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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Stormy Daniels’s testimony paints a dark picture of Trump’s view of sex and power by Moira Donegan May 9, 2024 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/09/stormy-daniels-testimony-trump “For a while after that, Trump kept calling Daniels, asking to see her again. When he called, he would again mention the prospect of her appearing on The Apprentice. They met one more time, a year later, in a hotel room where Trump was watching Shark Week. He tried to initiate sex again, and Daniels refused. Later, she got a call informing her that she would not be cast on his show.” Honey Bunch Steve Thomas
  2. I really, really hate to say this, but Donald Trump asking someone to spank him with a magazine that has a picture of himself on the cover raises some serious psycho-analytical questions in my mind. Steve Thomas
  3. Indiana has its primary election yesterday. 59-year old Jennifer Pace won the Republican Primary for Indiana’s 7th Congressional District. Indiana's 7th congressional district is a congressional district in the U.S. state of Indiana. It is entirely located within Marion County and includes most of Indianapolis, Jennifer Pace died last March. Indiana is well known for its educated and sophisticated voters. Steve Thomas
  4. Right after DJT told his porn-star paramour that she reminded him of his daughter, he called her Honey Bunch. I wonder of that's what he calls Ivanka or Melania In the words of Casey at the Bat. "There's no joy in Mudville tonight." Steve Thomas
  5. Trump plans Minnesota fundraiser on day of Barron's graduation: report by Adam Nichols May 7, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/barron-graduation/ “After weeks of complaining that his hush money trial would stop him attending his youngest son’s high school graduation, Donald Trump’s judge finally agreed to pause the trial for a day — and the ex-president swiftly organized a fundraiser. Trump is now expected to speak at the Minnesota Republican Party’s Lincoln Reagan dinner on May 17 — the day Barron Trump graduates. It’s not known if he will be at the graduation ceremony in Florida prior to his Minnesota appearance.” "Who will explain for me, to my wonderful son, Barron, who is a GREAT Student at a fantastic School, that his Dad will likely not be allowed to attend his Graduation Ceremony, something that we have been talking about for years, because a seriously Conflicted and Corrupt New York State Judge wants me in Criminal Court on a bogus 'Biden Case' which, according to virtually all Legal Scholars and Pundits, has no merit, and should NEVER have been brought," Donald Trump to Attend Fundraiser on Day of Barron's Graduation https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-attend-fundraiser-day-barrons-graduation-1897759 “In a statement Minnesota GOP chair David Hann commented: "We are thrilled to welcome President Trump back to Minnesota to headline our Lincoln Reagan dinner, an annual tradition that reminds us of the roots of our Party and the leaders who have been most impactful in promoting our American values." “The exact time and location of the Lincoln Reagan dinner was not released in the Minnesota GOP’s announcement.” The man has absolutely no shame whatsoever. American values, my a**. Steve Thomas
  6. My wife asked me if the outside agitators showing up at the college campus protests are being supplied by Donald Trump as a way of making Joe Biden look bad. I didn't have an answer for her. Steve Thomas
  7. Kristi Noem's Vice Presidential Trump selection chances now in political gravel pit https://nordot.app/1159870516748632357?c=592622757532812385 “Ever since it was revealed that in her upcoming book Noem almost proudly wrote about shooting and killing a 14-month-old puppy — then triple downed on it after a bipartisan furor broke — her viability for being Trump’s pick has plummeted. And then went further south when it turns out her book mentioned her couragously standing up to North Korea’s dictator when, in fact, she never met him. Which raises the another question? Former fabulist GOP Congressman Geore Santos and Kristi Noem: separated at birth?” Steve Thomas
  8. On Saturday's fund raiser: "At another point, he complained about having to take so many pictures with donors and told people in the crowd that if they didn’t get a picture, it was because they didn’t give enough money," the report continued. "He also claimed that a wedding at the property got preference over the donors because the wedding was paying more per person to be there." Trump also allowed some guests who donated a million to share the stage with him. "At one point, as if he were at an auction, he told the crowd: 'Anyone who makes a $1 million donation right now to the Republican Party … I will let you come up and speak.' Two donors then came to the stage, and one told the crowd: 'Donald J. Trump is the person that God has chosen,'" the report noted. I'm confused. I thought God drove OUT the money lenders. Steve Thomas
