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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. "Rage like I've never seen. Conservatives turn on Trump..." https://www.rawstory.com/maga-republican-and-future-trump/ "All the chatter on my conservative and GOP channels is rage at Trump like I've never seen," said Michael Brendan Dougherty, a senior writer at National Review "'The one guy he attacked before Election Day was DeSantis — the clear winner, meanwhile, all his guys are s---ing the bed.'" Steve Thomas ADVERTISEMENT
  2. Kirk, I read a report that Trump is livid and storming around Mar-a-Lago screaming at everyone. He wanted to announce his candidacy last Saturday thinking he was going to rise to stardom as a kingmaker. Cooler heads prevailed and got him to hold off in case something happened like last night. Now, if he announces his candidacy, it will be seen by everyone as an act of desperation. Trump lost in more ways than one last night. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. P.S. Look for an indictment some time this week, before his scheduled deposition before the Jan 6th Committee on the 14th. He will have to either blow off the subpoena and risk a contempt of Congress charge, or go in there and plead the 5th. He said that he was going to have a major announcement on the 15th. I'm thinking DOJ will beat him to the punch. Steve Thomas
  3. - Donald Trump - November 7, 2022 “We will defend our Constitution. We will defend the Second Amendment. And we will proudly uphold the Judeo-Christian values and principles of our nation's founding. We will restore patriotic education to our schools, and we will teach our children to love their country, honor our history, and to always respect our great American flag. Always respect our flag.” “Together, we are standing up against some of the most menacing forces, entrenched interests, and vicious opponents our people have ever seen. Despite great outside dangers, our biggest threat remains the sick, sinister, and evil people from within our country. You know who I'm talking about. You see him all the time. But no matter how big or powerful, the corrupt, radical left Democrats that we are fighting against may be, you must never forget. This nation does not belong to them. This nation belongs to you. That's who it belongs to. This is your home. This is your heritage. And our American liberty is your God-given right.” White Christian Nationalism at its finest. Take that you sick, sinister, evil Democrats. This isn't your home anymore. And, if you don't like it, I have my Second Amendment... Steve Thomas
  4. Paul Gosar says Kari Lake might order military blockade of tribal land By Nick R. Martin https://www.informant.news/p/gosar-kari-lake-tohono-oodham?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=21556&post_id=83263040&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email “In the days leading up to the 2022 election, Arizona Republican Congressman Paul Gosar has made an extraordinary claim about what the his party’s gubernatorial nominee in the state, Kari Lake, might do in the name of stopping undocumented immigration if she wins office. In a little-noticed interview on the October 28 edition of the Rumble show “In The Trenches with Teddy Daniels,” Gosar said Lake could order the state's National Guard to surround and blockade the Tohono O'odham Nation, a Native American reservation that borders Mexico, ensuring that “no one passes.” Gosar also floated the possibility that Lake would go to the U.S. Supreme Court to ask for some kind of authority over the reservation, though he was vague on the details.” “"What if, just what if, somebody like Kari Lake wins the governorship, which she should, and she follows through on her promise like Donald Trump did, and says, 'OK, I'm calling a state of emergency across the state of Arizona. I'm militia-izing the National Guard. I am putting them on the border. And let's do this: Let's outline the Tohono O'odham Nation'," Gosar said during the interview with racist conspiracy theorist and “Bikers for Trump” member Teddy Daniels, who placed third in the Republican primary for Pennsylvania lieutenant governor earlier this year. "We outline them, all—with all our National Guard. And we say no one passes. Well, that tells the Tohono O'odham, you're either America and Arizona first. Or you're Mexico first. And Mexico doesn't recognize you. Oh, that's a good one."” Oh goody. We don't have anything else going on today. Let's go start an Indian War. Steve Thomas
  5. Trump and Elon Musk are dangerous narcissists tailored to 2022 America by Robert Reich November 8, 2022 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/nov/08/trump-and-elon-musk-are-dangerous-narcissists-tailored-to-2022-america "Beware. The last time the world gave in to megalomaniacs it did not end well. The robber barons of the Gilded Age – men like William (“the public be damned”) Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefeller – siphoned off so much of the nation’s wealth that the rest of the nation had to go deep into debt to maintain their standard of living and overall demand for the goods and services the nation produced. When that debt bubble burst in 1929, the world got a Great Depression. And that depression paved the way for Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler, who created the worst threats to freedom and democracy the modern world had ever witnessed, and the most deaths. We are much safer when economic and political power is widely diffused. We are better off when people like Musk and Trump cannot gain such untrammeled wealth and influence. We all do better when fewer Americans feel so helpless and insecure that they’re drawn to reprehensible bullies who parade across the public stage as if possessing admirable qualities." Steve Thomas
