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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Trump to receive bonus worth $1.2bn for Trump Media stock performance A price floor means ex-president gets bonus even though Trump Media & Technology Group’s stock value has plummeted https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/apr/24/trump-media-bonue “He was able to receive the bonus if TMTG’s stock traded above $17.50 a share for 20 days out of any 30-day period within the first three years of the firm’s stock market debut...” Steve (slaps his forhead) Thomas It just never ends.
  2. 'Republicans must step in!' Trump begs for help with legal troubles in frantic 2 a.m. rant by Travis Gettys April 24, 2024 Donald Trump begged Republicans to step in and help him wriggle out of his legal troubles in a middle-of-the-night rant Wednesday. “New York Justice is in shambles, and only the Appellate Courts can save it." “"A Republican doesn’t stand a chance," Trump raged in his overnight post. "This is not Justice." "This New York Cabal, run by Crooked Joe Biden’s White House, is a hit job on a Political Opponent the likes of which the USA has never seen before," Trump added. "For the Good of our Country, it must be stopped. The Crooked Joe Biden Witch Hunts have to be ended. REPUBLICANS IN WASHINGTON MUST TAKE ACTION!" Steve Thomas
  3. https://mccrindle.com.au/article/topic/generation-alpha/generation-alpha-defined/ Understanding Generation Alpha There is a growing generation that few people have heard of. Within the next few years they will outnumber the Baby Boomers, and many of them will live to see the 22nd Century. We’re talking about Generation Alpha, the children of Generation Y, and often the younger siblings of Generation Z. Simply put, Generation Alpha are defined as those born from 2010-2024. More than 2.8 million are born globally every week. When they have all been born (2025) they will number almost 2 billion – the largest generation in the history of the world. Who are Generation Alpha? While they are the youngest generation, they have brand influence and purchasing power beyond their years. They shape the social media landscape, are the popular culture influencers, the emerging consumers and by the end of the 2020’s will be moving into adulthood, the workforce and household formation, ready or not. The most materially endowed generation ever Gen Alpha are the most materially endowed generation ever, the most technologically savvy generation ever and they will enjoy a longer life span than any previous generation. They will stay in education longer, start their earning years later and stay at home with their parents later than even their predecessors, Gen Z and Gen Y. The role of parents therefore will span a longer age range – with many of these Gen Alphas likely to be still living at home into their late 20’s. The great screen-age This newest generation are part of an unintentional global experiment where screens are placed in front of them from the youngest age as pacifiers, entertainers and educational aids. This great screen age in which we are all living has bigger impacts on the generation exposed to such screen saturation during their formative years. From shorter attention spans to the gamification of education, from increased digital literacy to impaired social formation, these times impact us all but transform those in their formative years. Generation Alpha began being born in 2010, the year the iPad was launched, Instagram was created, and App was the word of the year- and so from their earliest years, they have been screenagers. How will Generation Alpha learn? With the increase in screen and technology, there’s no doubt that Generation Alpha will feel this influence in their schooling. For many, their childhood likely involved doing things that were new experiences, like taking piano lessons, playing sports with friends or reading books. These experiences helped shape them because they were engaging and gave opportunities to learn. While this is likely to happen still, the way Gen Alpha learn involves technology and has become more advanced and accessible through devices such as smartphones and tablets. This is already a trend among their forerunners, Gen Z, with TikTok (42%) the third most engaged with platform by students to teach themselves new skills, coming in above parents (39%). More people than ever, especially the emerging generations have access to information about anything with the rise of the internet. Generation Alpha's economic footprint By 2029, when the oldest Generation Alphas enter into adulthood and the youngest Generation Alphas reach the age of five, their economic footprint will reach more than US$5.46 trillion. This means that organizations today should be thinking about the future consumer in Generation Alpha. Why did we name them Generation Alpha? Just over a decade ago, when I was researching my first book The ABC of XYZ: Understanding the Global Generations, it became apparent that a new generation was about to commence and there was no name for them. This was just after the Atlantic hurricane season of 2005, when there were so many storms that the normal alphabetic names had been used up and so for the first time, the Greek alphabet was used. Generational definitions are most useful when they span a set age range and so allow meaningful comparisons across generations. That is why the generations today each span 15 years with Generation Y (Millennials) born from 1980 to 1994; Generation Z from 1995 to 2009 and Generation Alpha from 2010 to 2024. And so it follows that Generation Beta will be born from 2025 to 2039. Steve Thomas
