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Jim Hargrove

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Everything posted by Jim Hargrove

  1. Ah, but part of that evidence you seek is right in front of your eyes on the dependent’s ID card! The card indicates LHO was 71” tall (5’ 11”), as do a number of other USMC documents, including two medical reports. But the LHO killed by Ruby was two inches shorter, as shown on the autopsy report, his own words (according to Fritz) during the interrogation of 11/23/63, a NOLA police report, and lots of applications Oswald filled out. Are we to believe USMC medical examiners and personnel workers were so incompetent as to miss his actual height by not one but two inches? In addition, are we to believe that the CIA had a system in place to acquire blank DD 1173 cards for whatever purpose but no system for attaching photos to them? These are, after all, photo IDs. What possible reason could there be to go to such elaborate extremes to attach an image that appears to be a composite processed by the Soviets on the ID card? (Please see Sandy’s photo study repeated at the top of the previous page.) To me, at least, the existing evidence clearly suggests that this card was produced for a 5’ 11” Lee Harvey Oswald whose face didn’t match the 5’ 9” Oswald killed by Jack Ruby. Extensive evidence that there were two “Lee Harvey Oswalds” serving in the Marine Corps at the same time has been shown earlier in this thread and is more fully developed here: http://harveyandlee.net/Marines/Marines.html
  2. Sandy, I think Lee already had an ID card, although the dependency business is confusing. Lee seems to have served consistently in the Marines while Harvey moved in and out (spending a lot of that time in NOLA). If everyone is right that the so-called “Minsk” photo is a composite of two different faces, you can see why some Intel guy might take extreme measures to use it. From Harvey and Lee: According to Marine Corps records a DOD card was issued to Oswald on Sep- tember 11, 1959, with an expiration date of December 7, 1962. A spokeswoman for the Marines, Lieutenant Kim Miller, said that DOD cards were issued for one of two rea- sons: 1) injuries received while on active duty, 2) overseas civilian employment.105 Oswald did not receive an injury while on active duty, but he was probably employed as a "civilian" by the CIA when he "defected" to the Soviet Union. One look at Oswald's DOD card (DD 1173) is all it takes to realize that this particular card is a fake. The lower right quarter of Oswald's photograph has been blanked out by a semi-circular white overlay. Following the assassination the Dallas Police found numerous smaller photographs of Oswald (and Marina) with similar semi-circular white overlays. 106 The photograph that appears on the DOD card was identified by the Warren Commission as "Photo taken in Minsk" (Warren Commission Exhibit 2892), where Oswald lived from January, 1960 until June, 1962. This is, of course, impossible if the card was issued to Oswald 5 months earlier in California. This same photograph was used to fabricate a selective service card, with the name "Alek James Hidell," that was found in Oswald's wallet on November 22. This card was one of two items that linked Oswald to the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle (the other item was the backyard photograph). 107 The source of this composite photo, half of Harvey and half of Lee, has never been identified. – from Harvey and Lee, p. 897, Copyright © 2003 by John Armstrong. All rights reserved.
  3. I’m not saying it is impossible, but it doesn’t seem likely to me that the CIA just got a blank dependent ID card and filled it in to get Oswald’s passport moving for the upcoming “defection.” If they had, why wouldn’t they have filled in Oswald’s actual height as 5’9”? It’s pretty clear the Oswald killed by Jack Ruby was 5’9” tall. This height is shown on his application at Leslie Welding, Goldrings, Jobco, Weiner Lumber, and the Texas School Book Depository, and on a Texas Employment Commission record, a NOLA police department report, his Texas drivers license application, the autopsy report and in his answer to the DPD interrogation on 11/23/63. The 5’11” Oswald does appear in a number of USMC records and a few other places, but Classic Oswald® was CLEARLY 5’8”. Chris seems to be trying to keep the Harvey and Lee controversy out of the Military ID Card thread, but it really is the 10,000 pound elephant quietly stalking that whole discussion. The fact that John reports he was unable to see the original ID card at NARA speaks volumes, in my opinion. I'm more inclined to think the original ID card was that of 5'11" LEE Oswald, that the original photo didn't look enough like HARVEY, and so it was replaced by the split composite, sort of an evidentiary compromise.
