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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. The $200 includes the Banquet which cost me $30 a plate. I see that you have never organized and paid for an event or you would know the costs for the hotel, meeting room and the a/v equipment, etc. dgh01: Folks at the *old* Focus Communications Group out of Silicon Valley would get a chuckle out of that comment, largest meeting planning group in the USofA back then... Actually I've done a few things in the fair city of Dallas, at the Adolphus [sp.?], first place I ever stayed that had a phone in the hotel room crapper -- We took over the hotel, on two or three ocassions including ALL meeting rooms wayback - mid 80's -- As far as A/V equipment, does Exec. Producing - Line Producing a few television remotes out of The Reunion Arena complete with satellite up-link units qualify as being aware of A/V equipment and cost? I'm also aware of banquet room costs when booked in conjunction with meeting rooms, especially when you've blocked out *on property* hotel rooms and suites. Actually, I don't care HOW much money the conference makes, $200/per is a steep price, ANYWHERE with or without AV We have a special student's fee and, as well, I have NEVER turned down someone with special needs that wished to attend the conference. dgh01: That's nice, anything new, earth shattering planned for this year? David
  2. I'll amend the above post, Nancy... See you around the hood! David Healy
  3. Miller/Peters dronned on [...] I don't think I need anything from you. However, you are welcome to show your expertise by sharing your JFK enhancements and clips for I cannot recall ever seeing one before. Maybe seeing something from the Master will inspire me to do better. ---------- dgh01: Well, you responded, eh? And, I was invited to speak one year, unfornately, I was called out of the country for a bit of work, sigh. C'mon Larry Peter's -- you had plenty of time to check out what you needed to, shall I post the URL's, AGAIN? Where did this Larry Peters guy disappear to? Then again if The Tinkster; Josiah Thompson and all the rest of the junior varsity [including you] couldn't overcome the burden showing Dr. John Costella and the rest of us regarding the Z-film wrong -- Hey.... roflmfao... Buy the book, HOAX -- it's all in there.... Ever get that "seamless' DP film comparison done yet? What's it been now 3 years.....? What a farce the other side of this question is. Preservers of history, H O W L .... I think not! What's a matter with "all use guys?" When use guys are charging $200 bucks a head for a little get together in Dallas, rehashing the same-o, same-o... Give us guys a break, use guys! rofl... David Healy
  4. post edited by David Healy nothing below this line -------------------------
  5. BM dronned on: David - people probably have been saying that you are in the wrong business everytime they see your work ... I know they say it when they have read one of your replies on a JFK forum ... ROTFLMAO! ------------- dgh01: Come on Bill.... 4 or 5 folks will show up in Dallas this year, someone will lay down a bit of video to tape, Debra will declare a great turnout -- all the re-pugnicans down 'thar' will pat each other on the back and say what a great public service the 6th floor performs and all use guys will climb back under the rocks whence you came for ANOTHER year. Still need help in getting that interview with ADOBE, PHOTOSHOP software groupknow lots of folks at their world headquarters there in downtown San Jose, you are familiar with Silicon Valley aren't ya? David
  6. Brent wrote: [...] For example, we have a assignment on Vietnam, and I was given the question: Vietnam was the first "televised" war. How did the war affect Australia's society - Politically, Culturally and Socially? ------------- Brent, A friend of mine from Australia lost a family member [who was highly decorated] in the Vietnam War. Currently he teaches Grammar School in Brisbane, I'll ask if he's interested in commenting. I believe he's a member of this forum, also... David Healy USArmy MAAG [Military Assistance Advisory Group] Vietnam 02/1963 thru 02/1964
  7. BM penned [...] John try to remember that the 6th floor is a "historical" Museum. Their job is to keep the history straight. When that history is ever changed - they will share that information accordingly. dgh01: please -- roflmfao ! ! ! Maybe they could start by donating a few frames of the Z-film optical print [that lives at ther 6th floor museum] for forensic testing [...]
  8. Jack London's - White Fang -- Age 10, first book that got me thinking about anything, other than myself. Of course, I didn't realize that at the time.
