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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. See, I told you. ABC’s Jonathan Karl called the speech “incredibly low energy” and said he saw people leaving in the middle of it ― until they were blocked from departing: .@jonkarl: After seeing people exit early, Trump staff started preventing people from leaving the event pic.twitter.com/17VcgSNXik — Brennan Murphy (@brenonade) November 16, 2022 ABC’s Olivia Rubin filmed a crowd forming near the doors, waiting for a chance to leave as Trump rambled in the background: A crowd has formed by the exit of the ballroom as some try to leave Trump’s announcement speech before he has finished…. But security won’t let them. pic.twitter.com/O7C6QJfYgK — Olivia Rubin (@OliviaRubinABC) November 16, 2022 Steve Thomas
  2. Donal Trump unveiled a new Campaign Slogan, "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AND GLORIOUS AGAIN". MAGAGA. Historian, Lawrence Tribe said that if that makes you want to gag, you're not alone. Steve Thomas
  3. Gerry, I once wrote an essay on this very subject that you can read here, if you are interested: Secret Service: On the Knoll and Beyond © by Steve Thomas January 21, 2008 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/12084-secret-service-on-the-knoll-and-beyond/ https://myjfksite.weebly.com/ The incidents of Dallas Policemen and Deputy Sheriffs encountering someone whom they identified, or were identified to them as being members of the U.S. Secret Service at a time and place where no members of the Secret Service are known to be present, is more extensive than is commonly known. There are at least twelve accounts (if you count the identification of Jack Puterbaugh as a Secret Service agent in the pilot car by Detectives Senkel and Turner), and eighteen if you count the six policemen who say there was a Secret Service Agent present during Oswald’s first interrogation beginning at 2:20PM." " "Were these agents imposters? I believe that some were and some were not. I think that the agent on the sixth floor of the TSBD is genuine; the agent on the knoll is not. The agent needing a ride from the airport at 12:38 is probably genuine; the agents encountered at the library probably were not. The agents encountered at the back of the TSBD by David Harkness were probably imposters; the agent in the Dallas Police Headquarters was probably genuine. In either case, the implications are disturbing. It would be evidence of conspiracy if bogus agents were impersonating U.S. Secret Service officials that day; and if there were real Secret Service Agents in and around Dealey Plaza and this fact has been withheld from the American people for close to 40 years, then we have not been told the truth about what really happened one sunny November afternoon in Dallas, TX. in 1963." Steve Thomas
  4. Last night we heard the death knell of Donald Trumps political future. I say that because about a half an hour into Trumps speech, I noticed that a number of people were getting up and walking out, and I thought to myself, "Oh my God, if even his own supporters..." Trump noticed it too. He stopped his speech and said, "Please" and paused. I thought, "He's going to pull a Jeb Bush and beg people to please applaud." He asked the audience to sit down and said he felt guilty about asking them to stand for so long, but the exodus for the exits stopped. I thought, "That's it. That's the end." Steve Thomas
  5. Ron, Former President Donald Trump officially filed paperwork to declare his 2024 presidential campaign. Trump's filing for a third presidential campaign listed a post office box in Virginia, instead of his Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster, or Trump Tower residences. I'm sure that there are valid legal and tax reasons for doing this, but it still feels creepy to me. It's like some big television ad for a product that says at the end, "If you want your money back, write to P.O. Box..." Steve Thomas
  6. Gerry, That would be a fair inference except that Officer Smith told the Warren Commission that the man showed him identification, and he told author, Anthony Summers that he had seen Secret Service Credentials before. “I pulled my pistol from my holster, and I thought, this is silly, I don't know who I am looking for, and I put it back. Just as I did, he showed me that he was a Secret Service agent” Testimony of Joe Marshall Smith. Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits, volume VII, p. 535, as cited in the History Matters Archive, http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk..._Vol7_0272a.htm The question arises, had Officer Smith ever seen Secret Service credentials? As a matter of fact, Smith told author Anthony Summers that he had. As he said to Summers, “The man, this character produced credentials from his hip pocket which showed him to be Secret Service. I have seen those credentials before, and they satisfied me and the deputy sheriff.” Summers, Anthony. Conspiracy, as cited in North, Mark. Act of Treason. New York: Carroll and Graf, 1991. p. 386. Steve Thomas
  7. I have been online in various discussion groups of one kind or another since before Windows was invented. Terribly Redundant Obtuse Lazy Laggard Snowflakes. Live to fight. That’s their only purpose. The reason doesn’t matter. Arguing is an end unto itself. More often then not, they are late teen incels living in their mother’s basement, or someone who is emotionally stuck at that age. You cannot win arguments with Terribly Redundant Obtuse Lazy Laggard Snowflakes because they are not interested in growing. If you don’t fight with them, eventually they will get bored and move on to somewhere else where they can pick fights. That’s the only way they can get attention. Steve Thomas
