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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Doug, It's been my belief all along that it's the tax fraud that will be the cause of Trump's undoing; and I can think of no more fitting end to Donald than for him to go out the same way as Al Capone. Steve Thomas
  2. Trump arrest prompts Jesus comparisons: ‘Spiritual warfare’ By DAVID KLEPPER https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-arraignment-jesus-christ-conspiracy-theory-670c45bd71b3466dcd6e8e188badcd1d WASHINGTON (AP) — “For the most devoted Trump conspiracy theorists, there are no coincidences and timing is everything. So when ex-President Donald Trump was arraigned Tuesday on charges that he falsified business records to obscure hush money payments in an effort to influence the 2016 election, some of his most ardent followers quickly noted the court appearance came during Christianity’s most sacred week, Holy Week, when many Christians commemorate Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. “Seems there was someone else who was tortured and crucified this week,” read one post on Gab, a platform popular with Trump supporters. A similar post on Telegram put Trump’s case in apocalyptic terms: “Good vs Evil. Biblical times. Divine timing.” Comparisons likening Trump to Christ were among the top online narratives about the Republican former president and his criminal charges circulating in the last several days, according to an analysis of online and social media content conducted by Zignal Labs, a media intelligence firm, on behalf of The Associated Press. Zignal’s analysis found tens of thousands of mentions calling Trump a martyr. The number more than doubled immediately after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., linked the prosecution of Trump to the persecution of Christ during an interview.” Trump holds 'emergency prayer call' to boost 'supernatural wisdom' by David Edwards April 05, 2023 https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-emergency-prayer/ “Former President Donald Trump participated in an "emergency prayer call" after he was arraigned over hush money payments to cover up an affair with a porn star. In a call-in event with Intercessors for America on Tuesday, Trump began by thanking spiritual adviser Paula White. "We've had a long time friendship, and we've prayed together, and we've loved our families together; we've just loved," he said. "And we're fighting for many other things together. We're being discriminated against as a religion. We're being discriminated against as a faith. And we can't let that continue." This is very, very dangerous. Steve Thomas
  3. Editorial: Don’t give DeSantis his own military machine Orlando Sentinel https://nordot.app/1016260165478612992?c=592622757532812385 “The Florida State Guard, reactivated last year despite concerns that it would become DeSantis’ private army, is to become larger, more powerful and costlier, at an increase to taxpayers of $98 million. Its authorized strength would swell from 400 to 1,500. The adjutant general who runs the National Guard would no longer have authority over the State Guard, though it would still be housed in his department for bureaucratic reasons. Part of it would become a police agency, with the same arrest powers as any local force that it might be assigned to assist. The budget for this volunteer, unsalaried army would swell from $10 million this budget year to $107.5 million in the next.:” “...the State Guard, which had last been active in 1947.” Steve Thomas
  4. Atkansas Governor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been blasting the Federal Government. The Radical Communist Socialist George Soros funded Woke Liberal Globalist Tyannical Dictatorship Must Stop t the Mississippi River! Sanders is now asking the Federal Government to pay 100% of the cleanup costs down in Arkansas for the next 30 days. Steve Thomas
  5. - Donald Trump 04/03/23 - What is it with men’s wives, and why are they all “Trump Hating”? Hmmmm... 8:51 PM Concerning Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg He will go down in Judicial history, and his Trump Hating wife will be, I am sure, very proud of him! 11:15 PM concerning Special Counsel Jack Smith This is illegal, and I assume this Radical Left Lunatic, much to the chagrin of his Trump Hating wife and family, will be PROSECUTED? Steve Thomas
