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Jim Hargrove

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Everything posted by Jim Hargrove

  1. Speaking of mountains of evidence: Evidence of a 5’ 11” Marine who becomes a 5’ 9” cadaver on a slab in the Dallas morgue. Evidence of a fellow who is arrested both on the main floor and the balcony of the Texas Theater. Evidence of a man who does and doesn’t have a valid Texas driver’s license. Evidence of a man who isn’t recognized by his own half-brother. Evidence of a man whose Social Security records don’t reflect teen-aged employment income supposedly included on his federal tax returns. Evidence of a man who appeared at the Bolton Ford dealership in New Orleans at the same time he was in the Soviet Union. Evidence of a man who worked with anti-Castro Cubans in Miami and the Florida Everglades at the same time he was in the Soviet Union. Evidence of a man who was treated for VD at a Marine hospital in Japan at the same time he was on the high seas and in Formosa. Evidence of a man who attended school simultaneously in New York City and New Orleans, and, oh yeah.... Evidence of a man who lost or broke a front tooth in a school fight yet had the tooth magically reappear in his exhumation photos, and so on....
  2. This is rich! Mr. Laverick seems to be under the impression that someone (me?) is in charge here. Mr. Laverick would LIKE to be in charge, and sometimes acts like he THINKS he is, but he isn't either. No one is.
  3. Is there no end to your misrepresentations? Norton and DiMaio were not aware that a second Oswald was also in the Marine Corps at the same time. Had they known that, they would have realized they had to dig far deeper into the medical records they were asked to compare with the exhumation results. DiMaio admitted that many World War II era people had the same mastoidectomy scar.
  4. Actually, that's the first time I've re-posted it, although other posts I've made show the missing tooth and the Magic Tooth in the grave. But now that you have suggested it, I think I'll re-post it as many times as you keep misrepresenting the evidence, which should give me plenty of opportunities, eh?
  5. What utter nonsense! It is clear that LEE Oswald lost a front tooth and most likely, like just about everyone else in that situation, had a false tooth put in. The picture and the testimony makes that abundantly clear.
  6. Yes, I think that's a fair description. Let's remember that the people involved in the exhumation were trying to find out if a Russian young man had replaced "Lee Harvey Oswald" when he returned to the U.S. They were not considering that the person in the grave had also been in the U.S. Marines and had also shared many similar experiences in the U.S. I believe they honestly thought they had proved the man in the grave was the man born as "Lee Harvey Oswald" in New Orleans in 1939. Clearly, they were not aware of all the evidence available then and now.
  7. When Mr. Laverick can explain how "Oswald's" cadaver grew a new front tooth, he'll have my attention!
  8. Sandy, It definitely shows there were two Oswalds (Lee lost a front tooth, Harvey didn't), but I’m not sure what it says about the exhumation evidence being faked. Can you explain that?
  9. One of the things John told me numerous times during our conversations was that he just hoped people would look at ALL the evidence he had assembled and make up their own minds about what must have happened. Anyone who could come up with a different but still honest explanation for that evidence would have his attention in a heartbeat—and mine. I’ve had a picture of LEE with his missing tooth up on my website since, if memory serves, 1999. Even earlier, a fellow named Jerry Robertson also included the picture of toothless LEE in print material he produced supporting John’s work. And this is just a tiny tip of a huge iceberg of evidence behind Harvey and Lee, mostly presented here by David Josephs, Sandy Larsen, and me. If Michael Cross or anyone else has an honest alternate explanation for all of this, let’s hear it! The stage is yours.