  4. Don't know about Nagell's version, but Oswald's original DoD ID card is supposed to be at the National Archives, and it sure would be helpful to examine it directly. John Armstrong examined all of Oswald's alleged possessions in the late 1990s at the Archives but he reports the ID card was not to be found there. Researchers today have a far more difficult time than John did in getting permission to actually hold Oswald's "possessions." John had to wear white "evidence gloves" as he examined each of the items. If anyone reads this who is near D.C., though, it might be worth a try to get a look at the actual card. You have to contact NARA directly and request permission to examine a particular item. Otherwise, you'll just get photos.
  5. It’s becoming increasingly obvious why John chose to make that DoD ID card the entire front cover of Harvey and Lee. The more you look into this thing, the more and more it appears like a microcosm of the entire “Lee Harvey Oswald” mystery, filled with contradictions and absurdities and the kind of smoke and mirrors most of us associate with intelligence operations. If we could figure out how Harvey got that card, either before or after the photo modification, we would probably learn a lot. Why on earth was what was probably a photo processed in the USSR used on this thing? And if Harvey mocked it up himself using some Russian doc he brought back from the USSR, how did he get the card of the 5'11" Oswald to work with?
  6. Awesome, Sandy! Thanks so much for setting up those images. For the first time ever, I actually see what John and Jack were talking about in the split composite mug shot. If memory serves, John Pic and others talked about Lee Oswald’s “bull neck,” and you can see it here. I’m going to try to get John to take a look at your post. If he wants to, can we use your work on the website?
  7. Sandy, I know, but that isn't helping me see it. As I said earlier, I'm not good with faces and, beyond that, I don't trust the photographic evidence in this case. The only way we can figure out what happened is to understand what's left of the legitimate evidence that American Intel, Hoover and the WC neglected to alter or suppress. To that extent, at least, it's a good thing this case is so complicated! This doesn't mean, however, that the Armstrong/White dissection of the mug shot is wrong. Strange things happen to faces when they are split and mirrored, even for a single person.
  8. DJ, So you think neither one of these sigs are by Lee? No doubt you have better images, and I know you've studied this. Is it your opinion that the sig highlighted in yellow above is Lee's?
  9. I don't either. Agreed. But the the bogus DoD ID card is fascinating. Do you think Harvey could have put this together on his own? Are you absolutely certain the signature isn't Lee's?
  10. Hi, Sandy, Probably like you, I'm wary of the photo evidence in this case. I'm not very good with faces, for one thing, but there is a more important issue here, one that's mentioned in a couple of places in James Norwood's essay on the H&L website. James writes.... Due in part to the internet and the easy accessibility of images related to the JFK assassination, photographic evidence is all-too-often studied at the exclusion of more substantial evidentiary resources. .... From the inception of the Warren Commission hearings, photographic evidence has been used to sow dissent and confusion for JFK researchers. .... The unreliability of the pictorial evidence should alert students of the JFK case to the danger of over-reliance on photographs—both of documents and images of people. The irony, of course, is that an analysis of photos is helping us make great strides in identifying falsified evidence in this case. The very simplest question here is, Why would ANYONE need to paste a mug shot of "LEE HARVEY OSWALD" on an allegedly valid DoD ID card? What was being hidden, if not the face of Lee Harvey Oswald? Your logical thinking here is most appreciated!