  9. Donald Trump is making America stupid by Sabrina Haake May 5, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/donald-trump-is-making-america-stupid/ “Recent polls suggest half the country may vote against their own self-interests in November. The self sabotage is head-turning: Christians who defend Donald Trump’s debauchery, poor people who give their money to a billionaire with rotating Ponzi schemes, pensioners who don’t understand that tax cuts for the 1 percent threaten their own entitlements. As the new Time Magazine interview made clear, Trump has done nothing for the common man and everything for his wealthy donors. Yet somehow, in the MAGAverse, that fact doesn’t seem to compute. When Trump celebrated his 2016 election win, his declaration, “I love the poorly educated” made headlines. Nearly eight years on, it’s not that half the country supports violent coup attempts, it’s that half the country sincerely believes the 2020 election was stolen, despite all evidence to the contrary. The United States seems to be slumbering toward Idiocracy, a funny-not-funny satire about Americans in the year 2500. Instead of possessing superior intellect, they have lost the ability to think. Maximilien Robespierre, one of the most influential figures of the French Revolution, was known for his attacks on the monarchy and his advocacy of democratic reforms. He famously wrote, “The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.” Even though Trump’s closest advisers widely regard him as an idiot, he has a preternatural skill: manipulating ignorance. Call it a conman’s intuition.” Steve Thomas
  10. Trump loyalists have now begun showing up at his rallies wearing diapers and t-shirts and baseball caps and carrying large six-foot banners emblazened with the phrase, Real Men Wear Diapers Trump 2024 20 years from now, those people are going to look back on their lives and be so ashamed of themselves. Steve Thomas
  11. Noem dog shooting sparks Congressional Dog Lovers Caucus https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/02/noem-dog-caucus-congress-00155721 "Call them the Paw-cus. A bipartisan group of lawmakers launched the Congressional Dog Lovers Caucus on Thursday — less than a week after South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s killing of her dog disgusted Democrats and Republicans alike. “Dogs are the only thing on earth that loves you more than they love themselves. Their joy to live brings together Americans from all walks of life and can help nourish bipartisanship in Congress,” Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) said in a statement." "Five days before the caucus launched, Moskowitz — a freshman Democrat notorious for his online trolling — posted an infomercial-style video mocking Noem with the caption: “For just $.10 a day you can help us save a puppy from Kristi Noem.”" Steve Thomas
  12. Former President Donald Trump emerged from the latest day of his criminal hush money trial in Manhattan to tell reporters that he probably wouldn't be testifying — because he wasn't allowed to. "I'm not allowed to testify because of the unconstitutional gag order, we're appealing the gag order and let's see what happens," he said. The man's inventive. I'll give him that. Steve Thomas
  13. - Donald Trump - "Friend, in 24 hours, the hearing on my GAG ORDER will begin. I COULD BE THROWN IN JAIL AT THAT VERY MOMENT! This is what the Hate-America Deep State has always dreamed of. STAND WITH TRUMP I won’t be able to campaign. I will be muzzled and silent. And Democrats will have free rein to destroy our country." You'd better give me money now. At any moment I could be laying in a pile of rotting garbage, covered in my own feces. It's looking very grim. Give me money. Steve Thomas
  14. Donald Trump has now been found to be in criminal contempt. Does that mean we can now add criminal to his resume? Donald Trump Curriculum Vitae Former President of the United States Golfer Criminal Steve Thomas
  15. On TV this morning, they were talking about the Governor of South Dakota going on a murderous rampage. First it was the dog, then the goat, then a couple of horses. She wants to be our Vice-President. Steve Thomas
  16. April 29 On April 29, 1429, Joan of Arc entered the besieged city of Orleans to lead a French victory over the English. In 1916, the Easter Rising in Dublin collapsed as Irish nationalists surrendered to British authorities. In 1945, during World War II, American soldiers liberated the Dachau (DAH’-khow) concentration camp. Adolf Hitler married Eva Braun In 1946, 28 former Japanese officials went on trial in Tokyo as war criminals; In 1967, Aretha Franklin’s cover of Otis Redding’s “Respect” was released as a single by Atlantic Records. In 1991, a cyclone began striking the South Asian country of Bangladesh; it ended up killing more than 138,000 people, In 1992, a jury in Simi Valley, California, acquitted four Los Angeles police officers of almost all state charges in the videotaped beating of motorist Rodney King; In 2020, scientists announced the first effective treatment against the coronavirus, Steve Thomas
  17. The National Enquirer was the go-to American tabloid for many years. Donald Trump helped change that By DAVID BAUDER April 26, 2024 https://apnews.com/article/trump-national-enquirer-catch-kill-57f0c462af437fb07967a041b6f66022 NEW YORK (AP) — Catch and kill. Checkbook journalism. Secret deals. Friends helping friends. “Even by National Enquirer standards, testimony by its former publisher David Pecker at Donald Trump’s hush money trial this week has revealed an astonishing level of corruption at America’s best-known tabloid and may one day be seen as the moment it effectively died.” “The Enquirer averaged 238,000 newsstand sales each week during the last six months of election year 2016, according to the Alliance for Audited Media. During the last six months of 2023, its sales averaged just under 56,500.” “It’s really a shadow of its former self,” Cartwright said. “David Pecker’s legacy will be that he totally destroyed that tabloid.” Everything Donald Trump touches, dies. Steve Thomas
