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Jim Hargrove

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Everything posted by Jim Hargrove

  1. More endless philosophizing and straw dog mocking from Mr. B! Perhaps he'll be willing to show us the missing front tooth on the exhumation photo of Lee Harvey Oswald's teeth.
  2. Notice how the H&L critics have decided to discuss nothing except the exhumation, as if any one piece of evidence in this case can be used to conclude anything positively. In other cases, perhaps, but not this one.
  3. Good point. At first I thought the difference in the typography was the result of a highlight pen that had sort of faded. But the period appears to be changed to a comma as well, suggesting otherwise. The innocent (hah!) explanation would be that the FBI decided late to add SA Cadigan’s altered testimony to the pile of pages of altered testimony by SA Frazier and SA Stombaugh and saved time by not having to type an additional full-page referral to explain it all. A less innocent explanation would be that Dulles himself altered Cadigan’s testimony about the secret evidence transfer and retransfer, without Hoover’s approval, and this addition was a sort of post-alteration FBI imprimatur. John A. thinks the handwriting altering Cadigan’s words on the raw transcript was by Dulles himself.
  4. Thank you, Gene. I was hoping we could get the majority of people on this forum to kind of agree with all this.
  5. Less than 3 hours after JFK was assassinated, Hoover famously told AG Robert Kennedy and top FBI officials that Oswald "went to Cuba on several occasions, but would not tell us what he went to Cuba for." Even though Hoover claimed that Oswald went to Cuba after returning from Russia, that information soon disappeared from the official biography of Lee Harvey Oswald. A substantial amount of evidence shows that the Cuban visits, and Oswald’s anti-Castro activities in Florida and Louisiana, occurred while the other Oswald was in the Soviet Union. Phillip Corso, asked by Richard Russell to make discreet inquiries about the assassination, reported that Francis Knight, head of the U.S. Passport Office, told him that two passports had been issued to “Lee Harvey Oswald” and they had been used by two different people. (Anthony Summers 1966 interview with Phillip Corso). Marita Lorenz told government attorneys in no uncertain terms that LHO was active in anti-Castro activities in the U.S. while the other LHO was in the USSR. She refused to back down even when threatened with perjury. H&L critics will tell us she was unreliable, but they were strangely silent when the lengthy thread about her unfolded recently on this forum. During the same period we have the infamous Bolton Ford incident and the Milnes Chevy appearance, both of which involved Oswald’s name being written down. In Havana in May 1961, CBS journalist Robert Taber (a Fair Play for Cuba Committee founding member) met with a "Lieutenant Oswald," who was introduced as an arms expert, and Dr. Enrique Luaces. Dr. Luaces had no doubt that "Lieutenant Oswald" was the same man depicted on television after the assassination of JFK. In the fall of 1961, Police Officer Charles Noto arrested LEE Oswald and Celso Hernandez on Breakwater Road on the Lakefront in New Orleans. They were brought to Levee Board Police Headquarters where, after a closed door session with Marcel Champon, the officer in charge, they were released. H&L critics will tell us, of course, that this is all nonsense. Just more mistaken eyewitnesses. Isn’t it remarkable, though, that in most of the cases above, the young man described to the world as a leftist and even a Commie was described instead by the eyewitnesses as being involved in anti-Castro activities. How do you explain that? Guess they must have all gotten together right after the assassination and decided to concoct similar theme of anti-Cuban activities for our young Commie so they could each have their 15 minutes of fame. A CONSPIRACY! For more, see.... Harvey in Russia… Lee in the USA
  6. Mr. Laverick tells us that every bit of evidence for two Oswalds is invalid because of the exhumation when, in fact, all the evidence for two Oswalds indicates there is something wrong with the stated results of the exhumation. Can you imagine the U.S. National Security state allowing a different verdict? We have repeatedly shown how much evidence in this case has been faked. FBI reports of Dealey Plaza eyewitnesses that do not reflect at all what the witnesses saw. Alteration of sworn testimony. An invented IRS form inserted into evidence during the secret transfer of Oswald’s possessions to the FBI that does not reflect Social Security records. An uncashed money order that supposedly paid for the rifle that allegedly killed JFK. A magic bullet! Disappeared original school and employment records for teen-aged “Lee Harvey Oswald.” But the conclusions of the exhumation should be above suspicion? In this case? But by all means, go ahead and pretend the exhumation closes this case and, whatever you do, don’t believe your own lying eyes! In the meantime, how about all that evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald was active in anti-Castro circles in the United States at the same time he was in the Soviet Union?
