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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. - Donald Trump - “People vote with their STOMACH, and food is now at an all time high because of Kamabla/Biden INCOMPETENCE,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post Monday. “With them in charge, IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE!” I think I'm going to vote for Trump. I don't want to eat food that gets high. Steve Thomas
  2. August 6th 1945 The United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hitoshima 1965 Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act 1981 America got its MTV 1991 The World Wide Web made it's debut Steve Thomas
  3. - Donald Trump - "Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians." I understand about the voting part, but when did Christians become his? Steve Thomas
  4. I read an interesting article the other day about the opening prayers at Donald Trump's rallies, and the fact that they have begun to undertake a change. For a while now, the message was that Donald Trump was the Chosen One; that God had chosen Trump to lead the world out of darkness or whatever. The thrust here is that Trump was going to affect change, but that Trump would be doing the changing with God's blessing. Recently however, the message has begun to change. The message now is that God is speaking to us through Trump. Trump is just a vessel, and to go against Trump is to go against God. Trump is not just the Chosen One, he is God incarnate, the Voice of God made corporeal. The change in message is subtle, but even more scary. They're going to turn this into a religious war. Steve Thomas
  5. - Brian Kemp of GA. - "My focus is on winning this November and saving our country from Kamala Harris and the Democrats - not engaging in petty personal insults, attacking fellow Republicans, or dwelling on the past. You should do the same, Mr. President, and leave my family out of it." Hear hear. The mark of a true coward. Steve Thomas
  6. - J.D. “Just Dumb” Vance - ““What I find so weird about this... is that we’ve tried to turn a very tragic moment, Simone Biles quitting the Olympic team, into this act of heroism,” Vance said at the time. “I think it reflects pretty poorly on our sort of therapeutic society that we try to praise people, not for moments of strength, not for moments of heroism, but for their weakest moments.” Vance acknowledged that “being an athlete at that level is incredibly tough.” In the same sentence, however, Vance said that the American press should have reported that it was a “shame” that Biles quit the Olympic team.” Let's take the most popular people in America and insult them. What the hell's wrong with these people? Are they completely brain dead? Steve Thomas
  7. This doesn't make any sense to me. Based on what Markham said, Oswald had been walking east on 10th St, and was crossing Patton, almost ready to step up on the curb. Where was he coming from? Steve Thomas
  8. She's a weak little gymnast", so says Republican candidate for North Carolina, Mark Robinson of Simone Biles. J.D. Vance refers to Dolly Parton as a sociopath because she doesn't have children. Simone Biles, Dolly Parton, Taylor Swift... Let's take the most popular people in America and insult them. What the hell's wrong with these people? Are they completely brain dead? Steve Thomas
  9. Yesterday, I actually felt sorry for those poor people who get spoon-fed this kind of garbage day in and day out. No wonder they're so screwed up. Steve Thomas
  10. - Jesse Watters, famous Fox News bobblehead - Now, I don't see why any man would vote Democrat," said Watters, who just a week previously was schooled for trying to claim Harris didn't earn her position of power. "It's not the party of virtue, security, it's not the party of strength, it's definitely not the party of family. And to be a man, and then vote for a woman, just because she's a woman, is either childish, that person has Mommy issues, or they're just trying to be accepted by other women. And I heard the scientists say the other day, that when a man votes for a woman, he actually transitions into a woman." Steve Thomas, who has Mommy issues
  11. J.D. Vance Proves It: Trump Hires the Very Worst People “Trump’s new running mate will haunt him just like all of the fools and weasels from his first administration.” By Robert Schlesinger July 29, 2024 https://newrepublic.com/article/184328/jd-vance-trump-hires-terrible-judgment “That’s too many steps down the road in this crazy election year to usefully speculate on, but we can say one thing for certain: If Trump does dump Vance, he will make clear that his latest bad hire has one thing in common with all the others—it wasn’t Trump’s fault." Steve Thomas
  12. In Kamala Harris Trump again confronts his worst nightmare By Austin Sarat 07/33/24 https://www.salon.com/2024/07/22/in-kamala-harris-again-confronts-his-worst-nightmare/ “With Vice President Kamala Harris as the likely Democratic nominee, our politics will bring into sharp relief, indeed sharper relief than ever, a choice between embracing America as a multicultural democracy or pursuing a White Christian nationalist future. Harris is the living embodiment of the best of the American experiment. And former President Trump can’t stand it. Another strong, accomplished woman threatens to stand between him and his ability to satisfy his lust for power. First Hilary Clinton, then Fani Willis, now Kamala Harris. It drives him crazy. By looking at the playbook Trump used against Clinton and Willis we can get a preview of what is to come in our politics. Clinton, Willis and Harris represent the kind of strong women who threaten Trump’s manhood and attachment to a bygone patriarchy.” Steve Thomas
  13. The Best Social Media Follows Right Now Are Actual Mountains Steve Thomas
