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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. W. I'll have to read up on Tannenburg. I read a story today about a regimental tank commander who killed himself. He sent in for replacement tanks. Of the ten tanks he received, only one of them worked. 9 out of the 10 were missing engines, didn't work, or wouldn't fire. The parts had been stolen out of the warehouse. 108 years later... Steve Thomas
  2. Ginni Thomas’ West Wing contacts raise new questions for another Trump ally: John Eastman The Jan. 6 select committee has evidence that Eastman expected Justice Clarence Thomas to back his dubious legal theory to block Joe Biden's victory. By Kyle Cheney 03/26/2022 https://www.politico.com/news/2022/03/26/ginni-thomas-west-wing-trump-john-eastman-00020675 “The select committee has evidence that when a top Pence aide challenged Eastman’s plan on Jan. 4, 2021, Eastman initially told him he believed two Supreme Court justices would back him up. One of them was Ginni Thomas’ husband, Justice Clarence Thomas. Eastman’s assertion, described by Pence’s counsel Greg Jacob to the select committee earlier this year, appeared to be a guess based on analysis of Thomas’ long legal career. Eastman had reason to know Thomas’ views well: He clerked for the George H.W. Bush appointee in the 1990s before becoming a mainstay in deeply conservative legal circles. But the revelation that Thomas’ wife kept in contact with Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows in the weeks after Trump’s defeat — pressing him to keep trying to overturn the election — adds a new wrinkle to the timeline.” Steve Thomas
  3. This is beginning to look like the Battle of Kursk in WW II. Battle of Kursk WW II July 5th - 23rd, 1943 Largest tank battle in history. http://https://www.warhistoryonline.com/world-war-ii/battle-of-kursk-tank.html?andro=1&chrome=1 The Soviets claimed to have destroyed 1,500 German tanks and killed or captured 500,000 men. The Germans claimed to have destroyed 1,800 tanks on the southern flank alone. But while the Germans had inflicted more casualties, their losses were far heavier relative to equipment https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html Attack On Europe: Documenting Equipment Losses During The 2022 Russian Invasion Of Ukraine Tanks (300, of which destroyed: 128, damaged: 4, abandoned: 42, captured: 126) Steve Thomas
  4. Possible source of income for Roy Truly. The Dallas Trust Corp: Roy Truly - Fred Korth connection posted by Greg Wagner in the ROKC Forum 12/23/17 Roy Truly: "Born August 9 1907. ·Began work for the Texas Book Depository in 1934 as head of the Miscellaneous Dept. – the same job Bill Shelley was filling in 1963 ·Became superintendent in 1944 and at some stage was made a co-director of the company" “Corsicana Daily Sun” from Corsicana, Texas March 31, 1970 Page 10 https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/41268447/ “The building (the Texas School Book Depository) is owned by the Dallas Trust Corp. The majority stockholder of the firm, Col. D. Harold Byrd, 69, has decided to liquidate some of his holdings.” 1961 Dallas City Directory page 387 https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth806907/m1/723/?q=Byrd D.H. Byrd_Dallas Trust_Utah_1958 Clipped from The Salt Lake Tribune Salt Lake City, Utah 14 Jul 1958, Mon Page 16 https://www.newspapers.com/clip/20603777/dh_byrddallas_trustutah1958/ Steve Thomas
  5. I just got up and I just want to make sure I've got this straight. The wife of a Supreme Court Justice conspired to overthrow the government of the United States, all the while, invoking the name of Jesus Christ. Alrighty then. Steve Thomas
  6. Also on Thursday: http://https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10648965/Trump-tells-appeals-court-House-Democrats-want-tax-returns-political-reasons.html "Donald Trump's lawyer on Thursday urged a federal court to block House Democrats from getting his tax returns, insisting lawmakers are seeking the ex-president's financial information for political reasons. Attorney Cameron Thomas Norris is representing Trump in an appeal of a lower court's December 2021 decision that stated House Ways and Means Committee Chair Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.) has a right to obtain the returns. 'The key question in these cases is whether the committee has a legitimate legislative purpose,' Norris said, according to The Hill. 'If we didn't plausibly allege a non-legislative purpose here, then no one ever could.' " Steve Thomas
