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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Donald Trump Pretends Like 'Lock Her Up' Was Never One Of His Rallying Cries The former president denied ever calling for his 2016 adversary, Hillary Clinton, to be arrested in a new interview on Fox News. By Kelby Vera Jun 2, 2024 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-denies-clinton-lock-her-up-chants_n_665c90eae4b00474bee97451 “Donald Trump says he never called for Hillary Clinton to be arrested, tried and jailed, despite publicly pleading to “lock her up” multiple times over the years. During an interview on “Fox and Friends” Weekend Edition on Sunday, the former president acted like he had nothing to do with the calls to imprison Clinton ― calls that were so common during his 2016 run for the Oval Office. Shifting the blame to his supporters, Trump added, “Hillary Clinton — I didn’t say, ‘Lock her up,’ but the people would all say, ‘Lock her up, lock her up.’ OK.” These people will lie to you quick as look at you. Steve Thomas
  2. I don't know about you, but with everything else that's going on in the world: famine, politics, climate change... I am most concerned about the most pressing issue of our time; and that is, Who will win the War of the Popcorn Buckets? https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/01/entertainment/ryan-reynolds-deadpool-popcorn-buckets/index.html Steve Thomas
  3. FACT FOCUS: Trump responds to guilty verdict with attacks and false claims By MELISSA GOLDIN May 31, 2024 https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-misinformation-trump-trial-f451dbf66ceebb1da12f1419e56f11ff Donald Trump loses an election and responds with attacks and false claims We've heard this tune before. Sounds like a broken record to me. Steve Thomas
  4. Who approached Nonte in the first place? Steve Thomas
  5. Bill, This is relevant to absolutely nothing, but in that same memo is a record of Oswald's school records. I was reading through those and noticed that all through grade school, Oswald consistently got D's in spelling, the English Language, and Arithmatic. He never did learn to spell, did he? Steve Thomas
  6. Bill, To the best of my knowledge, noone has ever really learned what went on in that 11/22 morning meeting between Hosty, Ellsworth, Ed Coyle and Jack Revill. There's been some suggestion that it concerned the recent arms bust, but I think that's just guesswork. Steve Thomas
  7. It's mostly just a recap of the Terrell Arms theft and a rap sheet of his various arrests for check forgery. He was arrested several times for White Slavery, which tells me he was involved in prostitution rings too, which would put him squarely within Ruby's orbit. The one part that did interest me is a memo from Rowley of the Secret Service to J. Lee Rankin of the Warren Commission. The Subject of the memo is Donnell Whitter and "minute Men", which is the first time I've seen that connection. There is another part of Rowley's memo that has me puzzled and might explain why this was buried for so long. In his memo, Rowley shared a memo from Thomas Casey by way of Arnold Sagalyn of the Law Enforcement Coordination Division to Thomas Kelley, in which he says that ATTU was not involved in the bust in any way, except to be notified that the arrest has taken place as part of routine information-sharing among law enforcement agencies; but we know that Ellsworth was involved. So why the lie? Steve Thomas
  8. What it's all going to come down to, is how many Americans finally just get sick and tired of listening to Donald Trump whine about himself. Life goes on. Steve Thomas
  9. Bill, It looks like one has to reate an account, and I don't want to do that. Perhaps you could post one page at a time. Or send me an email. Steve Thomasl
  10. I'm confused. Maybe somebody could explain this to me. Article II of the U.S. Constitution imposes a duty of faithful execution on the President, who must “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” How can a convicted felon, someone who has been charged and convicted of committing 34 felonies take care that the Laws are faithfully executed? I'm not seeing it. Steve Thomas
  11. - Donald Trump, May 31, 2024 - "IF THIS CAN HAPPEN TO ME, IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE!" Well, duh... That's kind of the whole point, isn't it? Steve Thomas