  11. Harvey Oswald’s Photo on Lee Oswald’s DoD ID Card Russian-speaking Lee HARVEY Oswald (the man killed by Jack Ruby) was 5’9” (69 inches) tall. American-born LEE Harvey Oswald was 5’11” (71 inches) tall. It is becoming increasingly apparent that someone pasted a Russian photograph of the shorter Oswald on the U.S. Department of Defense ID card of the taller Oswald. The subject of this ID card is explored on the following Education Forum thread: In the Ed Forum thread, I posted these illustrations of the card: A number of people on the forum questioned the circular post office stamp dated October 23, 1963 that is on the card. Some people thought the card might have been “lost” and dropped into a U.S. Mail box. Chris Newton and Mark Knight noted that it appeared to be the type of card issued to U.S. military “dependents.” Jim DiEugenio, Mark Stevens and others noted that the photo on the card appeared to be identical to a photo of Oswald purportedly taken in Minsk AFTER the ID card was allegedly issued. Below, from the Warren Commission, are two photos of “Lee Harvey Oswald” allegedly taken in Minsk. In Commission Exhibit 2892 (right), note the off-white roughly quarter circle that appears to be painted on the lower right of the image. Tom Hume pointed out that the card should have been laminated, but didn’t appear to be. Other forum members agreed. Chris Newton published a better image of the suspect card. Richard Price and Sandy Larsen pointed out that the postal stamp appeared to be forged. Sandy wrote: … the three circles on the photo don't line up with the three on the ID. Also, it looks like the "IUL" is really ‘IUI.’” Chris Newton wrote, “Another problem: The "Expiration Date" : 7 Dec 1962 ... no real clerk in the military writes "1962" there. It's just "62" gentlemen.” Sandy asked, “Has the erased semicircle of the photo been discussed? The lower-right corner of the photo has been painted white for some reason. The whited out part is in the shape of a semicircle.” Chris posted the following image as “an aid to visualizing the circles: Then Chris posted the following image of a 1946 Soviet passport. Note the photo and the stamp. I posted that “… you could make the case that the LHO photo on his suspect DoD ID card was actually created, and processed, by a Russian passport authority…. Is it possible that the circular stamps were created mostly to obscure the tell-tale Soviet circular inset in the bottom right portion of the photo?” Chris said he was inclined to agree. I wrote, “According to the Official Story®, Oswald flew from Minsk to Moscow on Saturday, July 8, 1961, called Richard Snyder at home, and said he wanted to return to the United States. Snyder said he wanted to interview Marina, and she, apparently like her husband, also flew to Moscow the following Monday, and like her husband, didn’t seek police permission. That same Monday, Snyder supposedly renewed Oswald’s U.S. passport. “Why then, do we have what appears to be a Soviet passport photo of Oswald attached to a phony DoD ID card? Could it be that the official story is untrue, that Oswald DID NOT get his U.S. passport renewed at the American Embassy, and instead traveled back to the U.S. on a Soviet passport? “Would there be any other reason for Oswald to have obtained a Soviet-style passport photo of himself? Has anyone ever seen a hint of any evidence that Oswald had a Russian passport?” Sandy Larsen noted that “In my searching around I found that 1) stamping over the photo was a common thing in Europe at the time; and 2) they would do that for all kinds of IDs. Here's a Soviet ID for some kind of sports union:” Sandy also noted that “Oswald might have had a number of ID cards. For example, a residency card and a work permit.” David Josephs posted two images showing “a bit more detail on those circles…. “ David indicated that this is how the card “SHOULD have looked when issued:” Sandy Larsen analyzed the graphics from the bogus DoD ID and the Russian passport and wrote that he would propose “that the photo on Oswald's ID card came from an ID that he used while in the Soviet Union. He (or somebody else) removed the photo and pasted it to the military ID card. Upon doing so, the photo showed a remnant of the old Russian stamp, but of course the ID had no such stamp. So Oswald (or somebody else) decided he had to fake a stamp on the ID so that the stamp on the photo-only wasn't so obvious. He took a circular stamp and made a couple of impressions, with one lining up pretty well with the outer, Russian stamp. (The blue line, above.) Then he stamped it again with the circle, offsetting it from the first to give it some "depth" or complexity. And then he finished up his work with the date stamps. By making it complex, it provided some camouflage for the stamp on the photo. Without looking close, uninformed people would see something that looked about right, and that looked official.” Sandy added the following