  7. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.610157/gov.uscourts.flsd.610157.1.0.pdf UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CASE NO. DONALD J. TRUMP, Plaintiff, v. HILLARY R. CLINTON, HFACC, INC., DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE, DNC SERVICES CORPORATION, PERKINS COIE, LLC, MICHAEL SUSSMANN, MARC ELIAS, DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, CHARLES HALLIDAY DOLAN, JR., JAKE SULLIVAN, JOHN PODESTA, ROBERT E. MOOK, PHILLIPE REINES, FUSION GPS, GLENN SIMPSON, PETER FRITSCH, NELLIE OHR, BRUCE OHR, ORBIS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE, LTD., CHRISTOPHER STEELE, IGOR DANCHENKO, NEUSTAR, INC., RODNEY JOFFE, JAMES COMEY, PETER STRZOK, LISA PAGE, KEVIN CLINESMITH, ANDREW MCCABE, JOHN DOES 1 THROUGH 10 (said names being fictious and unknown persons), and ABC CORPORATIONS 1 THROUGH 10 (said names being fictitious and unknown entities) COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND DEMAND FOR TRIAL BY JURY 1. In the run-up to the 2016 Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton and her cohorts orchestrated an unthinkable plot – one that shocks the conscience and is an affront to this nation’s democracy. 9. In short, the Defendants, blinded by political ambition, orchestrated a malicious conspiracy to disseminate patently false and injurious information about Donald J. Trump and his campaign, all in the hopes of destroying his life, his political career and rigging the 2016 Presidential Election in favor of Hillary Clinton. When their gambit failed, and Donald J. Trump was elected, the Defendants’ efforts continued unabated, merely shifting their focus to undermining his presidential administration. Worse still, the Defendants continue to spread their vicious lies to this day as they unabashedly publicize their thoroughly debunked falsehoods in an effort to ensure that he will never be elected again. The deception, malice, and treachery perpetrated by the Defendants has caused significant harm to the American people, and to the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, and they must be held accountable for their heinous acts. Dated: March 24, 2022 Steve Thomas
  8. The bodies of Russian soldiers are piling up in Ukraine, as Kremlin conceals true toll of war https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/23/europe/ukraine-war-russian-soldiers-deaths-cmd-intl/index.html Lviv, Ukraine (CNN) — “The first warm, sunny days of spring in the southern Mykolaiv region are ushering in a grim new reality: the smell of the dead. As the frost melts and ground thaws, the bodies of Russian soldiers strewn across the landscape are becoming a problem. "The problem with Russian bodies is really huge. It's thousands of them. Before the war, the weather was cold, it was okay but now we have problems because Russians don't want to take the bodies," Andrusiv said. "I actually don't know what we will do in the next weeks with their bodies."” Steve Thomas
  9. ‘It’s a Sh*tshow’: Russian Troops Are Now Turning on Each Other https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-troops-are-now-turning-on-each-other-its-a-shtshow-one-soldier-is-recorded-telling-another?ref=home?ref=home MADHOUSE “Even in Chechnya, there was nothing like this,” a soldier tells friend in an intercepted call, as reports emerge of another getting so fed up he ran over his colonel with a tank.” Ukrainian journalist Roman Tsymbaliuk reported Wednesday that two tactical groups of Russian soldiers in Makarov, in the Kyiv region, lost at least half of their men in battles against Ukrainian forces. “One of the Russian soldiers “blamed the commander of the group, Col. Yury Medvedev, for the deaths of his friends,” Tsymbaliuk wrote on Facebook. “Having waited for the right moment, during battle, he ran over the commander with a tank as he stood next to him, injuring both his legs. Now Col. Medvedev is in a hospital in Belarus, waiting for monetary compensation for combat wounds received during the ‘special military operation to protect the Donbass.’” “Basically, it’s a sh**show here, I’ll put it that way,” an unnamed soldier near Mykolaiv in southern Ukraine can be heard telling a colleague in a recording released by Ukraine’s Security Service late Tuesday. After telling his friend that Ukrainian forces “tore apart” a column of Russian forces sent along with his own unit, he described complete disarray among the Russian military, with 50 percent of the unit suffering from frostbite on their feet. “But they don’t plan to treat them in the [field] hospital,” he said. Now they've started fragging their officers. Steve Thomas
  10. Man 'hurls a burning Molotov cocktail at the Kremlin walls' amid reports Russia has now rounded up 15,000 anti-war protesters http://https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10643471/Man-hurls-burning-Molotov-cocktail-Kremlin-walls.html "This is the shocking moment a furious man appears to throw a burning Molotov cocktail at the walls of the Kremlin in Moscow. Video shows the man, who has not been identified, gesticulating angrily at the red walls of the Kremlin as he looks up at a burning section of the brickwork." And so it begins. Steve Thomas
