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Jim Hargrove

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Everything posted by Jim Hargrove

  1. James and Elsie Wilcott didn't become associated with Covert Action magazine until 1978, 15 years after Agent Oswald allegedly killed JFK. And don't you even read your own sources? In fact, of course, the law had its desired chilling effect on the major media as well. Very few people knew of, much less accepted, Floyd Abrams’s assurances that the law would only be used against Covert Action, and in the ensuing twenty-five years or so, virtually no undercover CIA officers have been named in the media. Except, of course, for Valerie Plame, and no matter what the law says, the government was not about to prosecute the vice-president. Do you think that learning you, working as a CIA accountant, had personally paid the CIA operative who allegedly killed the President of the United States might make you a little angry at your former employer? How does this make him, in your words, a lunatic?
  2. Yesterday with a 12:51 PM (EF time) edit to his 9:47 AM post, W. Tracy Parnell wrote (emphasis added) : “I have uncovered even more information on Wilcott (the guy was a lunatic) so I will be doing another update.” And here comes his so-called proof that Wilcott was a lunatic: U.S. Army veteran James Wilcott repeatedly “complained of a backache,” once got drunk and arrested for getting info a fight with a “guy with a long criminal record,” was “very naive,” and sometimes did “inappropriate laughing,” and, even worse, would sometimes “grin at odd times and chuckle at others.” Man, I’m chuckling now. Again according to Parnell, Wilcott was advised not to associate with leftists (no doubt after learning “Lee Harvey Oswald” was a CIA agent) and that his CIA buddy said he “aspires to be an intellectual,” and “reads considerably.” Devastating!!! Devastatingly funny! As always, I guess the tactic Parnell uses is to write some bs and post a link to it, pretending that it debunks someone's testimony, knowing that few people will bother to read it.
  3. Why are you wasting our time with these irrelevant links? Is this a P.S.44/Beauregard kind of tap dance? You know perfectly well there is no real evidence that the HSCA interviewed any of the CIA Tokyo station personnel mentioned by Wilcott. Why don’t you get on to telling us that Wilcott was actually a blood-sucking vampire who murdered scores of orphans and tortured ponies and unicorns.
  4. Still waiting for your proof that the HSCA actually interviewed 18 employees of the CIA's Tokyo station about Wilcott's accusations.
  6. Nearly two decades ago, the Assassination Records Review Board liberated secret documents from the 1978 HSCA cover-up of … I mean hidden files on CIA accountant James Wilcott. The page below shows that a voice stress analysis was performed on Wilcott by the committee and that he passed. It also indicates that the CIA’s cryptonym for the “Oswald Project” was RX-ZIM. Just two pages later, there are more stunning revelations. Read the last three paragraphs in the document below. To me, the most chilling sentence is, “Son refuses to testify since committee cannot guarantee anyone’s security and since witnesses are still dying.” The HSCA’s long-suppressed transcript of Mr. Wilcott’s testimony seemed to indicate he couldn’t, or wouldn’t, remember many of the people around him at the Japan CIA station who may have had knowledge of the “Oswald Project.” As the ARRB discovered, however, Mr. Wilcott actually remembered people at the station in excruciating detail and provided them with that information. In my opinion, the HSCA’s treachery was far worse than the worthless investigation by the Warren Commission, which may have been largely fooled by the FBI and the CIA. The HSCA knew far more than the WC, and it lied to us right between the eyes.
  7. Maybe, but you didn't correct it until after my post. Yesterday at 5:40 am (EF time) I wrote: "Tracy Parnell has a blog page mis-characterizing James Wilcott’s testimony, which I’ll be correcting as soon as I have time." I had just read your bs about "shop talk" which completely mis-characterized Wilcott's testimony. Not many hours later, I started to do the write-up, and when I checked your blog, the "shop talk" business was gone. We're going to play this game again, my friend!
