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Roger DeLaria

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Posts posted by Roger DeLaria

  1. 4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Just musing here but...

    Does anyone else see the Dealey Plaza "Umbrella Man" and the tall "fist thrusting" black man sitting on the Elm street curb seconds after JFK's head is blown apart, so close together they could be holding hands ... as maybe a little suspicious? 

    I can understand men jumping down next to or even on their wives and children who were that close to something that bloody violent ( and gun shot LOUD) , but in almost segregated Dallas in 1963, and men to boot, you'd think that the normal instincts of two individual men ( one white - one black ) who supposedly didn't know each other would not be to cozy up as close as a cuddly couple in a movie theater especially when there is so much open room all around them?

    Mind if I hold your hand friend?

    Just makes me wonder if these cozy mind set two were connected in some other way besides simple coincidental location choice 2 to 3 feet from each other before and during JFK's limo drive by.

    Also, it does appear that in closer up photos of the tall black man you do see something larger than a thick wallet near or in his back pocket area and in another photo of him still seated a somewhat large bulge  ( larger and more shape defined than a simple fold of coat fabric ) underneath the back right side of his short waist length coat. 

    What is the general take here on the black man back pocket walkie-talkie story?


    I believe Mr. raised fist walkie-talkie man was definitely part of the op. On the ground signaler/communicator. I believe there's a picture of another guy with a walkie-talkie as well, blonde crew cut, I think.

  2. I've always thought this letter from Prouty to Jim Garrison was important, especially this small excerpt:

    The "hit" is the easy part. The "escape" must be quick and professional. The cover-up and the scenario are the big jobs. They more than anything else prove the Lansdale mastery. 

    Lansdale was a master writer and planner. He was a great "scenario" guy. It still have a lot of his personally typed material in my files. I am certain that he was behind the elaborate plan and mostly the intricate and enduring cover-up. Given a little help from friends at PEPSICO he could easily have gotten Nixon into Dallas, for "orientation': and LBJ in the cavalcade at the same time, contrary to Secret Service policy. 

    He knew the "Protection" units and the "Secret Service", who was needed and who wasn't. Those were routine calls for him, and they would have believed him. Cabell could handle the police. 

    The "hit men" were from CIA overseas sources, for instance, from the "Camp near Athena, Greece. They are trained, stateless, and ready to go at any time. They ask no questions: speak to no one. They are simply told what to do, when and where. Then they are told how they will be removed and protected. After all, they work for the U.S. Government. The "Tramps" were actors doing the job of cover-up. The hit men are just pros. They do the job for the CIA anywhere. They are impersonal. They get paid. They get protected, and they have enough experience to "blackmail" anyone, if anyone ever turns on them...just like Drug agents. The job was clean, quick and neat. No ripples. 

    The whole story of the POWER of the Cover-up comes down to a few points. There has never been a Grand Jury and trial in Texas. Without a trial there can be nothing. Without a trial it does no good for researchers to dig up data. It has no place to go and what the researchers reveal just helps make the cover-up tighter, or they eliminate that evidence and the researcher. 

    The first man LBJ met with on Nov 29th, after he had cleared the foreign dignitaries out of Washington was Waggoner Carr, Atty Gen'l, Texas to tell him, "No trial in Texas...ever." 

    The next man he met, also on Nov 29th, was J. Edgar Hoover. The first question LBJ asked his old "19 year" neighbor in DC was "Were THEY shooting at me?" LBJ thought that THEY had been shooting at him also as they shot at his friend John Connally. Note that he asked, "Were THEY shooting at me?" LBJ knew there were several hitmen. That's the ultimate clue...THEY. 

  3. 55 minutes ago, George Sawtelle said:

    David B

    Thanks for posting the interesting Wheaton interview. No smoking gun but two significant points were noted.

    1) Funding for the Kennedy assassination came from diverted funds from the CIA's project to snuff out Castro, which Wheaton determined from conversations with other CIA operatives. This of course does not mean the CIA funded the assassination it means someone who had control of the funds diverted them, possibly at the behest of an individual well connected to the CIA.

    2) Within every CIA covert action , included is a plausible deniability part. In studying the Kennedy assassination I've found that the plot to kill Kennedy is riddled with plausible deniability.

    There  are other significant points that I missed and may be noted by others. 

    My take away from the Wheaton interview seemed to be an implication that the CIA backed anti-Castro apparatus was turned around and aimed at Kennedy. I would never expect Jenkins to admit he said anything, so who knows?