hypothesis: I suggest that that is a possibility. That Oswald was indeed a "DoD civilian employee contractor" at some point. And here's something for Harvey & Lee theory adherents: LEE Oswald may very well have been a "DoD civilian employee contractor and needed access to a US facility overseas" after his time in the Marines. In which case his (and not HARVEY's) photo would have originally been pasted on the card. And here's an add-on hypothesis: On assassination day, HARVEY wasn't killed as planned because Officer Tippet got cold feet. Tippet had to be taken out and his killing blamed on Oswald if at all possible. The assassination wrap up team had to come up with a fake Oswald wallet on the spur of the moment. They found that they has LEE's expired DoD Civilian Contractor card and one of HARVEY's expired Soviet identification cards. They ripped the photos off the two cards and pasted the Russian ID photo onto LEE's DOD Civilian Contractor card. Then they did the silly stamping to camouflage the Russian stamp on the photo. And they put this card inside Oswald's fake wallet.” The thread excerpted above is, at the time of this writing, still very much in progress on the Ed Forum. I just got home from a nearly week-long mini-vacation and I’m still catching up to recent developments on this subject. But the question remains…. Why did a photo of the 5’9” (69 inch) Russian-speaking Oswald get placed on a DoD ID card, apparently of the type issued to DoD dependents, that clearly refers to a 5’11” (71 inch) Lee Harvey Oswald? Was the original picture that of the taller American-born Oswald? Why was a photo used that appears to have been taken and processed inside the Soviet Union? From what I’ve read so far, Sandy Larsen’s theory immediately above seems logical. The ID card is one of the pieces of evidence that has always intrigued the author of Harvey and Lee, as indicated by the cover of the book.
  12. H&L Critics Fail to Debunk Bolton Ford H&L critics like Jeremy Bojczuk and Bernie Laverick want you to believe that just any old “Lee Harvey Oswald” appeared at the Bolton Ford dealership in New Orleans on January 20, 1961, when another “Lee Harvey Oswald” was living in the Soviet Union. Messrs. Bojczuk and Laverick want you to believe that, according to an FBI report, one of the Bolton Ford salesmen who met with Oswald “was exhibited a photograph of LEE HARVEY OSWALD and he said he cannot recall ever having seen him before….” The H&L critics don’t want you to know that the bogus FBI summation clearly contradicts the FBI airtel of 12/19/63 sent directly to J. Edgar Hoover that clearly indicates that the Bolton salesman, whose name was Oscar Deslatte, was telling everyone around town that he had met “SUBJECT: LEE HARVEY OSWALD” at his dealership. Messrs. Bojczuk and Laverick want you to believe that Deslatte must have been the only man in America who hadn’t seen a picture of Lee Harvey Oswald on television and print media. Here’s the FBI report: Oscar Deslatte’s boss at Bolton Ford was Fred Sewell. Sewell told Jim Garrision how his assistant brought the matter to his attention immediately after the assassination: Of course, the H&L critics want us to believe that Fred Sewell was just making this up. They also want you to believe that Sewell was fibbing when he said the FBI didn’t show them any photographs of Oswald. As if this all isn’t embarrassing enough for Messrs. Bojczuk and Laverick, they next go on to pretend that it is just an Amazing Coincidence® about the Bolton Ford bid form and the names written on it. Let’s take another look at that form. The name “Oswald” is written on the form, and so is “Friends of Democratic Cuba.” Now here’s where the comedy comes in. The H&L critics want you to believe that it was just another Amazing Coincidence® that the officers of the “Friends of Democratic Cuba” included “Lee Harvey Oswald’s” former employer Gerard Tugague, and W. Guy Banister, the former Chicago FBI head who famously worked with “Lee Harvey Oswald” on the streets of New Orleans in the summer of 1963. These H&L critics have a real gift for comedy. Not only do they want you to believe it was some unknown “Oswald” who went to the Bolton Ford dealership in 1961, they also want you to forget that it was none other than Carlos Bringuier, “Lee Harvey Oswald’s” radio debate partner, who brought the whole matter of Oscar Deslatte’s big mouth to the attention of the Secret Service and the FBI. Messrs. Bojczuk and Laverick are desperate to make you think none of this means a thing. Now that’s comedy! And dedication! To read the truth about the Bolton Ford incident, follow this link: http://harveyandlee.net/Misc/Bolton.html
  13. Thanks for posting this, DJ. The shoulders look like a tell to me. And isn't it amazing how "Lee Harvey Oswald" lost 2 full inches in height after leaving the Marines. But you've really upset Mr. Laverick, who is here to put a stop to all this Harvey and Lee evidence.