  7. Megathanks, Pat! Let’s put it right here to be sure we’re all on the same page. A reasonable assumption is that the following change to “SA Cadigan’s transcript” is one of the “recommended changes” these FBI personnel were recommending. How easily these s.o.b.’s conspired to change history! They sent this referral to Belmont and Sullivan, top FBI brass under Hoover. Isn’t it interesting that Belmont, Sullivan, Cadigan, and three or four other important FBI officials all died soon before any of them could testify to the HSCA? That was the infamous FBI HSCA wipe-out! And what could these FBI men have told the HSCA? The alteration in Cadigan’s testimony was made to hide the fact that the FBI had secretly transferred “Lee Harvey Oswald’s possessions” from Dallas to DC the night of November 22/23, 1963, so that a Minox spy camera could become a Minox light meter, so that Oswald “tax records” could be planted, and so much more. The vastly expanded Oswald “possessions” were then secretly returned to Dallas a few days later, and officially sent back to DC soon after that. At the very same time, a complete history of a certain Italian carbine was being invented. It’s all finally untangling!
  8. In the fall of 1954, LEE Oswald was in the 9th grade at Beauregard JHS, where he became friends with a kid named Ed Voebel after Voebel witnessed him in a protracted fight with the Neumeyer brothers, Johnny and Mike. Voebel and a couple of other kids attempted to patch Lee up. This was in November. Voebel told the Warren Commission that Oswald lost a tooth in the fight. Mr. JENNER. But you do remember that you attempted to help him when he was struck in the mouth on that occasion; is that right? Mr. VOEBEL. Yes; I think he even lost a tooth from that. I think he was cut on the lip, and a tooth was knocked out. Soon after the fight, Voebel took a famous photograph of Oswald that he eventually sold to LIFE magazine after the assassination. It appears to show LEE Oswald with a missing tooth. Here’s a close-up from Voebel’s photo: About a half century later, after one of a number of meetings John Armstrong had with Marina (Oswald) Porter, she gave him all the original photos of the 1981 exhumation. Here is one of them. As you can see, there is no missing front tooth. I have the Feb. 21, 1964 edition of LIFE magazine which contains a HUGE halftone reproduction of Voebel's photo that fills up all of page 70 and extends onto page 71. Now that I have a better scanner, I'll see if I can make a clearer image.
  9. Pat, Any chance you could post a scan of that 7/6/64 memo? I found an OCRd text version of it, but it was filled with typos and strange characters.
  10. I don’t think so, Tracy. Do you seriously think these people wanted to call attention to themselves, to remind their friends and neighbors that they were related to the man who supposedly assassinated a popular sitting president? Even if they found the courage to speak out, who would they talk to? Warren Commission critics who even questioned the official findings in an academic way found it difficult or impossible to get published in the mainstream press. What American television station would want to hear from an Oswald relative who said Oswald worked for American Intel, or much less discuss the “Oswald Project.” Had I been in their position, I would have feared for my life.
  11. Funny that Mr. Parnell would include Frank Sturgis on his list. As the old s.o.b. clearly said in this old interview with O'Reilly, he knew there were two Oswalds.
  12. All the name-calling the H&L critics can summon doesn’t change the evidence: Evidence of a 5’ 11” Marine who becomes a 5’ 9” cadaver on a slab in the Dallas morgue. Evidence of a fellow who is arrested both on the main floor and the balcony of the Texas Theater. Evidence of a man who does and doesn’t have a valid Texas driver’s license. Evidence of a man who isn’t recognized by his own half-brother. Evidence of a man whose Social Security records don’t reflect teen-aged employment income supposedly included on his federal tax returns. Evidence of a man who appeared at the Bolton Ford dealership in New Orleans at the same time he was in the Soviet Union. Evidence of a man who lost or broke a front tooth in a school fight yet had the tooth magically reappear in his exhumation photos. Evidence of a man who worked with anti-Castro Cubans in Miami and the Florida Everglades at the same time he was in the Soviet Union. Evidence of a man who was treated for VD at a Marine hospital in Japan at the same time he was on the high seas and in Formosa. Evidence of a man who attended school simultaneously in New York City and New Orleans. And on and on. Funny thing about evidence.
