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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Ben, Oswald didn't try to draw his pistol. McDonald tried to snatch it put of his belt and Oswald tried to prevent him. Oswald's hands were up. McDonald didn't tell Oswald to freeze. He didn't yell out to his fellow officers warning them that there was a gun. He just immediately made a snatch for it. Report by Patrolman M. N. McDonald to Chief of Police J. E. Curry, December 4, 1963 https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339292/m1/1/?q=L.M.%20McDonald WC testimony of M.N. McDonald https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/mcdonald.htm "And just as I got to the row where the suspect was sitting, I stopped abruptly, and turned in and told him to get on his feet. He rose immediately, bringing up both hands. He got this hand about shoulder high, his left hand shoulder high, and he got his right hand about breast high. He said, "Well, it is all over now." As he said this, I put my left hand on his waist and then his hand went to the waist. And this hand struck me between the eyes on the bridge of the nose." Steve Thomas
  2. I do not find the espousing of poopooism to be a legitimate form of civil discourse. Steve Thomas
  3. Joe, History has a nasty way of repeating itself, for those who refuse to learn from it. Look to the 1930's National Socialist Idiotism and Christian Nationalism are on the rise again. Steve Thomas
  4. Donald Trump said he recently had dinner with Kanye West and "three of his friends who I know nothing about." Gee, I wonder what Trump's Secret Service detail has to say about that. Steve Thomas
  5. - Nick Fuentes - "We need to shut up, elect Donald Trump one more time, and then stop having elections' "Maybe get rid of Congress altogether". Steve Thomas
  6. What if Trump loses the 2024 Primary and then declares that the election was rigged? Then what? Steve Thomas
  7. This is who Donald Trump had dinner with the other night. Steve Thomas
  8. Right-wing pastor celebrates Club Q massacre as 'good thing' in hate-filled sermon by Travis Gettys https://www.rawstory.com/sure-foundation-baptist-church/ “A Washington state pastor celebrated the mass shooting last weekend at an LGBTQ nightclub that left five people dead.” “Aaron Thompson, of Sure Foundation Baptist Church in Vancouver, said the massacre was a "good thing"” “"Am I sad that five homos got shot?" Thompson said Tuesday in a sermon. "No, I’m not sad at all. As a matter of fact, I think it’s a good thing that they’re not here anymore to molest kids."” “"I’m not condoning anybody to do anything like that," Thompson said. "I don’t believe it’s right to take the law into our own hands, and I’ve said that so many times. But here’s what I won’t be upset about: I’m not going to be upset when someone that hates God and actively is promoting against God, and hates His guts, and molests children, even if it is just their eyeballs, to have to see these freaks writhing around and, and, and, you know doing all these crazy dances in front of children and then afterwards reading them a book or something."” Ah yes. We can’t have people writhing. Whatever you do, don’t go withing. And absolutely no eyeballs. Steve Thomas
  9. Joe, In the most recent election, Beto O'Rourke ran on a gun safety platform. In Uvalde, Texas, Greg Abbott won 60% of the vote. It's incomprehensible. Steve Thomas
  10. - BREAKING NEWS- Texas is bracing for a major snow storm. Ted Cruz has been deemed a flight risk. Steve Thomas
  11. Arizona spring: far-right planning Black Friday protests to demand revote after GOP loses by Bob Brigham https://www.rawstory.com/arizona-spring-far-right-planning-black-friday-protests-to-demand-a-revote-after-gop-loses/, Jen Fifield, who covers Arizona election for the nonprofit newsroom Votebeat, reported, "There's a call circulating on far-right channels today for a 9 a.m. Friday protest for a 'revote' at the Arizona Capitol. One commentator on Gettr is calling it an 'Arizona spring,' telling people to bring guns so that if 'FBI informants' start to shoot they can shoot back." "Be there. Will be wild!" Steve Thomas
  12. Are they are going to have a Jumbotron and sell popcorn? Steve Thomas
  13. - Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J223nglXql8 “When you stand up for what’s right, when you show people you’re willing to fight for them, they will walk over broken glass barefoot to come vote for you, and that’s exactly what they did for me in record numbers,” the Republican governor said to a standing ovation. “We’ve got a lot more to do, and I have only begun to fight.” Fifth Avenue shooting, anyone? Steve Thomas