  4. dulles2.jpg

    This picture clearly shows Lansdale's drooping right shoulder, and his right hand hangs down further than his left. Unfortunately, because of the angle in the tramp walk photo, we can't see this. Although in the tramp walk photo, it does appear that his right shoulder is lower than his left, hard to tell.




  5. 2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:



    I think I tend to agree with you.


    Lately, I've been speculating lately on "revenge as motive" for the hit on JFK.

    Not so much for what he "might" do with respect to getting out of Vietnam, or eliminating the oil depletion allowance, etc., but for what JFK "had" done; and looking at the people who had been "exiled to the frontier". So far, I've come up with Lyman Lemnitzer and William King Harvey, who was transferred to Rome after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Remember his handwritten ZR/Rifle to use Corsicans rather than Mafia. Being CIA Station Chief in Rome would make him pretty well positioned to find some.

    I think they sat out there in the boondocks and stewed.

    In ancient Roman times, wasn't it the generals who had been banished to Gaul who were always stirring up trouble, with this legion or that legion always seemingly ready to "cross the Rubicon" at any moment?


    Although they weren't exiled, I'd add Allen Dulles and Charles Cabell, who were forced into retirement rather than banished to the frontier.


    Anybody else you can think of that fit this bill?


    As far as the Army Reserve Colonels, I think they were more "boots on the ground" than anything; the "mechanics" of how it went down.


    Steve Thomas

    I would say Ed Lansdale. Even though he wasn't exiled, he didn't get that ambassadorship that he coveted.

  6. 48 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    I tend to agree with Jason on this point.  JFK was hopping mad after the Bay of Pigs screw-up, and he correctly blamed the CIA for giving him bad information.

    HOWEVER -- just because JFK said he wanted to "tear the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind," does not mean we should take it literally.  He was angry.  People often speak in hyperbole when they are angry.  Everybody knows that.

    JFK was also worried that the CIA was possibly too Republican for his purposes, so he pushed back and asked the Pentagon to help him out on this score -- and that certainly put the fear of Jesus into the CIA.  But that's still no reason to kill the Commander in Chief.

    The fact remains -- JFK actually increased funding for the CIA in 1962-1963.  Also, JFK increased covert operations, including Operation Mongoose, which was RFK's idea (something that Jim Garrison didn't know, but was demonstrated in 2005 by Lamar Waldron).

    No, the CIA wasn't as worried about JFK as the CIA-did-it CT has told us over the past 50 years.  We should really feel comfortable looking elsewhere for the killers of JFK.

    Finally -- let's define Radical Right, please.  Radical Right, to me, means revolutionary in the anti-American sense.  Radical Right wants to overthrow the US Government, marching down the street and chanting, "Jews will not replace us!" and carrying Nazi torches, chanting "Blood and soil!"

    Think of the people who started the race riot at Ole Miss in 1962, because one Black American (James Meredith) wanted to be a student there.  Think of the people who shot Medgar Evers in the back in his own driveway in June 1963, because he had helped James Meredith become the first Black American on the Ole Miss campus.

    These are not members of the US Military, the FBI or the CIA.  One cannot belong to a Radical Right political party and also belong to the US Military, the FBI or the CIA.  Think even FARTHER to the Right.  Then you will more clearly envision the people who really killed JFK.

    --Paul Trejo

    Paul, thanks for your response. You've given me some info to look into and consider. 

  7. 10 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:


    The Walker-did-it CT has as many angles as the CIA-did-it CT, and so it is virtually impossible to cover all the bases in any single post.  The best I can do in a short post is an overview.

    You probably already know about the older Radical Right CT supporters, including Willie Somerset on Joseph Milteer (courtesy of Don Adams), Gareth Wean (courtesy Senator John Tower), and Harry Dean.  Its newer supporters include Walt Brown and Jeff Caufield.

    Of these (IIRC) Gareth Wean and Jeff Caufield identify General Walker as the central figure.

    I was privileged to file through the (not-yet-indexed) 90 boxes of the personal papers of General Walker at UT Austin.  I found no smoking gun (as the files were sanitized before donation, I believe) but I did find a lot of circumstantial evidence.

    The conclusion I draw from these papers is that General Walker connected himself with Lee Harvey Oswald and JFK in various leaks to the newspapers, starting 18 hours after the JFK assassination, and going to the end of his life.  He kept clippings of these articles in his possession.

    The justification for his deed also features in his personal papers.  For example, the Grand Jury transcripts (available noplace else) of General Walker's testimony defending his behavior at the Ole Miss racial riots of 1962, as well as the psychiatrists who testified against him in court -- are part of those personal papers.  