  8. Or the HSCA chose to lie to us. 20 Facts Indicating the Oswald Project was Run by the CIA 1. CIA accountant James Wilcott said he made payments to an encrypted account for “Oswald or the Oswald Project.” 2. Antonio Veciana said he saw LHO meeting with CIA’s Maurice Bishop/David Atlee Phillips in Dallas in August 1963. 3. A 1978 CIA memo indicates that a CIA operations officer “had run an agent into the USSR, that man having met a Russian girl and eventually marrying her,” a case very similar to Oswald’s and clearly indicating that the Agency ran a “false defector” program in the 1950s. 4. Robert Webster and LHO "defected" a few months apart in 1959, both tried to "defect" on a Saturday, both possessed "sensitive" information of possible value to the Russians, both were befriended by Marina Prusakova, and both returned to the United States in the spring of 1962. 5. Richard Sprague, Richard Schweiker, and CIA agents Donald Norton and Joseph Newbrough all said LHO was associated with the CIA. 6. CIA employee Donald Deneslya said he read reports of a CIA agent who had worked at a radio factory in Minsk and returned to the US with a Russian wife and child. 7. Kenneth Porter, employee of CIA-connected Collins Radio, left his family to marry (and no doubt monitor) Marina Oswald after LHO’s death. 8. George Joannides, case officer and paymaster for DRE (which LHO had attempted to infiltrate) was put in charge of lying to the HSCA and never told them of his relationship to DRE. 9. For his achievements, Joannides was given a medal by the CIA. 10. FBI took Oswald off the watch list at the same time a CIA cable gave him a clean bill of political health, weeks after Oswald’s New Orleans arrest and less than two months before the assassination. 11. Oswald’s lengthy “Lives of Russian Workers” essay reads like a pretty good intelligence report. 12. Oswald’s possessions were searched for microdots. 13. Oswald owned an expensive Minox spy camera, which the FBI tried to make disappear. 14. Even the official cover story of the radar operator near American U-2 planes defecting to Russia, saying he would give away all his secrets, and returning home without penalty smells like a spy story. 15. CIA Richard Case Nagell clearly knew about the plot to assassinate JFK and LHO’s relation to it, but the CIA ignored his warnings. 16. LHO always seemed poor as a church mouse, until it was time to go “on assignment.” For his Russian adventure, we’re to believe he saved all the money he needed for first class European hotels and private tour guides in Moscow from the non-convertible USMC script he saved. In the summer of 1963, he once again seemed to have enough money to travel abroad to Communist nations. 17. To this day, the CIA claims it never interacted with Oswald, that it didn’t even bother debriefing him after the “defection.” What utter bs…. 18. After he “defected” to the Soviet Union in 1959, bragging to U.S. embassy personnel in Moscow that he would tell the Russians everything he knew about U.S. military secrets, he returns to the U.S. without punishment and is then in 1963 given the OK to travel to Cuba and the Soviet Union again! 19. Allen Dulles, the CIA director fired by JFK, and the Warren Commission clearly wanted the truth hidden from the public to protect sources and methods of intelligence agencies such as the CIA. Earl Warren said, “Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security.” 20. President Kennedy and the CIA clearly were at war with each other in the weeks immediately before his assassination, as evidenced by Arthur Krock's infamous defense of the Agency in the Oct. 3, 1963 New York Times. “Oswald” was the CIA’s pawn.
  9. Tracy Parnell wrote: I mentioned in a previous post how I came to make that change. I reviewed Wilcott's testimony with the HSCA bullet points and found that one assertion was not fully supported so I removed it. As far as Wilcott protecting anyone, he named several persons that he may have spoken to about LHO. The HSCA interviewed 18 employees from Tokyo and not one would confirm any of his allegations. In other words, after I merely threatened to expose your mis-characterization, you changed it, knowing it was false.
