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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Larry, I've been trying to figure out why the CIA would use an impostor to pose as a man whom the Russians considered (as far back as his foray into Russia circa 1959-60), to be mentally unstable. Surely the Cubans would have asked the Russians if they knew anything about this guy. Perhaps that was the plan. If they could then, later on, reveal that the Russians and the Cubans were meeting with a nut job, they could then cast aspersions. Maybe Oswald was being set up as a patsy even then. Steve Thomas
  2. Larry, Yes, that March -April time frame is exactly right. What I have is about 10 pages of raw notes. I'll be happy to share those with you as a wp document attachment in an email. They involve a guy named Jerry Buchanan and a ship called the Violin III. (owned by Alexander Rorke, if I remember right). It also drags in Fairhope, AL, where Alpha 66 had an office, and where Carlos Bringuer lived. It also involves a guy named Sanchez, who was one of Veciana's closest allies. It's all kind of fascinating to me. Steve Thomas
  3. Larry, This is completely off topic, but I think they tried to do the same thing down in Miami in late March, 1963. Some guy calling himself Oswald showed up on a dock in Miami and tried to infiltrate a raiding party headed for Cuba. He was so obnoxious about trying to muscle his way aboard, the Captain had to punch him in the mouth and knock him down. When the raiding party showed up in the Bahamas to re-outfit, the authorities were waiting for them. The Captain said it felt like the authorities knew they were coming. Steve Thomas
  4. Michaleen, This goes all the way back to ancient Egypt when succeeding pharaohs would chip off the faces of their predecessors, and chip off their cartouches from historical records. It never works in the long run. Steve Thomas
  5. Jim, The summary is dated 11/26/63. As Hoover said, "It's all very confusing". Why would they send pictures of a guy who is obviously not Oswald" Why would they send tape recordings of guy who is obviously not him? Some kind of delaying tactic maybe? Or a distraction? As a ruse, or an obfuscation, it certainly didn't fool anyone. It leads one to ask, what were they trying to cover up? "Here... here. Look at this shiny object, and focus your attention on this, while we hide what we're really doing". Steve Thomas
  6. Bill, What they are warning about is chaos within the ranks of the military, and the need to teach soldiers how to recognize unlawful orders. That's always been my greatest fear, ever since Donald Trump rose to power. We saw the beginnings of that back in Lafayette Square, I think. Steve Thomas
  7. Larry, It wouldn't surprise me if they did do some kind of spectrum analysis, in using the word "identical". They didn't write, "sounds like", or "similar". They used the word "identical". I wondered in reading what Hoover said to Johnson, if he remembered back in 1960 when he wrote that there were suspicions that someone was using Oswald's birth certificate in his sojourn to the Soviet Union. Did Hoover suspect "at the time" that the CIA was running a doppelgänger? He said something later on about the chicanery the CIA was running down in Mexico City. Steve Thomas
  8. Martin, https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2021/docid-32341711.pdf How did the CIA know that the voice, known to be Oswald's, was identical to the voice on the October 1 tape? Who in the CIA was familiar with Oswald's voice? FEEDING PERSISTENT SUSPICIONS By Walter Pincus November 16, 1993 https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1993/11/16/feeding-persistent-suspicions/c2d3f186-19d0-4a6e-bca2-6e65fb5c1057/ “The morning after the Nov. 22, 1963, assassination of President John F. Kennedy, his successor in the White House, Lyndon B. Johnson, was told by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover that the bureau had "the tape and the photograph" of a man who "claimed" to be Lee Harvey Oswald visiting the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City less than two months before the murder. "That's one angle that's very confusing," Hoover said. "That picture and the tape do not correspond to this man's {Oswald's} voice, nor to his appearance. In other words, it appears that there is a second person who was at the Soviet Embassy down there."” Steve Thomas
  9. Letter from House Select Committee to James Waldron: https://january6th.house.gov/sites/democrats.january6th.house.gov/files/Longworth%201016_20211216_163925.pdf This is not just objecting to a State’s Electors. To disrupt an official proceeding of Congress is a crime. This is quickly becoming a criminal matter. Steve Thomas
  10. Tracy, I feel the same. We might not always agree on some things, but that's OK. As far as this particular document goes, I have to admit that I haven't studied the whole Mexican trip in any depth, so I can't speak very authoritatively on it. I'm just a newbie. I don't know if there are any other CIA documents that say he got there by car. That would be nice to find. I have always wondered what happened to the two people who allegedly visited Sylviia Odio with Oswald. They just seem to have disappeared from the historical record. Did they drive him down to Mexico? I don't know. They don't seem to show up in Alice, TX either. As far as the WC/FBI goes, as I understand it, the WC relied on the FBI almost exclusively for their investigative work. The information that shows up in the WC Report about the "bus trip" is almost entirely FBI information. Just as a side note,, one thing I was interested in was that Oswlad supposedly took a Continental Trailways bus. Frank Brandstetter was heavily involved in Continental. He owned all their kitchens. Is there some coincidence there? I don't know. There's a lot I don't know. Steve Thomas