  12. Trump conviction heralds a somber and volatile moment in American history by Stephen Collinson, CNN May 31, 2024 https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/31/politics/trump-conviction-heralds-a-somber-and-volatile-moment-in-american-history/index.html "Among an electorate that Trump has constantly polarized, the verdict is likely to be greeted with fury by his supporters and jubilation by his critics. But in truth, this is a somber and even tragic passage of US history. Americans have never seen an ex-president convicted of a crime, and a country already torn apart by bitter political and cultural polarization is likely in for a rocky time. The implications are enormous." Steve Thomas
  13. Sarah Matthew's on Twitter: I have so many thoughts racing through my brain right now, but most of all, I’m praying for the safety of the judge, jurors, prosecution, witnesses, and their families. Steve Thomas
  14. “I WAS JUST CONVICTED!” Trump wrote on social media minutes after the verdict. “Democrats want me locked away, so today I’m humbly asking for your support. If you can donate just $1, it will send Crooked Joe a POWERFUL message. Chip in now. YOU will help me take back the White House! IT’S A DARK DAY IN AMERICA.” I am a crook. I humbly ask you to give me your money. Steve Thomas
  15. Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony charges First President in American history. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-hush-money-trial-05-30-24/index.html Sentencing Hearing is July 11th. Steve Thomas
  16. Trump Spox Teases 'Revenge' Tour Over Hush Money Case: 'Justice Needs To Be Served' Karoline Leavitt told Fox News' Jesse Watters that "people need to be held accountable" when asked about the possibility of a Trump win in November. By Ben Blanchet May 30, 2024 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-spokesperson-karoline-leavitt-revenge-hush-money-case_n_6658065ce4b0169dc75962fe “A spokesperson for Donald Trump suggested that the former president could seek “revenge” over the hush money case should he win the presidential election in November. Fox News host Jesse Watters asked Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s campaign press secretary, on Wednesday if there will be “any revenge directed at the people” who put together the case together. “Well certainly people need to be held accountable for the crimes that have been committed over the last several years that we’ve seen them lie, we’ve seen them abuse our justice system,” Leavitt said.” We need to take people at their word be prepared for that. Steve Thomas
  17. Matt, Thanks for this. I did a little poking around... Miller's appeal of hin conviction... Miller vs. United States https://www.casemine.com/judgement/us/59149a93add7b04934626fd6 J.B. Allen was one of the arresting officers. Agent Abernathy was the name of the F.B.I. Agent in on the arrest. Steve Thomas
  18. Long after everyone else has gone to sleep, sitting alone in the darkness of the dead of night, everything is silent except the drip, drp, drip of a leaky faucet; in those lonely hours, dwelling on and lashing out at everyone you perceive as having wronged you for hours on end and plotting out ways you can get even. This is the possible future leader of our country. Steve Thomas
  19. As if getting publicly booed wasn't bad enough, at the Libertarian nominating convention: "In Sunday's first round of presidential nomination voting, Trump reportedly received just six write-in votes, which amounted to 0.65% of the total delegates." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-libertarian-party-convention/ Steve Thomas
  20. Questions raised over Trump profiting off his Secret Service detail while he campaigns by Tom Boggioni May 26, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-proftting-off-secret-service/ “In 2022, NBC News reported that a House investigative report showed that the former president was charging as much as $1,185 per night for agents to stay in his hotels, "more than five times the recommended government rate." On Sunday, Forbes reported now there are now questions about airfare charges for his government-supplied security detail with over $800,000 paid by taxpayers this election cycle and another $361,000 still owed.” You and I are paying for that. Steve Thomas