  10. So, Greg is saying that Oswald was given special exams at PS 44 "not long after he started in order to see where he was at." And so he was given credit for the classes without actually taking the classes. (Perhaps he took the classes at his prior school.) And since they would be so flexible to do such a thing at PS 44, it should not be surprising that they would have done the same at Beauregard. And that would explain how Oswald passed the two classes at Beauregard without his actually attending. Well I clicked the link Greg provided and, lo and behold, what did I find? I found that the exams given to Oswald were... drum roll please... medical exams! Well that's what it looks like to me. The whole document is about medical and health matters. But for kicks and giggles, lets assume for a moment that the two special exams noted in the document are indeed class exams. Let's see what we can learn based on that assumption. Oswald was given two special exams. But not at the beginning of the semester... the exams were given near the end of the semester! May 11 and May 13, 1953 to be precise. Therefore the exams weren't given to see if credits should be given for classes Oswald previously took at another school. (In other words, transfer credits.) The special exams were given because Oswald hadn't been attending class and apparently was too far behind to take the regular exams, or simply missed the exams. (Depending upon what the last day of the semester was.) Click the link and read it for yourselves. Here are some reason given for providing the special exams: 5/11/53. Exam requested by principal. ...[unreadable]... Has not been attending school. ...[unreadable]... Boy very intelligent. Upset home life. Mother works. Father deceased. 5/13/53. Special exam. ...[unreadable]...Boy has resentful attitude. Mother works and cannot be present. History of left ...[unreadable]. And so, once again, Greg Parker's debunking has been debunked! Megathanks for taking the time to do this, Sandy! You wouldn’t believe how different the PS44/Beauregard “debunking” efforts have been over the years trying to explain “LHO’s” simultaneous attendance in schools over a thousand miles apart. Sometimes the arguments take just hours to change. I was just starting a write-up to scold Tracy Parnell about mis-characterizing James Wilcott’s testimony. But when I reviewed his blog less than 24 hours after I originally read it, Tracy had removed the most offensive inaccuracy. He must be a mind reader! All that was left were Tracy’s usual character assassinations along with his practiced inability to understand that Wilcott was probably protecting some of his fellow station mates by not naming them. It must have taken a tremendous amount of courage to do what he did back in the HSCA days.
  11. Back in an earlier version of the list when it had only 15 points, Paul Trejo tried to make a point-by-point rebuttal. I responded point-by-point and Trejo only made generalizations thereafter. Paul Brancato, at least, declared me the winner “fair and square.” Tracy Parnell has a blog page mis-characterizing James Wilcott’s testimony, which I’ll be correcting as soon as I have time. As to the planners, Phillips and Angleton are at the absolute top of my list, followed by Hunt and, probably Morales. I also have some military suspicions, but the evidence is less clear, at least to me.
  12. From Harvey and Lee.... Russian-speaking Oswald One of the unexplained curiosities, which always perplexed and intrigued me, was Oswald's near perfect command of the Russian language, which was allegedly self­- taught and mastered within a couple of months. I studied the German language for two years in high school, had a German-speaking neighbor as a tutor, and became somewhat proficient in elementary German. After two years of study, I could understand and speak simple sentences, but was completely lost during a normal conversation. I won­- dered how Oswald, with a 9th grade education, could have mastered the Russian language within a few months, without the aid of a teacher, tutor, or language school. I studied Oswald's Marine Corps records to see if there was a time period dur­- ing which he could have received language training, possibly at the Army Language School in Monterey, CA. I began by listing the dates of his Marine Corps training, assignments, transfers, and duty stations on 1956, 1957, 1958 and 1959 calendars. I soon realized there was no time for Oswald to have taken Russian classes in boot camp (1956), ITR training (early 1957), aviation training in Jacksonville, Florida (March-April, 1957), or radar school in Biloxi (May-June, 1957). In August 1957, Oswald boarded the USS Bexar to Japan and no one saw him reading or studying Russian during the voy- age. In September 1957 Oswald arrived in Atsugi, Japan and was photographed standing in front of his locker.JFKlOl-03 Fellow Marine Zack Stout befriended Oswald and the young men spent a lot of time together. I asked Zack if he ever saw Oswald study the Russian language. Zack said, "Most of the time we were with a mobile radar unit. Shortly after he arrived we left Japan and traveled constantly from location to location in the South China Sea (beginning in November 1957). I know Oswald didn't attend any Russian classes or read any Russian books or listen to any Russian records. He didn't have anywhere to get such materials and if he had them we (Stout