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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Georgia GOP senators target American Library Association with new bill By Ty Tagami 01/25/24 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution https://www.ajc.com/education/georgia-gop-senators-target-american-library-association-with-new-bill/QNJGABPZC5AOVNEAJKCVOJUW5Q/ “Republicans in the Georgia Senate have turned a new page in the culture war over books. Nearly two dozen of them, including several high-ranking members, have signed onto legislation that seeks to ban government funding for libraries affiliated with the American Library Association, which they claim is influenced by Marxist ideology.” Yep. The freedom to read is definitely Marxist alright. Steve Thomas
  2. National Republican Party Chair, Ronna McDaniel announces that the Republican Party selection process is over after one primary and orders Nikki Haley to drop out of the race. How about if we decide to let the people decide who they want as President, instead of the Party machinery telling the people who they can vote for? That sounds like Hungary or Russia or Venezuela or something. Steve Thomas
  3. Texas Governor, Greg Abbott's one-page statement on Texas's constitutional right to self-defense. https://twitter.com/GregAbbott_TX/status/1750235544951349275?s=20 Taken right from the pages of John C. Calhoun. Steve Thomas
  4. The Republicans in the Florida State Legislature introduced a bill that would set up a Legal Defense Fund to pay the legal fees of any Florida resident who tuns for President and gets into legal trouble. The money would come from things like fees imposed on people who get a drivers license and other tax revenues. How would you like knowing that your taxes are being used to pay for Donald Trump's legal costs? Ron DeSantis has vowed to veto that bill. Steve Thomas
  5. Iowa has a Caucus. New Hampshire has the first Primary in the country. At one minute past midnight, the Town of Dixville has a tradition of being the first voting District in the first Primary in the country.They have bands and parades and everything. All six voters in the Town of Dixville voted for Nikki Haley. May this be the harbinger of good things to come. Steve Thomas
  6. Get the f*** away from me. Donald Trump went to his mother-in-laws's funeral. Watch what happens afterwards. https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1748416643800162709 Steve Thomas
  7. Gerry, I went through every male name I could find in the Mary Ferrell Dealey Plaza witness database, and I didn't find him. https://www.maryferrell.org/DealeyPlazaWitnessDB.html I skipped over names of people I recognized like Malcolm Summers and Officer Joe Smith, but perhaps I missed him. Steve Thomas
  8. The Justice Department is hiding information that would help exonerate Donald Trump in the Mar-a-Lago documents case. Therefore we demand that the Government turn over the communications from every employee in the National Weather Service and the School Lunch Program and their relatives and their friends who might have ever talked about the case with anyone. Oh, and by the way, it will take us 12 years to go through it all. Steve Thomas
  9. And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, "I need a man who..." And so, he made a dictator. https://www.threads.net/@lincolnproject.us/post/C2K4XAzxNLX Steve Thomas
  10. Iowa Republicans consistently pick losers. In 2008, they picked Mike Huckabee in 2012, they picked Rick Santorum In 2016, they picked Ted Cruz in 1988, they picked Pat Robertson Iowa is no big deal. Steve Thomas
  11. Back in 2017, I wrote an essay in the Forum called, "Donald Trump Channels Eva Peron". https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/23360-donald-trump-channels-eva-peron/#comment-342006 The thesis was that there are common elements that run through both. These are: I am you and you are me. Together, we fight the oligarchy. God is on our side. I would die for you. Ergo Will you die for me? Today, Trump's supporters have been asked that ultimate question. Steve Thomas
  12. My new character witnesses are Lucky L., Johnny R. and "Momo" G. Steve Thomas
  13. If we take Trump;s position, I wonder how long it will take before American politicians start falling out of windows. Steve Thomas
  14. It had to come to this. It was inevitable. Heidi Stevens: In attempt to shield kids from sexual content, Florida school district bans dictionaries. Do better, grown-ups https://nordot.app/1118273226940596289?c=592622757532812385 “A school district in Florida has made the bold and bewildering decision to ban dictionaries (dictionaries!) from its libraries on the grounds that allowing children to read them violates a law aimed at protecting children from sexual content.” “The American Heritage Children's Dictionary, Webster's Dictionary for Students and Merriam-Webster's Elementary Dictionary are among more than 2,800 books that have been pulled from Escambia County school libraries and placed into storage,” Judd Legum reports in Popular Information. “Along with dictionaries, the books removed from Escambia County school libraries as a result of this process include eight different encyclopedias, two thesauruses and five editions of The Guinness Book of World Records.” Escambria County is along the Gulf Coast, may 50 miles southeast of Mobile, AL. Those poor children. Steve Thomas
  15. Trump said whoever ‘leaked’ info on his White House bunker stay should be ‘executed,’ new book claims By Devan Cole, CNN Tue July 13, 2021 “Then-President Donald Trump told a number of his advisers in 2020 that whoever leaked information about his stay in the White House bunker in May of that year had committed treason and should be executed for sharing details about the episode with members of the press, according to excerpts of a new book, obtained by CNN, from Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender.“ ““‘Whoever did that, they should be charged with treason!’ Trump yelled. ‘They should be executed!’” the book reads.” Trump wanted Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, Mark Milley executed. Wanting immunity for killing people is no idle threat. Steve Thomas