    Though General Walker was a heavily decorated WW2 hero, he was no scholar.  His library consisted not of books, but of magazines -- mostly John Birch Society magazines, as well as magazines from various Radical Right and racist organizations in the USA.  He was an avid segregationist.   For him (as for the JBS) the Civil Rights Movement was a Communist Plot, pure and simple.

    The Deutsche-Nationalzeitung article was a Walker production.   Whatever National Enquirer articles came out about Oswald and Walker -- were Walker productions.  The same with early Newspaper articles and other scandal rag articles.  Walker wanted people to link him with Lee Harvey Oswald for eternity.  (Walker was proud of his deeds.)

    When Robert Blakey showed on TV a pristine bullet to stand in for the Walker bullet -- Walker called his lawyer and wrote his Congressman.  This is an outrage!  Only the AUTHENTIC Walker bullet must be shown on TV, he demanded (and sounded like an old crank).  But he was serious.

    Walker got income from the sale of his Radical Right speeches, and from a fan club called, "Friends of Walker."  He was leader of his local John Birch Society clutch in Dallas (which always met at Austin's BBQ on weekends, when JD Tippit worked there).  He operated a telephone message service for his cause, and he published a periodic Newsletter for his fans.  

    Here is a snippet from his Friends of Walker Newsletter from June 12, 1968, upon the occasion of the assassination of RFK.  

    If authority, in the hands of the Attorney General and the Justice Department had not seen fit to free Oswald and his associates in the attempted assassination of Edwin A. Walker — there is no reason to doubt that President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy would be alive today.  (Edwin Walker, 6/12/1968)

    That is just the tip of the iceberg, Ty.  I heartily recommend the book by Jeff Caufield, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: the Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015).  

    Jeff Caufield has seen not only the Walker papers at UT Austin, but also the Walker papers all over the USA.  Whatever Jeff has shared with me, I have shared with this Forum over the years.  The same with Harry Dean.  The same with Ruth Paine.   The same with Gary Schoener, and the same with Larrie Schmidt.  

    The CIA-did-it CT has had 50 years to prove that point, and failed.   I'm pleased that Jason Ward has chimed in on this thread, because his own research is even more scientifically intensive than mine.  He doesn't yet buy the Walker CT, but like you he's impressed with the Radical Right CT. 

    --Paul Trejo

    I haven't signed on to the Walker CT, but like Ty and Jason, I find Paul's posts on the Radical Right CT interesting and have found other avenues of exploration I hadn't considered before.

  8. The CIA is not operating solely for their own benefit. There were many who benefitted. I remember hearing Fletcher Prouty talk about the CIA, and how the important word was "Agency". What does an agent do? An agent does the job that a client brings to it. The MIC, defense contractors, big oil, LBJ? I think all of these and others could certainly be called radical rightwing.

  9. I understand in the 1950s and 60s, the CIA was pretty much "unofficially" running their own foreign policy, and after the BOP debacle, Kennedy had enough of the CIA and wanted the Joint Chiefs to be his military advisors, effectively removing the CIA from the equation.

    He came out with NSAM 55 regarding this. I think paragraph 2 is especially powerful. I don't imagine that went over very well at Langley. A little bit of motivation for participation there, I think. It certainly doesn't exclude others' involvment, for sure.



  10. 1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

    That's DANNY GARCIA ARCE....

    Seems that instant his face was in a smirk...  here's another where the concern is a bit more apparent on his face...


    Mr. BALL. Where did you make out the direction of the sound? 
    Mr. ARCE. Yeah, I thought they came from the railroad tracks to the west of the Texas School Book Depository. 

    Remegio Arce claims it was Herminio Diaz Garcia who shot JFK...

    Kind of interesting that Danny's last 2 names are the claimed shooter GARCIA and the man doing the claiming ARCE...  



    Martinez told them of a friend from student days called Herminio Diaz Garcia, an introverted but exceptionally brave man. Diaz, a crack shot, had worked as head of security at a casino in Havana run by the Mafia boss Santo Trafficante. He was also a political assassin, responsible for as many as 20 deaths, and at the time of the Kennedy assassination he was in the United States.

    Martinez said that, while detained in one of Castro’s prisons, he had met Tony Cuesta, leader of an anti-Castro raid on Cuba in 1966 that had ended in Diaz’s death. Cuesta, who was badly wounded, told him about the night of the abortive raid and words uttered by Diaz that he would never forget. Said Martinez: “Herminio confessed to Tony Cuesta that he had taken part in the death of the US president.”

    Years later, in Florida, Martinez heard the same from another source, an old friend and fellow Cuban exile, Remigio Arce. “Listen,” said Arce, “the one who killed the president was our little friend.”

