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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Yes, prison escapes are intriguing, but what's your point? You wrote, " Following their arrest, Souetre and Brousse were transferred, first to the prison de Maison Carrée in France, then back to Algeria, where they and the others arrested with them were tried before a military tribunal on December 17, 1961. The press referred to this group as Souetre’s “First Algerian Marquis.” Uh, no. Maison-Carrée is a prison in Algeria. It's about 12 miles south of Algeries on the northern coast of Algeriaon the river Harrach. Souetre was captured in Algeria, first imprisoned in Algeria and then flown to France. The military Tribunal was in Paris. You omitted his time in Santé. The Camp Commandant at St. Maurice :'Aordoise was not General Clement. That is not "under dispute". Saint-Maurice l’Ardoise : Un camp pour activistes dans le Gard en 1962 By Didier Lavrut https://journals.openedition.org/criminocorpus/2589 “The camp director, appointed on December 19, 1961, took up his post on January 4, 1962. This was Achille Perrodo, who was previously director of the Thol camp. The report he sent on 9 January , i.e. three days before the arrival of the first activists,…”17. 17.Arch. dép. du Gard, CA 1574. Rapport du directeur du CARS au préfet, 9 janvier 1962. Steve Thomas
  2. Conservative podcast host Steve Bannon showed up in E. Palestine on Tuesday to comfort victims of a recent train derailment by offering them coupons for $80 off water filtration systems. What is Wrong With These People? Have they no shame whatsoever? How can you go through life like that? Steve Thomas
  3. I have a social media page. On my social media page, there is a picture of me cutting my wife up with a chainsaw and feeding her into a wood chipper. Alongside the picture is some text calling my wife an animal. I didn't put that picture up. Somebody else did it. And even if I did, I was only promoting American-made chainsaws and wood chippers made in America. And besides, it's all the Fake News media's fault because they don't like me and are masters of disinformation. Steve Thomas
  4. I got to wondering this morning where they could incarcerate Donald Trump that could withstand a prolonged siege by a mob the size of the January 6th riot. I thought about Guantanamo Bey, or maybe Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas, where they incarcerated some of the Lincoln assassination conspirators Steve Thomas
  5. Robert McKeown said Ruby ‘had a whole lot of jeeps he wanted to get to Castro.’ I remember reading about this years ago. Does anyone have any information about how many jeeps we are talking about here? It seems like it would have to be a whole fleet of them for an entire government to be interested. 1) where did Ruby acquire a fleet of jeeps? 2) where did he store them? 3) How did he move them? 4) In order for an arms for hostages swap to be succesful, the buyer would have have received them. Is there any evidence that Castro actually received "a whole lot of jeeps? Steve Tnomas
  6. According to the [Wac0] Tribune-Herald's Mike Copeland, "Trump arrived shortly before 6 p.m., his plane circling the airport as attendees intently looked to the heavens." I'm telling you. People are being prepped. Steve Thomas
  7. While not using those specific "End Times" words, more and more, Donald Trump is beginning to frame his arguments in Armageddon terms. At his last rally in Waco on Saturday,, he said (according to the Daily Beast): "Donald Trump made some big promises to supporters at his rally in Waco, Texas on Saturday, vowing to defeat “demonic forces” in the “final battle” of 2024 and make the country a “free nation again.”" Again and again, I read references to people in the audience speaking of Donald Trump as the "Savior". With Trump speaking in the background, Hungarian-American retiree Marianna Bodrogi told AFP the occasion marked "the first time I've seen Trump in person." "I love him, he's our savior," the 69-year-old said. He is not doing anything to dispel that notion. Steve Thomas
  8. Donald Trump kicks Marjorie Taylor Greene in the teeth. You can forget about being my Vice-President lady! Trump Vows to Defeat ‘Demonic Forces’ —by Relentlessly Whining by Zachary Petrizzo Mar. 25, 2023 https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-vows-to-defeat-demonic-forces-by-relentlessly-whining?ref=scroll “Then Trump praised those he views as loyalists—who haven’t left his side. Chief among them was firebrand MAGA-loving Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who was in the audience. “Marjorie Taylor Greene. I don’t want to insult you by saying this, Marjorie, but on the plane, I said, ‘People don’t realize how brilliant she is,’” Trump said—going on to praise her visits to the D.C. jail where Jan. 6 defendants remain behind bars. “Would you like to run for the Senate?” Trump then asked in Greene’s direction. “I would fight like hell for you.” Trump’s suggestion might surprise those around Greene, as The Daily Beast first reported that the Georgia lawmaker had made her way onto a 2024 Trump vice presidential shortlist.” Steve Thomas
  9. - Rudy Giuliani - Rudy Giuliani argued against education, claiming it is creating “an evil country.” Steve Thomas
  10. Leslie, I don't know the exact date. The photographer didn't date them; but you've seen pictures of the prison, you've seen pictures of the men in the prison. You know when they went in and when they came out. As far as sosmeone feeding Fensterwald false information, I've told you about Gilbert Lecavalier. Steve Thomas
  11. They wore street clothes. Here's another one: Les 3 Hongrois de l'attentat du Petit-Clamart ---- Gijola SARI Lajos MARTON Laszlo VARGA. Go here and look at pictures of the interior of Re:. They're standing up on the second or third floor of the catwalk. https://deltas-collines.org/galerie/COURSIVES Steve Thomas
  12. How's this one? That's a guard tower in the background. btw. Lazlo VARGA Lajos MARTON Jean-Marc ROUVIERE lors d'un barbecue Steve Thomas
  13. Leslie, Those are all pictures taken from inside the prison at Satint Martin de Re, sometime between 1963 and 1968. You can go here, and search by name: https://deltas-collines.org/galerie/COMBATTANTS The entries under Laszlo Varga have the mosts shots of Varga, Marton and Sari. Steve Thomas
  14. Charles M. Cooke, National Review "Donald Trump will happily burn down anything that stands between himself and his desire to lose yet another election for the GOP..." Steve Thomas
  15. Gyula Sari Appreared before the Court of Military Justice on June 24, 1963 and was sentenced to 20 years in prison on June 26, 1963. Sari et Bernier le 24 juin à la Cour militaire de justice https://www.lemonde.fr/archives/article/1963/06/14/sari-et-bernier-le-24-juin-a-la-cour-militaire-de-justice_2230470_1819218.html Recherche Article réservé aux abonnés La cour militaire de justice va se réunir encore le 24 juin au Fort-Neuf de Vincennes, sous la présidence du général Gardet, pour juger deux des auteurs de l'attentat du Petit-Clamart, le Hongrois Gyula Sari et S Steve Thomas He was sentenced 0n June 26, 1963 to 20 years in prison.