  16. Trump Attorney Tells Judges Presidential Immunity Would Even Cover Assassinating Rivals, Selling Pardons U.S. presidents cannot be prosecuted for selling pardons or assassinating political rivals through SEAL Team Six, personal Trump lawyer John Sauer argued Tuesday Well, let's not be shy about the whole thing, right? Steve Thomas
  17. Marjorie Taylor Greene slams "corporate communists". She learned all about that capitalism and communism stuff while sitting at er VFW daycare center signing books. Steve Thomas
  18. NBC reporter fact-checks Trump at rally after ex-president 'cast shade on Abraham Lincoln' By David McAfee January 6, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-fact-checked-by-nbc-reporter-slavery/ "Donald Trump on Saturday was fact-checked live by a NBC News reporter who was attending the former president's Iowa rally. Trump said at his rally that the Civil War, and therefore the existence of slavery as an institution, should have been "negotiated," instead of erupting in bloodshed. He also said that no one would have ever heard of Abraham Lincoln had he simply negotiated the conflict between slave states and non-slave states." Boy, he and Nikki Haley are sure laying the groundwork for another Civil War, aren't they? Steve Thomas
  19. Marjorie Taylor Greene at her Pulitzer Prize winning book signing I thought the building blocks and the Barbie house were a nice touch. Steve Thomas
  20. Trump warns of ‘big trouble’ as Supreme Court agrees to hear Colorado ballot case by Nick Robertson - 01/06/24 https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4392902-trump-warns-big-trouble-as-scotus-agrees-hear-colorado-case/ The Supreme Court is set to hear the Colorado case after the state’s Supreme Court determined last month that Trump should not be on the primary ballot due to his involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection. “I just hope we get fair treatment,” Trump said at an Iowa rally Friday. “Because if we don’t, our country’s in big, big trouble. Does everybody understand what I’m saying?” Add the Supreme Court to his lit. Is there anybody in this country that Trump hasn't threatened? Steve Thomas
  21. At a rally in Mason City, Iowa, Trump echoed his false claims that the 2020 election had been stolen from him, and said that “we’re not going to let it happen again.” He added: “You should all stay in those voting booths. You should stay there and watch it. If you see bags of crap coming into the voting areas, you’ve got to stop it. You can’t let it happen, because these guys are crooked as hell. They know how to cheat.” I assume he's talking about mail=in ballots. At first, he was telling people to go to voting places and "monitor" the voting. Now he's telling people to actually interfere with voting. Isn't that illegal? Steve Thomas
  22. Joe, That's why I have such a hard time swallowing the whole whirlwind romance and marriage story of them in Russia in 1961. They met and were married within three weeks was it? I don't think so. Remember the story of them taking seperate vacations over in Russia back in October of 1961? What newlywed couple does that six months after they get married? Then, when the get to the U.S. in May or June of 1962, they are already separated by November and Marina is living with other people. No, things were not rosy in Hooterville. Steve Thomas
  23. Rudy Giuliani's son, Andrew and George Santos are fighting over who is Donald Trump's favorite. George Santos: Hey @AndrewHGiulianiI’m 100% confident you are and will always be DJT’s favorite caddy! Andrew Giuliani: Appreciate that @MrSantosNY ! Seeing as Trump doesn’t even want to be in the same ballroom as you, I’ll take that as a compliment! George Santos: Awwww @AndrewHGiuliani it’s ok, we know it’s tough to be relevant when your dad is a living legend that we all love… so attacking others is your next best thing… You will NEVER measure up to the great Rudy Giuliani! Andrew Giuliani: Well I’m gonna go cry now b/c not having the approval of @MrSantosNY , if that is in fact your name, is the worst thing that can happen. Sad. You know you’ve requested private audiences with President Trump and he wants nothing to do with you. Keep firing Anthony! George Santos: Another Lie! Just can’t stop making stuff up to be relevant can you? Oh @AndrewHGiuliani you should go cry, cry because you’ll never be the man your father is. Now Sashay away. Steve Thomas
  24. This is kind of interesting: Donald Trump's lawyer, Alina Habba: https://www.celebsweek.com/alina-habba/ Alina Habba Birth Date March 25, 1984. Birth Place Summit, New Jersey, America. https://theboringmagazine.com/alina-habba-biography-net-worth-birthday-age-physical-stats-and-extra-news/ "On November 30th, 1983, Alina Habba was welcomed into the world by her parents.". https://wikibiography.in/alina-habba-wiki-bio/ "Alina Habba was born in the United States on November 30, 1983." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alina_Habba "Alina Saad Habba (born March 25, 1984." Steve Thomas
  25. And God made Trump https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1743268349319033025?ref_src=twsrc^tfw The MAGA hoax goes on for another two minutes, with one of the most incredible segments saying, "[God said] I need someone … [to] come home hungry, have to wait until the First Lady is done with lunch with friends, then tell the ladies to be sure and come back real soon, and mean it. So God gave us Trump," while showing Melania stumbling out of her luncheon as if she's drunk, only to be saved by Trump, who catches her and escorts her home via a private jet. And one of the big surprises is that Trump moonlights as a midwife, with the narrator disclosing that he was "gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild." Other farcical lines include: "I need someone… who can make money from the tar of the sand, turn liquid to gold…" and "who will finish his 40-hour week by Tuesday at noon, but then put another 72 hours. So God made Trump," and finally, "… finish a hard-week's work by attending church on Sunday." Whew! Steve Thomas
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