  9. BM writ: I have never understood your thinking process, but that's probably a good thing. You act like all the photos and films have to be authenticated or they are not reliable enough to even bother with. dgh01: If there are legitimate questions, OF COURSE they [films-photos]should be authenticated. You doubt this? Many of us have wondered if that is really your position and seeing how you have no way of doing what you believe must be done, then why bother hanging out on JFK assassination forums such as this one in the first place. dgh01: Wonder away... better yet, read HOAX. Hangout? ROFLMAO! ! ! hey guy, I'm not the one with multiple thousands of posts concerning JFK Assassination related matter all over the internet... If nothing that you research can be validated, then by your standards it is all a waste of time anyway and yet you continue to make replies on a topic that can't go anywhere. dgh01: I answer those that have curiosity regarding the Z-film. Who says the research is going nowhere? That doesn't seem to make any sense. Here is a point maybe worth mentioning - I believe you are on record as saying, 'I have no proof that any of the assassination photos and films are faked', dgh01: that's 100% percent correct - nor do you have evidence any of the films are authentic! so what vast amount of light was shed by Lifton to lead you to make that statement when you have to know Lifton is pro-film and photo alteration dgh01: Might try reading 'Pig on a Leash' in : The Great Zapruder Film HOAX ... it seems that Lifton only took you back to where you started from. dgh01: I suspect DLifton forgot more than most of us will EVER know/understand regarding the backroom dealings with JFK Assassination related films and photos... that includes Groden. Groden's credibility went right out the window with the OJ case and the Bruno Magli shoes... Anything for a buck! David Healy
  10. [The guy is Al Carrier, a motorcycle patrol cop from California, who seemingly has made it his mission to discredit Files (and me) on the JFKLancer forum, based on the alledged impossibility of the XP-100 to have been the weapon delivering the fatal headshot from the grassy knoll as Files decribed it. [...] an aside: Carrier is a cop from Indiana - from his lips on Lancer. Also a instructor in some such police related things, also likes to posts his resume and pictures related to WH/Secret Service Presidential duties, when they arise in Indiana which I suspect seeing Indiana is GOP, not often. I suspect he's a pretty good cop, decent writing skills, too... according to him, he knows plenty about everything JFK -- ardent Bill Miller/Peters supporter... David Healy
  11. John writ: [...] I also question File's shooting abilitys. But hell, look what they did with respect to LHO and he couldn't hit the water if he jumped out of a boat. But seriously, Range time is all important and I've never seen his Range-Book posted or discussed. [...] Ben Holmes had posted (alt.conspiracy.jfk) a URL for LHO's USMC range book and quite a discussion ranged on for a few days on the board some months ago - I think, Holmes was a USMC range instructor, he served for 10+ years, of the "Officer" catagory. David Healy
  12. Bill/Peter's went on... The real Bill Miller? Now you sound like Jack White and I thought we were all past that foolishness. dgh01: NO comment, for now. ----------- You should first try and keep it straight who you are addressing. It was I who answered you in post #59, not Larry. If you cannot keep the simple things straight, then the Kennedy assassination will probably overwhelm you. It certainly would explain the lack of evidentiary value in your replies. However, if you should ever come up with something specific about the Kennedy assassination and it's evidence, feel free to post it. Now about your misstated remark of mine. You said, "Appears any contrary opinion is "stupid and reckless..." a bit disengenuous at best, don't you think?" If one goes back to post #56 and studies the content of that reply they will see that the remark was made over the approach Alan was taking by blowing off information drawn from the original film and choosing to go with a poorer degraded print. dgh01: I'm glad you bring that (genesis of a film print, negative and/or film) up -- that's the REAL problem isn't it? NO ONE, including you, knows what generation film, print, negative anyone tinkers with -- all photo researchers get is noise from the 6th Museum, as to what's out there... Your the master of the UNmasterful when it comes to the DP film-photos... like the 6th floor, keep the real stuff close to the vest... rofl ------------------ There was no mention that his opinion had to coincide with my own, but it is foolish, stupid, reckless, 'of poor choice', or any other phrase I can think of when it comes to not chosing to draw information from the best possible prints available and for that - I stand by my remark dgh01: please do, that's what makes this so easy - till you post ANYTHING regarding the DP films and photos with proven provenance, your opinion are just that, opinions. Closest we've got is David Lifton's material, which sheds all sorts of light, on the Groden's way of handling DP films, photos and negatives... -------------------
  13. David - Allow me to address this by working my way backwards through your senseless reply. [...] Well, thanks Mr. Peter's for the thoughtful reply, however, you have failed to reply regarding the "stupid and reckless comments. Shall we look at whatever you post as being "stupid and reckless? Or is this the "real Bill Miller? For those that need a explanation, Alan Healy and I are NOT related. David Healy
  14. [...] I think that is a stupid and reckless position you've taken and my answer is still the same as above. [...] Mr. Peters states [in this thread] he's seen you present this material... according to him, Peter's, its circumstatial evidence and I suspect, you too. Yet you state the above regarding said circumstantial evidence. Appears any contrary opinion is "stupid and reckless..." a bit disengenuous at best, don't you think? What does Mr. Peters do when he's not banging around the boards? Must of missed it the first time around...
