know. I just can't think. Mrs. GIBSON. It seems to me that he had a place to live somewhere near where he was working, somewhere easily accessible on foot, to where he was working. (Is she thinking of the YMCA?) Mr. JENNER. That is your former husband Gary's recollection, and he seemed reasonably confident that you would recall the address. Mrs. GIBSON. No, no; no idea. Did Gary mention something about one night we were in Oak Cliff and we were looking for some place. Mr. JENNER. He said you were looking for Oswald? Mrs. GIBSON. Is that what he said? And we went up and down and up and down and we never found the place. I recall one evening, I don't remember what we were looking for, but I recall this. Mr. JENNER. You were looking for Oswald? Mrs. GIBSON. Is that who we were looking for? Mr. JENNER. No; I---- Mrs. GIBSON. I don't know, I am not sure, but one evening Gary and I were looking for some place, and I don't know where it was. But it was in Oak Cliff. It was right over the river. And we went up and down and back and forth for a good hour looking for this address. And I can't think of where it was, and we never found it. I do remember that. We never found it. Mr. JENNER. But it had something to do with Oswald? Mrs. GIBSON. I think it did. I think it had to do with a room that he had over there, but where it was, the address, I don't know. I never knew Oak Cliff very well in the first place. Mr. JENNER. You say he was now employed and could afford a room? Mrs. GIBSON. Yes; but I don't know where. I--we couldn't find it wherever it was, because we looked. Mr. JENNER. But you did have an address at that time? Mrs. GIBSON. I had an address for something I was looking for. What it was I don't know. If I was looking for him or if I was looking for somebody else, if Gary was looking for somebody, I don't recall. But it could possibly be that it was him that we were looking for. I don't know how Gary thinks I can remember an address, though. I don't. In her Chronologies for October, 1962 (on page 78) Mary Ferrell locates the Coz-I-Eight apartments at 1306.N.Beckley. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40390#relPageId=78&tab=page Is it possible that Oswald (or someone posing as Oswald) who applied for PO Box 6225 on November 1, 1963 remembered the apartment complex, but transposed the numbers? He listed his home address as 3610 N. Beckley. https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth337065/m1/1/ And is there any significance to that apartment complex? Marina says that after Lee checked out of the YMCA on October 19th, he moved to an apartment, but she didn't know where it was. Leon Gopadze December 10, 1963 Secret Service interview of Marina. Warren Commission Exhibit 1789. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1139#relPageId=434&tab=page WC testimony of George de Mohrenschildt at 10:00 AM on April 22, 1964 (9H166) http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/demohr_g.htm Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. That was a little bit later on--when he already moved to Dallas, he already had the job. But now I am trying to recall who moved him from Fort Worth to Dallas, and I think that was Gary Taylor, my ex-son-in-law, and Alex, my daughter. I think they both drove to Fort Worth. I told them to do so--"Go to Fort Worth and help them, they have no car, they have no money--help them to move." I think in the meantime Lee found a job at Jaggars, and was looking for a place to live, and found a place to live himself in Oak Cliff, this address which I don't remember now--the first address in Oak Cliff. He had two addresses. I forget the exact address. My wife will remember that. WC testimony of Jeanne de Mohrenschildt taken at 4:45 PM on April 23, 1964. (9H285) https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=43#relPageId=293&tab=page http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/demohr_j.htm I said, "For God sakes, if we are to help them, I cannot race to Oak Cliff to help them with this or that"--if she had to go to the doctor. Why wouldn't they take a little place near us, it will be much easier for me to help her. He had some reasons to live far away. I don't know if anybody else mentioned that to you. That was everybody's impression. For some particular reason, he moved all the way out. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10672&relPageId=400&search=Bouhe On November 28, 1963 Bouhe was interviewed by SA John Flanagan about any possible relationship between Jack Ruby and Lee Oswald. In the course of the interview, Bouhe "produced a card on which he kept addresses and this card bore the notation dated November 1, 1963, 602 Elsbeth..." “Following his residence at the YMCA, he said Oswald secured a room in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas, but he could not recall this address, nor did he have a record of it in his papers. At this point Mr. Bouhe produced a card on which he kept addresses.” On January 29, 1964 George Bouhe is interviewed by SA Joe Abernathy. Oswald 201 File, Vol 25 Part 2 of 2 page 28 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=111186&search=YMCA#relPageId=28&tab=page “Bouhe, in thinking back, recalled that at some time or other, possibly after Oswald left the YMCA, Oswald may have mentioned that he had obtained a room possibly on Madison Street from someone named Carlton. Bouhe checked the current Dallas Telephone