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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Roger. From Bernard Fensterwald’s lawsuit against the Department of State , January 16, 1981 https://archive.orf/stream/nsia-SouetreJean/nsia-SouetreJean/Souetre+Jean+o63_djvu.txt Jean-Rene Souetre was born on October 15, 1930 at Ayguemorte-les-Graves in the Gironde Department of France. Physiacally, Souetre is "almost 6;tall and weighs between 175-200 pounds.” Michael Roux was born August 31, 1940 at Soyaux, Charaente, France. In 1964, He was described as a white male, 5’8”, 138-150 pounds, black hair”. No, they were "not identical". Steve Thomas
  2. The Kansas City Star has a story about the growing problem of shootings at funeral homes. Shooter was drunk, had been told to leave Kansas City funeral before opening fire, witness says https://nordot.app/989325120476282880?c=592622757532812385 "Escalating violence at funeral homes in Kansas City and across the nation has forced some funeral directors to change the way they do business to keep mourners and their employees safe. Some funeral homes have turned to requesting police presence, installing surveillance cameras and keeping funeral information private. Some directors carry guns. In a 2021 story, The Star looked at the growing problem and how it was affecting Kansas City funeral homes, including Elite Funeral Chapel, which is owned by Malcolm Morris. At the time, Morris said that years ago he stopped doing funerals for homicide victims, with rare exception. He hires off-duty Kansas City Police Department officers for security if he thinks there might be trouble at a funeral." Sad commentary, I think. Steve Thomas
  3. Iowa Republicans push 'profoundly cruel and petty' food benefit restrictions By Jake Johnson, Common Dreams Ja uary 20, 2023b https://www.rawstory.com/iowa-republicans-push-profoundly-cruel-and-petty-food-benefit-restrictions/ "Republicans in the Iowa House introduced legislation this month that would impose a slew of fresh restrictions on the kinds of food people can purchase using SNAP benefits, sparking outrage among local groups who say the measure would exacerbate hunger in the GOP-dominated state. The Des Moines Area Religious Council (DMARC), an interfaith group that operates the largest food pantry network in Iowa, noted in a statement earlier this week that if the bill passes, "Iowans could no longer use their SNAP benefits to purchase meat, nuts, and seeds; flour, butter, cooking oil, soup, canned fruits, and vegetables; frozen prepared foods, snack foods, herbs, spices—not even salt or pepper."" Savages. That's just barbaric. Steve Thomas
  4. The Secret Service does not protect storage rooms Steve Thomas
  5. It's not that the accusation is false, it's just that the media's obsession with it is. Steve Thomas
  6. - Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas and author of the book, The Kids Guide to Ron DeSantis - I wonder how many copies Donald Trump will buy. Steve Thomas
  7. Lauren Boebert mocked after promising to 'never attend' global forum she wasn't invited to As the Church Lady would say, "Well, isn't that special?" Steve Thomas
  8. Freshman New York Republican Congressman George Santos has been handed two committee assignments, including one on the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, which oversees NASA. Deputy Chief of Staff to U.S. Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA), Aaron Fritschner, responding to Santos' apparent hope to be put on the House Science and Technology Committee, last week sarcastically denounced any such attempt. "Flagging that Santos suggests he'd be a good fit for the House Science Committee. As the spox [spokesperson] for a longtime member of that committee, I do think we could benefit from his experience as a former astronaut, biomedical researcher, and Nobel Prize-winning nuclear physicist," Fritschner wrote. Steve Thomas
  9. Disabled vet accuses George Santos of swiping $3K from his dying service dog's GoFundMe By Matthew Chapman January 17, 2023 https://www.rawstory.com/george-santos-scandal-2659271049/ "George Santos (R-NY) has faced a torrent of scandalous allegations, including that he lied about almost every aspect of his personal and professional background, that he is wanted for fraud in Brazil, that he has ties to the cousin of a Russian oligarch, and that he may have broken campaign finance law. According to Patch on Tuesday, he may have also ripped off a GoFundMe to support a disabled veteran's dying service dog." That's just cold. Steve Thomas
  10. Last week, there was a story in the news, that the homes and offices of six Democratic lawmakers in Albuquerque, New Mexico had been shot at. Tonight, there was an arrest in the case. The police arrested a failed Republican candidate for the New Mexico House of Representatives named Pena. He is a Trump supporter and an election denier. The police charged him with being the shooter in one case, and hiring four hit men to shoot up four of the other locations. He lost his race in 2022, but claimed the election was rigged and refused to concede. The worst part is that this Pena guy was convicted in 19 previous felonies, for which he served 7 years in prison. This is the guy that the Republican Party put up to run for Congress in New Mexico. Between Herschel Walker, and George Santos, and this Pena guy, it's increasingly beginning to look like the Republican Party has ceased to exist as a legitimate political party, and is become something else. Steve Thomas
