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Jim Hargrove

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Everything posted by Jim Hargrove

  1. Unable to explain the evidence of LHOs simultaneous attendance at schools in New York and New Orleans, Mr. Parnell falls back to his usual boilerplate about the HSCA and the exhumation. The HSCA’s treachery and its lies involving Oswald are well known by JFK researchers, and, in one instance, has been demonstrated clearly in this very thread. H&L critics would like us to believe that the exhumation/mastoidectomy evidence and the Norton Report shows that the H&L evidence is wrong. But since there is so much unexplained evidence for two Oswalds in the 1950s and early 1960s, the real conclusion should be that there is something wrong with the Norton Report. As I’ve said many times, any organization willing to poison hundreds and probably thousands of unsuspecting Americans with LSD just to see the effects would think nothing of giving an unnecessary mastoidectomy to a young boy so he would match the other boy whose identity he was sharing. Look up the MK ULTRA project for yourself if you don’t believe me. Marina said she was compelled to sign paperwork about her husband’s grave soon after the assassination and, according to the Norton Report, she really expected to find an empty casket at the exhumation. Who knows what could have been done to Harvey Oswald’s body if Marina’s recollections are accurate. It could even have been replaced with LEE’s body if he was killed when no longer needed. The exhumation was conducted by Dallas employees. To see how fairly Dallas treated JFK research and researchers, just look up Dallas vs. Robert Groden to understand all the illegal prosecutions made against a skilled JFK researcher who dared to stand in a public place and distribute evidence about the murder of JFK. Dallas authorities have the same ethical standing in this case as the Warren Commission and the HSCA. When Mr. Parnell cannot explain the evidence he is confronted with, he falls back on the same old rhetoric.
  2. So... Mr. Parker informs us that there is a Port Byron in New York State. Port Byron is about 280 miles NNW of New York City. And there is no Port Byron Junior High school, much less a PS 44 Byron Jr. High. Today, in Port Byron there is only AA Gates Elementary and Dana-West Jr.-Sr. High. Mr Parker's discovery, which I've known about for 20 years or so, is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. There is also a Port Byron in Illinois. Why doesn't Mr. Parker talk about that?
  3. About the only thing intelligible in Mr. Parker’s “explanation” is that he wants us to believe that the 89 days in the top “Re-Ad” column of the Beauregard cumulative record includes days Oswald attended PS 44 in New York City. But there are no forwarded records from PS 44 in Harvey Oswald’s Beauregard file. The only mention of PS 44 is in a record that indicates he previously attended “PS #44-Byron Junior High" in New York. But, as I mentioned earlier, there is no “Byron Junior High” in New York and, according to the New York Historical Society, there never was. Again, since there are PS 44s in four or five of the five New York City boroughs, how would Beauregard have received information from an incorrectly identified school? John wrote: “Perhaps a false name for the school was provided so that Beauregard school personnel would be unable to obtain Oswald's New York school transcripts by mail.” Nevertheless, Mr. Parker want us to believe that somehow, without knowing the correct name of the school, Beauregard included on its cumulative records days of attendance by Oswald in the non-existent “Byron Junior High.” Mr. Parker calls this “Common sense prevailing with records transferring so no disadvantage accrues.” No disadvantage? Mr. Parker fails to point out that in the 1953 fall semester at PS 44 in New York “Lee Harvey Oswald” obtained generally poor, but nevertheless passing grades in Language Arts (English), Mathematics, Social Studies, Health, Phys Ed, and Music. So if the Beauregard cumulative record really reflected the days spent at the New York City school, it was a TREMENDOUS DISADVANTAGE to Oswald that his New York coursework was not counted. All that was included in the fall 1953 semester Oswald had at Beauregard was “general science” (which he didn’t even take in New York in the fall 1953 semester) and phys ed. As Myra DaRouse noted on being shown the Beauregard record, Harvey Oswald was obviously a part time student in the fall ‘53 semester at Beauregard. LEE Oswald was a full-time student at PS 44 taking entirely different subjects (except for phys ed).