  4. Okay. Here's the brain teaser of the day: In one hour or less, tell me the difference between Fox News and the Natonal Enquirer. You get three guesses, and the first three don't count. Steve Thomas
  5. "I was look8ng for a job, and 2as wondering if you guys were hiring." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-criminal-record/ "Well, maybe. What's your background?" "Well, I've been accused of committing 88 felonies." "I've been accused of stealing internal company documents and not giving them back," "I've been accused of falsifying company records." "I've been accused of racketeering." "I've been convicted of business fraud." "I've been convicted of sexual assault." "Do you guys hire sexual predators?" "Well... " Steve Thomas
  6. Melania Trump Breaks Social Media Silence to hawk a $245 Mother's Day necklace with her name on it. Because "There’s no more precious a gift than one with some other lady’s name engraved on it." https://www.huffpost.com/entry/melania-trump-mothers-day-necklace_n_662604b2e4b0167f7bf5942e Steve Thomas
  7. I personally believe that Lee Harvey Oswald is a figment of your imagination and that John F. Kennedy's head exploded as a result of spontaneous human combustion. Steve Thomas
  8. W., I have been struck by how violent the last two days have been in our nation's history. April 19, 1993 76 Branch Davidians die in Waco, TX April 19, 1995 Timothy McVeigh blows up the federal building in Oklahoma City April 19, 1775 The battles of Lexington and Concord April 20, 1999 The shootings at Columbine The 3rd week of April seems like a really rough and consequential time. Steve Thomas
  9. Going into a Presidential Campaign bragging that you are a worse mobster than Al Capone probably isn't the best approach don't you think? - Donald Trump - "Al Capone only got indicted one time. I've been indicted four times." Steve Thomas
  10. Terrorists, Mafia Bosses, Mexican Drug Cartels and Donald Trump. What do they have in common? When they go on trial, jurors have to be kept anonymous for their own safety. Steve Thomas
  11. 'Silent but deadly': Far-right caucus mocked over new group with unfortunate acronym by Kathleen Culliton April 18, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/freedom-caucus-2667810851/ “The far-right House Republican group Thursday appeared to be plotting a defensive tactic against moderate counterparts and has assembled to assist them in this effort a Floor Action Response Team, or as Politico's Congress reporter Olivia Beavers dubbed it in acronym, a FART. "House Freedom Caucus members are signing up to take shifts to guard the House floor in order to prevent resolutions they’d consider unsavory from slipping through that could curb their power," Beavers reported on X. "This Floor Action Response Team ('FART') aims to guard against a voice vote or unanimous consent vote where action could be stealthily taken against them and their members." "Freedom Caucus members plotting defensive tactic to man the House floor today to avoid any meddling by moderates," Soellner reported.” I.... I... I... Steve Thomas (shakes his head. There is absolutely nothing I could say.) Silent, but deadly. They're a very covert action group.
  12. Donnie wants a cut. If you're running for public office, and you use Donald Trump's name or likeness in your fundraising efforts, Donald Trump now want a percentage of your take. He'll happily endorse you for office, you just have to pay him for the privilege. I think I'll go and copyright my name. Steve Thomas
  13. David, I too would like to know where this comes from. Steve Thomas
  14. - Kari Lake - "That’s why they’re coming after us with lawfare; they’re going to come after us with everything. That’s why the next six months is going to be intense,” Lake said, adding: “We’re going to put on our helmet or your Kari Lake ball cap. We are going to put on the armor of God. And maybe strap on a Glock on the side of us, just in case.” The woman needs to be put on the terrorist watch list. Steve Thomas
  15. "That's just how he is". A woman in Brazil couldn't get a bank loan, so she brought in a dead guy in a wheelchair to co-sign the loan. The cashier said, "He looks awful pale". The woman said, "That's just how he is." The bank called the cops and the woman was arrested for attempted fraud and abusing a corpse. Now, that's how you get a bank loan. Steve Thomas
  16. - Donald Trump 04/15/24 - ""The Radical Left Democrats are already cheating on the 2024 Presidential Election by bringing, or helping to bring, all of these bogus lawsuits against me, thereby forcing me to sit in courthouses, and spend money that could be used for campaigning, instead of being out in the field knocking Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST President in the History of the United States," Trump posted. "Election Interference!"" Trump still doesn't get it. In his mind, this is just another lawsuit. He's been involved in lawsuits all his life - thousands of them. You fight them or you pay them off and you go on. This is different. This is the first time he's facing trial as a criminal defendant. He could go to jail at the end. There are no payoffs this time. Steve Thomas