    Summers believes Martinez, who has since died, was telling the truth. “Martinez struck me – after two days of tough interviewing of a man in his eighties – as someone with nothing to gain, who appeared to be credible. Diaz ticks the boxes. He was a known political assassin, a marksman and had worked for Santo Trafficante, one of the two prime suspects in the assassination, together with fellow Mafia boss Carlos Marcello, named by the House Assassinations Committee. He was also involved with one of the more extreme anti-Castro groups.


    Judging expressions is certainly subjective, I would agree his face shows a concern or pensiveness, but doesn't look like an expression of fear or Oh $hit!

  11. On 9/3/2017 at 6:21 AM, Micah Mileto said:

    I have heard it claimed that you can see dust on Bonnie Ray Williams' shirt in this picture of him being escorted by the Police:




    I was under the impression that maybe that story was fabricated, because his earlier statements do not include the reference to dust or pieces of cement falling on him (and how could gunshots dislodge debris that years of moving heavy boxes could not dislodge?). It's a similar story with Harold Norman's story about hearing shell casings hit the ceiling. A lot of things get a little suspicious when you read the statements of Bonnie Ray Williams, Harold Norman, and James Jarman in chronological order. So is this picture really supposed to show the dust Bonnie was talking about? Kind of looks like it could be a lot of things.

    Sorry that this is a detour. In the picture the hispanic looking gentleman behind Williams has an interesting look on his face that shows absolutely no concern or worry, considering what just happened and being rounded up by the police. To me his expression looks like he's going through the motions or waiting in line for an ice cream cone. Probably nothing? 

  12. 42 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

    That's kind of like your theory that if 99.99% of CIA personnel, agents, operatives and assets were complicit in the assassination of JFK; that doesn't mean that the CIA did-it.

    Yet if a handful of KKK and Birchers talked a bunch of trash, before 11-22-63, then Ruthie is a saint, and Marina never told a lie........ pffffft.

    When you look at Lansdale's background and what he specialized in, there's no innocent reason for him being there. 

    (From Prouty.org).....

    March 6, 1990 

    Dear Jim, 

    It is amazing how things work, I am at home recuperating from a major back operation (to regain my ability to walk); so I was tossing around in bed last night...not too comfortable...and I began to think of Garrison. I thought, "I have got to write Jim a letter detailing how I believe the whole job was done." 

    By another coincidence I had received a fine set of twenty photos from the Sprague collection in Springfield, Mass. As the odds would have it, he is now living just around the corner here in Alexandria. Why not? Lansdale lived here, Fensterwald lives here, Ford used to live here. Quite a community. 

    I was studying those photos. One of them is the "Tramps" picture that appears in your book. It is glossy and clear. Lansdale is so clearly identifiable. Why, Lansdale in Dallas? The others don't matter, they are nothing but actors and not gunmen but they are interesting. Others who knew Lansdale as well as I did, have said the same thing, "That's him and what's he doing there?" 

    As I was reading the paper the Federal Express man came with a book from Jim, that unusual "Lansdale" book. A terrible biography. There could be a great biography about Lansdale. He's no angel; but he is worth a good biography. Currey, a paid hack, did the job. His employers ought to have let him do it right. 

    I had known Ed since 1952 in the Philippines. I used to fly there regularly with my MATS Heavy Transport Squadron. As a matter of fact, in those days we used to fly wounded men, who were recuperating, from hospitals in Japan to Saigon for R&R on the beaches of Cap St Jacque. That was 1952-1953. Saigon was the Paris of the Orient. And Lansdale was "King Maker" of the Philippines. We always went by way of Manila. I met his team. 

    He had arrived in Manila in Sept 1945, after the war was over, for a while. He had been sent back there in 1950 by the CIA(OPC) to create a new leader of the Philippines and to get rid of Querino. Sort of like the Marcos deal, or the Noriega operation. Lansdale did it better. I have overthrown a government but I didn't splash it all around like Reagan and Bush have done. Now, who sent him there? 

    Who sent him there in 1950 (Truman era) to do a job that was not done until 1953 (Ike era)? From 1950 to Feb. 1953 the Director of Central Intelligence was Eisenhower's old Chief of Staff, Gen Walter Bedell Smith. Smith had been Ambassador to Moscow from 1946 to 1949. The lesser guys in the CIA at the time were Allen Dulles, who was Deputy Director Central Intelligence from Aug. 1951 to Feb. 1953. Frank Wisner became the Deputy Director, Plans (Clandestine Activities) when Dulles became DDCI. Lansdale had to have received his orders from among these four men: Truman, Smith, Dulles, and Wisner. Of course the Sec State could have had some input...i.e. Acheson. Who wanted Querino out, that badly? Who wanted HUKS there? 

