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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. This is the man who is running for President of the United States. He knows all about the marbles. https://twitter.com/BidenHQ/status/1756110503443562533?s=20 Steve Thomas
  2. Increasingly cultish Trump rallies aim to shield him with 'armor of God' by Travis Gettys February 9, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-rally-2667224910/ “Donald Trump's rally speeches have evolved since he left office under the cloud of Jan. 6 and now conspicuously blend evangelical Christian themes with QAnon conspiracy theories. The former president follows the same script for rallies, making a quick stop at a local eatery to bask in the attention of supporters assembled by his team as a local pastor warms up the crowd with an "opening prayer" tying together conspiratorial themes with religious fervor, wrote attorney Ron Filipowski for The Daily Beast. "Even though there are different pastors giving these prayers at each rally, the theme generally remains the same — that there are dark, satanic, sinister forces who have taken over the government behind the scenes (the Deep State), and these forces are threatened by the only man capable of defeating them — Donald Trump," wrote Filipowski, who has watched every Trump rally, interview and speech since January 2021. "Attendees are then typically asked to pray to put a 'hedge of protection' around Trump and his family, or to 'put the Armor of God' on him to safeguard him, because the agents of the Deep State will stop at nothing to destroy him." After suggesting the former president was in mortal danger from his enemies, the pastors then make that case that he was chosen by God as the only individual who could defeat these sinister forces, and they underline Trump's suggestion that he should accumulate autocratic powers to destroy the Deep State. "He has been anointed by God for the task, and they often compare him to King David in this respect," Filipowski wrote. "The faithful are told the monumental task Trump is about to undertake on behalf of God cannot be accomplished by any other person because nobody else is willing to do what must be done." Trump rallies then conclude with QAnon theme music, and many of the gathered fanatics hold up one finger as a symbol of the conspiratorial cult's slogan, “Where We Go One, We Go All." "Whether moderate swing voters who tend to pay attention later in the election cycle will recoil at the idea that Trump is presenting himself as the second coming of King David," Filipowski wrote, "this messianic messaging clearly appeals to the fanatics who attend Trump’s rallies."” Tent revivals. I wonder if they start speaking in tongues and start prying with snakes and stuff. Steve Thomas
  3. - From the lips of the Orange God Monkey King - FEDERAL JUDGES JUST RULED AGAINST ME! Moments ago, federal judges just ruled that I HAVE NO PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY! Joe Biden has weaponized the entire federal government against US. THEY WON’T STOP UNTIL THE MAGA MOVEMENT IS ERASED! THEY WON’T STOP UNTIL THEY HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL! THEY WON’T STOP UNTIL WE BEND AT THEIR WILL, BUT I KNOW YOU WON’T LET THAT HAPPEN! Before the day is over, I’m calling on EVERY SINGLE ONE of my supporters to chip in and say: END THE WITCH HUNT AGAINST PRESIDENT TRUMP! They’ll never stop targeting us, but I know with your support at this very moment, WE WILL WIN! Please join me now. Well, you know. To paraphrase Kayleigh McEnany, May as well sell a few dresses while you're at it. Steve Thomas
  4. Donald Trump loses appeal of his 'presidential immunity' from criminal prosecution for J6 by Sarah K. Burris February 6, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-loses-presidential-immunity-appeal/?utm_source=superhead “We cannot accept former President Trump’s claim that a President has unbounded authority to commit crimes…Nor can we sanction his apparent contention that the Executive has carte blanche to violate the rights of individual citizens to vote and to have their votes count," the ruling says in the 3-0 decision.” Trump vows to appeal to the Supreme Court, but people are saying that the ruling is so strong that the Supreme Court won't even bother to take it up. Read the 57 page ruling here: https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24409122/immunityopn020624.pdf Steve Thomas
  5. Florida Rep. Pushes Bill To Legalize Shooting Bears 'That Are On Crack' No, this is not a "Cocaine Bear" sequel. By Ryan Grenoble Feb 5, 2024 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/florida-bill-shoot-bears-on-crack_n_65c10ccae4b0dbc806ad885f “A Florida lawmaker wants the state to enact a “stand your ground”-style law against a scourge of what he describes as bears “that are on crack” kicking people’s doors down in the middle of the night. “Bears are cute and cuddly and an amazing creature ― those aren’t the bears we’re talking about in this bill. We’re talking about the ones that are on crack, and they break your door down and they’re standing in your living room growling and tearing your house apart.” “So when you run into one of these crack bears, you should be able to shoot it. Period,” Shoaf said, adding that the bears have become “a major problem in the panhandle.”” You do realize that cocaine bears kicking in your front door are the most serious threat facing America today, don't you? Your tax dollars hard at work paying this guy's salary. "Donate money to my re-election campaign." Steve Thomas
  6. Last week, Donald Trump said that is more popular than Taylor Swift. Now,, he is saying that he looks like Elvis Presley. Trump's desperation is bubbling to the surface now. Steve Thomas