  10. I’m happy to talk about the exhumation and Harvey’s magic tooth, but it is actually Mr. Laverick who constantly tries to change the subject. This thread was started by an H&L critic who thought he could mock the clear indications that Harvey Oswald learned Russian as a child. That didn’t work out so well for the critic and we eventually moved on to many other examples of evidence for Harvey and Lee. Those examples are so numerous they fill a thousand page book and have, in this one example on this one forum, filled 110 pages so far. Mr. Laverick is clearly alarmed by the Harvey and Lee Menace® and has decided to try to steer everything back to the exhumation, because he thought he could win that argument. But that hasn’t worked out well for him either. Regardless of Mr. Laverick’s intentions, we ARE going to discuss additional evidence for Harvey and Lee beyond the exhumation and the magic tooth. For now, though, it’s clear that the H&L critics are confused about this subject. Tracy Parnell is still unable to see this photo: Greg Parker soldiers on and admits what we can all see with our own eyes but would like us to believe that, either the tooth was waving in the breeze for hours before being re-implanted by an unknown dentist, or was somehow found, picked up, cleaned, and quickly re-inserted, all the while allowing time for attending class and posing for Ed Voebel’s camera. Mr. Laverick marvels at the fact that the exhumed teeth more or less match Marine Corps records, even though he knows full well that the evidence shows Harvey was in the Marines and that it is therefore logical that his dental records would match. All that leaves him is the mastoidectomy Even Vincent Di Maio admitted that “many World War II-era kids bore the same scar.” Harvey may have had the same procedure done legitimately. It seems more likely, though, that Harvey had the procedure done in late 1952 or early 1953, when he was a teenager living in New York City and habitually truant from Public School 117. That’s the time period Louise Robertson was referring to when she told the FBI that Marguerite brought the child to New York for “mental tests.” This, despite the attempts by H&L critics to misrepresent it, had nothing to do with the assassination, still a decade away, or the exhumation, still three decades away. It would have been performed so Harvey’s medical records matched Lee’s, just in case some Commie Intel guy checked while Harvey was on assignment.
  11. Black Op Radio Len Osanic’s 88-minute interview with John Armstrong about “Men on the 6th Floor” premiered today (10/19/2017) on Black Op Radio. Hear it here: John Armstrong on Black Op Radio To see the material this interview was based upon, please click on the following link…. ESCAPE FROM THE 6TH FLOOR Four or five more Len Osanic interviews with John A. about Harvey and Lee are coming up in the next month or two.
  12. Witnesses see two men on the 6th floor Minutes before 12:30 PM, on the morning of November 22, 1963 many people observed two men on the 6th floor as the Presidential motorcade approached Dealey Plaza. Charles L. Bronson was using his home movie camera to film scenes outside of the Book Depository. At 12:24 pm, his camera captured the images of two men moving in the south­ eastern window of the 6th floor, an area that is now known as the snipers nest. Carolyn E. Walther was standing on the west side of Houston Street about 50 feet south of Elm. Just before the motorcade arrived she looked up at the Book Depository and saw two men in an upper floor window, one of whom was holding a rifle with the bar­rel pointed downward. She described the rifle as being considerably shorter and fatter than the rifle found by Dallas Police. She said the man carrying the gun was blond or light haired and was wearing a white shirt. The other man was wearing a brown suit coat.Ruby Henderson was standing across the street from the Book Depository and also saw two men on an upper floor of the building. She said one of the men was wearing a white shirt and the other man was wearing a dark shirt. Ruby said, "One of them had dark hair ..... a darker complexion than the other ..... You could see their head and shoulders, but not like they were leaning out."Ronald B. Fischer was standing next to Robert Edwards on the southwest cor­ner of Elm and Houston directly across the street from the Book Depository. Fischer saw the head and shoulders of a white man in his late 20's, with light hair, wearing an open-neck light ­colored shirt, staring in the direction of the triple underpass. Following the assassina­tion Fisher was interviewed by the Dallas Police and shown photographs of Harvey Oswald. Fisher said the photos looked like the man he saw at the window that shot at the President, but would not say the photographs were the same man.Robert Edwin Edwards was standing next to Ronald Fischer facing the Book Depository two or three minutes before the motorcade arrived. He saw a white man on the 6th floor wearing a light-colored sports shirt, open at the neck, and said the man had short, light, sandy hair. When shown photographs of Oswald after the assassination, Edwards said he could not be sure the photographs were the same man.Tom Dillard, the chief news photographer of the Dallas Morning News, saw two men in the arched