  11. Czech PM Says Putin Will Create New Soviet Union if We Don’t Stop Him Now https://www.thedailybeast.com/czech-pm-petr-fiala-says-putin-will-create-new-soviet-union-if-we-dont-stop-him-now?ref=scroll "Prague appears to be firmly on the side of Ukrainians. Blue and yellow flags can be seen in many windows, on flagpoles or on the front of buses and trams. Even some street signs have been replaced, unofficially. One street in Prague that has been for decades called Russia has been renamed by Prague residents: “Russian battleship, go xxxx yourself.”" Steve Thomas
  12. Russian tabloid posts — then removes — report on Defense Ministry's count of Russian soldier deaths in Ukraine From CNN's Paul P. Murphy, Vasco Cotovio http://https://www.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-news-03-21-22/h_a213420135eab380f17aa89f50fa890d "The Russian tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda published, then later removed, a report that the Russian Ministry of Defense had recorded 9,861 Russian Armed forces deaths in the war in Ukraine. The report from the tabloid originally read, "According to the Russian Defense Ministry, during the special operation in Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces lost 9861 people killed and 16153 wounded." Seconds after CNN read the original article — at 9:56 p.m. Moscow time according to the HTML code — the story was updated and removed all references to the death count. That update on the outlet's website came shortly after the article began to get attention from social media posts, which referenced the death count. " 10,000 people a month? That can't last long. Steve Thomas
  13. W., That article reminded me a lot of the testimony of Paul Raigorodsky before the Warren Commission on March 31, 1964. https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/raigorod.htm Steve Thomas
  14. How Putin’s invasion became a holy war for Russia "Kirill's response to the war was the culmination of a decade-long effort to wrap Russia’s geopolitical ambitions in faith" March 19, 2022 Jack Jenkins http://https://religionnews.com/2022/03/19/how-putins-invasion-became-a-holy-war-for-russia/ "Two days before he launched a bloody invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin sat alone in front of a camera and delivered a rambling, hour-long address. It outlined the ideological justification for what would ultimately become his “special military action” in Ukraine — an invasion that, as far as Putin was concerned, had more than a little to do with religion “Ukraine is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space,” he said. Two days later, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, spoke to military leaders and published a statement in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. The cleric congratulated Putin for his “high and responsible service to the people of Russia,” declared the Russian Orthodox Church has “always striven to make a significant contribution to the patriotic education of compatriots,” and lauded military service as “an active manifestation of evangelical love for neighbors.” Within hours, bombs began to rain down on Ukraine. This religious ramp-up to war was the culmination of a decade-long effort to wrap Russia’s geopolitical ambitions in faith — specifically, the flowing vestments of the Russian Orthodox Church. Fusing religion, nationalism, a defense of conservative values that likens same-sex marriage to Nazism and a version of history that seeks to define Ukraine and other nearby nations as mere subsets of a greater “Russkiy mir” (Russian world), the partnership of Putin and Kirill laid the ideological and theological groundwork for the current invasion.")" "Kirill has long perpetuated a version of history that insists many countries that made up the former Soviet Union are one people with a common religious origin: namely, the 10th century baptism of Prince Vladimir I of Kiev, known as St. Vladimir. It’s often paired with a geo-political (and geo-religious) vision hundreds of Orthodox theologians and scholars recently decried as a heresy: a “transnational Russian sphere or civilization, called Holy Russia or Holy Rus’, which includes Russia, Ukraine and Belarus (and sometimes Moldova and Kazakhstan), as well as ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking people throughout the world.” Steve Thomas
  15. California MAGA candidate says she’s running because Jesus spoke to her son in a closet David Badash, March 18, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/rachel-hamm/ "California Republican Rachel Hamm is running for Secretary of State in the June primary. Like many candidates, she is speaking about her motivation for running. Like many GOP candidates, she is claiming God was involved in her decision. Unlike any other candidate, Hamm says Jesus spoke to her son in a closet and told her to declare her candidacy." Closet's a good a place as any, I guess. Steve Thomas