  14. Dear Readers: If Mr. Laverick says it ain't so, you can bet it IS so! Click this link to read the truth about the Bolton Ford incident: http://harveyandlee.net/Misc/Bolton.html
  15. In late 1960 CIA asset Marita Lorenz was in a Miami CIA safehouse with members of her group and met LEE Harvey Oswald for the first time. The HSCA interviewed her and asked about her first meeting with Oswald: Mr. Fithian: "Now is it your testimony that the first time you saw Oswald would have been in the camps in the Everglades?" Marita Lorenz: "The very first time, no. I saw him in the Safehouse and then in the camps." Mr. Fithian: "And that first meeting at the Safehouse would have been within a year of the Bay of Pigs?" Marita Lorenz: "I would say 1960." Mr. Fithian: "It would be some time during 1960?" Marita Lorenz: "Late 1960." Mr. Fithian: "All right. Now I want to be sure that I have your dates correct. You said the first meeting of LEE Harvey Oswald, the first time you saw him, was at a Safehouse in Miami in 1960." Marita Lorenz: "Yes." Mr. Fithian: "The next time or times that you saw him were during training at a camp in the Everglades, various places in the Everglades, in early 1960, 1961 period?" Marita Lorenz: "Yes." Mr. Fithian: "And after that you saw him at the Safehouse the second time?" Marita Lorenz: "Yes." Mr. Fithian: "What makes you so sure of the dates. Within a year of the first meeting in the Safehouse and the meeting at the camps in the Everglades, is there anything else you could match that up with?" Marita Lorenz: "The photographs, the events that took place. the photographs that Alex (Rorke) took. Everywhere we went Alex took pictures." Mr. Fithian: "This was prior to the Bay of Pigs?" Marita Lorenz: "Yes, April, 1961, was the Bay of Pigs." Mr. Fithian: "And you are sure you saw him (Oswald) before April, 1961." Marita Lorenz: "Yes, because Alex took the pictures." Mr. Fithian: "And the whole purpose of the training was to somehow participate or help in the Bay of Pigs. Marita Lorenz: "Yes." Mr. Fithian: "Did you see Oswald at any time in the intervening two years between early 1961 prior to April of 1961 and the September-October Safehouse meeting in 1963?" Marita Lorenz: "No, but Frank (Sturgis) kept in touch with me. Alex kept in touch with me." Mr. Fithian: "Mrs. Lorenz, has your attorney explained what perjury before a congressional committee is all about?" Marita Lorenz: "That is right, yes." Mr. Fithian: "In any way do you want to change your testimony on these dates?" Marita Lorenz: "No, I do not." Mr. Fithian: "There is adequate documentary evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald did not indeed return from the Soviet Union until June of 1962. Marita Lorenz: "I don't know about that." Mr. Fithian: "Therefore you could not have met him at the Safehouse in 1960, you could not have seen him in the Everglades in 1960 and 1961, and you could not have taken a picture in those areas and could not have a picture for the dates of that time." Marita Lorenz: "No?" Mr. Fithian: "It is not possible." Marita Lorenz: "I don't know about that." Mr. Fithian: "Now can you explain to the committee why you gave us this false information as far as dates?" Marita Lorenz: "I did not give you false information." Mr. Fithian: "Mrs. Lorenz, I went over your testimony very carefully a moment ago and you assured me that you met Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the Bay of Pigs." Marita Lorenz: "I did." Mr. Fithian: "On two occasions." Marita Lorenz: "Yes." Mr. Fithian: "Lee Harvey Oswald was in Russia during that entire period." Marita Lorenz: "I do not know that. I did not know that. The Lee Harvey Oswald that I met was the same in that picture, the one in the Safehouse. the same one that Frank knows. I do not know where he was according to your information. I do not know. I never read up on anything about these theories that are coming out about him." Mr. Fithian: "This is not a matter of theory." Marita Lorenz: "I know I am telling the truth. If you don't want it, that's too bad, you know. I am here to gain nothing, you know. Nothing. Nothing at all. You are trying a homicide investigation