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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Larry, I have sometimes thought that Northwoods was so over the top that it reads like satire sometimes. "speculation without some corroboration." Ah yes. The Holy Grail. The problem, as you well know, is that we are never going to find a set of written orders that say, "Go out and do this", (JFK's murder) and you can see later that it was done. Who was it that famously asked, "Who will remove this stone from my shoe"? I thought it was in relation to Sir Thomas More, but now I can't find that reference. That's how I think Kennedy's assassination was finalized. With a wink and a nod. Vince Salandria challenged us to stop asking how Kennedy was assassinated, and start asking why. I sent a text message to Jim DiEugenio congratulating him the other day. I had seen a youtube video of Jim. His premise was that JFK was killed because as far back as 1961 he was attempting to allow smaller countries like Algeria and the Congo to keep their own natural resources. I thought that Jim was right on the money. From me: forget communism - that's just a means to an end. Fascism, communism - they're just tools. It's really about the control of natural resources and raw materials, e.g. oil. "So now I'll go away and stop being annoying... " Don't. Steve Thomas don't stop being annoying, just... hahaha
  2. Larry, I'm going to do something that I don't very often do. I'm going to quote you in full, so that it gets repeated twice. What you said is that important. Steve Thomas
  3. This essay by Ganser is very interesting. Northwoods and the Gulf of Tonkin incident were both strategy of tension operations. Guerin Serac is highlighted. He mentions Stansfield Turner's reaction to questions about Gladio. https://www.danieleganser.ch/assets/files/Inhalte/Publikationen/Buchkapitel/Artikel_Ganser_TheStrategyofTension.pdf Steve Thomas
  4. Paul, Thanks. Yes, I did. I'll need time to digest this. 1) Did John, in his original thread leave out Marita Lorentz? 2) Case #3: Dinkin, Eugene B. – American soldier in Germany, claims to have picked up on the assassination plot from Army Security Agency monitor of OAS, Has anyone ever seen any of Dinkin's intercepts? I know he's been talked about over the years, but I wonder if anyone has ever seen the "product" of what he intercepted. 3) I would add Little Lynn. After the assassination, she was scared to death. I believe she knew more than she revealed. 4) Elizabeth Cole Steve Thomas
  5. I can't believe this. As far as this thread title goes, Strategy is spelled strategy, not stragedy. This isn't a Bee Gees song. sheesh Steve Thomas
  6. David, There's just no other way to explain the secrecy going on at Parkland. The tunnels Herding everyone into a central area Taping over the windows so noone could see out The fight over the coffin in the hallway Steve Thomas
  7. "I'm afraid we were misled...All the critics, myself included, were misled very early. I see that now. We spent too much time microanalyzing the details of the assassination when all the time it was obvious, it was blatantly obvious that it was a conspiracy...The tyranny of power is here. Current events tell us that those who killed Kennedy can only perpetuate their power by promoting social upheaval both at home and abroad. And that will lead not to revolution but to repression...[T]he interests of those who killed Kennedy now transcend national boundaries and national priorities. No doubt we are now dealing with an international conspiracy. We must face that fact -- and not waste any more time microanalyzing the evidence. That's exactly what they want us to do. They have kept us busy for so long..." (emphasis added)Vincent Salandria, as quoted by Gaeton Fonzi in The Last Investigation I think I need to read more of what Vince Salandria had to say. Steve Thomas
  8. Bill, "I think about the strategy of tension all the time..." Be careful, your head will explode. Thanks for the tip on the play. I was reading about the Pinelli case just the other day. I had always shied away from the Gladio business, but now I'm beginning to wonder. I went back to that interview with Ganser again that I mentioned to Larry. He certainly ties a lot of world events together. Steve Thomas
  9. Larry, I bumped up against the "strategy" when reading up on Guerin Serac and Aginter Presse, and Gladio. Not Gladio as it started out, but what it morphed into as the Cold War went on. Political assassinations (Aldo Moro in Italy, etc.) and the campaigns of false-flag terrorist bombings were widespread in Europe in the 1950's - 1980's. Operation Northwoods was just one example of this strategy of tension. I got to wondering if JFK was just another link in the chain. Here is an interesting interview with Daniele Ganser as late as 4/6/17: He talks about Northwoods and Lemnitzer among other things. http://themillenniumreport.com/2017/04/natos-secret-armies-operation-gladio-and-the-strategy-of-tension/ Steve Thomas
