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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Deluge of fake news websites threatens to drown out truth during US election https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/20/fake-news-websites-us-election "According to a recent report from NewsGuard, a company that aims to counter misinformation by studying and rating news websites, the websites are so prolific that: “The odds are now better than 50-50 that if you see a news website purporting to cover local news, it’s fake.” NewsGuard estimates that there are a staggering 1,265 such fake local news websites in the US – 4% more than the websites of 1,213 daily newspapers left operating in the country.” Be judicious out there. Steve Thomas
  2. - Republican Missouri Secretary of State candidate Valentina Gomez - “These ungrateful people (black people) should be celebrating because they were born in the greatest nation to ever exist." "Here's a tip; If you don't like America, kindly, get the f--- out," We did you people a favor by bringing you over here as slaves, don't you know. You learned how to pick cotton and everything. Steve Thomas
  3. U.S. Catholic Church Formally Apologizes For Role In Indian Boarding Schools By Jennifer Bendery Jun 18, 2024, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/catholic-church-apology-indian-boarding-schools_n_66719d73e4b0502eac647e08 Finally. It’s about time. Steve Thomas
  4. 'I'm voting for a felon': Trump fans flaunt new slogan at Wisconsin rally By David Edwards June 18, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-im-voting-for-a-felon/ This is while wearing their diapers of course. Steve Thomas
  5. W., I don't know if we are any closer to war then we were in 1973. Steve Thomas
  6. Vermont lawmaker apologizes for repeatedly pouring water in her colleague’s bag Updated 3:36 PM CDT, June 18, 2024 https://apnews.com/article/water-bag-vermont-legislature-legislator-morrissey-carroll-2f7a9676e2dca2bc286a8ce2f825c39a MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — “A Republican state lawmaker from Vermont has apologized for repeatedly pouring water into a Democratic colleague’s bag, after he caught her doing it on video. State Rep. Mary Morrissey publicly apologized to state Rep. Jim Carroll, colleagues and the citizens of Vermont from the House floor on Monday. Both are from Bennington, a town of about 15,000 in the southwestern corner of the state. “I am truly ashamed for my actions,” Morrissey said of “her disrespectful conduct” toward Carroll. She said she had apologized directly to Carroll and would be working toward “resolution and restoration through out legislative process.” In response, Carroll told the chamber that he heard the sincerity in her voice but that he had to be frank, saying: “For five months, I went through this,” and Morrissey had a choice each time she did it. “It was torment,” he said.” Well, you know, some people got issues. Steve Thomas
  7. - Donald Trump - "Business Executives and Shareholder Representatives should be 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!" If you don't support Donald Trump, you should lose your job and your livelihood. They want to deport 20 million immigrants and deprive business leaders of their livelihood. I suppose the CEO's of Ford and Chase Manhattan Bank could go work in the fields picking watermelons and stuff. Is this going to be a great country to live in, or what? Steve Thomas
  8. Rachel Maddow on the View. More and more Donald Trump is expressing violent, bloody images. "there's going to be a BLOODBATH in the auto industry... There's going to be a BLOODBATH if he loses the election... The upcoming debate is going to be a BLOODBATH and give him money so you can join in. He's talking about sharks and Hannibal Lecter and bringing out the guillotine. Then he's talking about his followers committing suicide before they would vote for Biden, a la Jim Jones. More and more Trump is evoking this violent imagery. This is not going to end well. Steve Thomas
  9. Miracle MAGA water provides instant freedom with every sip by Ellsworth Toohey Jun 17, 2024 https://boingboing.net/2024/06/17/miracle-maga-water-provides-instant-freedom-with-every-sip.html “Turning Point USA has just unveiled the most groundbreaking invention since holy water: Freedom2O, the water that literally gives you freedom. No longer will you have to rely on woke things like the Constitution or the Bill of Rights to protect your free speech. All you need is a swig of this magical elixir and BAM! Instant liberty coursing through your veins. But wait, there's more! Not only does Freedom2O quench your thirst for hydration, it also quenches your thirst for rebellion. As the speaker so eloquently put it, "It's not just refreshing. It's rebellious and it's unapologetic to drink this in public." Nothing owns the libs like publicly consuming a plastic bottle of overpriced water.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA6nvIwXeYY&t=33s P.T. Barnum is alive and well. Steve Thomas