and fellow Marines) would have known about it. We slept in the same bunkhouse and most of the time worked on the same radar crew. The idea that Oswald studied Russian in Japan is ri­- diculous--it just didn't happen."2 After speaking with Zack, I gathered FBI, Warren Commission, and HSCA interviews of Marines who had known and served with Oswald in Japan. I wanted to see if any of these Marines saw Oswald with a Russian book, Russian records, or Rus­- sian reading materials. Not surprisingly, no one saw Oswald with Russian literature nor remembered that he studied the language while in Japan, where he was stationed un­- til November 1958. According to the Warren Commission, Oswald left Japan and reported for duty at the Marine Corps Air Facility in Santa Ana, California, in December 1958. A month later he took, and passed, a military language exam in the Russian language. Fellow Ma­- rines who served with Oswald in Santa Ana remembered that he read Russian news­ papers, listened to Russian records, and was interested in everything Russian. How was this possible? Where and how had Oswald studied and learned Russian? In the spring of 1959 Oswald had a date with Rosaleen Quinn, the aunt of a fel­- low Marine who had studied the Russian language for the past year using the Berlitz method. She and Oswald conversed in Russian for over two hours and she was very impressed with his command of the language. Oswald's proficiency in Russian, and his interest in Russia, first surfaced at the Marine base in California in 1959-only 9 months before his "defection" to the Soviet Union. But no one, including the Warren Commission, ever determined how or where he learned Russian. --from Harvey and Lee, pp. 4-5, Copyright © 2003 by John Armstrong
  13. For Jeremy Bojczuk.... 20 Facts Indicating the Oswald Project was Run by the CIA 1. CIA accountant James Wilcott said he made payments to an encrypted account for “Oswald or the Oswald Project.” 2. Antonio Veciana said he saw LHO meeting with CIA’s Maurice Bishop/David Atlee Phillips in Dallas in August 1963. 3. A 1978 CIA memo indicates that a CIA operations officer “had run an agent into the USSR, that man having met a Russian girl and eventually marrying her,” a case very similar to Oswald’s and clearly indicating that the Agency ran a “false defector” program in the 1950s. 4. Robert Webster and LHO "defected" a few months apart in 1959, both tried to "defect" on a Saturday, both possessed "sensitive" information of possible value to the Russians, both were befriended by Marina Prusakova, and both returned to the United States in the spring of 1962. 5. Richard Sprague, Richard Schweiker, and CIA agents Donald Norton and Joseph Newbrough all said LHO was associated with the CIA. 6. CIA employee Donald Deneslya said he read reports of a CIA agent who had worked at a radio factory in Minsk and returned to the US with a Russian wife and child. 7. Kenneth Porter, employee of CIA-connected Collins Radio, left his family to marry (and no doubt monitor) Marina Oswald after LHO’s death. 8. George Joannides, case officer and paymaster for DRE (which LHO had attempted to infiltrate) was put in charge of lying to the HSCA and never told them of his relationship to DRE. 9. For his achievements, Joannides was given a medal by the CIA. 10. FBI took Oswald off the watch list at the same time a CIA cable gave him a clean bill of political health, weeks after Oswald’s New Orleans arrest and less than two months before the assassination. 11. Oswald’s lengthy “Lives of Russian Workers” essay reads like a pretty good intelligence report. 12. Oswald’s possessions were searched for microdots. 13. Oswald owned an expensive Minox spy camera, which the FBI tried to make disappear. 14. Even the official cover story of the radar operator near American U-2 planes defecting to Russia, saying he would give away all his secrets, and returning home without penalty smells like a spy story. 15. CIA Richard Case Nagell clearly knew about the plot to assassinate JFK and LHO’s relation to it, but the CIA ignored his warnings. 16. LHO always seemed poor as a church mouse, until it was time to go “on assignment.” For his Russian adventure, we’re to believe he saved all the money he needed for first class European hotels and private tour guides in Moscow from the non-convertible USMC script he saved. In the summer of 1963, he once again seemed to have enough money to travel abroad to Communist nations. 17. To this day, the CIA claims it never interacted with Oswald, that it didn’t even bother debriefing him after the “defection.” What utter bs…. 18. After he “defected” to the Soviet Union in 1959, bragging to U.S. embassy personnel in Moscow that he would tell the Russians everything he knew about U.S. military secrets, he returns to the U.S. without punishment and is then in 1963 given the OK to travel to Cuba and the Soviet Union again! 19. Allen Dulles, the CIA director fired by JFK, and the Warren Commission clearly wanted the truth hidden from the public to protect sources and methods of intelligence agencies such as the CIA. Earl Warren said, “Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security.” 20. President Kennedy and the CIA clearly were at war with each other in the weeks immediately before his assassination, as evidenced by Arthur Krock's infamous defense of the Agency in the Oct. 3, 1963 New York Times. “Oswald” was the CIA’s pawn.
