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Ian Lloyd

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Everything posted by Ian Lloyd

  1. Who created the false death certificate - the military - Rear Admiral Burkley I think Burkley actually produced the more honest and accurate certificate and Humes etc al produced a less than honest & accurate certificate. This is why Burkley's remained "hidden".
  2. Quote: As regards the Cabell's suggesting that no shots had taken place until they had turned into Elm Street conflicts with all the evidence we have. You are taking the evidence of one witness and ignoring all the other evidence. The SBT is based on the idea that both JFK and Connally are wounded at 223/4. Now whether you agree with the theory is irrelevant, what is clear is that by 225 JFK is showing clear signals that he has been wounded. Yet you are suggesting that no shots had been fired by that point and it would be 88 frames until the first shot was fired. End quote. Is Robert actually suggesting that no audible shots had been fired at that point and that the first audible shot was at Z313?
  3. Thanks for the enlightenment Chris and for correcting me regarding the Nix film - as I said, I was working from a memory of a few years ago. Do you know what fps speeds the Nix camera could run at, or was it only (nominal?) 18fps (or 16?)?
  4. A few years ago, I was looking into the Zapruder film speed and found a few FBI documents on the MF site relating to this - it transpired that, IIRC, Zapruder had initially said that his camera was set to run at 48fps when filming the JFK motorcade!! The FBI then had him sign a statement to the effect that he was "in error" when he said this and that it was set to run at 16fps as per their investigations (did he also say this in a tv interview? I seem to have a vague memory from somewhere!?!). When I looked further into this, I found the same scenario for Nix - he said his camera was set to run at 24fps but the FBI said it must have also been set to run at 16fps, same as Zapruder's. I corresponded with Gary Mack on the subject via e-mails but he seemed to "agree" with the FBI's version! Again, please bear in mind that this is from memory from a few years ago but it is the case though the figures may be slightly out (but I don't think they are).
  5. I live in the UK, and am interested in history and engineering.
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