  10. Lately, I have been reading about the "strategy of tension" as it might apply to the JFK assassination. Jeez. Recognize this? https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Strategy_of_tension "Recognizable patterns include, but are not limited to: An official narrative is quickly agreed upon and blames either "Lone nuts" or the enemy du jour "Lone nuts" that die shortly after the event and/or have no chance to explain their side of the story The number of reported perpetrators, decreases as the official narrative unfolds Evidence which is quickly destroyed and/or made inaccessible to public or to journalists because of "national security" Obviously pre-fabricated statements: responses are made which are far too quick - exploiting the targets' moment of psychological shock Politicians and commercially-controlled media: blaming designated culprit before any investigation, hate speech, revenge, threating war or sanctions, fostering police state legislation Name changes or misspelling of suspected lone nuts and/or intelligence links emerge Imagery of low quality emerges, with mismatching details in different versions or viewing angels, time stamps and origin obscured Presented evidence and history of Lone nuts contains bold archetypes, letters, testaments, even passports Eye witness accounts are incompatible with press reports Lost and Found ID leads a direct trail to allow the official narrative's perpetrators to be identified" Any ideas apart from this are termed "conspiracy theories" and dismissed by the establishment Steve Thomas
  11. In his report of Oswald's interview on the 24th, Thomas Kelley wrote that Oswald said while he was standing on the steps of the TSBD, a man claiming to be with the Secret Service, ran up to him, showed him some identification, and asked where there was a telephone. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=946#relPageId=653&tab=page I wonder if the events are connected, or if Craig folded this into his own narrative. Steve Thomas
  12. NEW SHAW/ ALLEN FOIA LITIGATION CIA Document 1982 page 16 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=6060&relPageId=16 In the period 1964 – 1996 Souetre headed the Societe Expinmaq (sp?) in Madrid; it was a societe de traveaux publics, “furnishing work and cover for OAS veterans and exiles, such as Varga, Marton, and Sari.” "societe de traveaux publics" would be public works projects. So, for a period of 32 years, Jean-Rene Souetre was suppposed to have headed up this "Societe", but for the life of me, I can't find reference to this anywhere. Is this a general name, rather than a specific one? Steve Thomas
  13. PS: The City of Dallas made you buy your own handcuffs. Ray Hawkins handcuffed LHO in the Texas Theater with his own personal cuffs. The cuffs were later auctioned off for $250,000. Steve Thomas
  14. Ah yes. From Mary Ferrell Database - Ray Hawkins Dallas Police Department Patrolman. Friend of Jack Ruby. Name in Crafard's notebook (Ruby's). https://www.maryferrell.org/php/marysdb.php?id=4658 DPD Archives Box 18, Folder# 6, Item# 13 p. 2 (pages from Jack Ruby's notebook) http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box18.htm Ray Hawkins 5119 Live Oak TA 1 5196 WC Hearings and Exhibits 25H168 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1141#relPageId=198&tab=page Memo from Westbrook to Curry dated December 12, 1963 Had a membership card to Carousel Club. Said he had been in there 2 or 3 times and that Ruby said he would give him a permanent pass but never received. However: There was a permanent pass to the Carousel Club issued to a Ray Hawkins at City Hall. Pass# 227 CE 1322 p. 502 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1317#relPageId=532&tab=page A fellow officer has been shot. There is an armed and dangerous suspect on the loose. Hawkins responds to the Tippit shooting, but doesn't stop at 10th and Patton. He goes to the Library neighborhood at Jefferson and Marsalis and starts circling the neighborhood. He drives back to 10th and Patton, picks up Hutson, and then he and Baggett stop and make a phone call from a Mobil Gas Station at 10th and Beckley, leaving Hutson in the car. This call does not show up on the police dispatch tapes, nor does Hawkins inform dispatch that he is going to be out of the car. When Hutson blows the siren to let them know that a suspect has been seen at the Library, they go rushing back over there. Is it possible that J.D. Tippit and Hawkins were calling the same people? and was that person Jack Ruby to let him know that they couldn't find Oswald? Is it possible that the car Earlene Roberts saw was not 207, but 211 - Ray Hawkins car? Was Hawkins' job to kill Oswld? Apprehend him and keep him from talking to anybody? or at least be present so that if he did talk to somebody else, report back to hire-ups what Oswald was saying? Steve Thomas