windows on the 6th floor of the Book Depository as the car he was riding in turned the corner from Main onto Houston.Howard L. Brennan, a construction worker, saw a man sitting sideways on the windowsill prior to the arrival of the motorcade. Brennan said he could practically see his whole body, from the hips up. He said the individual was a white man in his early 30's, was fair complexioned, slender, possibly 5-foot 10, 160 to 170 pounds, and wore light-colored clothing.Richard Randolph Carr observed a man looking out the top floor of the Book Depository moments before the shooting. Carr, like Carolyn Walther, said the man was wearing a light brown coat. He described the man as having an athletic build, wearing horn rim glasses, and a hat. A few minutes after the assassination Carr saw the same man walking toward him on Houston, constantly looking back over his shoulder. The man turned east on Commerce St, walked one block to Record St., and got into a 1961 or 1962 light colored Nash Rambler station wagon. I believe this vehicle drove north on Record St., turned left on Elm, and was seen by Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig as LEE Oswald hurried down the grassy knoll and got into this car at 12:40 PM. This incident occurred while Harvey Oswald, the man accused of killing President Kennedy, was riding in a city bus several blocks east of the Book Depository.Across the street from the Book Depository as many as 40 inmates on the 5th floor of the county jail (see photo below) watched the two men as they "fooled around" with a scope on a rifle about 6 minutes before the shooting. Powell said the two men in the window "looked darker" than whites and were wearing "kind of brownish looking or duller clothes .... .like work clothes."Seventeen-year-old Johnny L. Powell had been in the county jail for 3 days charged with disturbing the peace. Powell said, "Quite a few of us jail inmates saw two men in the 6th floor window of the Book Depository. Everybody was trying to watch the parade and all that. We were looking across the street at the Book Depository because it was directly straight across. The first thing I thought is, it was security guards .... I remember the guys."
  13. Wow, this is the kind of name calling Mr. Laverick advances when he has clearly lost an argument. It may scare the children on Halloween, but it doesn't mean much here. How did "Lee Harvey Oswald's" cadaver re-grow a front tooth?
  14. [Greg Parker] THAT'S not a slam dunk! FFS! Lillian is NOT a witness for you. She is OUR witness. Who the [expletive deleted] goes to the dentist if they get a tooth knocked out unless it is to reset it or get an implant? Was it reset? Was an implant put in? Not according to you guys. At best, this blurred image may show that the tooth was knocked back and is in shadow. If that was the case, a visit to the dentist would be imperative due to the possibility of root damage or gum infection - either of which could lead to losing the tooth altogether. To give the tooth a chance to reset itself, the dentist would splint the tooth against the teeth next to it. So you are back to your interpretation of a blurred image and Voebel's QUALIFIED statement that the tooth may have been knocked out. Knock off making a positive statement out of what Voebel said - knock off trying to use a witness who is actually on OUR side and while you are at, do what Armstrong should have and address Ms Smith's testimony. Unlike Voebel, she knew the name of the person who hit Lee. She reports only - and without qualification - that the tooth went through the lip. This is supported by the autopsy which showed a scar on the lip. One Qualified witness statement and blurred photos = smoke and mirrors. ON our side, we have Ms Smith Lillian Murret No one ever claiming Lee had a missing tooth No missing teeth showing from either autopsy THIS is a slam dunk! It sure is a slam dunk! Mr. JENNER. But you do remember that you attempted to help him when he was struck in the mouth on that occasion; is that right? Mr. VOEBEL. Yes; I think he even lost a tooth from that. I think he was cut on the lip, and a tooth was knocked out. And here is the photo Ed Voebel took of LEE Oswald showing off his missing tooth! Of course, you guys simply cannot see it!
  15. FINALLY!!! Mr. Parnell reposts some Actual Words from Greg Parker's website. Now, we can debate! But alas.... Clearly, Mr. Parker wants to debate about the history dental implants, rather than debate about the magical growth of a new upper tooth in "Lee Harvey Oswald's" cadaver. Gee, I wonder why. Oh, I know, Mr. Parker wants us to believe that LEE Oswald's front tooth was implanted!!!! So, because "In 1951, Gottlieb Leventhal implanted titanium rods in rabbits.[53] Leventhal's positive results led him to believe that titanium represented the ideal metal for surgery," we're supposed to believe Mr. Parker's claim that "LHO" had a dental implant in the same decade. Hah-hah-hah-hah.
  16. As is so often the case, the H&L critics are afraid to put their arguments here, on the JFK Assassination Debate Forum, where they can be fully debated for all to see. Arguments on other websites can be altered at will... with no editing stamps... and the content forever obfuscated. How did "Lee Harvey Oswald" grow a new front tooth in his grave?