  21. Bill, Because of that Stevenson incident in October, I don't think the Dallas Police were brooking any nonsense when it came to street demonstrations. Earlier I mis-identified Larry Smith as a participant in Stevenson. Actually, his name was Larrie Schmidt. A Month Before JFK's Assassination, Dallas Right Wingers Attack Adlai Stevenson Remembering the ferment in the "City of Hate" By Bill Minutaglio, Steven L. Davis/ November 18, 2013 https://newrepublic.com/article/115601/jfk-dallas-right-wingers-attack-adlai-stevenson From the book DALLAS 1963. Copyright 2013 by Bill Minutaglio & Steven L. Davis, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Twelve/Hachette Book Group, New York, NY. All rights reserved. “Stevenson listens to numerous apologies and receives assurances that most people in Dallas don’t agree with the protesters." "Then, a policeman passes the word that not all of the protesters have left the premises. Nearly a hundred people are marching in front of the auditorium. The group is surrounding Stevenson’s limousine and chanting anti-UN slogans. Larrie Schmidt’s people are among them.” Schmidt would later claim credit for organizing the Stevenson inclident. Larrie Schmidt, Spartacus Educational bio https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKschmidt.htm “While in the army Schmidt made friends with Bernard Weissman. While in Germany the two men discussed the possibility of establishing a right-wing political group when they returned to the United States. Larrie Schmidt left the army in October, 1962. Weissman was discharged in August 1963 but was unable to find work. Short of money, Weissman contacted Schmidt who at that time was living in Dallas. Schmidt told Weissman about his involvement in the attack on the liberal politician, Adlai Stevenson. According to Schmidt, this had been organized by General Edwin Walker. Schmidt added that his brother was working as General Walker's chauffeur and general aide. Weissman arrived in Dallas on 4th November, 1963. Soon afterwards Schmidt got Weissman to join an organization called the Young Americans for Freedom. Schmidt also introduced Weissman to Joe Grinnan of the John Birch Society. Grinnan was involved in organizing protests against the visit of John F. Kennedy. Grinnan seemed to know about the visit before it was officially announced to the public. Grinnan suggested that they should place a black-bordered advert in the Dallas Morning News on 22nd November, 1963. The advert cost $1,465. Grinnan supplied the money. He claimed that some of this came from Nelson Bunker Hunt, the son of Haroldson L. Hunt. Weissman was given the task of signing the advert and taking it to the newspaper office.” So, like I said, you've got the John Birch Society, the anti-Castro Cuban exiles, the Indignant White Citizens Council people, Larrie Schidt and the YAF and Walker people, and, though it's a stretch, possibly Michael Paine and LHO all at the same place and same time. As far as Ofstein possibly working at Guinn's Sinclair station, I just don't know. I've never been able to find out just where he worked. PS: For the purposes of your research, I've never seen any connection between Guinn and any kind of military intelligence, whether it's Lumpkin or Whitmeyer, or Crichton or Brandstetter, the 112th or 316th, the Army Security Agency, or the 4150th, etc. Steve Thomas
  22. Bill, I had a chance to go back and look at my notes this morning: From Ofstein's WC testimony: Mr. OFSTEIN. I reside in Dallas at the present time; I was born in St. Louis and I have lived in Florida for the most part of my life. Mr. JENNER. And are you a married man? Mr. OFSTEIN. Yes, sir. Mr. JENNER. How long have you lived in Dallas? Mr. OFSTEIN. Approximately 3 years. Mr. OFSTEIN. For the past 2 years I have been with Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall as a cameraman. Mr. JENNER As a cameraman? Mr. OFSTEIN. Yes, sir. Mr. JENNER. What was your work immediately prior to that, by whom, were you employed? Mr. OFSTEIN. I was working for Sinclair Refining Co. at a local service station. Mr. JENNER. Here in Dallas? Mr. OFSTEIN. Yes, sir. Ofstein was discharged in November, 1960 and had lived in Dallas for three years. So almost immediately after being discharged, he relocates to Dallas where he takes a job working in a gas station? When George de Mohrenschildt first visited Haiti in 1956, he was working for the Sinclair Oil Company. Department of State Incoming Telegram No. 013865, Dec. 19, 1963, House