  15. Posted by Michael Clark in the Education Forum on the "Bishop" Thread (4/11/2017?) I think. "Testimony of George Senator. Senator is being asked, name-by-name, if he recognizes any names written in Jack Ruby's address book... Mr. GRIFFIN. Ray Hawkins? Mr. SENATOR. No." Wait a minute. Is that Ray Hawkins as in the policeman Ray Hawkins? The Ray Hawkins who, in the midst of the search for Tippit's killer stops and makes an unrecorded phone call from a Mobil Gas Station and later participates in the apprehension of Oswald at the Texas Theater? The Ray Hawkins of the pearl handled revolvers? That Ray Hawkins? Steve Thomas
  16. Ray, I'm sorry, but I respectfully disagree. Jackie had all the "special privileges". As JFK's legal heir, no one else had any. We know there was a pushing match in the hallway. We know that Jackie was standing right there. We know that Earl Rose was saying, "No, it's Texas State Law..." Who convinced Jackie to ignore that and how? Steve Thomas
  17. David, I just ask this out of curiosity and not for any other reason. What do you think would have been the scenario? A lengthy standoff? A discovery of LHO hiding? A shootout? Doesn't seem like there would be enough bulletis in the rifle for a shootout. Oswald rushing the police armed with? A throwdown gun? Planted by which likely culprit? Steve Thomas
  18. Is there a record of anyone ever explaining to Jackie Kennedy that state law required the autopsy to be performed in Texas, and that she would be breaking the law to have JFK's body taken out of state? I have no problem believing that LBJ would have no concerns about this trifling little legal problem, but I've always wondered how Jackie overcame that in her own mind. I don't care how you want to phrase loyalty and/or love for JFK by the Secret Service, or LBJ's fears of national security; legally the Secret Service's oversight of JFK, and LBJ's paranoia, ended when JFK died. Who convinced Jackie it was okay and how? Steve Thomas
  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yves_Guérin-Sérac Yves Guérin-Sérac, real name Yves Guillou (alias Jean-Robert de Guernadec, alias Ralf) (born 1926 in Ploubezre) was a French anti-Communist Roman Catholic activist, former officer of the French army and veteran of the First Indochina War (1945–54), the Korean War (1950–53) and the Algerian War of Independence (1955–62). He was also a member of the elite troop of the 11ème Demi-Brigade Parachutiste du Choc, which worked with the SDECE (French intelligence agency) and a founding member of the Organisation armée secrète (OAS) a terrorist group which fought against Algerian independence in 1961-62. Remember what Perez told Fensterwald? "Perez said (to Fensterwald?) that, post 1962, Souetre was part of an ultra-right, ultra-Catholic splinter group which included four men named Pichon, Lefevre, Bourget, and Grossouvre. Group called Integraliste http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/S Disk/Souetre Jean with aka's/Item 11.pdf page 4" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yves_Guérin-Sérac It had been alleged that he was an instigator of the so-called strategy of tension in Italy, and the main organizer of the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing.In June 1962, after the 18 March 1962 Évian Accords that put an end to the Algerian War, Yves Guérin-Sérac was engaged by Franco to engage in operations against the Spanish opposition. He then worked for Salazar's Estado Novo regime in Portugal, which, beside being the last colonial empire, was also in his eyes the last stronghold against communism and atheism: It was within this context that he erected Aginter Press in 1965 as a secret anti-communist army with the support of both the PIDE and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Aginter Press set up training camps in which it instructed mercenaries and terrorists in a three-week course in covert action techniques including hands-on bomb terrorism, silent assassination, subversion techniques, clandestine communication and infiltration and colonial warfare. "The others have laid down their weapons, but not I. After the OAS I fled to Portugal to carry on the fight and expand it to its proper dimensions - which is to say, a planetary dimension." Paris Match, November 1974, quoted in Stuart Christie, Stefano Delle Chiaie (London, Anarchy Publications, 1984, p.27) Well-rounded kind of a guy. He walked the walk, and talked the talk. That's one of the people Souetre fell in with post-1962. Steve Thomas
  20. Larry, "its just so easy to toss Hunt's name in anywhere and make things look suspicious...grin." You got that right. "If OAS reps met with somebody I certainly can see it being Angleton..." My bet is on Irving Brown. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_Brown He was involved in Algeria, Chile (Allende), Africa, Western Europe (Spain and France), a real "get around" guy. Meaning he ceratinly got around a lot. If I understand it, he may have been advising the French generals during the April, 1961 putsch in Algeria. Yves Guerin-Serac - total war across all specrtrums of society - religious, cultural, economic, military. He had a real global and take no prisoners outlook. Reading him and Roger Trinquer (a great believer in torture to get information) together will keep you up at nights. Steve Thomas