Directory and noted that the Madison-Carlton Hotel was listed at 1159 North Madison, Dallas, Texas. Bouhe could furnish no further information concerning the period of Oswald's residence from October 19, 1962 to November 2, 1962.” WC testimony of George Bouhe March 23, 1964 http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/bouhe.htm Mr. LIEBELER - Do you know where he moved when he checked out of the YMCA? Mr. BOUHE - At some point thereabouts he threw at me when I asked, "Where do you live now?" He gave me, if I recall correctly, a name of the Carlton boarding house on Madison Avenue, but it proved to be wrong. Mr. LIEBELER - Did you tell the FBI that he told you he lived at the Carlton boarding house? Mr. BOUHE - Yes. Mr. LIEBELER - The FBI checked it out and told you subsequently that he had not lived there? Mr. BOUHE - That's correct. The FBI men went there, and it developed that Oswald told me a lie to send me on a wild goose chase, but the name strikes me somehow; and FBI rechecked this place and said it was a bum steer. Mr. LIEBELER - As far as you know, the next place that Oswald lived after he moved out of the YMCA was in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas? Mr. BOUHE - Madison is around the corner from somewhere he ultimately lived. Lee Harvey Oswald went to work at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall on October 12, 1962. On October 15th, 1962, Oswald would move from a home in Fort Worth, Texas to room 415 at the YMCA in downtown Dallas where he would live from the 15th to the 19th of October. He vacated the YMCA and aside from his employment at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, he was incommunicado from the 19th of October, until the 3rd of November, 1962. Through the Warren Commission testimonies of the Taylors and the de Mohrenschildts, indications are that he was living in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas. On November 3, 1962, Oswald moved his wife and child from a home in Fort Worth into Apartment# 2 at 604 Elsbeth St. He would repeat this process in 1963. On October 3, 1963 Oswald supposedly returned from Mexico and checked into room 601 of the YMCA. He would move from the YMCA to a rooming house at 1026 N. Beckley on October 15th. Question: How does Lee Oswald know Oak Cliff so well? How would he know about the rooming house on Carlton that he gave to George Bouhe? Oswald apparently lived at Mary Bledsoe's house on N. Marsalis from the 7th to the 14th of October, but I thought what she said was very odd. In her WC testimony, she said, “Mrs. BLEDSOE - Had his things on his hand and had his bag, but after he paid my $7 he went out---I don't know, I think this YMCA, but I am not supposed to know where,...” On November 1, 1963 Lee Oswald would apply for Post Office Box 6225. On his PO Box application, he would list 3610 N. Beckley as his home address. Why didn't he give 1026 as his home address? When he applied for the PO Box, did he remember the apartment complex at 1306 and transpose the numbers like he did on the Fair Play for Cuba Committee pamphlets down in New Orleans in August? Was there something significant in the northern section of Beckley St. that would cause Oswald to go from the YMCA in downtown Dallas to that section of Oak Cliff twice? http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/clark_m.htm Mr. CLARK - I think everyone (in the Dallas White Russian Community) was discussing that as to whether or not they should especially when he first came back and all of them asked me and I said "in my opinion he is a defector and you know what he is" I said "As far as Oswald coming back here you can be assured or bet that when he returned to the United States the FBI has got him tagged and is watching his movements or I would be very much surprised." Mr. LIEBELER - If they didn't - Mr. CLARK - If they didn't, I said "You know that they know exactly where he is in town" and I said "I imagine they know who he is contacting because I know enough about the boys in the FBI; they would keep a record." Steve Thomas
  14. David, I'm not so sure now that he was. I've only seen that in one source. In two other places, I've seen that he was only in the Army from March, 1963 - March, 1964 From March, 1964 to September, 1964, he was unemployed; and then from September, 1964 to ? (CIA documents dated 1965 and 1972), he was listed as a sprayman for the Pan Am Exterminating Co. See HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 45 PERSONAL RECORD QUESTIONNAIRE for Luis Posada Carriles pp. 17 and 37. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=23193&search=Carriles#relPageId=17&tab=page Steve Thomas
  15. I was so sorry to read that. Jayne Mansfield was always my hero. LaVey was also involved with Susan Atkins of Charles Manson fame. Now, things are starting to get weird. Steve Thomas
  16. No Ron, "Something" happened in those 8 hours between threatening to bomb 52 sites (including cultural), and publicly saying that Iran was "standing down" - after they had launched missiles at our bases in Iraq. Somebody got to Trump. I think Putin is the only one that's got that kind of pull. Steve Thomas
  17. Did Putin warn Trump not to destroy Iran? With the mess they made of Afghanistan, doesn't Russia need a stable Iran to get its Central Asian oil to market? Is that why Trump backed off? Steve Thomas
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