  10. - Kellyanne Conway - “Just look at the contrast. Donald Trump spoke to a round table of 8,000 people at a black church in Detroit” Um... Why are the Trump people so mathematically challenged? Steve Thomas
  11. GOP Candidate Endorsed By ‘Back From The Dead’ MLK In Unhinged AI Video By Lee Moran Jun 17, 2024 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/anthony-hudson-mlk-ai-speech_n_666fe9fae4b0dbea05156eda “Michigan Republican primary congressional candidate Anthony Hudson wildly backtracked after initially apologizing for a video shared on his TikTok account in which he was endorsed by an AI-enhanced voice that sounded like civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. “I have another dream. Yes, it is me, Martin Luther King. I came back from the dead to say something,” the voice said in the clip. “As I was saying, I have another dream that Anthony Hudson will be Michigan 8th District’s next congressman. Yes, I have a dream again. OK, now I am going back to where I came from. Goodbye.” The voice of Donald Trump loyalist Hudson then said he “approves this message.”” That’s just sick. Steve Thomas
  12. 'Not So Horrible City IPA:' Brewery hits back at Trump with new beer for Milwaukee's RNC By Kathleen Culliton June 16, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/milwaukee-horrible-city-trump/ “A Milwaukee brewery is slapping back at former President Trump's history-making gaffe that saw him reportedly claim in a closed-door meeting that the city hosting the Republican National Convention next month is "horrible." The crowdsourced brewery MobCraft is now offering a new beer they call the "(Not So) Horrible City IPA," the local ABC affiliate WISN 12 was first to report. And yes, MobCraft plans the rollout of the IPA, available for pre-order here, to take place just before the Republican National Convention on July 15, WISN 12 reports.” Steve Thomas
  13. - Donald Trump - ""HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL, INCLUDING THE RADICAL LEFT DEGENERATES." As the Mayor of Milwaukee recently said, "Back at ya Buddy." Steve Thomas
  14. North Carolina GOP says voters have no right to fair elections by Ellsworth Toohey Jun 14, 2024 https://boingboing.net/2024/06/14/north-carolina-gop-says-voters-have-no-right-to-fair-elections.html “North Carolina GOP lawmakers are asking the courts to throw out a gerrymandering lawsuit because they claim voters have no constitutional right to fair elections. As WRAL reports, the GOP-led legislature is arguing that "no such right exists, since it's impossible to define what 'fair' means." Republican lawyer Phil Strach called the idea that voters have the right to fair elections "legal gobbledygook." Because in North Carolina, it's government of the GOP, by the GOP, and for the GOP — voters be damned.” Well, you can't get much plainer than that. Steve Thomas
  15. Jeff, Thank you for your response. Because of his reported contacts with the Alpha 66 guys at the house on Harlendale, his activities in New Orleans with Carlos Bringuer and the exiles training down near Lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans, and the report of either Oswald or an Oswald impersonator trying to board a Cuban raiding boat in Miami, my bet is on Oswald. Steve Thomas
  16. I believe that Oswald learned this behavior pattern from George Bouhe. I'm not saying he was "trained" by Bouhe, just that he learned this pattern from him. This is in the days before computer databases. WC TESTIMONY OF IGOR VLADIMIR VOSHININ http://jfkassassinat...ny/voshin_i.htm Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah - and as far as I know Mr. Bouhe even kept files and still keeps files on everybody - when anybody was born, baptized, or whatever happened to everybody. Mr. JENNER - I see. Mr. VOSHININ - He even showed me a file and he said, "Say, you came here, I immediately opened a file on you." I say, "What for?" And he say, "Well, you know, I forget things - so I keep a file on everybody." FBI interview of George Bouhe: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10672&relPageId=400&search=Bouhe On November 28, 1963 Bouhe was interviewed by SA John Flanagan about any possible relationship between Jack Ruby and Lee Oswald. In the course of the interview, Bouhe "produced a card on which he kept addresses and this card bore the notation dated November 1, 1963, 602 Elsbeth..." “Following his residence at the YMCA, he said Oswald secured a room in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas, but he could not recall this address, nor did he have a record of it in his papers. At this point Mr. Bouhe produced a card on which he kept addresses.” (I believe that “1963” was a misprint. It should have been “1962”). Steve Thomas
