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Allan Eaglesham

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About Allan Eaglesham

  • Birthday 04/02/1945

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    Pitzer case; "sniper's nest"

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  1. "General" Activities at the Bethesda Morgue, 22 November 1963: Posthumous words of an eyewitness lead to a new theory http://www.manuscrip...vice.com/McHugh/ Allan Eaglesham
  2. Marvin and Pitzer: http://www.manuscriptservice.com/Pitzer/Article-8.html
  3. Thank you, Bernice: A more up-to-date discussion of the "Pitzer" movie is provided here: http://www.manuscriptservice.com/Pre-AutopsyPhotographs/#knudsen A general discussion of the information pertaining to LCDR Pitzer's death and its interpretation is here: http://www.manuscriptservice.com/Pitzer/ And opinions from forensic experts on the Pitzer autopsy photographs are here: http://www.manuscriptservice.com/WBP-Resolution/ Allan
  4. "[New work by Doug Horne] teaches us that the actual chain of custody of Abraham Zapruder's home movie, from November 23rd-25th, 1963, is not anything close to what it was represented to be for years, and in fact indicates an extremely high level of interest in [the] movie by the U.S. government during the three days immediately following President Kennedy's assassination..." Doug's fascinating and fundamentally important new work may be accessed at http://lewrockwell.c...rne-d1.1.1.html and at my website http://www.manuscrip.../NPIC-DougHorne/ Allan
  5. David: Your suggestion is certain plausible, but I don’t think that it is likely. Humes and Boswell were well recognized figures and it would have attracted unwanted attention if they were seen maneuvering a casket. Such grunt work would always be done by navy corpsmen. Carriage of caskets into and out of the morgue would have been a common occurrence and part of the duty of enlisted men. In my opinion, a likely scenario is that a detail of corpsmen did the job. They may have been told that the casket had to be removed because it had been damaged. They may have been given no information at all, but simply told to take it from the morgue and to place it in the ambulance, at which point they would have been quickly dismissed so that they did not witness the arrival of the honor guard. Allan
  6. Many thanks, Allan. Question: doesn't the strange nature of the back wound raise suspicions? I don't think you touched on this in the book. Regards, Daniel Daniel: Thank you. There is a discussion of the back wound, but possibly not with the emphasis you have in mind. Allan Of course there is a discussion of the back wound, and it is much appreciated. But since wound alteration is a major theme of your work, I expected some discussion of it with regards to the strange nature of the back wound, even the way it is described by Humes. Too hot to handle? Respectfully, Daniel Daniel: I forwarded your query to Jim -- This wound is presumed to correspond to the 7x4 wound annotated by Dr. Boswell on his autopsy face sheet. What caused it would be speculation. Allan
  7. Many thanks, Allan. Question: doesn't the strange nature of the back wound raise suspicions? I don't think you touched on this in the book. Regards, Daniel Daniel: Thank you. There is a discussion of the back wound, but possibly not with the emphasis you have in mind. Allan
  8. "Aftermath of the JFK Assassination: Parkland Hospital to the Bethesda Morgue" A synthesis of the events of the afternoon and evening of 11/22/63, particularly for those new to the subject but also as a consciousness-raiser for those well versed in the JFK assassination. Available as a free download: - Large format - 50 pages - 15,000 words - Seven illustrations - Index Also available from Amazon as an ebook. Details: http://www.manuscriptservice.com/Aftermath/
  9. Ralph, I can see how you could be persuaded that "Headless man" is stockier. However Robin Unger, whose image is below, has pointed out that that figure B is obscuring this mans righthand side. The image of "headless man" is a composite of what how much of this man Altgens can see + the image of B. In Altgens you do not see just "Headless man." You see both and you are suggesting that it is only "Headless man" whereas it is a composite of two figures. Therefore it is impossible to say whether he is, or is not, stockier. I can also see how you could be persuaded that this man is dressed all in white. But that is probably also a mistake. If you look at the image above you will see a row of people standing in front of him. On the right is a woman with a white top and behind her is another woman. And behind that woman appears to be part of the shape of someone else. This person is in front of "Headless man." That shape is in white and it that which is obscuring the man legs and suggesting that he is wearing white trousers. Because the image of this person is blocking the lower part of "Headless man" you cannot see the colour of his trousers. James. James: Not from Robin this time. I take full responsibility for the lettered collage. Allan
  10. Charlie: Since this thread is titled "William Pitzer," I took your words "....much evidence in this case has been altered or very selectively chosen..." to refer to the Pitzer case in particular rather than to the JFK assassination in general. My mistake. Allan