  4. Thank you for FINALLY posting information you say debunks the PS 44 / Beauregard conflict, Tracy. When he quotes me on his website, Mr. Parker conveniently leaves out my entire analysis of Head’s statements. I’ll put that at the end. Without any evidence whatsoever, Mr. Parker claims that the 89 days in the top “Re-Ad” column of the Beauregard cumulative record includes days Oswald attended PS 44 in New York City. But there are no forwarded records from PS 44 in Oswald’s Beauregard file. The only mention of PS 44 is in a record that indicates he previously attended “PS #44-Byron Junior High" in New York. But there is no “Byron Junior High” in New York and, according to the New York Historical Society, there never was. Since there are PS 44s in four or five of the five New York City boroughs, how would Beauregard have received information from an incorrectly identified school? John wrote: “Perhaps a false name for the school was provided so that Beauregard school personnel would be unable to obtain Oswald's New York school transcripts by mail.” Here is the information Mr. Parker left out of my post when he quoted me: The answer is right before us in the documents shown above. In the actual Beauregard cumulative record for LHO (top document above), look at the very last entry on the far right under the “Re-Ad” column. It shows a total of “168” days for the 1954-55 school year. Tracy Parnell wants you to believe that number, like the numbers in the “Re-Ad” column for the previous school year, represent the number of total days in the school year. But that can’t be! Head indicated that Louisiana law dictated a minimum of 170 school days in a school year, and so if we’re to believe Tracy’s interpretation, every student report card at Beauregard for the 1954-55 school year was evidence that Louisiana law was being broken. On the other hand, using my interpretation (that the “168” indicated the actual days LHO attended school) we can make perfect sense of these numbers. Adding Oswald’s 168 days of attendance and his 12 absences comes out to exactly 180 days, just what Head said comprised a typical Beauregard school year! The “Re Ad” column clearly indicates the number of days a student actually attended school. So let’s look at the first semester of the 1953-54 school year at Beauregard. It indicates that Oswald attended 89 days and was absent once, for a total of 90 school days. For the 1953 fall semester at PS 44 in New York, Oswald attended 62 and a fraction days and was absent three and a fraction days for a total of 66 school days accounted for. Add those 66 days to the 90 days from Beauregard and you get at total of 156 days, equivalent to nearly an entire school year! Despite whatever spin Tracy cares to put on this, the NYC and Louisiana school records for fall semester starting in 1953 clearly show two Lee Harvey Oswalds attending two different schools at the same time!
  5. That's a very honest admission and a dramatic change for you, Tracy. You often said in the past that Greg Parker had debunked both issues. Thank you for your honesty! No he hasn't. The only real evidence you offer is the so-called LHO 1956 tax return. Oswald’s 1956 tax return is remarkable in that it failed to include income from his then current employer, the United States Marine Corps. It didn’t contain that information because the Department of the Navy didn’t release Oswald’s military pay records until September 15, 1964, well after the document you rely on was forged by the FBI. We can start discussing this tomorrow or Wednesday. 
  6. Mr. Parnell, If you would like to pretend that the New York/New Orleans simultaneous schooling has been debunked, or the Taiwan/Japan simultaneous USMC stationings has been debunked, or the Palmer McBride timeline has been debunked, or anything else in H&L has been debunked, please stop hiding behind remote servers and place your arguments here so all of us can agree exactly what you are claiming and so I can then tear it apart. Why are you afraid to debate anything here? No doubt you'll just provide another link to some other remote server and claim that all the answers are there.
  7. No they haven't. All I ever see are links to Mr. Parker's private forum. This is the JFK DEBATE forum. Let's see some actual debate on this issue from your side. Mr. Parker's so-called "explanations" are irrelevant to my information above. If you think otherwise, post the evidence here, please.
  8. We're STILL looking for someone to debate this issue right here on the JFK Debate Forum.
  9. Hey, Mr. Bojczuk, if Sandy is too busy to debate Mr. Parker about the PS 44/Beauregard school records, I’d be happy to do so!! It never ceases to amaze me that Lee Harvey Oswald could attend school simultaneously in NYC and New Orleans in the fall 1953 semester. I’ll get the ball rolling right now so Mr. Parker can respond RIGHT HERE on a neutral forum. He is still a member here, as I see his name listed on the “WHO’S ONLINE” list at the bottom of the main JFK page all the time. So, without further delay, here’s a summary and a debate challenge I issued to Greg Parker or ANYONE ELSE way back last August!