  18. Alabama Librarians Could Face Jail Under New Book Ban Bill Published Apr. 27, 2024 https://www.thedailybeast.com/alabama-librarians-could-face-jail-under-new-book-ban-bill?ref=home "Alabama librarians are speaking out about a bill that could put them in jail for up to a year if they don’t remove books considered obscene by some within seven days. AL.com reports that the state House has passed the legislation—which is backed by Moms for Liberty—and it’s headed to the Senate. “ “Under the proposed law, librarians would have a week to remove a book that any member of the public objects to—and if convicted of three violations, they could face three months to a year in prison and a fine.” “The writing on the wall couldn’t be clearer regarding the chilling effect this law would have on statewide employment, public library and school funding, public education outcomes, quality of life, First Amendment rights, and countless other metrics,” Alyx Kim-Yohn, circulation manager at Huntsville-Madison Public Library, told the site. “As far as I’m concerned, the only good version of HB385 is a dead one.” Public libraries used to be considered a public good. Steve Thomas
  19. In its infinite wisdom, the Republican National Committee has decided to hawk Kristi Noem's puppy killing terrorist manifesto. "There are only 73 copies left, and unless you donate $35.00 within the next 60 minutes, I'll have to give your signed copy to someone else." The book is "Trump Team Approved" Steve Thomas
  20. Trump's daughter-in-law, (Lara Trump) the newly-minted co-chair of the Republican National Committee, bizarrely claiming the GOP has election security lawsuits pending in "81 states." - Alina Habba - "If he's not in Manhattan, which is a completely blue state, where they only pulled blue state members of the jury on purpose, well, that's a different game." The Trump people seem to be geographically challenged. Steve Thomas
  21. Trump keeps begging for a "rally behind MAGA" — but his supporters aren't showing up to court It's not just that Fox News told them entering New York results in instant murder By AMANDA MARCOTTE April 24, 2024 https://www.salon.com/2024/04/24/keeps-begging-for-a-rally-behind-maga--but-his-supporters-arent-showing-up-to/ "Come to New York and rally to support me." "Violent criminals that are murdering people, killing people" are free to "do whatever they want." "And it's constantly reinforced by Fox News, which pushes out a series of misleading stories and images meant to scare their elderly suburbanite audiences into believing that going into the nation's largest city results in instant murder." "Nonetheless, Trump keeps pleading with his followers to run through what they've been told is a "bloodbath" ." "What's especially funny about all this is that Trump can't quite admit that his people just aren't showing up, and keeps on blaming the barricades and the cops." Steve Thomas
  22. Everyone should celebrate': FCC restores net neutrality rules by Jessica Corbett, Common Dreams April 25, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/everyone-should-celebrate-fcc-restores-net-neutrality-rules/ This will prevent internet service providers from blocking, throttling, or engaging in paid prioritization of lawful online content. The internet will be like electricity. You either have it, or you don't, period. Steve Thomas
  23. 'How can we trust him?' New concerns about Trump Media as auditor found to use many names by Tom Boggioni April 25, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-truth-social-stock-2667876789/ “According to a report from the Financial Times, the outside auditor hired by Trump Media & Technology Group to create a report used by investors for guidance has a history of using multiple names when signing off on documentation, which is raising some eyebrows.” “The report notes that BF Borgers accounting firm principal, Ben F. Borgers, has filed forms using 10 different names...” “The report notes that the U.S. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board has previously found Borgers' firm (BF Borgers) "failed to properly check clients’ revenues, accounts receivable, debt levels, fair value assumptions and numerous other key financial metrics."” Steve Thomas
  24. April 25 404 BC Athens surrenders to Sparta 1507 on a world map, the word America first appears 1915 Allied Soldiers invade Gallopoli 1945 American and Russian soldiers link up at the river Elbe 2024 The Supteme Court hears arguments on whether President's are immune from prosecution Steve Thomas
  25. Arizona Republican Party Chair, Kelli Ward and 10 other people charged with conspiracy to defraud and forgery. (Class A felonies). https://mcusercontent.com/cc1fad182b6d6f8b1e352e206/files/fa85cddf-ccc6-7dee-dd58-ff5e80d53b15/Indictment.03.pdf. Trump identified as unindicted co-conspirator# 1 "The news broke the same day as it was revealed that the former president, Mark Meadows, and Rudy Giuliani are unindicted co-conspirators in the criminal case over the state of Michigan's fake elector plot that hoped to reverse presidential election results in 2020." https://www.rawstory.com/arizona-charges-11-fake-electors-trump/ Steve Thomas
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