  14. I read this morning that J.D. Vance is going to flame out faster than Sarah Palin. Kamala Harris going to start hitting out on the idea that this guy would be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, and with Donald Trump being 78 years old, that is a real possibility. Vance said that Harris not qualified to be the President because she is not a mother. Well, I guess that disqualifies him too; and, as a commedienne pointed out, no President in the history of our country has been a mother. Vance's hatred of women is palpable. Steve Thomas
  15. Donald Trump is full of nothing but hatred and juvenile insults. His schtick is getting old. I can feel the tide changing. The winds of change are in the air. Steve Thomas
  16. - Donald Trump - "We will be creating so much electricity that you'll be saying, please, please, President, we don't want any more electricity. We can't stand it. You'll be begging me, no more electricity, sir. We have enough. We have enough." This is the crazy man who wants to be our President. Steve Thomas
  17. 'Wannabe dictator': Outrage as Trump tells fans 'you won’t have to vote anymore' by Daniel Hampton July 26, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-2668822314/ “Former President and current Republican nominee Donald Trump raised eyebrows — alarm — when he told MAGA supporters on Friday evening they will only have to vote in the 2024 election — and won’t have to do so again. After questioning why Catholic and Jewish people would vote Democrat, the president remarked Friday at his rally in West Palm Beach, Florida, that supporters have to “get out and vote.” “You won’t have to do it anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore. In four years, you won’t have to vote again.” “Caty Payette, communications director for Sen. Martin Heinrich, wrote on the social media app X. “The only reason they wouldn't have to vote again is there would be no more elections. F this wannabe Dictator,” said @A_tothe_Z_Amber.” Steve Thomas
  18. JD Vance ridiculed after dolphin-based social media post backfires By David McAfee Raw Story July 26, 2024 https://www.alternet.org/news-politics/vance-dolphins/ “Republican Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH), a staunch ally of former president Donald Trump, was the subject of ridicule this weekend after attempting to post a photo on social media that took aim at content that could be found on the internet. The Ohio senator was mocked on his own social media post because of a picture that he shared which showed a dolphin apparently attempting to mate with a woman. "Maybe the internet was a mistake," Vance posted Saturday with the picture, which was captioned with: "Woman gets violated by a dolphin and enjoys it." The problem, according to the commenters, is that the words "woman" and "dolphin" were highlighted in the image, suggesting that whoever took the screenshot apparently searched for those exact terms.” Why is this Vice-Presidential candidate searching for bestiality on the Internet? And then writing about it? What the F? Steve Thomas
  19. In response to the (Donald Trump) speech, a spokesperson for Harris, the frontrunner to become to the Democratic nominee for president, earned applause from supporters as she clapped back at her Republican rival. "Tonight, Donald Trump couldn’t pronounce words, insulted the faith of Jewish and Catholic Americans, lied about the election (again), lied about other stuff, bragged about repealing Roe, proposed cutting billions in education funding, announced he would appoint more extremist judges, revealed he planned to fill a second Trump term with more criminals like himself, attacked lawful voting, went on and on and on, and generally sounded like someone you wouldn’t want to sit near at a restaurant — let alone be President of the United States," said James Singer. Harris added that America can “do better than the bitter, bizarre, and backward looking delusions of criminal Donald Trump. Vice President Kamala Harris offers a vision for America’s future focused on freedom, opportunity, and security.” Finally Steve Thomas
  20. Ben Carson was raked through the coals on social media after he introduced Donald Trump by thanking the former president for saving him from “the verge of death” after he contracted COVID-19. Told you. He can heal the sick. The next step is Donnie is going to be able to raise the dead. Steve Thomas
  21. - J.D. Vance - Having children is good. Not having children is bad. We should reward good and punish bad. Therefore we will lower taxes on families who have children, and raise taxes on families who don't have children. Families who have children require more in the way of goods and services, simply because there are more of them. Families who do not have children will bear the brunt of of paying higher and higher costs as the demand increases for families who do have children. The solution will be for families who currently do not have children, to start producing children so that their tax burden goes down. This will increase the demand for goods and services as the population goes up, with fewer and fewer paying for it. This has got to be the most screwed up economic policy I have ever heard of. Steve Thomas
  22. Donald Trump's House of Wings https://x.com/ArtCandee/status/1782800411239292998 Steve Thomas
  23. On July 25, 2024, Harris said, "Bring it on." Trump backs out of debate as camp says it's 'inappropriate to schedule things with Harris' By Daniel Hampton July 25, 2024 "Donald Trump is reportedly backing out of a scheduled September debate. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-debate-2668817036/ That's according to Sam Stein, of The Bulwark and MSNBC, who wrote on the social media app X on Thursday night that the decision was made, "given the continued political chaos" surrounding Joe Biden and the Democrat Party." "There is a strong sense by many in the Democrat Party - namely Barack Hussein Obama - that Kamala Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump, and they are still holding out for someone 'better.' Therefore, it would be inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats very well could still change their minds," the statement said." Coward He knows she would clean his clock. Steve Thomas
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