  17. Sheesh! Sometimes a picture really is worth 10,000 words. Of all the fuzzy photos I’ve looked at over the years, wondering who was on the stairs of the TSBD for example, the picture above is plenty clear enough to tell the story. If you were a 14-year-old boy in the 1950s who got a front tooth knocked out in a fight, do you think you would have spent the rest of your life with a toothless smile? Of course not. In those days before implants, you’d get a false tooth held in place by a dental bridge. A very common procedure. As to Lillian Murret’s recollection, why on earth would a mother (who, we’re told, was practical nurse) bring her kid to a dentist for a split lip? She’d go to a doctor, like anyone else looking to get a lacerated lip treated. Ed Voebel was with Lee Oswald during the fight. Ed Voebel tried to patch him up after the fight. And Ed Voebel took the picture of Lee with the missing tooth. And we're supposed to take Lillian Murret's hearsay recollection over Voebels? Hah! Mr. Bojczuk asks, “Did the body in Oswald's grave have a front tooth missing?” The answer, of course, is no. Mr. B. makes our point for us, again. Hey, let's look at that exhumation photo one more time! Still can't see that missing front tooth. The two top teeth sure look natural.
  18. If you find LEE Oswald's missing front tooth, please post it here! HarveyandLee.net
  19. To my H&L critic friends.... Sworn WC testimony referring way back to the fall of 1954.... Mr. JENNER. But you do remember that you attempted to help him when he was struck in the mouth on that occasion; is that right? Mr. VOEBEL. Yes; I think he even lost a tooth from that. I think he was cut on the lip, and a tooth was knocked out. Soon after the fight, Voebel took a famous photograph of LEE Oswald that he eventually sold to LIFE magazine after the assassination. It appears to show LEE Oswald with a missing tooth. Here’s a quick guide to “Oswald’s Lost Front Tooth” for vision impaired H&L critics. This will help you see LEE Oswald’s missing front tooth even if you’re nearly blind. First, get yourself a copy of the February 21, 1964 edition of LIFE magazine. You can borrow mine if you can’t find one. Here’s a picture of the cover I took with my cell phone. Second, and this may be a difficult part for you, open up LIFE magazine to pages 70 and 71. Here is what you will see.... Third, get your nose close to pages 70 & 71 and look towards the left side of the big two-page spread. Despite your obvious disabilities, you should see something like this…. Here’s a closer look at that missing upper front tooth: I'll post a brightened version of the same LIFE halftone from the late, great Jack White in a couple of days.... In the meantime, H&L critics, can you find the missing tooth in “Lee Harvey Oswald’s” original exhumation dental photos, currently in the possession of John Armstrong? I didn’t think so. Here’s an LHO exhumation dental photo…. WHERE IS THE MISSING FRONT TOOTH? I’ll be back in a couple of days to check on the progress of the H&L critics to find LEE Oswald’s missing front tooth. But, after following the H&L critics’ progress for more than 20 years now, I can assure you that there will be no progress whatsoever for the next three days.
  20. This has already been explained to you twice, Michael. The Marine in the photo is Harvey, and so naturally his teeth match the exhumation dental photo. The boy with the missing tooth in Ed Voebel’s classroom photo is LEE, whose teeth do NOT match the exhumation photo. All you have left is the mastoidectomy. Vincent Di Maio wrote, "we had a strong point of identification, although many World War II-era kids bore the same scar." Harvey may have had the same procedure done legitimately, and I don’t believe the exhumation team checked to see if he had it done to his other ear as well. To me, it’s most likely that Harvey had the procedure done in late 1952 or early 1953, when he was a teenager living in New York City and habitually truant from Public School 117. Louise Robertson, “Marguerite Oswald’s” housekeeper, told the FBI that Mrs. Oswald said she had brought her son to New York so that he could have mental tests performed at Jacobi Hospital. Wikipedia states that the CIA’s notorious MK-Ultra program “began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967, and officially halted in 1973.”
  21. Can anyone suggest an innocent interpretation of this apparent collusion by the FBI and CIA to set up a patsy for the assassination of JFK?
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