  17. STAND WITH TRUMP In January of 2021, Donald Trump issued the same kind of request, calling his supporters to come to Washington, D.C., telling them, "Be There! Will Be Wild!" Tens of thousands of people responded and rampaged through the streets of Washington as early as the 4th and 5th of January. I'm not seeing that happen this time. There are no throngs of people wandering the streets of New York City, chanting and smashing windows. Whether it's because of the nature of the trial, or people don't want to get arrested, or they have gotten tired of Trump and his dramas, I think Trump is in for a rude and disappointing awakening. Steve Thomas
  18. - Donald Trump 04/12/24 - “72 HOURS UNTIL ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE! Now is the time to help me SAVE AMERICA and chip in > Friend, on Monday, my SHAM trial in New York begins. THEY WANT ME IN PRISON! Democrats are chomping at the bit. They think if you see me sitting in court, it will be the end of the MAGA Movement. If we fail to have a MASSIVE outpouring of peaceful patriotic support – right here, right now – all Hell will break loose. STAND WITH TRUMP #1 Democrats will say the end of our campaign is near. #2 The hateful LIARS in the media will say our movement is FINISHED. #3 And worst of all? THE ABSOLUTE WORST! They’ll start to say supporters like YOU have GIVEN UP on me… BUT I KNOW THAT’S NOT TRUE! MY SUPPORTERS ARE THE GREATEST PEOPLE IN THE HISTORY OF THE COUNTRY! Rabid Democrats are poised to raise MILLIONS while I’m stuck defending myself in court. Listen, I’m sure you get a lot of these messages, but now it’s time for ALL of us to send the Democrats, the media, and the Globalist Deep State a message they’ll NEVER forget. Before the day is over, I’m calling on ONE MILLION pro-Trump patriots to chip in and say, I’LL NEVER GIVE UP ON PRESIDENT TRUMP! > STAND WITH TRUMP Remember, the only thing standing between freedom & the TOTAL OBLITERATION of our country is your support. YOUR SUPPORT fuels our Patriotic movement. And only with YOUR SUPPORT will we win back the White House. So from the bottom of my heart, I’m asking for you to peacefully stand by my side just one more time > STAND WITH TRUMP Together we will win back the White House and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” Just remember. Your money is the only thing saving our country from TOTAL OBLITERATION, so send all your money to me. Steve Thomas
  19. - Donald Trump 04/13/24 - "Just last week it was reported that an illegal adlinthin-- and you just look at this, what's happening," he said Saturday. Journalist Bill Grueskin chimed in on that one. "Hmm. That sounded more like 'adledirthin' than 'adlinthin' which if true kind of changes everything," he wrote. Yeah. I'd hate to be an illegal whatchamajigger too. Just look at what's happening. Steve Thomas
  20. New 'red flags' raised over Trump's bond money after link to Grand Caymans revealed by Tom Boggioni April 12, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-fraud-bond-2667753290/ It’s impossible to know if the insurance company backing Trump’s bond actually has the money, and if Trump loses on appeal, New York State may never be able to recover it. In the words of one industry expert, “This whole bond issue stinks to high heaven”. Steve Thomas
  21. Not to be outdone by Arizona's 1864 law on abortion, Wisconsin is trying to restore a law that goes back to 1849. I personally am in favor of bringing back stoning people to death and burning witches at the stake. Steve Thomas
  22. - Donald Trump - "On Monday I will be forced to sit, GAGGED, before a HIGHLY CONFLICTED & CORRUPT JUDGE, whose hatred for me has no bounds," Trump posted. "All of these New York and D.C. 'Judges' and Prosecutors have the same MINDSET. Nobody but this Soros Prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, wanted to take this ridiculous case. All legal scholars say it is a sham. BIDEN’S DOJ IS RUNNING THE CASE. Just think of it, these animals want to put the former President of the United States (who got more votes than any sitting President!), & the PARTY’S REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE, IN JAIL, for doing absolutely nothing wrong. It is a RUSH TO THE FINISH. SO UNFAIR!" My, oh my. Getting a little testy are we? Animals. Steve Thomas
  23. "Bloomberg reported this week that TMTG (Trump Media and Technology Group - the one that owns Truth Social) said in recent filings that it will keep the BF Borgers accounting firm as its auditor." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-auditor-100-percent-deficiency/ "Bloomberg said this Colorado-based firm has a history of being flagged for failures in its auditing, including a "100% deficiency rate" in audits reviewed by the U.S. watchdog, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) in the past two years." Well, of course they're going to keep them. Steve Thomas
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