  8. Herschel Walker has been forced to issue a plea to his fellow Republicans to stop setting up fraudulent fund raising committees that are being billed as "Support Herschel Walker" campaigns. The politicians setting up these campaigns are keeping 90% of the money for themselves. Potentially, next year you could be sitting in Congress next to a guy who stole all your money. Steve Thomas
  9. Liz Chaney: You're Welcome. https://twitter.com/Liz_Cheney?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1592340964982808576|twgr^392d8b21d79185bbf60ff1fc803ab8bc6e2dc249|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rawstory.com%2Fkari-lake-lost%2F Steve Thomas
  10. https://twitter.com/therecount/status/1592216714380394496 "Now let me tell you this here: If we was ready for the green agenda, I'd raise my hand right now. But we're not ready right now! So don't let them fool you like this is a new agenda, this is not a new agenda! We're not prepared, we're not ready right now! What we need to do is keep having these gas-guzzling cars, because we got the good emissions under those cars. We're doing the best thing that we can!" Steve Thomas
  11. November 14,2022 Attorney General Merrick Garland U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC20530-0001 Attorney General Garland: Last week, former President Donald Trump made allegations that, with the help of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and United States Attorneys, he assisted in ending “ballot theft” in the 2018 election for Florida’s governor and prevented that “Election from being stolen.” It is imperative you address these allegations immediately. There was no widespread election fraud in the 2018 Election in Florida. There was no broad allegation that the election was being stolen from Ron DeSantis in favor of Andrew Gillum. I know because I was on the ballot in 2018. Although there was a recount for both the race for governor, as well as my own, there was no fraud, and no foul play. To my knowledge, there was no involvement by the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Office of the United States Attorney. As you know, voter fraud and tampering with ballots is a serious charge. It is also a serious charge to make these allegations in the name of politics when no such charge occurred. This is why I strongly urge you to address this matter publicly as soon as possible. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Sincerely, Nicole Fried Commissioner of Agriculture - Nicole Fried - “To my knowledge, there was no involvement by the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Office of the US Attorney in the 2018 Florida election. If the President was tampering with state ballots, we need to know. If he is fabricating these allegations in the name of politics, we also need to know. Either way, these actions hurt our democracy and Floridians deserve to know their elections are operating with integrity.” Steve Thomas
  12. “It would be a bad mistake for the Republicans to have Donald Trump as their nominee in 2024,” “Donald Trump has proven himself to be dishonest, disloyal, incompetent, crude and a lot of other things that alienate so many independents and Republicans. Even a candidate who campaigns from his basement can beat him.” - Representative Mo Brooks – who spoke at the January 6th insurrection and said, “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass.” hmmmmmm... Steve Thomas
  13. Donald Trump can't stand being called a 'loser' and now has 'nowhere to go': biographer by Tom Boggioni November 13, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-loser-2658640706/ "According to Donald Trump biographer Tim O'Brien, the failure of the former president's handpicked candidates to win on Tuesday in the midterm election has stuck a label on Trump as a "loser" which he will find intolerable. Appearing on MSNBC's "The Sunday Show" the Bloomberg editor also warned viewers to expect Trump to "burn things down" rather than go away quietly. Speaking with host Jonathan Capehart, O'Brien explained, "Donald Trump is not in this for the party, he is not in this for the good of the nation, not in this to make the Republican Party stronger, or to help average Americans. Donald Trump has always been in this for Donald Trump." "I think, what is at the front of his mind right now is he has had to deal with being labeled a loser, nationally, in the media, within party politics, within the chattering class," he continued. "And this is somebody who wants 'I won' on his gravestone. So he is not going to sit around, happily being called a loser without trying to go to every length he can to address that."" These are people who know Trump best. "we ignore him at our peril." Steve Thomas
  14. Donald will burn everything down' if Republicans turn their backs on him: Mary Trump by Tom Boggioni November 13, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-burn-everything-down/ "Donald becomes his most dangerous when he fears loss of relevance when he fears that he is no longer the center of attention," she replied. "When he fears that he is no longer than one in control." "We don't know just what kind of information he has on other people in his party," Trump, a psychologist, elaborated. "What we do know is he would be willing to use it. I believe we talked about this before the 2020 election. Donald will burn everything down if he feels like he is going down -- we cannot discount that, we ignore him at our peril." Jan 6th anyone? Steve Thomas
  15. The QAnon conspiracy theory movement, which supports the mass arrest or execution of public figures they accuse of being satanic pedophiles. How is that any different from the Salem Witch Trials? Steve Thomas