  13. I agree with you, Paul. Note this paragraph from the Starnes article above: An American field officer with a distinguished combat career speaks angrily about "that man at headquarters in Saigon wearing a colonel's uniform." He means the man is a CIA agent, and he can't understand what he is doing at U.S. military headquarters here, unless it is spying on other Americans.
  14. CIA James Angleton* YES Bernard Barker YES George H.W. Bush YES Charles Cabell PRIOR KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBTFUL Ann Goodpasture PRIOR KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBTFUL Richard Helms* YES E. Howard Hunt* YES David Phillips* YES Ray Rocca PRIOR KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBTFUL Sergio Arcacha Smith* (assassin) ?? Frank Sturgis YES Dallas Police WESTBROOK (YES, he had the second Oswald wallet) Jesse Curry NO Gus Rose NO FBI C.D. DeLoach NO J. Edgar Hoover PRIOR KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBTFUL James Hosty NO Gordon Shanklin NO LBJ Cliff Carter NO Malcolm Wallace NO Media Hugh Aynesworth (CIA asset) NO Priscilla Johnson McMillan (CIA asset) NO Oswald Family & Friends Charles (Dutz) Murret NO, BUT KNEW ABOUT 2 LHO'S Lillian Murret NO, BUT KNEW ABOUT 2 LHO'S Marilyn Murret NO, BUT KNEW ABOUT 2 LHO'S Marguerite Oswald “Historic” NO, BUT KNEW ABOUT 2 LHO'S Marguerite Oswald “Imposter” NO, BUT KNEW ABOUT 2 LHO'S Marina Oswald (KGB) NO Robert Oswald NO, BUT KNEW ABOUT 2 LHO'S Vada Oswald NO, AND LIKELY SUSPECTED 2 LHO'S Michael Paine NO, BUT KNEW ABOUT 2 LHO'S Ruth Paine NO, BUT KNEW ABOUT 2 LHO'S American Embassy Moscow Richard Snyder (CIA asset) NO John McVickar (CIA asset) NO WC Allen Dulles* YES Gerald Ford NO Earl Warren NO Two Marguerites Edward Aizer NO Mrs. Harry Bodour NO Dr. Cuthbert Brown NO Otis Carleton NO Mrs. Benny Commenge NO, BUT WOULD HAVE RECOGNIZED A DIFFERENT PERSON IF FACE TO FACE Mrs. Oris Duane NO, BUT WOULD HAVE RECOGNIZED A DIFFERENT PERSON IF FACE TO FACE Julian Evans NO, BUT WOULD HAVE RECOGNIZED A DIFFERENT PERSON IF FACE TO FACE Myrtle Evans NO, BUT WOULD HAVE RECOGNIZED A DIFFERENT PERSON IF FACE TO FACE Herbert Farrell NO Dr. Bruno Mancuso NO Edward Pic NO, BUT WOULD HAVE RECOGNIZED A DIFFERENT PERSON IF FACE TO FACE Viola Peterman NO Clem Sehrt NO, BUT WOULD HAVE RECOGNIZED A DIFFERENT PERSON IF FACE TO FACE exhumation Dr. Linda Norton NO Dr. Vincent DiMaio NO Dr. James Coffone NO Dr. Irwin Sopher NO William Dear (Security) NO John Cullins (friend of Marina) NO Hampton Hall (filmed exhumation) NO Several other assistants of the doctors NO It should be noted that a number of people above expressed disbelief about the appearances of Harvey and phony Marguerite to the Warren Commission. Both Julian and Myrtle Evans, for example, said they never would have recognized “Marguerite” had they not been told who she was. John Pic said a number of photos of Harvey, including the famous Bronx Zoo photo, did not appear to be his brother.