  16. Sean, Let's invade a neighboring country and bomb the hell out of their schools and apartment buildings and hospitals. We're the Freedom Caucus by God! Steve Thomas
  17. https://twitter.com/RepLloydDoggett/status/1504551656226177026?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Lloyd Doggett @RepLloydDoggett Breaking: The House just passed the Suspending Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Belarus Act in a 424-8 vote. It would end normal trade relations with Russia and Belarus, as I first proposed in the bill I introduced day after Russia invaded. It now awaits Senate action. Here are the eight "no" votes Lauren Boebert (CO) Thomas Massie (KY) Matt Gaetz (FL) Andy Biggs (AZ) Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) Dan Bishop (NC) Chip Roy (TX) Glenn Grothman (WI) Remember their names. Steve Thomas
  18. Postmen deliver the goods on Ukraine's home front by Agence France-Presse March18. 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/postmen-deliver-the-goods-on-ukraine-s-home-front/ “There is war raging in Ukraine but the postmasters in the western city of Lviv promise to keep making deliveries. Parcels may be rattled on roads pockmarked by shell blasts, delayed at sandbag checkpoints, and held static during overnight curfews pierced by wailing air raid sirens. But Volodymyr Shved and Anatoliy Goretsky -- who manage the Nova Poshta courier company in Lviv -- insist parcels will arrive at their destination. "The only places we aren't working is where the bombs are falling, at the moment they're falling," said 39-year-old Shved. "When the alarms go off we stop, but when they are silent we go back to work."” Hooray for the Post Men and Women! Life imitates art. Steve Thomas
  19. Pat Robertson slams Biden for not threatening to launch nukes against Russia By Matthew Chapman March 16, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/pat-robertson-2656972960/ "As Russia has escalated its invasion of Ukraine, President Joe Biden has walked a fine line, doing everything in his power to sanction, embargo, and punish Vladimir Putin's regime short of actually going to war, 666ywhich could lead to the launch of nuclear weapons and the end of human civilization as we know it." Nuclear war would 'end civilization' with famine, study says by Shaun Tandon https://phys.org/news/2013-12-nuclear-war-civilization-famine.html "A billion people dead in the developing world is obviously a catastrophe unparalleled in human history. But then if you add to that the possibility of another 1.3 billion people in China being at risk, we are entering something that is clearly the end of civilization," said Ira Helfand, the report's author. "But 700 Club" televangelist Pat Robertson — who has previously stated he believes the end of the world is necessary to fulfill the word of Jesus — took the exact opposite attitude on Wednesday, and criticized Biden for not being willing to launch nuclear weapons against Russia." Oh goody! Where do I sign? Steve Thomas
  20. Russian soldiers' horror diet laid bare as as Ukrainians steal battlefield kitchen "The three-ingredient diet was plain to see in a video clip filmed by troops in Ukraine where the battlefield kitchen was supposedly conquered in the invasion https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/russian-soldiers-horror-diet-laid-26477049 Russia's army apears to be surviving on just three ingredients after Ukrainian troops seized a battlefield kitchen. Video taken by Ukrainian troops shows a huge KamAZ armoured vehicle fitted with a professional kitchen onboard. But its cupboards were stocked with just onions, potatoes and jars of pickles, according to the clip which was posted on Reddit overnight." Steve Thomas
  21. I think Putin has bitten off more than he can chew. His soldiers are deserting. A fourth major general has died, see https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/russian-general-killed-trying-storm-26478770 He's suffering about a 10% loss rate and having to recruit foreign fighters. He's having to ask China for re-supply. More than anything, he's shown Russia to be a laughingstock on the world stage as a modern fighting force. I think he bit off more than he could chew. Steve Thomas
  22. "White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki mocked the Russian government on Tuesday by noting that the country may have accidentally sanctioned President Joe Biden's father. "I would first note that President Biden is a junior so they may have sanctioned his dad, may he rest in peace," Psaki said in response to a question." Steve Thomas