  14. Testimony of D.V. Harkness. Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits, April 9, 1964 volume VI, p. 312, as cited in the History Matters Archive, http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk..._Vol6_0161b.htm After hearing what Euins had to say about seeing a rifle in a window, Harkness put him on the back of his motorcycle and delivered him to Inspector Sawyer’s car. He then went around to the back of the TSBD. Warren Commission Belin asked him if there was anyone else in the back of the building. Harkness answered, “There were some Secret Service agents there. I didn't get them identified. They told me they were Secret Service.” Steve Thomas
  15. - Donald Trump 11/18/22 - "I've proven to be one of the most honest and innocent people ever in our country." Steve Thomas
  16. Ron, There are reports from some of the Dallas Field Agents in Vol. XVIII of the WC Hearings and Exhibits egin ing on p. 793 https://maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=1&tab=toc and in Vol XXV on page 786 https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh25/html/WC_Vol25_0408b.htm Steve Thomas
  17. Federal Judge Compares U.S. Capitol Rioters To Those In Thrall To Germany's Nazis By Mary Papenfuss Nov 18, 2022 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/judge-reggie-walton-poopoo-germany-capitol-rioter-trump_n_63781373e4b0a97fec7cb4bf “A federal judge on Friday raised the specter of poopoo Germany and Adolf Hitler as he noted similarities in the mindset of U.S. Capitol rioters mesmerized by a “demagogue.” Senior U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton pointed to the chilling comparisons as he handed down a three-year sentence in his District of Columbia courtroom to rioter Dustin Thompson of Ohio, who had blamed Donald Trump for his involvement in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol in the former president’s waning days in office. Walton said he was struck that the college-educated Thompson fell into the “rabbit hole” of conspiracy theories and embraced lies spread by Trump that the 2020 presidential election had been rigged against him. “We saw it happen in poopoo Germany. A very educated, intelligent population was able to be swayed to engage in the atrocities that took place in Germany based upon a demagogue,” Walton noted, according to Business Insider. “It seems to me you bought into that same type of mentality,” he added. Walton called it “utterly scary that we still have millions of people ... still buying a lie that’s not based on anything other than someone who’s unhappy because they didn’t get what they want.” He was apparently referring to Trump, who was incensed over his loss of the popular vote and the Electoral College count. "I think our democracy is in trouble because, unfortunately, we have charlatans like our former president, who doesn't, in my view, really care about democracy but only about power," Walton said. "And as a result of that, it's tearing this country apart." Steve Thomas
  18. Forget the World Cup. Here's what's really important. https://apnews.com/article/sports-europe-georgia-rugby-wales-cbc0346032e835a736796041207b32c8 CARDIFF, Wales (AP) — Georgia upset Wales 13-12 for the first time in rugby history on Saturday in Cardiff, only the Lelos’ second win against a tier one nation. The one guy who I would never want to meet in a dark alley is a rugby player. Those guys are the toughest people on the planet. Steve Thomas
  19. A lot of people are leaving Twitter and joining Mastadon. Mastodon is not a single website. To use it, you need to make an account with a provider—we call them servers—that lets you connect with other people across Mastodon.Servers Mastadon Servers https://joinmastodon.org/servers One such server: home.social home.social provides a fediverse home to all people who are committed to being excellent to each other. Steve Thomas