  6. Last night Donald Trump called Nancy Pelosi an animal. Last night a man in SW Ohio went over and shot his neighbor to death because his neighbor was a Democrat. Last week a man almost beat Nancy Pelosi's husband to death with a hammer. There is no whataboutism going on here. Steve Thomas
  7. Trump’s allies are trying to convince him not to announce his 2024 bid tonight: report Sky Palma November 07, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-2024-announcement-2658611458/ “"Trump 'wants to announce' a 2024 bid tonight 'to take credit' for Republicans’ expected victory in the midterms tomorrow, a Trumpworld source told me 'But there are people asking him to hold back,'" Elkind tweeted. But according to The Daily Mail's Liz Elkind, some Republicans are trying to get Trump to ditch his alleged plan to announce his bid. “What they will try to tell him is, ‘you don’t want to be on the hook if we have some surprise loses,'" Elkind quoted the source as saying. “My line of thinking and others’ in the other camp say, look. He’s someone who doesn’t back down. He’s someone who always follows his instincts, and if his instincts…” Speculation a Trump announcement is starting heighten, especially after Trump told attendees of previous rallies supporters to keep an eye on the Ohio rally.” He's got to get out ahead of that January 6th Committee subpoena, you know? Steve Thomas
  8. Dr. Oz on Saturday, "Tomorrow morning, when you awaken, do it in Church, do it before the Steelers' game, I want you contact ten people. Here's the question I want you to ask them..." Um. The Steelers weren't playing Sunday. Steve Thomas
  9. Ron DeSantis has a new campaign ad out. Says he was anointed by God. As the Church Lady said, "He's so Special." Steve Thomas
  10. Don't miss the Beaver Blood Moon lunar eclipse on Nov. 8 by Robert Lea https://www.space.com/lunar-eclipse-beaver-blood-moon-nov-08-2022 On Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022, the moon will pass through the shadow of Earth resulting in a total lunar eclipse that will be from Oceania, the Americas, Asia, and Northern Europe. The eclipse will begin at 4:10 a.m. EST (0810 GMT) and will end at approximately 7:49 a.m. EDT (1149 GMT) when the moon once again emerges. The total eclipse period is shorter than this, however, and will last from 5:17 a.m. EST (0917 GMT) to 6:42 a.m. EST (1042 GMT). According to EarthSky.org, this will be the first total lunar eclipse on Election Day in U.S. history (since 1776). Steve Thomas
  11. George Conway said that Republican politicians are afraid to speak out against the Pelosi attack because they are afraid for their own personal safety. We have come to that part of the French Revolution where the politicians no longer control the mob they have created. Steve Thomas
  12. Charlie Kirk calls for his audience to post bail for Pelosi attacker: "If some amazing patriot out there in San Francisco or the Bay Area wants to really be a midterm hero, someone should go and bail this guy out...Bail him out and then go ask him some questions" How long will it be before David DePape becomes the right wing's new Joan of Arc? Steve Thomas
  13. Paul Pelosi's attacker said he was on a suicide mission. He also said he had a list of other politicians he wanted to kill. Ummmmm.. Hey, David. Let me explain how this whole suicide thing works. Meet Achmed, The Dead Terrorist. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GBvfiCdk-jc Steve Thomas
  14. Giuliani attempt to dismiss defamation suit by Georgia election workers is denied The judge ruled that two election workers had presented enough evidence to justify a case against the former mayor. By Kyle Cheney 11/01/2022 https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/01/giuliani-defamation-georgia-election-workers-00064418 “A federal judge has rejected Rudy Giuliani’s effort to dismiss a lawsuit brought by two Georgia election workers who he falsely accused of election fraud — stoking a furor that led to threats and harassment against both women. U.S. District Court Chief Judge Beryl Howell ruled in a 27-page opinion that the case brought by both the mother-daughter duo — Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss — was enough to justify advancing their lawsuit against Giuliani and presented “ample circumstantial evidence of a civil conspiracy between Giuliani and members of the Trump Campaign.”” “Howell noted that Giuliani oversaw the creation and implementation of the “strategic plan” to sow doubt about the election results and encourage states to override the results to certify Trump as the winner. Included in that plan was a specific reference to Freeman that falsely suggested she had been arrested in connection with the fraud allegations. “[T]hese allegations at least plausibly suggest that Giuliani fabricated Freeman’s arrest and criminal record out of whole cloth,” Howell wrote.” From the Judge’s Opinion: https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/show_public_doc?2021cv3354-31 A reasonable jury could accordingly infer that (1) Giuliani, Trump, and the “[k]ey [t]eam [m]embers” listed in the Strategic Plan (2) created a plan to sow doubt in the outcome of the 2020 election by (3) launching a misinformation campaign, which included accusing Freeman, Moss, and others of participating in schemes of electoral fraud, and (4) injuring plaintiffs in the process.7 Plaintiffs have pled a plausible civil conspiracy. Steve Thomas