  10. Sandy posed this excellent question several weeks ago, right after he posted his amazing graphics mirroring the right and left sides of LHO’s counterfeit DoD ID photo, which appears to be a composite of the two Oswalds’ faces. Assuming it is true that, as Sandy wrote, “HARVEY went to Russia on a passport bearing LEE’s photo,” my bet is that it the subterfuge was concocted for domestic (US) consumption. The assumption was probably that the appearances of Harvey and Lee were similar enough that a small mug shot of LEE would pass the inspection of hurried international customs agents looking at HARVEY standing directly in front of them, but it might not fool a much closer inspection by U.S. State Department and Intelligence agents not in on the spy game who suddenly might begin taking a harder look at “Lee Harvey Oswald” after he “defected” to Russia. A similar problem was faced by U.S. Intel when Oswald Project managers had to figure out how to provide a picture of “Lee Harvey Oswald” to newspaper and and other news media reporters. After all, there might well be people in the Dallas/Fort Worth areas, for example, who knew LEE well enough to question whether a picture of HARVEY was really him. So here is the mug shot published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram announcing the defection of “Lee Harvey Oswald.” Problem solved! Can you imagine anyone seeing anything wrong with such a washed-out photo? For more on this, see…. Evolution of the "Defection" Photo
  11. The incident at the Downtown Lincoln Mercury dealership witnessed by Bogard, Eugene Wilson, Frank Pizzo, Oran Brown and probably others is one of the better-known examples of how HARVEY Oswald was set up to be the assassination patsy by someone else. Briefly, the story goes that “Lee Harvey Oswald” arrived at the dealership in early November and test drove a Mercury Comet at speeds “up to 75 to 85 miles and hour” on wet pavement on the Stemmons Freeway. This Oswald claimed he could return in a couple of weeks with enough cash (about $3500) to buy the car. Bogard told the WC that he thought Oswald drove the car on November 9, but Eugene Wilson, who talked to Oswald about financing the car, did some checking on his personal activities that day and determined that the actual date was November 2. Besides being a good example of the setup of “Lee Harvey Oswald,” this story is fascinating in another respect. Over the years, I have test driven many cars from auto dealerships, and I cannot recall a time when I did not have to show a valid drivers license before being allowed to take the car out on the road. But according to the Official Story, “Lee Harvey Oswald” did not have a drivers license. Ruth Paine indicated she drove LHO to the drivers license facility to get a learner’s permit on Nov. 9, and she said he wasn’t out of her sight all day. Was the Oswald at the Downtown Lincoln Mercury dealership allowed to drive a car without a valid license or even a learners permit? I sincerely doubt it, don’t you? But we know of one LHO who DID have a valid Texas drivers license, and that was American-born LEE Harvey Oswald. See: The Man Who Could—And Couldn’t—Drive
  12. A number of researchers, including John Armstrong and the late Jack White, felt that the “Minsk ID photo” used on LHO’s counterfeit DoD ID card was a composite image of two different people, LEE Oswald and HARVEY Oswald. (See the photo of Oswald to the right of Webster’s photo in my post above.) I’ve never been very good with faces and for many years was quietly skeptical of the claim that it was a composite of two different faces… until Sandy Larsen did the breakthrough little study he points to above. The minute I saw that, I was convinced it was a composite image. Anyone who finds that claim hard to believe should take a look at Sandy’s work.
  13. If you want to conclude these two men had an uncanny resemblance, be my guest. I don’t think they do. Any statement that Oswald “was a spy in his own mind” clearly suggests he wasn’t really a spy. Prove me wrong. Show me where SS concludes he WAS a spy. Although SS states that “Oswald’s documented weight for the last seven years of his life varied between 131-140 pounds,” we have to ask why his final USMC paperwork, including a medical report under the heading “MEASUREMENTS AND OTHER FINDINGS” indicates his weight was 150 lbs. and his height was 71” (5’11”). His discharge paperwork indicates the same thing. Documents published about LHO are almost evenly divided between 5’ 9” and 5’ 11”. Hardly any list him as 5’ 10”. Sure seems like a description of two different fellows, but if we split the difference, we get 5’ 10”, the exact height shown in the Lee Henry Oswald CIA document of October 10, 1963. This supposed to make us think of 5’ 10” William Webster? Really? The fifteen pound difference between 150 lbs. and 165 lbs. really isn't very much. The amazing thing about this so-called mole hunt is that the CIA's classified message indicating Oswald had matured and was safely allowed back in the U.S. occurred within hours of the “information received” date on the cancellation of the FBI Wanted Notice Card. The effect of both of these documents was to decrease Federal monitoring of “Lee Harvey Oswald” just weeks after he had been arrested for his so-called pro-Communist Cuba activities in New Orleans. It would now be possible for Harvey to be set up as the assassination patsy without undue Secret Service and FBI monitoring. I’m sorry, I just do not believe this is best explained a “mole hunt.”
  14. Sheesh! I frequently refer to "Oswald" in the singular. You've been whining about me off and on for years, and you've just noticed that now? Terrific research!
  15. Here's that link to Prof. Norwood's article, which prompted this thread: http://harveyandlee.net/Russian.html
  16. My bet is he was told that this was an assassination drill, that he should follow his orders and meet a contact with a torn-in-half dollar bill to match his torn-in-half dollar bill serial # at the Texas Theater... the poor dumb schmuck!