  23. Russian member of parliament demands Putin take Alaska while state TV host suggests nuclear strikes: report By Sarah K. Burris March 15, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/russia-alaska-uclear-strike/ "We should be thinking about reparations from the damage that was caused by the sanctions and the war itself, because that too costs money and we should get it back. The return of all Russian properties, those of the Russian empire, the Soviet Union and current Russia, which has been seized in the United States, and so on." “Are you including Alaska and Fort Ross?” the host asked. “That was my next point. As well as the Antarctic," Matveychev, continued. "We discovered it, so it belongs to us... Also, the return of all medals that have been unlawfully taken from our sportsmen during all Olympic games, "Does your list include a tactical nuclear strike, or are we going straight for the strategic one?" the host asked. “What for? We can take them down without it," replied Matveychev. “I still think that those who took our money should be told, you have 24 hours to unfreeze our funds, or else we’ll send you what you know we’ve got," the host claimed, according to the translation. "Your choice. Tactical or strategic, take a pick. You took our money, you’re the thieves, our talk is short with you: a bullet to the head.” Steve Thomas
  24. W.,x. I studied Russian history for a bit when I was in college. The thing you have to understand about Russia is that, as a nation, Russia has a massive inferiority complex. i think Gesine Argent expressed it well in his study of the influence of the French language in Russian society. The French Language in Russia: A Social, Political, Cultural, and Literary History von Editorial Board · Veröffentlicht 18. Dezember 2018 · Aktualisiert 6. Februar 2019 By Gesine Argent https://trafo.hypotheses.org/16019 “Foreign language use first started spreading in the Russian empire from the days of Peter the Great (sole ruler 1696-1725), who drove forward the modernisation of the empire, which meant Westernisation. Knowledge about diverse fields, from architecture, shipbuilding and mining to art, music and literature, could only be accessed via experts who spoke foreign languages, and the books and instruction manuals they wrote in those languages.” “Of course French was used also to communicate with those who had no Russian language skills, for example in diplomacy and other official domains, as one chapter of the book shows. French was also used for propagandistic purposes, to forge a favourable image of Russia as an international, westward-looking country that was a legitimate member of the European family of nations and to counteract accounts of Russia as a backward, uncivilised place. Catherine the Great (ruled 1762-1796), for example, corresponded with Voltaire in French – Voltaire praised her as ‘the Semiramis of the North’ – and bought Denis Diderot’s library in a bid for positive publicity. Many publications in French written by Russians were intended for an international audience, to show how advanced literary, political and social life was in Russia.” Steve Thomas
  25. Tracy, Alice Daily Echo Newspaper Archives September 08, 1963 - Page 6 https://newspaperarchive.com/alice-daily-echo-sep-08-1963-p-6/ Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “Gusts of powerful winds struck in the Dallas area Saturday as a surprise rainstorm whipped into the roof of one residence and damaged another in Mesquite, a suburb just east of Dallas. State Police said no injuries resulted. The wind blew a wooden block through the windshield of a mobile news unit of Radio KBOX of Dallas while it was near White Rock Lake inside the Dallas city limits. On Dallas' North Central Expressway, the blast blew in the side of a service station. Tarpaulins protecting building construction work in downtown Dallas were whipped to shreds. The storm occurred during unexpected rain activity in Dallas and other parts of North Central and Northeast Texas. The rest of the state was unusually hot and nearly all places were dry.” September 7, 1963 was a Saturday. The temperature was 102 degrees. Posted by Andrej Stancak in the Education Forum 02/10/17 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/23465-wynne-and-vicki-southland-center-1963/ I would like to turn the attention of Forum members to a remarkable testimony of Mr. Wynne Johnson. Wynne was 15 years old in 1963, and had a girlfriend Vicki. Vicki and Wynne liked to visit the roof of the Southland Center to view the scenery of Dallas. And so they did on September 7, 1963. I just can't picture someone being up on a hot tar roof in those kinds of weather conditions. It just never did ring true to me. Steve Thomas
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