  15. An English fellow (sorry I'm forgetting his name at the moment) wrote about the Krock piece and the story that prompted it at length on this forum some years years ago. Here's the original Richard Starnes piece from 10/2/63 the Englishman provided that sent Krock to Def Con 1. The Washington Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1963, p.3 'SPOOKS' MAKE LIFE MISERABLE FOR AMBASSADOR LODGE 'Arrogant' CIA Disobeys Orders in Viet Nam By Richard T. Starnes SAIGON, Oct.2 - The story of the Central Intelligence Agency's role in South Viet Nam is a dismal chronicle of bureaucratic arrogance, obstinate disregard of orders, and unrestrained thirst for power. Twice the CIA flatly refused to carry out instructions from Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, according to a high United States source here. In one of these instances the CIA frustrated a plan of action Mr. Lodge brought with him from Washington because the agency disagreed with it. This led to a dramatic confrontation between Mr. Lodge and John Richardson, chief of the huge CIA apparatus here. Mr. Lodge failed to move Mr. Richardson, and the dispute was bucked back to Washington. Secretary of State Dean Rusk and CIA Chief John A. McCone were unable to resolve the conflict, and the matter is now reported to be awaiting settlement by President Kennedy. It is one of the developments expected to be covered in Defense Secretary Robert McNamara's report to Mr. Kennedy. Others Critical, Too Other American agencies here are incredibly bitter about the CIA. "If the United States ever experiences a 'Seven Days in May' it will come from the CIA, and not from the Pentagon," one U.S. official commented caustically. ("Seven Days in May" is a fictional account of an attempted military coup to take over the U.S. Government.) CIA "spooks" (a universal term for secret agents here) have penetrated every branch of the American community in Saigon, until non-spook Americans here almost seem to be suffering a CIA psychosis. An American field officer with a distinguished combat career speaks angrily about "that man at headquarters in Saigon wearing a colonel's uniform." He means the man is a CIA agent, and he can't understand what he is doing at U.S. military headquarters here, unless it is spying on other Americans. Another American officer, talking about the CIA, acidly commented: "You'd think they'd have learned something from Cuba but apparently they didn't." Few Know CIA Strength Few people other than Mr. Richardson and his close aides know the actual CIA strength here, but a widely used figure is 600. Many are clandestine agents known only to a few of their fellow spooks. Even Mr. Richardson is a man about whom it is difficult to learn much in Saigon. He is said to be a former OSS officer, and to have served with distinction in the CIA in the Philippines. A surprising number of the spooks are known to be involved in their ghostly trade and some make no secret of it. "There are a number of spooks in the U.S. Information Service, in the U.S. Operations mission, in every aspect of American official and commercial life here, " one official - presumably a non-spook - said. "They represent a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone," he added. Coupled with the ubiquitous secret police of Ngo Dinh Nhu, a surfeit of spooks has given Saigon an oppressive police state atmosphere. The Nhu-Richardson relationship is a subject of lively speculation. The CIA continues to pay the special forces which conducted brutal raids on Buddhist temples last Aug. 21, altho in fairness it should be pointed out that the CIA is paying these goons for the war against communist guerillas, not Buddhist bonzes (priests). Hand Over Millions Nevertheless, on the first of every month, the CIA dutifully hands over a quarter million American dollars to pay these special forces. Whatever else it buys, it doesn't buy any solid information on what the special forces are up to. The Aug. 21 raids caught top U.S. officials here and in Washington flat-footed. Nhu ordered the special forces to crush the Buddhist priests, but the CIA wasn't let in on the secret. (Some CIA button men now say they warned their superiors what was coming up, but in any event the warning of harsh repression was never passed to top officials here or in Washington.) Consequently, Washington reacted unsurely to the crisis. Top officials here and at home were outraged at the news the CIA was paying the temple raiders, but the CIA continued the payments. It may not be a direct subsidy for a religious war against the country's Buddhist majority, but it comes close to that. And for every State Department aide here who will tell you, "Dammit, the CIA is supposed to gather information, not make policy, but policy-making is what they're doing here," there are military officers who scream over the way the spooks dabble in military operations. A Typical Example For example, highly trained trail watchers are an important part of the effort to end Viet Cong infiltration from across the Laos and Cambodia borders. But if the trailer watchers spot incoming Viet Congs, they report it to the CIA in Saigon, and in the fullness of time, the spooks may tell the military. One very high American official here, a man who has spent much of his life in the service of democracy, likened the CIA's growth to a malignancy, and added he was not sure even the White House could control it any longer. Unquestionably Mr. McNamara and Gen. Maxwell Taylor both got an earful from people who are beginning to fear the CIA is becoming a Third Force co-equal with President Diem's regime and the U.S. Government - and answerable to neither. There is naturally the highest interest here as to whether Mr. McNamara will persuade Mr. Kennedy something ought to be done about it.