  15. John penned [...] Maybe he would be better off sending a fact-finding team to Cuba to find out the secret of its success. -------------- LOL, With you permission, I'll forward this to the DNC. The campaign could use some fresh redmeat David Healy
  16. hmmm Mr. Peter's penned: Bill mentioned this on another forum and I went and checked and he is right. It seems that it has been the different researchers that make these jumps back and forth and not Arnold dgh01: so let's get this straight -- Bill Miller say's something contrary to what Paul puts forth [which may or not be the case], Mr. Peter's reads this thread, goes to another forum, [which Bill Miller runs] sees the same Bill Miller comment there, [that Bill Miller made here] then declares Bill correct, because: Bill Miller declared some such thing on the other forum, do I have that right? Is it any wonder this case has languished for so many years? The logic is under whelming, to say the least... Keep up the good work, Paul David Healy
  17. My name is David Healy, I served in the United States Army in Vietnam (MAAG-Vietnam Military Assistance Advisory Group). President John F. Kennedy was murdered during that 12 month tour. My tour in Vietnam concluded February 1964. I supported then and support NOW, Vietnam Veterans Against the WAR. The war was a disaster then as the one in IRAQ is now. I've been active for many years, aiding and providing assistance in Vietnam Veterans problems, in specific: Alcohol and Drug addiction. I was born in Boston, Mass., my father was aquainted with the Kennedy family at the political level. My interest in the JFK assassination was revived in 1983 while in Dallas doing a remote television pickup. In 1998 I assembled a short presentation regarding my Zapruder Film findings and, a how-to regarding 'possible' Zapruder film alteration. Focusing on: If the camera original Zapruder film is altered, was the TECHNOLOGY, EQUIPMENT, KNOW-HOW MANPOWER *and* TIME available to get the job done! The presentation was posted to The Rich Dellarosa's JFK Research Forum <www.jfkresearch.com> and appeared in Dr. Jim Fetzer's 2003: The Great Zapruder Film Hoax. I'm part of the camp requesting that film density testing be performed on one or two frames of the alledged camera original Zapruder Film, AND the alledged first day (Nov 22nd 1963)- 3 optical film prints created at Jamisen Film Lab in Dallas. These tests will go a long way in determining the validity of the camera original Zapruder Film housed at the National Archives. It is my understanding Roland Zavada (retired KODAK 8mm Film Properties Expert) requested same testing in 1998. David Healy
  18. Bill Miller said: [...] Now I'm not saying that Jim purposely has mislead anyone over Gordon Arnold and other witnesses, but he and other interviewers will often times write down what they recall a witness saying after the interview is over and it allows for errors to be made over what a witness actually said. [... the personal stuff] So this is how things happen and it is unfornuate that he comes back on the witness. [...] dgh01: I do believe thats EXACTLY what your saying, Bill. "Now I'm not saying..." All that don't buy into your ideas of what the "evidence shows" are misleading - not only witnesses, but the public at large! Fill him in James - this isn't a sheeple forum. David Healy
  19. Why would someone want to get a book that you have said offers no proof of Zapruder film alteration? dgh01: step up to the plate Bill, show us what you got. Dr. Costella stated, in HOAX the film is not only altered, its a FRAUD --That's a quote guy's, read it and weep. ---------- You read the book - you've had plenty of time to digest what is said in it, yet you wrote: "when it comes to the Z-film, as stated earlier James, I can't prove the film is altered however, " I recommend that before anyone buys that book that they get it in writing that you'll reimburse them their money once they find that after reading it that they too, cannot see anything that proves the Zapruder film is altered. Mr. Costella's conclusions are so obviously in error that it doesn't take a degree in physics to see his mistakes. dgh01: this is how REAL researchers and investigators debunk a theory.... well, he obviously wrong, we can't get ANYONE of near stature to say that, you'll just have to take my word for it.... roflmfao ------------ However, if he ever offers a conclusion that needs a degree is physics to substantiate it, then we'll approach someone with such credentials to look at it. dgh01: we call this stateside "avoiding the obvious - with nonsense commentary. Your getting easier Bill and to think at one time you wanted to be competition I don't know if you have noticed this or not, but Mr. Costella has never offered anyone but himself to validate his conclusions. dgh01: should make it easier for you to find a PhD shill somewhere, lot better than the High School Grad's we been seeing the last 5 years or so. Nowhere have I read where Costella had his work peer reviewed which is what scientist do.[/b] dgh01: that's Dr. Costella to those in the peanut gallery --tap, tap, tap -- we're STILL waiting
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