  11. Tracy, Yes, but that document is billed as a "summary" of relevant information that they had, so it must have been drawn from several sources. Steve Thomas
  12. The CIA said he arrived by car. The FBI said he arrived by bus. The CIA said that one of the recorded voices matched Oswald's. The FBI and (as Hoover told Johnson), it didn't. This is like the old Mad Magazine cartoon Spy vs. Spy. The spooks must have been tearing their hair out trying to get their stories straight. Can you imagine the bureaucratic battles that must have been going on behind the scenes? David Joseph spent a lot of time and energy proving the whole bus thing was "ersatz" as Jim DiEugenio called it. Steve Thomas
  13. This is just wild. Let's just tase them and leave them out there in the desert. That's what I say. Drone TASES a migrant at the border as part of plan to use a 'wall of drones' to protect the US in promotional video for tech start-up - but founder says plan has now been ditched and was wrong 'ethical direction' Brinc, founded by Blake Resnick, 21, apologized for the promotional video By Jack Newman https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10316619/Tech-start-proposed-using-drones-tase-interrogate-migrants-Mexico-border.html “The 'wall of drones' would operate in place of a physical wall at a third of the price and would be able to detect and track the 'criminals' trying to enter the US, the glossy promotional video claims. A tech start-up proposed using drones armed with tasers to attack migrants attempting to cross the border into the US, a previously unreleased promotional video has revealed. Blake Resnick, 21, said he set up drone company Brinc in response to the 2017 Las Vegas shooting with the aim of creating non-violent robots to aid with law enforcement, committing to 'never build technologies designed to hurt or kill'.” https://videos.dailymail.co.uk/preview/mol/2021/12/16/8423110121819884082/636x382_MP4_8423110121819884082.mp4 Steve Thomas
  14. Trump ENDORSES Lauren Boebert for her 2022 race By Katelyn Caralle https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10316985/Trump-ENDORSES-Boebert-2022-amid-pressure-punish-joke-Ilhan-Omar-suicide-bomber.html “Donald Trump endorsed embattled Congresswoman Lauren Boebert on Wednesday as the Colorado Republican continues to face calls for punishment after anti-Muslim comments aimed at Ilhan Omar. 'Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has done a fantastic job in her first term representing Colorado's Third District,' the former president released in a statement from his Save America PAC. 'She is a fearless leader, a defender of the America First Agenda, and a fighter against the Loser RINOs and Radical Democrats,' Trump added. 'She will continue to be tough on Crime, strong on Borders, and always protect our under-siege Second Amendment.'” That;s all we need... A Congress full of Lauren Boebarts. Steve Thomas
  15. Lawrence, Also the date. That nails down the timing of the Odio visit. Steve Thomas
  16. David, Thanks for the info on the photographer angle. Someday, it would be interesting to compile all the professions he claimed to be. Import/export agent, photographer... Steve Thomas
  17. Jim, I don't know. But if he wasn't in Mexico, I don't know where he was in those last days of September, 1963. Floating around Alice, TX maybe? Steve Thomas
  18. Jim, In this particular document, I was interested in the part about Oswald, "claiming to be a photographer". This is the first time I've heard about that, and it raises a couple of questions: a) how did they know he was claiming to be a photographer; and, b) he must have had some photographic equipment with him in order to prove his bona fides. c) If he had a camera or cameras with him, where are the pictures? Steve Thomas
  19. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2021/docid-32341711.pdf Steve Thomas
  20. You can read the documents released by the National Archives om 12/15/21 here: https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/release2021 Steve Thomas
  21. I have longed believed that we have returned to the days of the John Birch Society- with terrorizing school boards, and book burning and all: https://www.thedailybeast.com/dave-bronson-admits-turning-off-fluoride-in-anchorage-water-during-in-person-mayoral-visit?ref=home?ref=home The outspoken mayor of Anchorage, Alaska, has been forced to admit he turned off the fluoridation of the city’s water supply for around five hours before discovering that he wasn’t actually allowed to do that. Last weekend, Mayor Dave Bronson—who made headlines this year for his defense of anti-vaccine protesters who wore the yellow Star of David to signal their supposed oppression—denied claims that he meddled with the city’s water supply. However, in a Tuesday statement, he admitted it. Bronson’s office claimed workers complained to him that fluoride “burned the eyes and throats of staff who handled it,” leading to his decision to turn off the supply. However, that claim was disputed by union leaders who represent the workers. “It doesn’t make any sense,” said president of the Anchorage Municipal Employees Association, Jon Cecil. Conspiracists have been obsessed with the fluoridation of drinking water since the 1950s, falsely claiming that it’s a public-health risk or some form of population control. Bronson’s office said the supply was turned back on five hours after it was switched off after the action was found to violate the city’s municipal code. Read it at Alaska Republic Steve Thomas