that should be solved, you know. Don't dispute me or put me on trial." Mr. Fithian: "Only if we can have full and truthful testimony." Marita Lorenz: "You have got it. You have it from me. I don't know about the other people. I have nothing to lose and nothing to hide-nothing. Mr. Fithian: "And it is your testimony that you are certain that the person you met at the Safehouse and at the camps of the Everglades is the same person that you met in Dallas." Marita Lorenz: "Yes, it is." Mr. Fithian: "Do you have any explanation for how we come up with two Lee Harvey Oswalds during this period?" Marita Lorenz: "I have no explanation. I know the man I met; he was a creep. I didn't like him. I don't have to be here at all. I have nothing to gain. Mr. Fithian: "Thank you. That is all." NOTE: CIA asset/photographer Alex Rorke had taken photos of LEE Oswald in Florida (1960-61) while HARVEY Oswald was in the Soviet Union. Rorke died in an airplane crash in Mexico in May 1964, along with Hugh Ward, DeLessups Morrison (former Mayor of New Orleans), his 7-year-old son Christopher, Daleigh Pellegrin and Ovide Cenac. H&L critics here, of course, will all say Marita Lorenz was unreliable, but they were strangely silent when Douglas Caddy recently began this lengthy thread Ms. Lorenz here:
  16. The evidence clearly shows the FBI report was faked. The report said, “DESLATTE was exhibited a photograph of LEE HARVEY OSWALD and he said he cannot recall ever having seen him before….” But Deslatte’s boss, Fred Sewell, said several times that the FBI did not show them pictures. The FBI report is false on the face of it. Since you say there were other “Oswalds” in New Orleans at the time, there would have been no reason for Deslatte to have assumed this was the Oswald killed by Jack Ruby unless he remembered something about him. The FBI was following its familiar pattern of destroying, inventing, or altering evidence that did not fit the story J. Edgard Hoover wanted told. This three minute video demonstrates three examples: To see the truth about the Bolton Ford incident, click on this link: http://harveyandlee.net/Misc/Bolton.html
  17. Let's see just one "alternate explanation." Please post it right here! Of course, you do not have the courage to do so, do you?
  18. Great, Mr. Parnell, Since you say there are so many, please put one or two of the "alternate explanations" RIGHT HERE! Let's see them! Do you keep them all SECRET? Why? THIS IS BECOMING MORE AND MORE OF A JOKE!
  19. Are there any H&L critics who will argue against the above? Or will you all just say Greg Parker has all the answers but you will not list any of the answers here? Of course you will. You always do! Will any H&L critic find the courage to debate this issue RIGHT HERE?
  20. Since we don't have any real arguments from the H&L critics about Bolton Ford or Harvey Oswald's Russian language abilities, let's move on to another subject. I'll be happy to revisit Bolton Ford or Oswald's Russian abilities if anyone opposed to the truth can marshal a reasonable rebuttal. I know Mr. Bojczuk refuses to give me permission to do this, but here we go nevertheless ....
  21. Oh no, not out the window! Couldn’t we at least be shown the door? Your tough guy routine, considering the paltry bit of evidence you appear able to discuss, is pitiful.. Mr. Parnell has been calling H&L dead and buried in almost every post for years now, and he’s still here doing the same tired shtick. You will be too if you shtick around. To learn the truth about the Bolton Ford incident, click on this link: http://harveyandlee.net/Misc/Bolton.html
  22. Hi, Mathias, I don’t know what to make of Thornley. Jim Garrison thought he was lying about not meeting “Oswald” in New Orleans, and John thinks he was lying about not meeting “Oswald” in Dallas, and so I’m inclined to think he was probably lying about not meeting “Oswald” somewhere, and perhaps everywhere. But it may have been just because he was afraid to be involved and wasn't a very bright bulb, though he may have been involved in some suspicious activity AFTER the assassination which is escaping me at the moment. Do you have more incriminating information?