  6. Sex, Lies, and LSD: The CIA’s Untold Story of Operation Midnight Climax By Liam Ward March 31, 2023 https://www.messynessychic.com/2023/03/31/sex-lies-and-lsd-the-cias-untold-story-of-operation-midnight-climax/ Part of MKULTRA “For this undercover operation George Hunter White was enlisted, described by some as a “rock-em, sock-em cop not overly carried away with playing spook,” White had been an investigative reporter for several newspapers; a lieutenant colonel during WW2 and a federal narcotics agent. This being sufficient experience, White was contracted as a CIA consultant and used the alias “Morgan Hall” to go about setting up an apartment first in Greenwich Village, New York and then in San Francisco. White had begun in New York by spiking his associates, their friends, then complete strangers he would meet in bars. But it wasn’t until the operation was moved to San Francisco that sex was added to the experiment. “ “George Hunter White passed away in 1975, but his diaries and correspondence survived and would be used in the MK-Ultra hearings. He described his time as part of Operation Midnight Climax in a letter. “I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?”” CIA surviving memo from Operation Midnight Climax Steve Thomas
  7. 15 million people could lose coverage as nightmarish Medicaid 'purge' begins by Jake Johnson, Common Dreams April 03, 2023 https://www.rawstory.com/15-million-people-could-lose-coverage-as-nightmarish-medicaid-purge-begins/ “The Medicaid continuous coverage requirements are the latest pandemic-era protections to fall in recent months. Starting on March 1, enhanced Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits were cut off in dozens of states, slashing food aid for tens of millions. Additionally, the boosted Child Tax Credit (CTC) expired in late 2021 due to opposition from Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and congressional Republicans, resulting in a rapid surge in child poverty. Shortly before the expanded CTC lapsed, boosted unemployment benefits that helped millions weather economic chaos ended. As the pandemic-era safety net crumbles, congressional Republicans are looking to roll back Medicaid, SNAP, and other key programs even further with spending cuts and punitive work requirements. "Republican calls to cut government funding put everything from child care to opioid treatment and mental health services to nutrition assistance at risk for millions," Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, warned earlier this week” What the hell kind of people are we, that we let our own children go hungry?. Steve Thomas
  8. Fahrenheit 2023: Even in Mississippi’s segregation academies, we learned about Emmett Till By DEIRDRE SUGIUCHI https://www.salon.com/2023/03/12/fahrenheit-2023-even-in-mississippis-segregation-academies-we-learned-about-emmett-till/ "What does Mississippi look like?" my son's girlfriend asked me over the holidays. For a minute I faltered trying to think of how to explain Mississippi and the Delta to this young woman from the northeast. I told her about its rolling rivers and large trees and flat fields stretching out as far as the eye can see, how during the spring and fall the sky is a river of birds, the Mississippi Flyway. I told her how my town Greenwood has shrunk over the decades, its infrastructure decayed and crumbling, because of its allegiance to White supremacy. Rather than working with the civil rights protesters to make the Delta equitable for all individuals, the White leaders of the Delta disinvested from its schools and recreational programs, filling the public pools with concrete. They closed down the nursing program because they refused to integrate. Health care, clean air, clean water, education, mental health, community services all were sacrificed to serve the interests of the ruling class, which is currently under scrutiny for robbing welfare benefits from some of the most impoverished children in the nation. The hospital in my hometown is at risk of closure because the state's current governor, Tate Reeves, who spent his college years cosplaying as a Confederate with his fraternity, refuses to accept federal funding for Medicaid. You can't even drink the water in the state capital, Jackson, where I was born. In 2023." Steve Thomas
  9. Fox News panel justifies death threats to Stormy Daniels: 'Take the money and keep your mouth shut' by David Edwards April 02, 2023 https://www.rawstory.com/stormy-daniels-threats/ "Yeah, look, she got a hundred and thirty thousand dollars and never had to open her mouth about this story at all, and violated the NDA, and has made a lot of money off this instance," radio host Clay Travis said dismissively. "She's put herself into the central part of this story. I think it's awful anytime there's claims of violence or threats, but I don't think you can be surprised given the temperature in the country right now." Political strategist Lucy Caldwell agreed. "Yeah, I mean, if you don't want to take the ride, don't take the ride, right?" Caldwell quipped. "That's the reality," Kurtz concluded. "Take the money and keep your mouth shut." Well, let's not sugarcoat the whole thing right? If you cross he who must not be named, you deserve what you get. Steve Thomas