Select Committee on Assassinations (contained in JFK Document No. 009963) de Mohrenschildt would help Oswald get a job at Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall in 1962. From the 1961 Dallas City Directory page 139 https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth806907/m1/473/ J H Sinclair Service Station (James H. Bland) 1023 S. Hampton Rd. This is roughly 2.5 miles W/SW of the Texas Theater. And, another one former Sinclair station 622 N Haskell Ave Dallas, TX In recent years, this former Sinclair station has housed several restaurants. It is now home to the MaD Foodery restaurant. The decorations on top of the columns are not part of the original station design. inclTexas Sinclair Gas Stations http://www.roadarch.com/gas/txsinclair2.html Haskell is way out on the northwest side of Dallas However, there was another one also, and wouldn't this be ironic if this is where Ofstein worked? (There was a Sinclair Service Station at 1820 N. Beckley in Dallas) At 12:45 PM on November 22, 1963 Gene Andre Guinn, age 31 of 636 Lacewood was arrested along with the Joiners for picketing at the Dallas Trade Mart. Guinn was a member of the White Indignant Citizens Council. . Guinn was also suspected of printing the “Wanted For Treason” leaflets. DPD Archives Box 7, Folder# 7, Item# 18 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box7.htm According to the Mary Ferrell Chronologies, “Guinn runs for political offices and seems to be a right winger” (He ran for City Council in 1965.) His address would be in Police District 84, which Officer Tippitt had been assigned in the past. This street is near O'Bannon street where Mrs. Stella Jacob lives. She formerly lived at 508 S. Marsalis and she works at the TSBD.” In a handwritten note to the Guinn citation, Ferrell adds, “He owned Sinclair Station, 1820 N. Beckley; member of hate group; did Rockwell's printing?”. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40392&relPageId=183&search=Gene_Guinn Jack Revill wrote a memo to Captain Gannaway about the subversive groups under surveillance prior to Kennedy's visit. Dallas Municipal Archives and Records Center : Box 13, Folder 4, Item 52 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/27/2705-002.gif and jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/.../Poster%205.doc “The only demonstrators observed at the DALLAS RADE MART were members of the INDIGNANT WHITE CITIZENS COUNCIL. Six of those individuals were taken into custody shortly after knowledge of the assassination became known. This step was taken to prevent theses persons from being assaulted by spectators at the scene. The arrested persons of this group are as follows: BOBBY JOINER RAYMOND LEE JOINER GARY DWAYNE JOINER ROY EUGENE JOINER GENE AURORA GUINN WILLIAM L E CUMMINGS” (I have seen his name spelled Gene Andre Guinn, Gene Audra Guinn, and Gene Aurora Guinn). Steve Thomas
  23. Bill, You might be interested in this Forum thread "A Possible Rambler Lead?" https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/8031-possible-rambler-lead/#comment-76073 FBI Agebt, Wallace Heitman wrote a bunch of Reports on the Cuban exiles community in Dallas. You can find them in the MFF site. In the process, he interviewed Castro and Quintana. If I remember right, Castro owned the Rambler. I wish Roger Craig had been asked if the Rambler he saw had a bumper sticker. The placards and bumper stickers were picked up at a John Birch Society meeting a day or so before Adlai Stevenson's talk in Dallas where he got bonked on the head. The Joiner's were there and so were some of the Cuban exiles folks including Castro and Quintana, as well as Larry Smith. The signs were stored at General Walker's place on Turtle Creek Blvd. I have often wonde4ed if this was the same John Birch Society meeting that Michael Paine and Lee Harvey Oswald went to. Most of the Joiners were teenagers. They were released on the morning of the 26th, when the DPD emtied out the jail following Oswald's muder, along with John Elrod and Daniel Wayne House. Gene Quinn owned a Sinclair gas staation. When Dennis Offstein (of Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall fame) got out of the Army (where he served in the Army Security Agency), he went to work in a Sinclair gas station. I've often wondered if it was the one owned by Gene Quinn. Steve Thomas
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