  16. I think it says “(!857-Current file)”, though I’m not sure about the “!” What difference does it make? It’s probably a slug line from the electronic archive it was taken from. There is no question about the genuineness of the article. You can read it at the NYTimes' own archive here: http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive/pdf?res=9500E0DB1030EF3BBC4B53DFB6678388679EDE This is supposedly behind a paywall, but I went right to the article without an NYT subscription. If for any reason that doesn’t work for you, just go to the Wikipedia article on Arthur Krock and click on the hyperlink in footnote # 4. Here’s the Wikipedia link to the Krock article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Krock Better hurry, though. Someone in the article discussion is already trying to delete the CIA reference from the Wikipedia piece.
  17. As the Company's top dogs in this crime, I’m going with DCI emeritus Dulles, and with Helms, Angleton, Phillips, and Hunt. JA makes the case that Desmond Fitzgerald, Phillips’ superior, was innocent.
  18. A lot of the evidence for Ruby knowing Oswald originates during the summer of 1963, when Classic LHO® and Marina and family were still in New Orleans. With all the other evidence linking Phillips with JFK's murder and the attempt to blame it on Castro, I think using McClendon as a cutout makes far more sense than looking to the Mob.
  19. V. WHO ORDERED OSWALD'S DEATH? KLIF radio founder Gordon McLendon was a former Naval Intelligence officer who was a close friend and confidant of CIA officer David Atlee Phillips. Jack Ruby called McLendon’s unlisted phone number the day of the assassination. Ruby was overheard that very afternoon saying he could be reached at KLIF, and he continued writing letters to McLendon even from prison. In 1975 McLendon and David Atlee Phillips formed the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO). The two men had known one another since childhood. And it was Phillips who was spotted by Antonio Veciana talking to LEE Oswald at the Southland building in Dallas in the summer of 1963. And so we are starring at a direct chain of command from CIA’s David Atlee Phillips to former intel officer Gordon McLendon to McLendon’s close friend Jack Ruby. From Harvey and Lee: Around 1:15 am KLIF radio announcer Russ Knight approached the entrance to the police station and asked if anyone had seen District Attorney Henry Wade. Jack Ruby, who was milling around talking to people said, "I'll show you" and escorted Knight to the basement. Before reaching the basement Ruby asked Knight, twice, to ask District Attorney Wade if he thought Oswald was "insane." After reaching the base­- ment Ruby once again approached Wade and told him that radio announcer Russ Knight wanted to speak with him.142 As Knight began talking with Wade, Dallas Police Lieutenant James Gilmore saw Ruby and asked him what he was doing at the police station after midnight. Ruby told Gilmore that he was passing out sandwiches and planning to deliver sandwiches to KLIF radio, the station owned by Gordon McLendon.143 NOTE: Jack Ruby listed Gordon McLendon, the owner of Dallas radio station KLIF, as one of his six closest friends. McClendon had known career CIA officer David Atlee Phillips since both men were in their teens and attended school in Fort Worth. In the 1970's McLendon joined Phillips to form the Association of Former Intelligence Offic- ers (AFIO). .... Jack Ruby-1:30 am to 6:00am After Russ Knight finished talking with Henry Wade he and Ruby walked out of the police station. Ruby asked Knight if he needed a ride to the KLIF station, but Knight declined and walked to KLIF, while Ruby walked to his car.147 About 1:45am Ruby arrived at KLIF with sandwiches and soft drinks and again talked with Knight. At 2:00am, with Ruby nearby, Knight went on the air and told ra­- dio listeners, "Through a tip from a local nightclub owner I asked Mr. Wade the ques- tion of Oswald's insanity." Around 2:15am, following the radio broadcast, Knight and Ruby left the radio station. On the steps of the building Ruby handed Knight the text of a speech called "Heroism" from H.L. Hunt's LIFE Line radio program, broadcast on radio station KRLD. Ruby told Knight there were elements such as Hunt's in Dallas that hated Presi­- dent Kennedy. Knight remembered the late night incident and said, "Ruby had the speech but he didn't seem to be cognizant fully of what the speech was or actually what side that he stood on ..... just mentioned like there is an element here that hates, that hated Mr. Kennedy." When Knight asked Ruby if he meant the Hunt's, Ruby said nothing.148 NOTE: After Ruby shot Oswald, Knight began to think about the "Heroism" speech that Ruby gave him and said, "It seemed to me like too much of a coincidence that he should be carrying a speech called 'Heroism' and then for him to shoot Oswald on Sunday mormng...."149 --From Harvey and Lee, pp. 904-905, Copyright © 2003 by John Armstrong. All rights reserved.