  10. Eric Trump complains that New York is wasting time prosecuting his dad instead of arresting Tylenol thieves https://boingboing.net/2023/03/31/eric-trump-complains-that-new-york-is-wasting-time-prosecuting-his-dad-instead-of-arresting-tylenol-thieves.html "This is a city I spend a lot of time in, New York, that is falling apart," he said. "I went into literally CVS the other day, and you can't buy Tylenol because it's locked behind these glass counters, because there's so much theft and there's so much looting, there's so much homelessness and crime, but yet their attention is going after Donald Trump." Steve Thomas
  11. - New York Young Republicans Club - "Control of our nation's fate has long been prised from our grasp," said the statement. "Let anyone who celebrates this downfall of our republic be forever branded a traitor to our nation. No one who mocks the people's will can claim the title of an American." "President Trump embodies the American people — our psyche from id to super-ego — as does no other figure; his soul is totally bonded with our core values and emotions, and he is our total and indisputable champion," said the statement. "This tremendous connection threatens the established order." All those in favor of President Porn Star say "Aye" Steve Thomas
  12. - Donald Trump to Sean Hannity - "I have the right to take stuff." Have they counted the silver? Steve Thomas
  13. I love Lawrence O'Donnell. In his show tonight, he said that 100 years from now, elementary school students all over the country will be learning about President Porn Star; except in Florida. Students in Florida will not be able to learn about President Porn Star, because it has the word porn in it. Steve Thomas
  14. -Donald Trump - "These Thugs and Radical Left Monsters have just INDICATED (sic) the 45th President of the United States of America, and the leading Republican Candidate, by far, for the 2024 Nomination for President,” Trump’s post said. You're damn right you got "indicated". And all indications are that you're going to jail. My friends and I agreed that it's a plate of spaghetti against the walls of Mar-a-Lago night tonight. Steve Thomas
  15. Ms. Sharp, That's it. I'm done. I am not going to talk to you any more. Steve Thomas
  16. Please show me your proof that Lajos Marton escaped from the prison at Re. Steve Thomas
  17. Paul, The marriage at the prison camp caused quite a scandal in its time. I think that Clement was removed from his position because his attendance lent the appearance of official "legitimacy" that the upper echelons of the military hierarchy frowned on. I assume he was promoted to the position of Deputy Commander by the Commander of the IXth Military Region, but I don't know who that was. As far as Fensterwald goes, you have to go back and read about who Gilbert Lecavalier was, and the war between SAC and the OAS back in the early 1960's. Go back and read: SUMMARY OF PARIS TRIP - NOVEMBER 13-22, 1982 http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/S%20Disk/Souetre%20Jean%20with%20aka%27s/Item%2011.pdf See how many times Lecavaleir's name comes up, and in what context. Steve Thomas
  18. Russian Troops Given Holy Candles Not Battle Gear to Protect Them in Ukraine by Allison Quinn Mar. 30, 2023 https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-troops-given-holy-candles-not-battle-gear-to-protect-them-in-ukraine?ref=home "Russian draftees in the country’s Perm region have been given “protection candles” instead of much-needed equipment and told to light them in the heat of battle to “cast out evil spirits.” “This is some xxxxed-up dooky. I’m more and more astonished by these gags. They gave such candles to everyone in the squadron. What jackass is going to light this in battle, this candle of protection? They somehow can’t issue new uniforms or combat boots on time, but distributing candles is no problem,” one soldier told local outlet Perm 36,6. A photo he provided of one of the candles in question shows that it came with instructions featuring the Russian Orthodox cross and advice to “light the candle in battle” in order to dispel fear and make bullets “not scary” Steve Thomas
  19. Why the Trump Org Suddenly Fired Its Jailed Money Man’s Lawyer by Jose Pagliery Mar. 30, 2023 https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-the-trump-org-suddenly-fired-its-jailed-money-man-allen-weisselbergs-lawyer?ref=scroll “Mr. Weisselberg’s decision to change lawyers was entirely his own, a decision which I understand Mr. Weisselberg made in consultation with his family after the conclusion of the trial.” “Cohen’s memoir, Disloyal, describes how he and Weisselberg discussed the payoff in Trump Tower just weeks before the election. Cohen recalls how Weisselberg initially suggested faking business records by running an invoice through the Trump National Golf Club outside Los Angeles or selling a Mar-a-Lago membership. “We definitely don’t want any paper trail leading back to the Boss… if the Boss pays it and signs the check, it’s like disclosing it to the world…. it needs to come from a third-party to ensure secrecy,” Weisselberg is quoted as saying.” This is what I have been waiting on. Steve Thomas