    In Jan 1953 Eisenhower arrived. John Foster Dulles was at State and Gen Smith his Deputy. Allen Dulles was the DCI and General Cabel his deputy. None of them changed Lansdale's prior orders to "get" Querino. Lansdale operated with abandon in the Philippines. The Ambassador and the CIA Station Chief, George Aurell, did not know what he was doing. They believed he was some sort of kook Air Force Officer there...a role Lansdale played to the hilt. Magsaysay became President, Dec 30, 1953. 

    With all of this on the record, and a lot more, this guy Currey comes out of the blue with this purported "Biography". I knew Ed well enough and long enough to know that he was a classic chameleon. He would tell the truth sparingly and he would fabricate a lot. Still, I can not believe that he told Currey the things Currey writes. Why would Lansdale want Currey to perpetuate such out and out bullxxxx about him? Can't be. This is a terribly fabricated book. It's not even true about me. I believe that this book was ordered and delineated by the CIA. 

    At least I know the truth about myself and about Gen. Krulak. Currey libels us terribly. In fact it may be Krulak who caused the book to be taken off the shelves. Krulak and his Copley Press cohorts have the power to get that done, and I encouraged them to do just that when it first came out. Krulak was mad! 

    Ed told me many a time how he operated in the Philippines. He said, "All I had was a blank checkbook signed by the U.S. government". He made friends with many influential Filipinos. I have met Johnny Orendain and Col Valeriano, among others, in Manila with Lansdale. He became acquainted with the wealthiest Filipino of them all, Soriano. Currey never even mentions him. Soriano set up Philippine Airlines and owned the big San Miguel beer company, among other things. Key man in Asia. 

    Lansdale's greatest strategy was to create the "HUKS" as the enemy and to make Magsaysay the "Huk Killer." He would take Magsaysay's battalion out into a "Huk" infested area. He would use movies and "battlefield" sound systems, i.e. fireworks to scare the poor natives. Then one-half of Magsaysay's battalion, dressed as natives, would "attack" the village at night. They'd fire into the air and burn some shacks. In the morning the other half, in uniform, would attack and "capture" the "Huks". They would bind them up in front of the natives who crept back from the forests, and even have a "firing" squad "kill" some of them. Then they would have Magsaysay make a big speech to the people and the whole battalion would roll down the road to have breakfast together somewhere...ready for the next "show". 

    Ed would always see that someone had arranged to have newsmen and camera men there and Magsaysay soon became a national hero. This was a tough game and Ed bragged that a lot of people were killed; but in the end Magsaysay became the "elected" President and Querino was ousted "legally." 

    This formula endeared Ed to Allen Dulles. In 1954 Dulles established the Saigon Military Mission in Vietnam...counter to Eisenhower's orders. He had the French accept Lansdale as its chief. This mission was not in Saigon. It was not military, and its job was subversion in Vietnam. Its biggest job was that it got more than 1,100,000 northern Vietnamese to move south. 660,000 by U.S.Navy ships and the rest by CIA airline planes. These 1,100,000 north Vietnamese became the "subversive" element in South Vietnam and the principal cause of the warmaking. Lansdale and his cronies (Bohanon, Arundel, Phillips, Hand, Conein and many others) did all that using the same check book. I was with them many times during 1954. All Malthuseanism. 

    I have heard him brag about capturing random Vietnamese and putting them in a Helicopter. Then they would work on them to make them "confess" to being Viet Minh. When they would not, they would toss them out of the chopper, one after the other, until the last ones talked. This was Ed's idea of fun...as related to me many times. Then Dulles, Adm. Radford and Cardinal Spellman set up Ngo Dinh Diem. He and his brother, Nhu, became Lansdale proteges. 

    At about 1957 Lansdale was brought back to Washington and assigned to Air Force Headquarters in a Plans office near mine. He was a fish out of water. He didn't know Air Force people and Air Force ways. After about six months of that, Dulles got the Office of Special Operations under General Erskine to ask for Lansdale to work for the Secretary of Defense. Erskine was man enough to control him. 

    By 1960 Erskine had me head the Air Force shop there. He had an Army shop and a Navy shop and we were responsible for all CIA relationships as well as for the National Security Agency. Ed was still out of his element because he did not know the services; but the CIA sent work his way. 

    Then in the Fall of 1960 something happened that fired him up. Kennedy was elected over Nixon. Right away Lansdale figured out what he was going to do with the new President. Overnight he left for Saigon to see Diem and to set up a deal that would make him, Lansdale, Ambassador to Vietnam. He had me buy a "Father of his Country" gift for Diem...$700.00. 