  23. Mr. Bojczuk’s comments in black, mine in red: On the contrary, Oscar Deslatte was not sure that he had met the actual Lee Harvey Oswald, because he specifically told the FBI that the man did not give the first name, Lee, and because he could not recall the man's appearance well enough to be able to provide a description. What Deslatte remembered was that he had encountered someone with the surname, Oswald. If we are to believe the wording in the FBI report, we must wonder why Oscar Deslatte was so convinced he had met with “Lee Harvey Oswald” in the first place that he was telling his story to others and, according to the FBI, people all over town were talking about his encounter. Why did that FBI report go directly to J. Edgar Hoover? Because it threatened to expose the entire “Oswald Project,” which would lead directly to the U.S. government. Mr. Bojczuk must wonder at the coincidence that, according to the FBI report, “Lee Harvey Oswald’s” New Orleans radio debate partner and street theater antagonist, Carlos Bringuier, was the one who brought the Bolton Ford matter to the attention of the Secret Service. Sewell, who was interviewed six years after the event, claimed that the man gave the name 'Lee Oswald'. Jim can use that part. But we know that Sewell was wrong when he claimed that the full name 'Lee Oswald' had been written on the paperwork, so there is every reason to conclude that he was wrong about this too, especially as Oscar Deslatte, who had spent more time with the customer than Sewell had, specifically denied that the man had provided a first name. Mr Bojczuk conveniently forgets that I’ve already shown him that Sewell stated, late in the interview, that he couldn’t remember whether one name or two were written on the Bolton Ford bid form. JG: Did it have "OSWALD" on it or "LEE OSWALD"? Do you remember looking at it? FS: I can't remember that. It's been six years but I know that the man who identified himself as OSWALD was in the office and made that remark. Now, I do know that. Sewell claimed that the man was 5'6" or 5'7", two or three inches shorter than the real-life Lee Harvey Oswald, and five or six inches shorter than the fictional 'Harvey' doppelganger who, according to 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' doctrine, was the customer at the Bolton Ford dealership. Obviously, if Sewell was correct about the man's height, the incident canhttp://harveyandlee.net/Comrade/Friends.gifnot have involved the fictional 'Harvey'. Jim doesn't like that part. Sewell was clearly off by four or five inches about Lee Oswald’s height. People who want to hide the significance of the Bolton Ford incident must hang every hat they possess on that simple miscalculation. Sewell also said that Oswald was taller than Moore. The Bolton Ford deniers must ignore the mountain of evidence that connects the “Oswald” who visited Bolton on behalf of the “Friends of Democratic Cuba” to one of the two Oswalds associated with this case. …. It is a fact that the historical Lee Harvey Oswald was far from being the only Oswald in Louisiana in 1961, and it is a fact that plenty of business owners and FBI agents were opposed to the Castro regime. The fact that the incident involved an anti-Castro organisation which included one of Oswald's former employers and one of his future associates tells us nothing except that plenty of business owners and former FBI agents were opposed to the Castro regime. When Oscar Deslatte began spreading the word around New Orleans that he had met with Lee Harvey Oswald to buy trucks for an anti-Castro organization, the media was already trumpeting the “fact” that LHO was a communist or at least a communist sympathizer. It is pretty obvious that the Bolton Ford Oswald was an anti-Castro supporter, as noted not only by Deslatte and Sewell, but also by Valentine Ashworth, Marinez Malo, Marita Lorenz and others who saw Lee Oswald working in association with anti-Castro operatives in Florida and New Orleans while Harvey Oswald was in the Soviet Union. You want us to believe that a completely different Oswald was living in New Orleans and was associated with anti-Castro operatives and Carlos Bringuier, Guy Banister, and Gerard Tugague? I trust you’re trying your best not to laugh making that excuse. I'm looking forward to seeing how Jim manages to reconcile, on the one hand, the doctrinal need to keep the fictional 'Harvey' doppelganger out of the public eye with, on the other hand, an incident in which the fictional 'Harvey' doppelganger