  20. IV. WHY DID U.S. INTEL FRAME ONE OF ITS OWN? 1. With his trip to Russia, staged FPCC activities, and commie-loving history going all the way back to the Marine Corps, it was easy to paint the Russian-speaking Oswald as a commie with ties to Castro, which is exactly what happened. If we are to believe Earl Warren, apparently LBJ had to ask him to direct an official cover-up to prevent a possible war with Cuba and maybe even the Soviets. 2. Oswald’s ties to both the FBI and the CIA made G-men, especially J. Edgar Hoover, all too happy to enter full scale cover-up mode. 3. Russian-speaking Oswald had demonstrated that he would follow even difficult orders, critical in the days and hours before and immediately after the assassination. He absolutely had to be in the right places at the right times to become a successful patsy. And a patsy was absolutely critical for the plot to succeed. Without one, the search for the plotters would have been relentless.
  21. III. COLLUSION OF THE FBI AND CIA The FBI took Oswald off the watch list, managed by its “WANTED NOTICE” cards, at the same time a CIA cable gave him a clean bill of political health, just a couple of months after his New Orleans arrest for alleged violence in support of Communist Cuba and less than two months before the assassination. These two actions effectively took the federal spotlight off “Lee Harvey Oswald.” The WC didn’t even bother to depose the Division 5 guy (Gheesling) who ordered the FBI's flash cancellation. “Lee Harvey Oswald” had been on that list for nearly four years, since the “defection.” Now that he was taken off it, he’d no longer be under FBI and SS surveillance on 11/22. At the very same time the FBI was taking “Lee Harvey Oswald” off the watch list, the CIA was publishing several confusing things about him. Responding to a query from the Mexico City station, four CIA officers signed a cable giving lots of accurate biographical data on our boy but calling him “Lee Henry Oswald.” The three page cable expressed no security concerns whatsoever about Oswald and, in fact, indicated the Moscow embassy felt “life in the Soviet Union had clearly had maturing effect on Oswald.” Nothing to worry about here! This cable was signed by Jane Roman (Angleton’s assistant), William Hood (also close to Angleton), Thomas Karamessines (assistant to Helms) and John Whitten who, according to Jefferson Morley, was the only CIA officer of the four signers who suffered any adverse consequences for this troubling cable. John Armstrong believes that Angleton ran the Oswald Project. At the same time the FBI was taking “Lee Harvey Oswald” off the watch list, the CIA was giving “Lee Henry Oswald” (biographical data mostly matching LHO’s official biography) a clean bill of political health in the infamous cable of 10/10/63 (see above). It was now no longer officially necessary for the FBI to monitor “Oswald’s” activities in Dallas. And the Secret Service would no longer be expected to investigate him prior to a presidential visit to Dallas. Although “Lee Harvey Oswald” had been arrested for a supposedly violent confrontation in support of Fidel Castro in New Orleans just two months earlier, the entire National Security apparatus of our Federal government now seemed to just stop worrying about him. What happened next, of course, has been documented by scores of writers and filmmakers for more than half a century. “Lee Harvey Oswald,” or more likely someone who looked like him, began making all kinds of appearances in and around Dallas. These appearances were clearly designed to attract attention. Here are just some: “Oswald” visits the Sports Drome Rifle Range on Oct. 26, Nov. 9, Nov. 10, and again on Nov. 17, several times creating a scene and once shooting at another guy's target; On Nov. 2 “Oswald” visits Morgan's Gun Shop in Fort Worth. Also on Nov. 2 “Oswald” visits the Downtown Lincoln Mercury dealership where he test drives a car at wrecklessly high speeds saying he would soon come into enough money to buy a new car. On Nov. 6 or 7 “Oswald” visits the Irving Furniture Mart for a gun part and is referred to the shop where Dial Ryder works. On Nov. 15, “Oswald” goes to the Southland Hotel parking garage (Allright Parking Systems) and applies for a job and asks how high the Southland Building is and if it had a good view of downtown Dallas. On Nov. 20 “Oswald” hitch-hikes on the R.L. Thornton Expressway while carrying a 4 foot long package wrapped in brown paper and introduces himself to Ralph Yates as “Lee Harvey Oswald,” discusses the President's visit, and asks to be dropped across the street from the Texas School Book Depository (where Russian-speaking “Lee Harvey Oswald” is already working). The set-up of “Lee Harvey Oswald” was almost complete. Could this have been accomplished if the FBI and the Secret Service hadn’t been put to sleep just a few weeks earlier?