  20. Gil, The authorities were able to determine that Oswald had ordered a rifle in the name of Hidell because he had a Selective Service card in the name of Hidell with a Hidell signature on it in his wallet. In his FBI Report concerning Oswald's second interview on the 23rd, James Bookhout wrote: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=946#relPageId=647&tab=page “With regard to Selective Service Card in the possession of Oswald bearing photograph of Oswald and the name of Alek James Hidell, Oswald admitted that he carried this Selective Service card, but declined to state that he wrote the signature of Alek J. Hidell appearing on same. He further declined to state the purpose of carrying same or any use he has made of same.” The handwriting experts commissioned by the HSCA were not asked to analyze the signature on the Hidell Selective Service card, or to compare the signature on the rifle order form with the signature on the DeMohrenschildt rifle photo. HSCA VOLUME VIII HANDWRITING ANALYSIS OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD p. 223 March, 1979 http://jfkassassination.net/parnell/hscahand.htm https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=961#relPageId=227&tab=page The HSCA submitted 63 samples from 50 documents items to handwriting experts JOSEPH P. MC NALLY and DAVID J. PURTELL and CHARLES C. SCOTT What is not included in this batch however, is the Selective Service card in the name of Hidell. What was not done was to compare the signatures on the Hidell Selective Service card with the signature on the rifle's postal money order. Steve Thomas
  21. General Clément, deputy commander of the 9th Military Region (Marseille), was the groom's best man This affair cost General Clément his post and Achille Perrodo was replaced as camp director. General Clément, deputy commander of the 9th Military Region (Marseille), was the groom's best man This affair cost General Clément his post and Achille Perrodo was replaced as camp director. General Claude Clement was not the Camp Commandant. I told you that weeks ago. If I remember right, Jean Dides was Josette's cousin and was the one who arranged their marriage in the prison camp. Marton wasn't released from prison until March 22, 1968 https://deltas-collines.org/galerie/QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ/D_tenus_SPES_24 I have seen no contemporaneous news accounts, reports from the Ministery of the Interior, or reports from the warden of the prison at Re that Marton ever escaped. Please show me your proof that Lajos Marton escaped from the prison at Re. Steve Thomas
  22. Please show me your proof that Lajos Marton escaped from the prison at Re. Steve Thomas
  23. Yes, prison escapes are intriguing, but what's your point? You wrote, " Following their arrest, Souetre and Brousse were transferred, first to the prison de Maison Carrée in France, then back to Algeria, where they and the others arrested with them were tried before a military tribunal on December 17, 1961. The press referred to this group as Souetre’s “First Algerian Marquis.” Uh, no. Maison-Carrée is a prison in Algeria. It's about 12 miles south of Algeries on the northern coast of Algeriaon the river Harrach. Souetre was captured in Algeria, first imprisoned in Algeria and then flown to France. The military Tribunal was in Paris. You omitted his time in Santé. The Camp Commandant at St. Maurice :'Aordoise was not General Clement. That is not "under dispute". Saint-Maurice l’Ardoise : Un camp pour activistes dans le Gard en 1962 By Didier Lavrut https://journals.openedition.org/criminocorpus/2589 “The camp director, appointed on December 19, 1961, took up his post on January 4, 1962. This was Achille Perrodo, who was previously director of the Thol camp. The report he sent on 9 January , i.e. three days before the arrival of the first activists,…”17. 17.Arch. dép. du Gard, CA 1574. Rapport du directeur du CARS au préfet, 9 janvier 1962. Steve Thomas
  24. Conservative podcast host Steve Bannon showed up in E. Palestine on Tuesday to comfort victims of a recent train derailment by offering them coupons for $80 off water filtration systems. What is Wrong With These People? Have they no shame whatsoever? How can you go through life like that? Steve Thomas
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