  11. Charlie: I am not looking for you to join any flock. You said: "It (i.e. suicide) was apparently acceptable enough.....It hasn't been overturned in the past 40 years. Do you really feel that it will be?" I feel that if it can be overturned it will be achieved by obtaining the facts to the extent possible, with FOIA requests and tracing and interviewing witnesses -- not by speculation and extrapolation from one case to another. I think it reasonable to ask you for specific reasons why you made two particular statements. You didn't give me specifics, but answered in general terms. It appears that you have no proof that the evidence has been altered or selectively chosen other than your suspicions vis-a-vis the motives of those who investigated the case. Allan
  12. Hi Charlie: Evidence that was released under FOIA appeared to be indicative of murder -- the third defect in the skull (described in the autopsy protocol) is the best example, which was apparently consistent with what looks like a bullet wound in the left temple in the death-scene photograph. By your philosophy, it would seem odd that those ingenious people didn't make the case for suicide more readily acceptable. You said: "I feel, as probably do you, along with many others, that much evidence in this case has been altered or 'very selectively chosen'." Please be specific. What evidence has been altered? What evidence has been selectively chosen? Thank you. Allan
  13. Yes, Pitzer did have "camera experience" and may have had a copy of a film of the JFK autopsy. But is that evidence that he was murdered? "Clearly he was murdered..."? Clearly? What's your evidence for homicide?
  14. Charles: Is there any point in making FOIA requests for documentation and photographs if you reject their evidentiary value if they do not fit your preconceived notions? That old saying comes to mind: "Please don't confuse me with the fact, I have already made up my mind." Two questions should be considered separately until there is evidence that they are linked: 1. Was William Pitzer murdered? 2. Did he at any time have in his possession a movie film of the Kennedy autopsy? I don't see any evidence that he was murdered and only Dennis David has stated that Pitzer was in possession of a movie film of the Kennedy autopsy within a few days of the assassination. There is no evidence that Pitzer retained possession of any JFK-autopsy photographic materials. Allan
  15. How could we believe that Pitzer killed himself with this negative paraffin test and the further conclusion of the pistol being three feet away? There are so many suspicious deaths surrounding this case. The Grave of William Bruce Pitzer Peter: Things are not always as they seem on the surface. You make a fundamental error if you extrapolate from any one suspicious death to another. Each must be judged on its own merits. Allan ------------------------- Quotes below are from http://www.manuscriptservice.com/Pitzer/homrecon.html 1. NEGATIVE PARAFFIN TEST "In discussing this aspect previously [1], I made the assumption that a dermal nitrate test was referred to in the FBI report; in the early 1960s, "paraffin test" and "dermal nitrate test" were synonymous. With closer inspection of the hand-written laboratory notes (see Figure), I realized that I was in error. The autopsy doctors prepared paraffin casts of the palm and back of LCDR Pitzer's right hand, presumably expecting them to be used for dermal-nitrate analysis, unaware that the FBI had since replaced this test for analysis of gunshot-residue metals barium (Ba) and antimony (Sb) by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. For the latter test, acid-moistened cotton swabs are taken directly from the skin. It appears that the laboratory technician did what he could to collect samples from the surfaces of the paraffin casts, concentrating on dark particles 1-4 from the back of the hand and dark particles 5-8 from the palm, none of which tested positively for barium or antimony. The technician was strictly truthful in saying, "Examination of (the) paraffin cast reflected no substance characteristic of, or which could be associated with, gunpowder or gunshot residue," but clearly this was not the whole story. The assay was not performed properly and there was the clear possibility of false negative results. Most significantly, however, the cast from the back of the hand revealed the presence of "large amounts of blood, skin, and hair" (see Figure). Blowback of tissues had occurred from the entry wound onto the back of the hand, some of which had been immobilized in the paraffin cast. The right hand had, indeed, been close to the right temple at the moment of discharge" 2. Lack of Tattooing Around the Entry Wound in the Right Temple "In March of 2004, I saw about a dozen of the autopsy photographs, as good-quality color prints. I confirmed that there was no wound in the left temple. I had with me Vincent J.M. Di Maio's book Gunshot Wounds: Practical Aspects of Firearms, Ballistics, and Forensic Techniques (Elsevier, 1985); the wound in LCDR Pitzer's right temple was closely similar to a hard contact wound of the head from a .38 revolver."
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