  7. Ron, He actually doubled down on this. He originally posted this on Twitter, and when Twitter deleted his post because it was so repulsive and closed his account, he started complaining that Twitter was censoring him and infringing on his right to free speech. He orinally said that the migrants should all be given rides on Pinochet Air. Steve Thomas
  8. Trump hired private investigator to check work done by his E. Jean Carroll lawyers: report By Tom Boggioni February 2, 2024 6:33AM ET https://www.rawstory.com/trump-alina-habba-2667152617/ "A political action committee closely tied to Donald Trump's re-election bid recently spent close to a quarter of a million dollars to investigate the quality of work of his legal team which has now suffered two losses to E. Jean Carroll and her attorneys." Trump was investigating his own lawyers. We're they that bad, or did they set him up? Steve Thomas
  9. Republican Congressman, Mike Collins of Georgia says that the way to solve the immigration problem is to take the migrants out and throw them out of helicopters. That'll do it alright. I won't speculate as to his religious beliefs. Steve Thomas
  10. Sit down and look at a map. The idea of someone traveling from New Orleans to Mexico City by way of Dallas, TX in order to get a letter translated is preposterous. So, you have to ask, "What else might have been going on"? Some gun running perhaps? Someone connected to JURE? The answer to that question might give you a clue as to their identity. Steve Thomas
  11. Donald Trump is notorious for stiffing his lawyers. So where did the $50 million in legal fees go? Steve Thomas
  12. Brian, I think the last time Oswald was placed in New Orleans was September 25th, but off the top of my head, I don't remember the source for that. Ruth Paine or Marina maybe? Steve Thomas
  13. Donald Trump announced on his social media platform in great big, all-capitalized letters, that he is looking for a new lawyer and said that this person must BE CRAZY OR A GREAT PATRIOT! Now, for the life of me, I don't understand this marketing strategy. I can understand running against Mickey Mouse, or Bud Light, or Target, or even Taylor Swift, but to go out and advertise for somebody who is crazy is a marketing strategy I just can't wrap my head around. Poor Alina. Like Icarus, she just flew too close to the sun. Everything that Trump touches dies. Trump's want ad doesn't say he will pay whatever lawyer answers the call. Steve Thomas
  14. 'Don't want an atheist, don't want a Muslim': Oregon GOPer wants Christian-only government by M.L. Nestel January 30, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/werner-reschke-oregon-republican/ “Any lawmaker who isn't Christian or stands as a disbeliever in his faith has no place serving in elected office, one Republican is advocating. Oregon's Rep. E. Werner Reschke (R-Malin) expressed the take while appearing on the Facebook-streamed "Save The Nation" talk show, which has ties to the National Association of Christian Lawmakers. When posed by host, former Arkansas lawmaker Jason Rapert, about adding a "spiritual component" in government, Reschke returned that those in power need an "awakening" and that more Christians “be involved in government” and "voting."” I wonder who is going to be administering these tests. Steve Thomas
  15. SS Protective Research Report by Kenneth J. Weisman of an interview with Billy Joe Lord, who traveled to Europe with Oswald aboard the SS Marion Lykes. Lord constantly refers to “Harvey Lee Oswald” whom he found to be “unfriendly, standoffish, and that the two of them “didn't hit off”. (p. 38.) The Report was written by Weisman on February 28, 1964 and approved by a Jose (?)(Benavides?)(sic?) on March 2, 1964. The name, Harvey Lee Oswald is used seven times in the same document. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10898#relPageId=37&search=Billy_Joe%20Lord CD 498 pp. 37-39. I don't know if it was Billy Joe Lord using the name Harvey Lee Oswald, or if it was Kenneth Weisman recording it that way, but I can remember thinking at the time that this is not a simple typo. This is muscle memory. The Report is headed: Harvey Lee Oswald. Steve Thomas
  16. Texas’ Border Stunt Is Based on the Same Legal Theory Confederate States Used to Secede by Rotimi Adeoye January 28, 2024 https://www.thedailybeast.com/texas-border-stunt-is-based-on-a-confederate-legal-theory?ref=home?ref=home Gov. Greg Abbott says the federal government has “broken the compact between the United States and the States” with its immigration policies. Confederate States of America - Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_scarsec.asp#:~:text=Thus%2520the%2520constituted%2520compact%2520has%2520been%2520deliberately%2520broken%2520and%2520disregarded%2520by%2520the%2520non%252Dslaveholding%2520States%252C%2520and%2520the%2520consequence%2520follows%2520that%2520South%2520Carolina%2520is%2520released%2520from%2520her%2520obligation. “The parties to whom this Constitution was submitted, were the several sovereign States; they were to agree or disagree, and when nine of them agreed the compact was to take effect among those concurring; and the General Government, as the common agent, was then invested with their authority. If only nine of the thirteen States had concurred, the other four would have remained as they then were-- separate, sovereign States, independent of any of the provisions of the Constitution. In fact, two of the States did not accede to the Constitution until long after it had gone into operation among the other eleven; and during that interval, they each exercised the functions