is wandering around in public trying to buy trucks. Mr. Bojczuk may not understand that the original purpose of the Oswald Project was not to assassinate a president. The purpose was to give a Russian-speaking youth an American identity and send him to the Soviet Union, where he could secretly understand more of what was going on around him than he let others believe. The identity-sharing operation did not have to survive the scrutiny of an investigation into a presidential assassination. It only had to fool Soviet operatives in the U.S. who might look into Oswald’s biography following the “defection.” Soldiering in the Everglades or buying a few trucks for anti-Castroites would hardly be in danger of blowing the operation to Russian investigators. Once again, Mr. Bojczuk demonstrates that he does not even understand the basics of the evidence he is trying so hard to debunk I think it's time for Jim to divert attention by changing the subject again. Did you know that Oswald was in two schools at the same time? It's true, I tell you! Its' true, as DJ and Sandy and I have demonstrated in this very thread many times, but for this post, at least, let’s continue discussing the Bolton Ford incident. Let’s go back to that FBI report; the one that says, “Deslatte was exhibited a photograph of LEE HARVEY OSWALD and he said he cannot recall ever having seen him before….” Pretty remarkable, since both Deslatte and Sewell seemed so certain they had met with Lee Harvey Oswald. Here’s that report: Fred Sewell clearly told Garrison just the opposite, that he had NOT been shown a picture of Lee Harvey Oswald. Mr. Bojczuk REALLY want us to believe the FBI report on Deslatte over the Garrison transcript of Fred Sewell’s interview! Well, let’s see some more about how reliable the FBI was in this case…. Here’s a brief three-minute YouTube movie proving how the FBI altered statements by crucial Dealey Plaza witnesses so that it could pin the blame solely on Lee Harvey Oswald Here’s an example of how the FBI had a procedure in place to materially alter the testimony of its own agents, even over the objections of Warren Commission attorneys: And here’s my favorite: In the wee hours of the night of Nov 22-23, 1963, the FBI secretly took “Oswald's Possessions” from the Dallas Police Department, transported them to Washington, D.C. altered them, and then secretly returned them to Dallas, only to publicly send them to Washington. D.C. a few days later. Among a great many other alterations, a Minox “spy camera” became a Minox “light meter.” FBI agent James Cadigan inadvertently spilled the bean about the secret transfer during his sworn WC testimony, which was altered by the WC. Yessiree, Mr. Bojczuk REALLY want us to believe the FBI report on Deslatte over the Garrison transcript of Fred Sewell’s interview! Because, you know, the FBI was so honest and all, and it sincerely wanted to get to the bottom of this crime. Sheesh! Mr. Bojczuk wants you to visit Greg Parker’s site and see how he tries to hid the significance of the Bolton Ford incident. If you want to know what REALLY happened, read the truth here: http://harveyandlee.net/Misc/Bolton.html
  24. Garrison was just guessing, trying to make sense out of information that seemed nonsensical. He probably wasn't aware of all the people who had interacted with Lee Oswald in U.S. anti-Castro circles at the same time Harvey Oswald was in the USSR.
  25. And trying to laugh it all away is about all you can do, isn’t it Mr. Laverick? Because Fred Sewell missed Lee Oswald’s height by four or five inches, you try to pretend that both he and Oscar Deslatte were wrong about thinking they both had met “Lee Harvey Oswald.” Oscar Deslatte clearly thought he met LHO, because his comments were being talked about all over town, according to the report to J. Edgar Hoover below. And Fred Sewell told Jim Garrison he also thought it was Lee Harvey Oswald. But you know so much better, eh, even though the name "Oswald" was written right on the bid! You don’t want to talk about the “Friends of Democratic Cuba,” clearly indicated on the Bolton Ford bid, because the officers in that organization included LHO’s former employer, Gerard Tugague, and none other than LHO’s Camp Street fellow provocateur, former Chicago FBI head Guy Banister. What a coincidence, eh? But for you, it all goes away because Sewell said Oswald was four or five inches shorter than he really was. Is that the best you can do?
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