  22. All the things that you see were driven from the top," Christie said during an appearance on ABC's This Week, in response to host George Stephanopoulos' comment about the events that led up to the Capitol riot, including the role of those loyal to Trump in the White House during his presidency. "It may explain why the former president and his allies are working so hard not to cooperate," said Stephanopoulos. Christie responded: "The [former] president made it very clear that he did not want to concede the election, that he would not concede the election, and you got a bunch of people around him by the time we got to the end, with very few exceptions, that were C-team players, at best, on their best day." Steve Thomas
  23. Jeff, I have not read Michael Paine's WC testimony or any interviews he had with the FBI, but I have read that he said he was shown a backyard photograph on Friday night. Those photographs weren't "discovered" until Saturday afternoon. What do you think of that? Steve Thomas
  24. Paul, If I were to look at anyone, I would look at Alexander Kleilerer. He was visiting Marina when she was living at Elana Hall's house in October, 1962. The Oswald's moved to Elsbeth St. in early November, 1962, and then allegedly on to Neely in March, 1963. I haven't really fleshed this out, but,... Kleinlerer was in the plastics business. So was Robert Webster. The Soviets were very interested in the polymers needed for the high heat generated in their space reentry vehicles. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/hall_e.htm Mr. LIEBELER - Do you know Mr. Alexander Kleinlerer? Mrs. HALL - Yes. He was coming to my house while John and I were divorced. That was all. Mr. LIEBELER - What? Mrs. HALL - I said, that was all. He was coming, you know. Mr. LIEBELER - Did Mr. Kleinlerer tell you that during the time that you were in the hospital and subsequently when you were in New York, that he came to the house to see how Marina was and how she was getting along? Mrs. HALL - Yes. He didn't tell me, but Mrs. Clark told me, because when I came back from New York, John was in Fort Worth already, and we got married after 2 days and I didn't see him any more. I didn't see this Kleinlerer any more. Mr. LIEBELER - Have you ever seen him since then? Mrs. HALL - No. Mr. LIEBELER - You had no discussions yourself with Kleinlerer about what Marina was doing or who was at the house while you were gone? Mrs. HALL - No. Mrs. Clark told me that sometime he would take Marina to grocery store, and sometimes she would take her. Mrs. HALL - I don't know. Maybe Mrs. Clark or Mr. Kleinlerer paid for her. Mr. LIEBELER - But you yourself did not pay for any of her groceries? Mrs. HALL - No; I did not. See: Commission Document 1066 - FBI Gemberling Report of 28 May 1964 re: Oswald - Russia/Cuba page 554 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11462#relPageId=566&tab=page Kleinlerer was employed by Lomo Industries of Fort Worth, TX. Max Clark and his wife have been “fairly good friends with Dimytruk and Kleinlerer for the past six or eight months.” Robert Howard in the Education Forum 2/1/2006 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/659-lee-harvey-oswald/?page=2 “I have a very serious request concerning Lee Harvey Oswald's notebook. In it there is a listing for Lomo Industries, Inc. The Dallas Phone Directory as well as the Business Directory for the same year to my knowledge DO NOT have such a listing, however there is a Loma Industries, Inc with offices in Dallas and Ft. Worth. Can anyone enlighten me about this listing? Is it possible that Oswald's dyslexia, (he was dyslexic, right?) may have something to do with this? Any response is greatly appreciated.” Jack White in the Education Forum 2/2/2006 LOMA PLASTICS (Loma Industries) was a local manufacturer of plastic goods, such as kitchenware, etc. They had a manufacturing plant in Fort Worth. I do not find them listed in the FW yellow pages. Jack http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/kleinler.htm AFFIDAVIT Alexander Kleinlerer of 3542 Kent Street, Fort Worth, Texas, being duly sworn, says: “I am and have for several years been a foreign representative of Loma Industries, a plastics production company, located at 3000 West Pafford Street, Fort Worth, Texas.” Posted by James Richards 2/2/2006 Robert, I'm going by memory here which is a dangerous ploy but I seem to remember that Loma Industries had a foreign representative named Alexander Kleinlerer who was friends with George De Mohrenschildt. I also seem to recall that this clique which included George Bouhe got together to provide clothes and the like for the Oswald family. Loma Industries burned down in 1965 I think it was. James Lydia Dimytruk is Kleinlerer's girlfriend. For more information on Lydia Dimytruk, see: (she is a piece of work!) http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/FBI%20Records%20Files/105-82555/105-82555%20More%20Referrals/105-82555%20More%20Referrals%203-04.pdf pp. 13-33, Suspected of being a Russian spy. Formerly married to Vasily Kostenko, also suspected of being a Russian spy. She marries Pavel Dimytruk in 1956. Emigrates to the U.S. In 1959 and divorces him in 1960. Sound familiar? Steve Thomas
  25. Jeff, I got to wondering who put the rifle in the blanker in the first place. I don't think Oswald took it with him when he went to New Orleans in April, and he didn't have it with him when he returned in August or September. Marina would had to have brought it with her when she moved down there. Also, why would he feel the need to transfer the rifle from a blanket to a paper bag? He could just as easily have disassembled it and left it wrapped in the blanket and still claim the package was curtain rods. The whole thing is fishy. Steve Thomas
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