  17. He was following orders, as he'd done for years.
  18. I may not have written my original note clearly enough, Sandy. I didn’t mean to say that the CIA officially took notice of anything about “Oswald.” I meant to emphasize the stupidity of the Official Cover Story that a U.S. Marine serving in a radar installation involved with U-2 aircraft, who soon “defected” to the USSR and on arrival in Moscow told American embassy personnel that he planned to divulge everything he knew to the Soviets, that this guy did NOT seem to interest the CIA even when Powers’ U-2 was shot down while he was still in Russia. The story we’ve been told for half a century is that the CIA wasn’t even interested enough in Oswald to talk to him… ever! CIA claims to this day it never communicated with Lee Harvey Oswald. It is a profoundly stupid story, but everyone from the New York Times to the National Inquirer to WC apologists right on this forum are all too happy to defend it with a straight face. Crap like that has put us our nation right smack dab into the middle of the political mess we’re in today.
  19. Perhaps, instead of conflating Nelson Delgado's recollection that Oswald might have been interested in studying psychology at a University in Switzerland or in East Berlin with participation in an actual Berlitz language program, Mr. Trejo could provide one solitary shred of real evidence that Oswald obtained, paid for, or was given any type of Russian language training whatsoever while in the USMC. Here's a few things Delgado DID say.... Mr. DELGADO ... and he always got a Russian paper, and I asked him if it was, you know, a Commie paper--they let you get away with this in the Marine Corps in a site like this--and he said, "No, it's not Communist; it's a White Russian. To me that was Greek, you know, White Russian, so I guess he is not a Communist; but he was steady getting that periodical. It was a newspaper. Mr. LIEBELER - In the Russian language? Mr. DELGADO - Right. Here's a White Russian newspaper printed in San Francisco, perhaps identical to the newspaper Delgado said Oswald "always got...." (Another soldier said he read a Russian newspaper from San Francisco.) Can you imagine learning on your own to read a newspaper like the above? ---------------------------------- Mr. LIEBELER - You don't know whether the Russian newspaper that he got came from the Cuban consulate? Mr. DELGADO - No. He was getting that way before he even started corresponding with them. Mr. LIEBELER - Do you know whether Oswald ever received any books or pamphlets or materials in any language other than Russian---aside from English, of course? Mr. DELGADO - No. He had one book that was English, Das Kapital. I think it was Russian, a book, like I said. I go--by Russian when it's big block letters. And he had one book like that. He spoke Russian pretty good, so I understand. Mr. LIEBELER - How do you understand that? Mr. DELGADO - He tried to teach me some Russian. He would put out a whole phrase, you know. In return for my teaching him Spanish, he would try to teach me Russian. But it's a tongue twister.
  20. But it was LEE who attended radar school in Biloxi for long hours in 1957. John wrote that the course “included 180 hours of instruction on radar familiarization, radar indicators, air surveillance operations, direction center operations, and electronic countermeasures.” The soldiers at MACS 1 near Atsugi remembered that Oswald sometimes got passed-out drunk and that he wasn’t interested in politics. That’s clearly LEE, not HARVEY.
  21. Indeed! Even the official cover story of the radar operator observing American U-2 planes defecting to Russia, saying he would give away all his secrets, and returning home without penalty smells like a spy story. The CIA, we’re told, cared so little about Harvey’s Excellent Adventures in Moscow and Minsk that they didn’t even bother to debrief him. Even though the CIA’s U-2C spy plane was shot down over Russia while Oswald was there, there were STILL no questions from American Intel and, just a year or two later, in 1963, the State Department approved his travel to Communist countries AGAIN!!! Does anyone interested in the truth really believe that story? It’s like the Emperor’s New Clothes. The clever thing about the actual event is that Harvey Oswald, the Russian-speaking kid who “defected” to Russia and was shot dead by Jack Ruby, was never in the radar bubble at Atsugi. That was American-born Lee. Even if Harvey had been tortured by the Russkies, or bewitched into spilling the beans by a beautiful Russian woman, he had no U-2 secrets to give away.
  22. Of course. It would be almost as bad if my own doctor asked me to estimate my height, weight, and blood pressure.
  23. If I had to guess, I’d say whoever returned the license, perhaps with some indication that the issuer was deceased or had moved out of state or something, hoped that it might cause the Texas DPS to close the file and throw it away, but it apparently didn’t work, as this HSCA doc shows…. HSCA investigator Gary Sanders tried to talk to TDPS but ultimately concluded in his report: “It is very obvious to me that if there are any records at the DPS pertaining to LEE HARVEY OSWALD they are not going to release them.”
  24. Yes. The phrase is used three times in Chapter 1. The first time it is attributed to Norman Mailer. The second time it is used in a paragraph suggesting Oswald exaggerated his own height on Marine Corps records and includes this: It doesn’t prove that Oswald was a government spy. It indicates that Oswald was a spy in his own mind, and would exaggerate his own description. The third time is in a footnote that begins, 24 Oswald was a spy in his own mind, and would exaggerate his own description.
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