  22. II. LIES OF THE CIA The CIA’s efforts to dissociate itself from Lee Harvey Oswald were built on lies every bit as enormous as the FBI’s fabricated evidence against him. To this day, the CIA claims it never spoke with Oswald, that it didn’t even bother debriefing him after the so-called “defection.” Even though CIA employee Donald Deneslya said he read reports of a CIA "contact" who had worked at a radio factory in Minsk and returned to the US with a Russian wife and child. Even though CIA accountant James Wilcott said he made payments to an encrypted account for “Oswald or the Oswald Project.” Even though Oswald’s lengthy “Lives of Russian Workers” essay reads like a very good intelligence report. The official cover story of the radar operator near American U-2 planes defecting to Russia in 1959, telling U.S. Embassy personnel in Moscow he would give away all his secrets to the Soviets, and returning home without penalty smells like a spy story. In 1963 State Department gave him permission to travel to communist Cuba and the Soviet Union again, this during the height of the Cold War! Oswald owned an expensive Minox spy camera, which the FBI tried to make disappear. His possessions were searched for microdots. And let’s follow the money.... Oswald always seemed poor as a church mouse, until it was time to go “on assignment.” For his Russian adventure, we’re to believe he saved all the money he needed for first class European hotels and private tour guides in Moscow from the non-convertible USMC script he saved. In the summer of 1963, he once again seemed to have enough money to travel abroad to Communist nations Extraordinary measures were taken over the years to hide LHO’s involvement with the CIA. Allen Dulles, the CIA director fired by JFK, was put on the Warren Commission and attended more meetings than any other commissioner. George Joannides, case officer and paymaster for DRE (which LHO had attempted to infiltrate) was put in charge of lying to the HSCA and never told them of his relationship to DRE. For his achievements, Joannides was given a medal by the CIA. President Kennedy and the CIA clearly were at war with each other in the weeks immediately before his assassination, as evidenced by Arthur Krock's infamous defense of the Agency in the Oct. 3, 1963 New York Times.
  23. I. LIES OF THE FBI The FBI’s malfeasance in this case was legion and is well known by most members of this forum. The short (3 minute) YouTube video below demonstrates quite clearly how the FBI altered the observations of three critical Dealey Plaza witnesses who believed shots may have been taken at JFK from outside of the Texas School Book Depository, thus contradicting the official story. The FBI went to extraordinary lengths to suppress evidence of what CIA accountant James Wilcott called the “Oswald Project,” including sending out agents within hours of the assassination to confiscate original school and teen-aged employment records of “Lee Harvey Oswald.” In the wee hours of the night of Nov 22-23, 1963, the FBI secretly took “Oswald's Possessions” from the Dallas Police Department, transported them to Washington, D.C. altered them, and then secretly returned them to Dallas, only to publicly send them to Washington. D.C. a few days later. Among a great many other alterations, a Minox “spy camera” became a Minox “light meter.” Tax records, not found by Dallas police who said they initialed each scrap of paper, magically appeared without DPD initials. FBI agent James Cadigan inadvertently spilled the bean about the secret transfer during his sworn WC testimony, which was altered by the WC. The FBI falsified so much testimony that it even had a process in place for routinely doing so, including over the objections of Warren Commission attorneys. For more about how the FBI altered evidence, see this link: Manipulated, Fabricated, and Disappearing Evidence It is clear that the FBI was willing to go to extraordinary lengths to hide the truth about the Kennedy Assassination and “Lee Harvey Oswald.” So was the CIA....
  24. Would anyone like to suggest an innocent explanation as to why Oswald wasn’t prosecuted for these offenses?
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