  11. Women's dress shop in Afghanistan. Well, at least they have bare arms. Steve Thomas
  12. - Donald Trump - "It is NOW time for the USA to stop these RIDICULOUS INVESTIGATIONS, and that includes those D.C. inspired Local & State Which Hunts, and get back to the business of properly running our Country!" That's right New York and Georgia. Stop with all these Which Hunts and get back to the business of running our country! Steve Thomas
  13. - Donald Trump - ""The Special 'Prosecutor' assigned to the 'get Trump case,' Jack Smith(?), is a Trump Hating THUG whose wife is a serial and open Trump Hater, whose friends & other family members are even worse, and as a prosecutor in Europe, according to Ric Grenell, put a high government official in prison because he was a Trump positive person," Trump posted. "Smith is known as 'an unfair Savage,' & is best friends with the craziest Trump haters, including Lisa Monaco who runs 'Injustice.' The Boxes Scam is a HOAX."" Unfair Savage? That'll learn ya! Steve Thomas
  14. Lost their minds': Missouri Dems cry foul over GOP-proposed dress code for female state lawmakers https://www.rawstory.com/missouri-dress-code/ The Missouri House of Representatives has started off 2023 receiving scrutiny nationwide as they have debated the proper attire that women legislators should wear when they are on the floor of the Capitol in Jefferson City, reports the St. Louis Post Dispatch. In this particular case, the Missouri state legislature is considering a ban on women's apparel that exposes bare arms. Oh my God, we've turned into the Taliban Steve Thomas
  15. The Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. This is the WTF G Committee. Steve Thomas
  16. I think these are two different individuals for the following reasons: 1. The epicanthic fold. The fold of skin in the upper eyelid where it meets the inner corner of the eye. Closely examine the inner corner of the left eye of both individuals. 2. The shape of the nostrils. 3. The skull shapes. One is more dolichocephalic (long and thin). The other is more brachycephalic (short and broad-headed. 4. With the individual on the left, the top of his ears barely reach about the middle of his eyes. With the individual on the right, the top of his ears extend well above his eyes, almost to his eyebrows. Steve Thomas
  17. David Do you have a link for this by any chance? Steve Thomas
  18. My wife asked me how the political world is going today. Let me see: The Republicans are at war with each other over plans to cut the defense budget Donald Trump has now started making demands - now that I gave you the Speaker that you wanted, here's what I want you to do for me Lauren Boebert is calling Marjorie Taylor crazy as a loon and Greene is responding, "Don't believe anything I say, or the interviews I give, or the social media posts or emails I put out George Santos's aide was calling wealthy Republican donors pretending he was McCarthy's aide and sending follow-up mails with a fake address It's only been one day. I can't keep up. Steve Thomas
  19. Five NM Democratic Leaders Have Had Homes Or Offices Shot Up Crooks and XXXXX — January 8, 2023 https://crooksandliars.com/2023/01/five-nm-democratic-leaders-have-had-homes "Investigators have not definitively tied the attacks to politics or ideology but Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller said he is “worried and concerned” that is the case. But he also warned against drawing conclusions while the investigation continues, saying, “we don’t know that for a fact.”" Steve Thomas
  20. Trump takes credit for Kevin McCarthy's victory and says 'crazy' selection process made result MORE important after new Speaker thanks former president for his support By PAUL FARRELL FOR DAILYMAIL.COM 7 January 2023 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11609667/Donald-Trump-takes-credit-Kevin-McCarthy-Speaker-House.html "Hours after Rep. Kevin McCarthy was finally crowned Speaker of the House following four days of voting chaos and a near-punch up in Congress, former President Donald Trump was quick to take credit for the success. McCarthy had earlier paid tribute to Trump for his support during the voting process while speaking to reporters. Trump responded by posting a video of McCarthy thanking the former president on his Truth Social platform and wrote: 'Thank you Kevin. It was my great honor!'" That's the second time McCarthy has brought Trump back from the dead. What's going on? Steve Thomas
  21. "If Democrats join up to elect a moderate Republican, I will resign from the House of Representatives" -- Matt Gaetz January 6, 2023. https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1611205448777990146?ref_src=twsrc^tfw All those in favor say, "Aye" Steve Thomas
  22. Kurt Bardella, a Los Angeles Times columnist and former House Oversight Committee staffer on the Republican side. “...less than 10 percent of the Republican caucus is holding the entire thing hostage. And what is McCarthy’s response to it? It’s to give them more. It’s to try to negotiate. There’s a reason why the official policy in the United States of America is ‘We don't negotiate with terrorists.’” https://www.thedailybeast.com/kevin-mccarthy-is-proof-you-dont-negotiate-with-terrorists?ref=scroll Steve Thomas
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