    I can't repeat all of this but you should get a copy of the Gravel edition, 5 Vol.'s, of the Pentagon Papers and read it. The Lansdale accounts are quite good and reasonably accurate. 

    Ed came back just before the Inauguration and was brought into the White House for a long presentation to Kennedy about Vietnam. Kennedy was taken by it and promised he would have Lansdale back in Vietnam "in a high office". Ed told us in OSO he had the Ambassadorship sewed up. He lived for that job. 

    He had not reckoned with some of JFK's inner staff, George Ball, etc. Finally the whole thing turned around and month by month Lansdale's star sank over the horizon. Erskine retired and his whole shop was scattered. The Navy men went back to the navy as did the Army folks. Gen Wheeler in the JCS asked to have me assigned to the Joint Staff. This wiped out the whole Erskine (Office of Special Operations) office. It was comical. There was Lansdale up there all by himself with no office and no one else. He boiled and he blamed it on Kennedy for not giving him the "promised" Ambassadorship to let him "save" Vietnam. 

    Then with the failure of the Bay of Pigs, caused by that phone call to cancel the air strikes by McGeorge Bundy, the military was given the job of reconstituting some sort of Anti-Castro operation. It was headed by an Army Colonel; but somehow Lansdale (most likely CIA influence) got put into the plans for Operation Mongoose...to get Castro...ostensibly. 

    The U.S. Army has a think-tank at American University. It was called "Operation Camelot". This is where the "Camelot" concept came from. It was anti-JFK's Vietnam strategy. The men running it were Lansdale types, Special Forces background. "Camelot" was King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table: not JFK...then. 

    Through 1962 and 1963 Mongoose and "Camelot" became strong and silent organizations dedicated to countering JFK. Mongoose had access to the CIA's best "hit men" in the business and a lot of "strike" capability. Lansdale had many old friends in the media business such as Joe Alsop, Henry Luce among others. With this background and with his poisoned motivation I am positive that he got collateral orders to manage the Dallas event under the guise of "getting" Castro. It is so simple at that level. A nod from the right place, source immaterial, and the job's done. 

    The "hit" is the easy part. The "escape" must be quick and professional. The cover-up and the scenario are the big jobs. They more than anything else prove the Lansdale mastery. 

    Lansdale was a master writer and planner. He was a great "scenario" guy. It still have a lot of his personally typed material in my files. I am certain that he was behind the elaborate plan and mostly the intricate and enduring cover-up. Given a little help from friends at PEPSICO he could easily have gotten Nixon into Dallas, for "orientation': and LBJ in the cavalcade at the same time, contrary to Secret Service policy. 

    He knew the "Protection" units and the "Secret Service", who was needed and who wasn't. Those were routine calls for him, and they would have believed him. Cabell could handle the police. 

    The "hit men" were from CIA overseas sources, for instance, from the "Camp near Athena, Greece. They are trained, stateless, and ready to go at any time. They ask no questions: speak to no one. They are simply told what to do, when and where. Then they are told how they will be removed and protected. After all, they work for the U.S. Government. The "Tramps" were actors doing the job of cover-up. The hit men are just pros. They do the job for the CIA anywhere. They are impersonal. They get paid. They get protected, and they have enough experience to "blackmail" anyone, if anyone ever turns on them...just like Drug agents. The job was clean, quick and neat. No ripples. 

    The whole story of the POWER of the Cover-up comes down to a few points. There has never been a Grand Jury and trial in Texas. Without a trial there can be nothing. Without a trial it does no good for researchers to dig up data. It has no place to go and what the researchers reveal just helps make the cover-up tighter, or they eliminate that evidence and the researcher. 

    The first man LBJ met with on Nov 29th, after he had cleared the foreign dignitaries out of Washington was Waggoner Carr, Atty Gen'l, Texas to tell him, "No trial in Texas...ever." 

    The next man he met, also on Nov 29th, was J. Edgar Hoover. The first question LBJ asked his old "19 year" neighbor in DC was "Were THEY shooting at me?" LBJ thought that THEY had been shooting at him also as they shot at his friend John Connally. Note that he asked, "Were THEY shooting at me?" LBJ knew there were several hitmen. That's the ultimate clue...THEY. 

    The Connallys said the same thing...THEY. Not Oswald. 

    Then came the heavily loaded press releases about Oswald all written before the deal and released actually before LHO had ever been charged with the crime. I bought the first newspaper EXTRA on the streets of Christchurch, New Zealand with the whole LHO story in that first news...photos and columns of it before the police in Dallas had yet to charge him with that crime. All this canned material about LHO was flashed around the world. 