  20. Fans paid to attend World Cup by Qatar have daily allowance cancelled https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/nov/18/fans-paid-to-attend-world-cup-by-qatar-have-daily-allowance-cancelled “Fans who have travelled to Qatar as part of a controversial paid-for supporters programme have been told by Qatari authorities that their cash has been cut. The Fan Leader Network is a scheme run by the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy, the Qatari agency responsible for the World Cup. It has recruited supporters from around the globe, offering travel and accommodation and a place at the World Cup opening ceremony in return for enthusiasm and positive social media content. But the Guardian can reveal that a per diem payment for food and drink, upon which some supporters were depending, was cancelled just as fans were packing to travel to the Gulf. Members of the Fan Leader Network from two European countries said their payments had been cancelled three days ago and that authorities had blamed the decision on the bad press which followed the revelation that fans were being paid. Fans were told in a message, seen by the Guardian: “Due to the recent developments in the media, we are keen to protect our visiting fans from the erroneous misinformed statements regarding ‘fans receiving payment for the trip’. Accordingly, the daily allowance will unfortunately no longer be issued. The allowance was intended as a small uplift on your own personal funds to assist with refreshments during your stay.” The news comes two days before the opening ceremony and follows an announcement by Fifa that it would no longer be possible to buy alcohol at World Cup stadiums” - UNDERSTATEMENT ON - I don’t think things are going well at the World Cup. - UNDERSTATEMENT OFF - Steve Thomas
  21. Definition of Class. "This girl, Miss Alcoholic that she is, this panty dropper after two shots, okay?" Fiore said Tuesday night at a GOP event. "This girl, if you want a piece of Amy, give her two shots. She'll give it to y'all, okay?" https://www.rawstory.com/michele-fiore-nevada/ Steve Thomas
  22. Mar-a-Lago Model Prosecution Memo By Andrew Weissmann, Ryan Goodman, Joyce Vance, Norman L. Eisen, Fred Wertheimer, E. Danya Perry, Siven Watt, Joshua Stanton, Donald Simon and Alexander K. Parachini November, 2022 127 pp https://www.justsecurity.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/just-security-mar-a-lago-model-prosecution-memorandum-november-2022.pdf Mar-a-Lago Model Prosecution Memo Executive Summary This model prosecution memorandum (or “pros memo”) assesses the potential charges against former President Donald Trump emanating from his handling of classified documents and other government records since leaving office on January 20, 2021. It includes crimes related to the removal and retention of national security information and obstruction of the investigation into his handling of these documents. The authors have decades of experience as federal prosecutors and defense lawyers, as well as other legal expertise. Based upon this experience and the analysis that follows, we conclude that there is a strong basis to charge Trump. Mar-a-Lago Model Prosecution Memo Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 Methodology 2 Substance 2 Part I. Known and Reported Facts 3 Part II. The Law - Relevant Federal Offenses 4 Part III. Application of the Facts to the Law 4 Part IV. Department of Justice Precedents 5 Part V. Defenses 6 Acknowledgements 8 Steve Thomas
  23. There is strong evidence that there was a Secret Service Agent present during Oswald’s first interrogation at a time when no known Secret Service Agent was in the Police Headquarters. If that is the case, who could this person have been? Sims, Boyd, Fritz, Curry and Stevenson all testified, or wrote later, that a Secret Service man (who was not Sorrells) had been present during Oswald's interrogation. I believe that a better candidate for the alleged Secret Service Agent who participated in Oswald’s first interrogation beginning at 2:20PM is Charles E. Kunkel. hmmmm... Steve Thomas
  24. Ron, Not to my knowledge, and if they were, I never ran across it. Steve Thomas
  25. Far-Right Republican Who Called For 'More Gallows' Wonders If GOP Had A Messaging Problem By Matt Shuham Nov 15, 2022 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/wendy-rogers-kari-lake-echo-chamber-loss-katie-hobbs_n_6373c755e4b0afce046829b3 “As updated vote tallies began to cement a loss for Trump-backed Arizona governor candidate Kari Lake on Monday, a far-right state lawmaker who told a gathering of white nationalists that “we need to build more gallows” started to have second thoughts about her party’s pitch to voters. “We wonder now if we were in an echo chamber,” said state Sen. Wendy Rogers (R), who has also suggested throwing county officials in solitary confinement and spent years lying about the 2020 election. “I don’t know, I’m just beginning to get some perspective,” added Rogers.” Ya think? Steve Thomas
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