  21. Jeff, Don't stop. Always question. Double check and cross reference. Be skeptical. These are good. Steve Thomas
  22. Larry, I liked your line about Angleton's "usual enthusiasm and lack of success" It made me smile. These are just a couple of things I have learned. Perez said (to Fensterwald?) that, post 1962, Souetre was part of an ultra-right, ultra-Catholic splinter group which included four men named Pichon, Lefevre, Bourget, and Grossouvre. Group called Integraliste http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/S Disk/Souetre Jean with aka's/Item 11.pdf page 4 Albert Lefevre was the one man I could find that both stood trial with Souetre in December, 1961 and who escaped with him from the Camp at St. Maurice L'Ardoise in February, 1962. I have not researched the Integraliste organization. Head of the OAS ORO Branch, Organisation-Renseignement-Opération (read Propaganda), Jean-Claude Perez told Fensterwald on Saturday, November 20, 1982 that: “The OAS had contact in New Orleans with an anti-Castro group which he called the “Rosa Blanca” The Rosa Blanca was a real network that was established in 1959 in New Orleans to oppose Castro. So far, everything I have seen indicates to me that they were benign. I believe that a representative of the CIA did meet with Souetre and either Yves Guérin-Sérac or Pierre Sergeant in Lisbon in May, 1963 (“I've seen both men mentioned). I think they were trying to tip the Americans off that DeGaulle wasn't going to be part of the picture too much longer, if you get my drift. I'm not convinced it was Hunt they met with. I think Hunt said he hadn't been back to Spain after 1962. I think it was more likely Brown. I believe the part about the KGB infiltrating the SDECE. It was the same thing that Vosjoli and Goytsin were telling the Americains. This information was causing the Americains great consternation. I think Kennedy even wrote DeGaulle a handwritten letter about it. I think the French were trying to steal American nuclear technology and it was getting back to the Russians. After his escape from the prison camp in February, 1962, I wondered how, on foot, he was able to get from the southern coast of France to Spain in 1963. I think it was through the efforts of Pierre Guillaume – head of the naval section of the OAS, and naval advisor to one of the Putsch generals, but I can't remember if it was Gardy, or Jouhaud. Souetre would take Guillaume's place in the OAS when Guillaume was arrested in 1962. Les soldats perdus : des anciens de l'OAS racontent Author: Vincent Quivy “ Without economy and without resources since he had deserted, Soueter was trying to work to earn enough. In the autumn of 1963, however, he received 1 million old francs which enabled him to buy a business on the beach in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.” The OAS veterans who made it to the Balearic Islands were destitute. I'm not sure about the 1 milliion francs. Quivy doesn't say who gave it to him. http://jeanjviala.free.fr/1963 a 1965.htm Le colonel Broizat vivait à Madrid, Joseph Ortiz, le docteur Kovacs, Jacques Achard et Jean-René Souètre à Palma de Majorque, Athanase Georgeopoulos, Robert Tabarot, Michel de la Bigne et Camille Vignau dans la région d'Alicante ... "En situation irrégulière, ils ne pouvaient obtenir un emploi et vivaient dans le dénuement". Anne Dulphy L'algérie française et l'Espagne franquiste in l'Algérianiste, numéro 121 mars 2008. “In an irregular situation, the were not able to obtain employment and lived in destitution”. Palma de Mallorca is the major city and capital city of the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands in Spain. It is situated on the south coast of the island on the Bay of Palma. As of the 2009 census, the population of the city of Palma proper was 401,270, and the population of the entire urban area was 517,285, ranking as the twelfth largest urban area of Spain - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palma,_Majorca He would return to Palma de Majorque in 1971 after his sojourn in Africa with the Tschombe affair. From everything I have read of Souetre's writings, I believe patriot - yes, as he saw patriotism. Assassin - no. Like I said, these are just a couple of things. PS: Have you ever read any of the writings of Guerin Serac? Total war on a global scale. Some scary stuff. Steve Thomas
  23. Jeff, That's what I mean by second and third hand information. I'd like to see some first person accounts. It's logical he would have been in Spain in July. He lived there most of the time - there and Lisbon. Steve Thomas Steve Thomas
  24. Larry, Thanks. I wonder who gave Fensterwald that specific date? *shrug* Steve Thomas
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