  16. Leslie, 1) Consider the source. SAC really? 2) Laszlo Varga couldn't have gone to thr Caribbean in the April-May, 1963 time frame. He was in prison. 3) Did Hunt ever say he ever met with Souetre? Did Souetre ever say he ever met with Hunt? 4) Lejos Marton could not have gone to Mexico on November 12, 1963. Tried in absentia in January of 1963, he had been arrested in September of that year. Varga was already in prison. Steve Thomas
  17. Leslie, I didn't say all of the OAS. I said, some of the same men. For instance, over the years, I have seen some people suggest that Laszlo Varga was there. However, Laszlo Varga was tried for the attack at Petit Clamart in January of 1963, was imprisoned in Saint Martin de Re, and would not be released until November of 1967. http://deltas-collines.org/galerie/QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ Steve Thomas
  18. There are some people who believe that some of the same people were involved in both plots. I, myself, do not believe that to be the case, but there are some who do. Steve Thomas
  19. I've thought about it, and I don't think I am going to be asking anyone's permission to see if my post is "appropriate" before I say anything in this, or any other forum. Steve Thomas
  20. - Donald Trump - "It was all made up by a convicted nut job with zero credibility, who has been disputed by highly respected professionals at every turn," Trump posted. "Bragg refuses to stop despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. He is a [George] Soros backed animal who just doesn't care about right or wrong no matter how many people are hurt. This is no legal system, this is the Gestapo, this is Russia and China, but worse. Disgraceful!" "Everybody knows I'm 100% innocent, including Bragg, but he doesn't care," he posted. "He is just carrying out plans of the radical left lunatics. Our country is being destroyed, as they tell us to be peaceful!" "lunatics". "nut jobs", "animals" Donald Trump sure is full of... lunacy these days Steve Thomas
  21. Leslie, Ganis identified General Clement as the Camp Commandant of the St. Maurice L'Ardoise prison camp. In reality, General Claude Clement Was the Witness (or as we call it, the best man) at Souetre's wedding. He was the Deputy Commander of the Ninth Military District. In an interview with Claude Clement in 1971, entitled, "The Greening of a Nato General", http://books.google.com/books?id=fM7a-OBysYcC&pg=PA301&lpg=PA301&dq=%22General+Claude+Clement%22&source=bl&ots=-yJRztgOJQ&sig=CWLOp3037ENeOuPdg-EY7_xRM_k&hl=en&sa=X&ei=_fUJU8qkOOHOyQHRl4FI&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22General%20Claude%20Clement%22&f=false pp. 301-304. author Sandro Ottolenghi identifies General Clement this way: Ganis doesn't know what he is talking about. As far as Bud Fensterwald goes, as I've said before, I believe he was led down the garden path by Gilbert Levavalier, a sworn enemy of the OAS. PS: And as far as contacting Ganis directly, may I respectfully suggest you do that. You're the one using him as a source. Steve Thomas
  22. Leslie, You can say "alleged:. or "suspected of" all day long, and I would not have a problem with that. Heck, at one time, he was one of the most wanted men in France. As I pointed out in an earlier post, France supplied the names of OAS members to both the West German and Italian authorities in 1962 in advance of DeGaulle's visits to both those countries. As Joachim Joesten points out in his book, DeGaulle and His Murders, "Suspected to have played a leading part in planning the attack" is not the same thing as saying he was one of the shooters. As for Ganis, someone sent me what Ganis wrote, and I threw it down in disgust after the first three pages or so. Ganis had Souetre's birthplace wrong, he misspelled his wife's name. he got Soutre's military service career wrong, and the prison Souetre was sent to wrong. Ganis doesn't, or didn't know the first thing about Souetre. Steve Thomas
  23. Don-t throw this back on me. You called someone a "known assassin". You could have said, "suspected", or "believed by some to be", but you said, "known" I'd like to find out how you "know" this. Who is he supposed to have "assassinated"? Steve Thomas
  24. Leslie, You write that Jean-Rene Souetre was a "known assassin". To the best of my knowledge, Jean-Rene Souetre never killed anyone. You write, Jean-Rene Souetre was a "known assassin". Who did he kill? Steve Thomas
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