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Chuck Schwartz

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Posts posted by Chuck Schwartz

  1. Dino Brugioni said he saw the original Zapruder film.  This is from Wikipedia, "

    Dino Brugioni says that he and his team examined the 8mm Zapruder film of the John F. Kennedy assassination the evening of Saturday 23 November 1963 and into the morning of Sunday 24 November 1963, when he was the weekend duty officer at the CIA's National Photographic Interpretation Center. Dino and his team projected the film for two members of the Secret Service several times, and they indicated which frames they wanted prints made from, which in turn should be included on the briefing boards. Dino indicated in the interview that he was positive that they had the original film, and that when they projected it for the two members of the Secret Service, it was the first time they had viewed the film. After creating the required duplicate negatives from the desired frames, the film was returned the two members of the Secret Service, and that at approximately 3 AM they left the NPIC facility. He and his team then made up two identical sets of briefing boards, one set for CIA Director John McCone and one for the Secret Service, but both were eventually delivered to the CIA Director who would in turn provide a set to the Secret Service. Each set was consisted of two boards, hinged in the middle, and contained between 12 and 15 prints of frames from the film, with the frame number indicated on the board. Brugioni prepared identical one sheet of notes that accompanied each set the briefing boards, which included the name of each person who had seen the film and worked on the production of the prints and briefing boards. When the work was complete, Dino Brugioni reviewed the briefing boards and notes with his superior, Arthur Lundahl, whom he had called and requested come to the facility. The briefing boards and notes were then turned over to Arthur Lundahl.[10][11]

    Brugioni said he was not aware of a second examination of the film at NPIC, the night of Sunday 24 November and the early morning of Monday 25 November, by a completely different team. Apparently the team that worked on the second examination was given 16mm film and made up another, and possibly larger, series of frame prints, and that another set of briefing boards was also created.[10][12]

    Brugioni thought the Zapruder Film in the National Archives today, and available to the public, has been altered from the version of the film he saw and worked with on November 23–24. Specifically, the version of the Zapruder Film Brugioni recalls seeing had more than one frame of the fatal head shot to Kennedy with its resulting "spray" of brain matter that he referred to as a "white cloud", three or four feet above Kennedy's head. The version of the Zapruder film available to the public depicts the fatal head shot on only one frame of the film, frame 313. Additionally, Brugioni is adamant that the set of briefing boards available to the public in the National Archives is not the set that he and his team produced on November 23–24, 1963.[10][13]"

  2. Andrej, I agree that I may not have known the exact amt. of days before JFK was assassinated that the rifle was planted in the TSBD.  In your last note , you mention that LHO may have gone to the Texas Theatre to meet his contact.  We may be saying the same thing, but I believe he went there because his CIA handler told him to go there, and the plotters you mention were certain CIA officers and above all, one ex- CIA director, A. Dulles.  

    Have a happy new year.

  3. Andrej, I agreed with your points 1 thru 6 before reading Coup in Dallas.  And now, after reading Coup in Dallas, I still agree with those points.  I think the important aspects of the book have to do with n a z i connections to the JFK Assassination, which Mae Brussell  wrote about in the 1980's, but not as much detail as in Coup in Dallas.

  4. When an angry mob trashes the US Capitol and calls out for the murder of the Vice President of the US and the Speaker of the House (and breaks into her office and steals items , such as her computer, from her office), this is not a scrum- it is an insurrection and needs to be put down, in my opiion. If those rioters on 1/6 were mostly black, you would get a much different reaction from the racists and facists that control the republican party today.

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