    Lansdale and his Time-Life and other media friends, with Valenti in Hollywood, have been doing that cover-up since Nov 1963. Even the deMorenschildt story enhances all of this. In deM's personal telephone/address notebook he had the name of an Air Force Colonel friend of mine, Howard Burrus. Burrus was always deep in intelligence. He had been in one of the most sensitive Attache spots in Europe...Switzerland. He was a close friend of another Air Force Colonel and Attache, Godfrey McHugh, who used to date Jackie Bouvier. DeM had Burrus listed under a DC telephone number and on that same telephone number he had "L.B.Johnson, Congressman." Quite a connection. Why...from the Fifties yet.? 

    Godfrey McHugh was the Air Force Attache in Paris. Another most important job. I knew him well, and I transferred his former Ass't Attache to my office in the Pentagon. This gave me access to a lot of information I wanted in the Fifties. This is how I learned that McHugh's long-time special "date" was the fair Jacqueline...yes, the same Jackie Bouvier. Sen. Kennedy met Jackie in Paris when he was on a trip. At that time JFK was dating a beautiful SAS Airline Stewardess who was the date of that Ass't Attache who came to my office. JFK dumped her and stole Jackie away from McHugh. Leaves McHugh happy???? 

    At the JFK Inaugural Ball who should be there but the SAS stewardess, Jackie--of course, and Col Godfrey McHugh. JFK made McHugh a General and made him his "Military Advisor" in the White House where he was near Jackie while JFK was doing all that official travelling connected with his office AND other special interests. Who recommended McHugh for the job? 

    General McHugh was in Dallas and was on Air Force One, with Jackie, on the flight back to Washington..as was Jack Valenti. Why was LBJ's old cohort there at that time and why was he on Air Force One? He is now the Movie Czar. Why in Dallas? 

    See how carefully all of this is interwoven. Burrus is now a very wealthy man in Washington. I have lost track of McHugh. And Jackie is doing well. All in the Lansdale--deM shadows. 

    One of Lansdale's special "black" intelligence associates in the Pentagon was Dorothy Matlack of U.S. Army Intelligence. How does it happen that when deM. flew from Haiti to testify, he was met at the National Airport by Dorothy? 

    The Lansdale story is endless. What people do not do is study the entire environment of his strange career. For example: the most important part of my book, "The Secret Team", is not something that I wrote. It is Appendix III under the title, "Training Under The Mutual Security Program". This is a most important bit of material. It tells more about the period 1963 to 1990 than anything. I fought to have it included verbatim in the book. This material was the work of Lansdale and his crony General Dick Stillwell. Anyone interested in the "JFK Coup d'Etat" ought to know it by heart. 

    I believe this document tells why the Coup took place. It was to reverse the sudden JFK re-orientation of the U.S. Government from Asia to Europe, in keeping with plans made in 1943 at Cairo and Teheran by T.V. Soong and his Asian masterminds. Lansdale and Stillwell were long-time "Asia hands" as were Gen Erskine, Adm Radford, Cardinal Spellman, Henry Luce and so many others. 

    In October 1963, JFK had just signalled this reversal, to Europe, when he published National Security Action Memorandum #263 saying...among other things...that he was taking 1000 troops home from Vietnam by Christmas 1963 and ALL AMERICANS out of Vietnam by the end of 1965. That cost him his life. 

    JFK came to that "Pro-Europe" conclusion in the Summer of 1963 and sent Gen Krulak to Vietnam for advance work. Kurlak and I (with others) wrote that long "Taylor-McNamara" Report of their "Visit to Vietnam" (obviously they did not write, illustrate and bind it as they traveled). Krulak got his information daily in the White House. We simply wrote it. That led to NSAM #263. This same Trip Report is Document #142 and appears on page 751 to 766 of Vol. II of the Gravel Edition of the Pentagon Papers. NSAM #263 appears on pages 769-770 (It makes the Report official). This major Report and NSAM indicated an enormous shift in the orientation of U.S. Foreign Policy from Asia back to Europe. JFK was much more Europe- oriented, as was his father, than pro-Asia. This position was anathema to the Asia-born Luces, etc. 

    There is the story from an insider. I sat in the same office with Lansdale, (OSO of OSD) for years. I listened to him in Manila and read his flurry of notes from 1952 to 1964. I know all this stuff, and much more. I could write ten books. I send this to you because I believe you are one of the most sincere of the "true researchers". You may do with it as you please. I know you will do it right. I may give copies of this to certain other people of our persuasion. (Years ago I told this to Mae Brussell on the promise she would hold it. She did.) 