  17. Jim, The only thing I would really take issue with is Footnote# 7. He said the index cards were of "Cuban sympathizers". The assumption was that they were pro-Castro Cubans. I don't think that's the case. If Oswald was trying to infiltrate the anti-Castro community on behalf of the FBI, or even for his own purposes, it would make more sense that those cards contained the names of some of the exiles. Steve Thomas
  18. - Donald Trump - "" Thousands and thousands of terrorists are pouring into the United States. They're coming from countries from all over the world, not just South America, but Venezuela." Let's make him our President. He knows all that stuff. Steve Thomas
  19. Recent Donald Trump rally: Oh wait. I'm sorry. I got confused. They're so much alike. Steve Thomas
  20. Taylor Swift had a concert in Edinburgh, Scotland. It triggered seismic detectors 4 miles away. Donald Trump is desperate, desperate for Taylor Swift's endorsement. Steve Thomas
  21. Trump Floats One Weird Idea To Replace The U.S. Income Tax By Jonathan Nicholson Jun 13, 2024 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trumps-weird-idea-to-replace-income-tax-system_n_666b5743e4b076909e1dab23 “Former president Donald Trump on Thursday raised the prospect of scrapping the U.S. income tax system and replacing it with something very different: much higher tariffs on imported goods. “Most intriguing policy idea from the GOP meeting at the Capitol Hill Club this morning: Trump briefly floated the concept of eliminating the income tax and replacing it with tariffs,” said Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) in a social media post, adding a monocle-clad emoji face at the end. Citing sources inside the meeting, CNBC also reported Trump had raised the idea of an “all tariff policy.” In one way, Trump’s idea would simply be a return to the past. Prior to the imposition of the income tax in 1913, tariffs were a main source of government revenue. Trump hinted at that idea by reportedly praising President William McKinley at the meeting Thursday.” Oh Gee, let’s MAGA! Back to the Great Depression! All in Favor Say Aye! Steve Thomas
  22. Matt, He's just pissed. He wanted them to move the Convention to Mar-a-Lago, where they would pay him to attend. Steve Thomas
  23. Journalists barred from observing first day of Idaho Republican State Convention By Clark Corbin June 13, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/journalists-barred-from-observing-first-day-of-idaho-republican-state-convention/ COEUR D’ALENE – News reporters were not allowed to observe any committee meetings or events during the first day of the Idaho Republican State Convention on Thursday at Coeur d’Alene Resort. The state convention takes place every two years. Republican delegates from counties across Idaho will spend three days voting on proposed rules, resolutions, platform changes and, finally, electing the party’s chairperson. News reporters may not be allowed to observe or attend any of it — a departure from allowing reporters to observe the general sessions in the past. The Idaho Republican Party also blocked reporters who are not registered Republicans from attending the Idaho Republican Presidential Caucus on March 2. We just love democracy. You know, the will of the people and all that stuff. So, we’ll do everything in secret. At a resort. Steve Thomas
  24. The stunning reason Donald Trump thinks he’s going to win by John Stoehr June 13, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/raw-story-trump/?utm_source=breaking “He offered a dooky sandwich in 2016 and got lucky. Just enough people in just enough places thought a dooky sandwich was better than a female president. He offered it again in 2020, and he lost. Most people didn’t want a dooky sandwich because it’s a dooky sandwich. But because he’s surrounded by people – billionaires, Republicans, Fox – who tell him Americans love eating dooky, here he is, in 2024, with more of the same. That’s the most striking thing about his interviews with Time magazine. Not the scary things he said, though they are scary. The most striking thing is that he’s running the same campaign he ran the last two times. That’s what happens when you’re prevented from feeling the consequences of your actions. History doesn’t matter. History never happened.” Steve Thomas
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