  15. On Friday evening, hours after Paul Pelosi was brutalized in a politically motivated attack, Donald Trump sent out a fundraising email with the subject line, "The Left is coming after me like never before": The RAID on my Mar-a-Lago home was nothing more than unhinged POLITICAL PERSECUTION against ME, YOUR President. For six straight years, I've been harassed, investigated, defamed, slandered, and persecuted like no one in American history — yet all I have ever wanted, and all we have ever fought for, is to simply MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. ... The people behind these savage witch hunts have no shame, no morals, no conscience, and absolutely no respect for the citizens of this country. Everyone associated with this travesty will go down in history as scoundrels and arsonists who tried to demolish our justice system, shatter our most sacred traditions, and wipe out the very foundations of our democracy — for their own selfish partisan gain. But no matter what our sick and deranged political establishment throws at me, no matter what they do to me, I will endure their torment and oppression, and I will do it willingly. They will NEVER get me to stop fighting for you, the American People. "Me, YOUR President." Steve Thomas
  16. Only a Third of Republicans Think Voting Is a Fundamental Right: Poll BY JASON LEMON ON 7/22/21 AT 4:07 PM EDT https://www.newsweek.com/only-third-republicans-think-voting-fundamental-right-poll-1612336 "New polling released Thursday by Pew Research Center showed stark divides among Democratic and Republican voters on their views regarding voting rights—appearing to align with the political battle playing out in the Capitol and across the country. Only 32 percent of Republican and Republican leaning voters said that they viewed voting as a fundamental right for every citizen that should not be restricted. Meanwhile, 67 percent of GOP supporters said voting is a privilege with responsibilities that can be limited." That's an interesting question. Do you think voting is a right or a privilege? Steve Thomas
  17. The guy who attacked Paul Pelosi had zip ties and was shouting, "Where's Nancy?" The attackers on January 6th had zip ties and were shouting, "Where's Nancy?" Nuff said. Steve Thomas
  18. NY Times headline from 2025 "America's emerging dictatorship has liberals on edge. But for some, the stability and absence of hard choices is a welcome change." By Maggie Haberman, et al. June 19, 2025 https://boingboing.net/2022/10/30/ny-times-headline-from-2025-americas-emerging-dictatorship-has-liberals-on-edge-but-for-some-the-stability-and-absence-of-hard-choices-is-a-welcome-change.html "It happened imperceptibly, and then all at once. After a hotly contested 2024 election in which incumbent President Joe Biden carried the national popular vote by 9 million votes and appeared to carry the vote in states representing more than the 270 electoral votes necessary, it appeared that Mr. Biden was on his way to serving a second term. Instead, an unpredictable series of events has led to a dramatic change in the American form of government. First, Republican Secretaries of State and legislatures in states carried by Joe Biden refused to certify Mr. Biden's apparent wins in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, throwing the electoral count into doubt. In the ensuing landmark case before the Supreme Court, "Biden v. Wisconsin," Justice Thomas, writing for the 5-4 majority, held that under the newly adopted Independent Legislature Theory, neither federal nor state courts had the authority to challenge actions decided by state legislatures, who were then free to submit slates of electors chosen by legislatures themselves, rather than by voters. In the ensuing chaos in the Electoral College, no candidate received a certified majority of the vote, resulting, according to the Constitution, in an election decided by the Congressional Delegations of each state. This vote was won by Donald Trump, with Wyoming being the 26th vote. All of the preceding is unusual, but occurred within the framework of America's Constitution, jurisprudence, and electoral system. But now, a new challenge has emerged in the form of those same legislatures refusing to allocate funds or support for federal elections in 2028. The Democratic National Committee, citing irreparable harm, sued those same states to compel them told federal elections. But in a dramatic decision that could alter the course of history, Justice Barrett, writing, again, for a 5-4 majority, wrote that upholding precedent, regardless of its consequences, was the most hallowed responsibility of the Supreme Court and American jurisprudence more broadly, and thus that the legislatures were well within their constitutional rights not to hold federal elections. Writing for the majority, Justice Barrett recognized, however, that the Constitution did require that Mr. Trump's term of office end on January 20, 2029, and without a constitutionally elected President-Elect in place, Barrett found that nowhere in the Constitution could it be found that a person who was not elected president could not exercise the authority granted to a President, and therefore, that the ideal solution would be, in practicality, for Mr. Trump's authority to be extended indefinitely. Barrett also found that should Mr. Trump die or become incapacitated, he could be "replaced on the ballot" by the party that nominated him for the presidency, and that that individual would assume Mr. Trump's powers as the "Republican nominee" until the crisis was resolved. In practice, this has led to a situation that was once unthinkable: an acting President of the United States serving an indefinite term of office whose successor is chosen exclusively by activists and delegates from the ruling political party. This series of rulings, as well as public calls for prosecution of leading Democrats for treason by Acting Attorney General Marjorie Taylor Greene, has many liberals on edge, alleging that American democracy is "on the verge of collapse," according to a recent NYT/Siena poll. While Democrats feel that America has suffered what amounts to a coup, Republicans take the opposite view: the developments leading to indefinite one-party rule were simply an outgrowth of constitutional processes with a solution available for Democrats who are discomfited. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, for instance, while admitting that indefinite one-party rule was unusual, noted that "if Democrats are so concerned about the actions of state legislatures, they should try winning a few. Nothing prevents them from holding elections if they win." For Democrats, however, that easy solution may not be so simple. According to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, the party committee responsible for electing Democrats to state legislatures, the way districts are drawn makes that a prohibitive challenge. Heather Williams, Executive Director of the DLCC, commented via an encrypted messaging service while avoiding U.S. Marshalls seeking her on an indictment for treason, espionage, and other federal charges that "the way districts are drawn simply makes it impossible. Even in states carried by Biden and where Democrats win a majority of the vote, gerrymandering (the process of drawing unrepresentative and strangely-shaped districts for political purposes) ensure that Republicans sometimes control supermajorities in those legislatures." While the political battle rages between elected leaders and committees of both parties, the response from the average voter is more muted. At a truck stop diner outside of Columbus, Ohio, Jeremy Williams, 55, said that these changes could make things easier. "I liked Trump before and I like Trump now, so I trust him to run the country and make the best decisions," said Williams. And when asked about America's cherished tradition of quadrennial democratic elections. Mr. Williams demurred. "Voting for president is hard because you don't really know the people you're choosing. But I know Trump and I like him, so that's one less thing to think about," said Williams. Democrats are less convinced." -more- Steve Thomas
  19. https://twitter.com/AnaCabrera/status/1586026106561306625 Ana Cabrera @AnaCabrera NEW: Pelosi assailant shouted "where is Nancy" before the attack, a source briefed on the attack on her husband Paul Pelosi tells CNN's @jamiegangel OMG Steve Thomas
  20. Michigan GOP gubernatorial nominee invoked conspiracy claiming Democrats sought to ‘topple’ US in retaliation for losing Civil War By Em Steck and Olivia Alafriz, October 27, 2022 https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/27/politics/kfile-tudor-dixon-conspiracy-democrats-topple-america/index.html “The Republican gubernatorial nominee in Michigan invoked a conspiracy that the Covid-19 pandemic and protests in the summer of 2020 after the killing of George Floyd were part of a decades-long plan by the Democratic Party to “topple” the United States as retaliation for losing the US Civil War, adding that the party wanted to enslave people “again.” Tudor Dixon, a former TV news anchor, made the remarks on the far-right streaming news network Real America’s Voice, which hosts former Trump adviser Steve Bannon’s show, in late June 2020. “The country today is divided, and this was the plan. It’s been in the works for years. The idea that you can topple the greatest country in the world. But to topple a country like the United States of America, you must be planning this for decades,” said Dixon. “Why wouldn’t that come from the party that lost the Civil War? The party that wanted to own people because they viewed them as less than human? Do you think that the Democrats are over losing to the north?”” This ranks right up there with the Jewish Space Lasers causing the California wildfires lady. Steve Thomas
  21. Mehmet Oz, the Republican nominee for a U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania, said Tuesday that discussions about abortion access should be left to women, doctors and “local political leaders.” Sure sounds like Communist Party block captains to me. Steve Thomas
  22. Jean Paul, I remember reading that Roy Truly objected to this, but I don't remember the details or how it was resolved. I think he would only agree to let the Sixth Floor guys get printed. Steve Thomas
  23. Oklahoma GOP candidate vows to make teachers undergo 'patriotic education' based on 'Judeo-Christian values' By Brad Reed October 25, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/ryan-walters-oklahoma/ “Ryan Walters, the Republican candidate for state superintendent in Oklahoma, is vowing to force all teachers in the state to undergo what is being described as "patriotic education" at a right-wing college in Michigan. As Tulsa World reports, Walters believes that this intervention is needed because teachers in the state right now are purportedly "indoctrinating" students. “What I will do is I will put together courses — I’ve been talking to Hillsdale College on this, they’re great, they’re great — and have every U.S. history teacher and every history teacher in the state go through that training so they know the basics and that every kid will have a teacher who is learned on U.S. history, on the constitution, on those fundamental principles," he said recently. "What we have to have is true history taught in schools," he said recently. "Our kids need to know about the founding. They need to know this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values. They need to know about the constitution. They need to be inspired by heroes like George Washington."” So, a State Superintendent in Oklahoma is going to force Oklahoma teachers go through an “education camp”in Michigan. Sounds like something Mao Tse Tung would do. Steve Thomas
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