  16. Trump demands taxpayers pay his legal fees in suit blocking January 6 subpoena days before rumored campaign announcement... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11420443/Trump-demands-taxpayers-pay-legal-fees-days-rumored-campaign-announcement.html Once upon a time, I was the President, you know. Steve Thomas
  17. - Donald Trump - "“They stole the Electron from Blake Masters. Do Election over again!” Okay, which one of you is full of protons and had to go out and steal Blake Masters' one and only electron? Hand it over! Not only does he want to do the election over, he wants the election do-over done again. Steve Thomas
  18. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2022/11/11/no-powder-found-envelope-taken-kari-lakes-campaign-office/10674690002/ Phoenix police confirmed Friday that no powder was found inside an envelope sent to Kari Lake’s campaign office on Nov. 5. Ross Trumble, a spokesperson for the Lake campaign, told The Republic that a campaign staffer opened an envelope delivered to the office near 40th Street and Camelback Road in Phoenix that contained "suspicious white powder." The envelopes were sent to a state lab for testing, according to Phoenix police. “The state lab tested the items turned over to them,” said Donna Rossi, communications director for Phoenix Police Department. The lab "determined there was no substance inside.” The Lake campaign has yet to respond to a request for comment. Pitiful. Steve Thomas
  19. https://twitter.com/therecount/status/1590680637945806850?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Fox's Jesse Watters: "... But single women and voters under 40 have been captured by Democrats. So we need these ladies to get married. And it's time to fall in love and just settle down. Guys, go put a ring on it." Are forced marriages in our future? Forced marriages and no abortions. Don't let young people vote. The Republican Party has such good ideas. Steve Thomas
  20. 8https://twitter.com/KlasfeldReports/status/1590822264718888961 A federal judge SANCTIONS Trump's attorneys — including Alina Habba — for the massive and "frivolous"pp RICO suit over the Russia probe. Brutal takedown of the "shotgun lawsuit" and "performative litigation," resolving only one sanctions motion. The judge dismissued the lawsuit against Hilary Clinton and 30 other people and organizations and fined Trump's lawyers $50,000. Trump is having a not-so-good year. Steve Thomas
  21. Some Republicans Want to Raise Voting Age After Gen Z Midterm Turnout https://www.thedailybeast.com/some-republicans-want-to-raise-voting-age-after-gen-zs-strong-midterm-turnout?ref=home “The fact that these youth voters are coming in so strong in an off-year is very concerning” Fox News commentator Jesse Watters lamented on Wednesday night. “It looks like they’ve been brainwashed. This new generation is totally brainwashed ‘cause a lot of these single women [who] vote 37 spreads for Democrats, are teaching all of our younger generation in these schools and they’re polluting their minds and then they grow up and they’re in their twenties and then they vote for leftists.”" "“Raise the voting age to 21,” Gabriel tweeted, immediately after noting that “We were promised a red wave and we got a red puddle.”" "Not to be outdone, conservative radio personality Peter Schiff suggested cutting out current Gen Z voters altogether. “Let's raise the voting age to 28. If I was still 18 I'd support this,” the 59-year-old tweeted." Stop with the fiddle faddle voter suppression dilly daddlying nonsense. Let's just cut right to the chase... Steve Thomas
  22. Hannity Unsure Who Pushed the ‘Red Tsunami’ Rumors He Pushed https://www.thedailybeast.com/hannity-cant-seem-to-figure-out-who-pushed-the-red-tsunami-rumors-he-pushed?ref=home?ref=home “Sean Hannity is out here trying to find the guy who did this. Four days before Tuesday’s midterm elections, the Fox News star took to Twitter to promote a segment on his primetime show that featured a couple of conservative pollsters forecasting dominant GOP victories in both the House and Senate. “RED TSUNAMI COMING?” Hannity posted on Friday night, hyping the “latest polling” from polling firm Trafalgar. “Is a red tsunami on the way?”” Some comedian said that’s not true. “If there was a tsunami coming, Ted Cruz would be on a plane heading for Cancun.” Steve Thomas
  23. The Republican Party can blame Donald Trump for their midterm election losses all they want, but how many of the Party leaders went off to New Hampshire and Pennsylvania and Georgia to campaign for and support Bolduc, Oz and Walker and give their campaigns millions and millions of dollars? They have nobody to blame but themselves. Steve Thomas
  24. W., The greatest political feat, and one that I will never understand, is getting people to vote against their own self-interest. Reporter to voter: "Are you on Social Security?" Voter: "Yes." Reporter: "Who are you going to vote for?" Voter: "Ron Johnson." Reporter: "You do know that he wants to eliminate Social Security, don't you?" Voter: "Yes." Reporter: "Then why are you going to vote for him?" Voter: "Because he shares my values." Observer (me): shaking his head and muttering: "I'll just never understand." Steve Thomas
  25. "Rage like I've never seen. Conservatives turn on Trump..." https://www.rawstory.com/maga-republican-and-future-trump/ "All the chatter on my conservative and GOP channels is rage at Trump like I've never seen," said Michael Brendan Dougherty, a senior writer at National Review "'The one guy he attacked before Election Day was DeSantis — the clear winner, meanwhile, all his guys are s---ing the bed.'" Steve Thomas ADVERTISEMENT
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