    Now you can see why I have always said that identification of the "Tramps" was unnecessary, i.e. they are actors. The first time I saw that picture I saw the man I knew and I realized why he was there. He caused the political world to spin on its axis. Now, back to recuperating. 

    L. Fletcher Prouty 

  13. 5 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    I agree with almost all of David Denton's essay points.

    I totally believe Murchison maid Mae Newman's story about the 11, 21,1963 Murchison meet up where J.Edgar Hoover flew in and was picked up by Newman's fellow Murchison house staff employee Jules Feiffer ( spelling?).

    Newman also mentioned the main Murchison family cook by name and recounted one-on-one conversations she had with both her and Feiffer concerning Hoover specifically,  with Hoover's name ( and even Hoover's nickname "Bulldog" ) clearly mentioned that evening. 

    I also believe Newman's recounting of how the cavier and champagne flowed in the Murchison household for a week after JFK's slaughter. And how it seemed to her that she ( Newman ) was the only one grieving for JFK and his family during all that celebrating. Newman choked up a bit and her speech was halted and she glanced away for a second when she recounted the grief she alone felt for JFK. 

    If Newman's story ( and her emotions while sharing it ) in that documentary interview were contrived. the woman missed her calling in the career department. She should have been in British theater. 

    Newman's story and emotion demeanor in sharing it in the TMWKK interview comes across to me as one of the most sincere and honest and least contrived I have seen in this whole affair. 

    Ms. Newman remained as a domestic employee for Virginia Murchison for decades after this event. She didn't give up what she saw, heard and knew about the Murchison get together, with Hoover as a guest, on 11, 21,1963 until she was retired and Virginia Murchison had passed away.

    Her revealing her remarkable story at a much later date made perfect sense for someone who was obviously very dependent on the income she made working for this wealthy family ( I wonder how poor and maybe uneducated Newman may have been as a child in Ireland ) and one could imagine her probably liking her job and maybe Virginia Murchison personally?

    But imagine if Newman's story is true. Hoover and the Murchison's ( and possibly LBJ also ) secretly meeting in person in the Dallas area the night before JFK is killed there?  

    The implications are staggering and could answer some of the main JFK truth questions.

    LBJ and Hoover were like brothers ( LBJ's own words to Hoover in that famous White House taped call between the two discussing the creation of the Warren Commission ) and close socializing neighbors for years.  It is so obvious that these two watched out for each other for decades and one can imagine how much and in what nefarious and blackmailing ways they were bonded and colluded to benefit each others positions, power and influence.

    I believe it is this relationship ( they both hated and were threatened by JFK and RFK ) is one of the keystones of understanding how the JFK assassination and it's cover-up could be pulled off.

    That and LBJ's other close relationship to other JFK and RFK hating powers to be such as you-know-who and even the Mafia.

    I believe working people any day over professional and practiced and corrupted and compromised long time politicians and bureaucrats like LBJ, Hoover, Nixon, etc. 

    For these same reasons I also believe Madeline Brown and her story regarding the 11, 21,1963 Murchison meet up and LBJ's presence there and his ( Those SOB Kennedy's will never embarrass me again ) comments to her following this.

    Would like to comment further on Denton's piece later.

    Well stated, Joe.

    I've always thought Newman was sincere, her mannerisms and way of speaking don't show me otherwise.

    With LBJ in the position he was, with a close friend like Hoover, it was like a fox guarding the henhouse.

  14. 1 hour ago, Robin Finn said:

    Shenon was a guest on the Fresh Air radio program today. From listening, I learned that:

    • LHO was a prolific newspaper reader and had to have seen Castro's comments in the New Orleans newspaper
    • LHO was in contact with pro-Castro Cubans in Mexico City who discussed killing JFK and he even talked about in the Cuban consulate!
    • Jack Ruby killed LHO to spare Jackie from having to come back to Dallas for a trial
    • Earl Warren didn't bring Sylvia Duran to the U.S. for an interview because she was a communist??????? 
    • Some of the released documents are illegible and in foreign languages!!!
    • Shenon communicates with other "serious researchers" but has troubled relationships with them because he doesn't agree with their theories

    Funny how he didn't mention anything about the extensive CIA surveillance operations in Mexico City. For someone who is sure the pro-Castro Cubans were encouraging LHO, the production from the  bugs and photo ops should be critical, right?  The CIA's Cuban double agents' reports should be important corroboration ,right?

    Yeah, Fresh Air was the program I was thinking of. Looks like they had all of the typical msm boxes checked off. 


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