of an independent nation. By this Constitution, certain duties were imposed upon the several States, and the exercise of certain of their powers was restrained, which necessarily implied their continued existence as sovereign States. But to remove all doubt, an amendment was added, which declared that the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people. On the 23d May , 1788, South Carolina, by a Convention of her People, passed an Ordinance assenting to this Constitution, and afterwards altered her own Constitution, to conform herself to the obligations she had undertaken. Thus was established, by compact between the States, a Government with definite objects and powers, limited to the express words of the grant. This limitation left the whole remaining mass of power subject to the clause reserving it to the States or to the people, and rendered unnecessary any specification of reserved rights. We hold that the Government thus established is subject to the two great principles asserted in the Declaration of Independence; and we hold further, that the mode of its formation subjects it to a third fundamental principle, namely: the law of compact. We maintain that in every compact between two or more parties, the obligation is mutual; that the failure of one of the contracting parties to perform a material part of the agreement, entirely releases the obligation of the other; and that where no arbiter is provided, each party is remitted to his own judgment to determine the fact of failure, with all its consequences.” Steve Thomas
  17. - Missouri, Anno Domini 2024 - “If a senator’s honor is impugned by another senator to the point that it is beyond repair and in order for the offended senator to gain satisfaction, such senator may rectify the perceived insult to the senator’s honor by challenging the offending senator to a duel,” states the proposal which was written by state Sen Nick Schroer. “The trusted representative, known as the second, of the offended senator shall send a written challenge to the offending senator. The two senators shall agree to the terms of the duel, including choice of weapons, which shall be witnessed and enforced by their respective seconds,” it continues. “The duel shall take place in the well of the senate at the hour of high noon on the date agreed to by the parties to the duel.” "Mr Schroer’s chief of staff, Jamey Murphy, told Newsweek that the state senator is “deeply committed to restoring a sense of honor in the Missouri Senate.” Steve Thomas
  18. "The perpetrators... must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law". Steve Thomas
  19. Have you been in an accident and need a lawyer? Hire me! Hire me! I just lost an $80 million court case for my last client. Remember. We don't get paid unless you win! Steve Thomas
  20. - Peter Dale Scott - "But the JFK plot was a coalition." And that is what has frustrated so many people over the years. Everybody has been looking for one cause and one group of people who were responsible, when in reality they should have been looking for the brandy snifter, cigar smoking coterie sitting in their plush leather chairs at the yacht club. Steve Thomas
  21. 'God's Army' trucker convoy heading to southern border on 'biblical' anti-migrant crusade by Brad Reed January 26, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/army-of-god-trucker-convoy-heads-to-southern-border/ “"This is a biblical, monumental moment that’s been put together by God," one convoy member said during a recent organizing call. On that same call, writes Vice, another organizer argued that these actions needed to be taken because "we are besieged on all sides by dark forces of evil."” “"These latest developments have aroused civil war fantasies on fringe forums, as well as on the social media accounts of GOP lawmakers and right-wing political commentators," reports Vice. "And this all means that the border convoy is garnering more interest than it might have done a couple of weeks ago.” Steve Thomas
  22. Texas Border Is 'Powder Keg' Situation, Republican Governor Warns Jan 26, 2024 https://www.newsweek.com/texas-border-powder-keg-situation-republican-governor-warns-1864191 Article talks about Joe Biden federalizing the Texas National Guard, and the Governor boosting the Texas State Guard. 25 Republican Governors have signed a statement supporting Texas over the Federal Government The Civil War was fought with State Militias. Steve Thomas
  23. Joe Biden does have the authority to federalize State National Guards. Eisenhower did that to protect those little kids down in Little Rock in 1957. Biden could federalize the National Guards and order them to go home. I don't know what will happen if they refuse. Steve Thomas
  24. - Donald Trump 01/25/24 - "Joe Biden has surrendered our Border, and is aiding and abetting a massive Invasion of millions of Illegal Migrants into the United States. Instead of fighting to protect our Country from this onslaught, Biden is, unbelievably, fighting to tie the hands of Governor Abbott and the State of Texas, so that the Invasion continues unchecked. In the face of this National Security, Public Safety, and Public Health Catastrophe, Texas has rightly invoked the Invasion Clause of the Constitution, and must be given full support to repel the Invasion.…" "We encourage all willing States to deploy their guards to Texas to prevent the entry of Illegals, and to remove them back across the Border," he continued. "All Americans should support the commonsense measures by Texas authorities to protect the Safety, Security, and Sovereignty of Texas, and of the American people." And, so it begins. Steve Thomas
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