  14. It is no secret that Harvey Oswald was showing off his Russian abilities as a Marine during the months prior to his false defection. But in lieu of offering any evidence whatsoever that Harvey took formal training in Russian while in the Marine Corps, Jeremy Bojczuk wants us to believe that he taught himself to read and write and speak and comprehend the language from reading newspapers and magazines in Russian and looking up words in a dictionary. We are to believe that this bit of home-spun learning, coupled with a 2-1/2 year stint in the Soviet Union mostly occupied by a full time job in a factory, would leave him with a command of the language that amazed native-speaking Russians? This was why he preferred to read classic Russian literature in Russian, and, according to DeMohrenschildt, preferred communicating in Russian over English? It is a preposterous story!
  15. Really? I'd like to see some evidence that Oswald--any Oswald--"had already been learning Russian for a couple of years while in the Marines," as you put it. Since you're always demanding evidence from me... let's see your evidence that "Oswald" studied Russian as a Marine.
  16. Sheesh! There have been more than 6,000 unique visitors to HarveyandLee.net so far in this month alone, the highest count I can recall since I established the domain three or four years ago. Obviously, Mr. Parnell just says anything he hopes will enable his debunking efforts. I'm going to start reading Tracy Parnell's blog or website or whatever it is and report back here on the disinformation I suspect I'll find. In the meantime, visit the website Tracy Parnell doesn't want you to see: HarveyandLee.net
  17. Thanks, Alistair. It may well have been because of the Hungarian revolution, then just a few years old.
  18. Thank you for the well-reasoned post. The basis for the WWII war orphan speculation is that LEE Oswald was born in New Orleans in 1939, and that HARVEY, to attend school at roughly the same time, would have to be roughly the same age. And we all know how horrible conditions must have been in Russia and what soon became eastern Bloc Europe as the war ground on. There must have been armies of dazed and hungry war orphans walking the bombed out cities after the shooting stopped.
  19. Below is the 1959 passport HARVEY Oswald used for his false defection to the USSR. Curiously, it has LEE Oswald’s photograph and (on another page) LEE’s 5’ 11” height. Note the stamp “THIS PASSPORT IS NOT VALID FOR TRAVEL IN HUNGARY” toward the middle of the page on the right. It could be just a reaction to the 1956 revolution in Hungary, but, if Harvey’s original home was in Hungary, it might be there to prevent him from abandoning his Mission to Moscow and returning to his ancestral home.
  20. Jeremy Bojczuk wants us to believe that “Lee Harvey Oswald” became fluent reading, writing, and speaking Russian because he spent two and a half years in the USSR and may have secretly taken some Russian courses in the USMC (a well-kept secret, since the comprehensive unit diaries and other USMC records indicate little time for such work). Mr. Bojczuk glosses over the fact that Russian emigres, such as those at Katya Ford’s post-Christmas party, were amazed at his fluency. DeMohrenschildt said he preferred to speak Russian over English and read the Russian classics in the original Russian. Peter Gregory (father of Paul Gregory, who Harvey met at Stripling School) thought he might be of Polish descent because he thought his Russian was spoken with a Polish accent. Since he was such a young man when he obviously knew Russian in the Marine Corps, it is hardly a leap of faith to make the assumption that “Lee Harvey Oswald” knew Russian as a child. Bojczuk will will deny this, but I think any open-minded person would agree that is a logical assumption. Since we don’t know who Russian-speaking Harvey Oswald was, we can only assume he came from Russia or an eastern Block nation and Russian-speaking parents. Which brings me to the anonymous phone call reported by Mrs. Jack Tippit. Neither John Armstrong nor I has claimed this is any kind of proof that Harvey was a Hungarian emigrant. But it is the only hint we have about his earliest origins, which quite logically were foreign, and so we state it as a possibility. If anyone with an open mind reads this dialog, ask yourself if Mr. Bojczuk’s arguments make you believe “Lee Harvey Oswald’s” command of Russian is explained by the Official Story, or anything approaching it. According to the Official Story, “Lee Harvey Oswald” wrote Russian like this: Do you believe Mr. Bojczuk’s version of Harvey’s Russian fluency? Frankly, the anonymous phone call seems every bit as persuasive as the Official Story, and probably more so.
  21. The best evidence that Lee HARVEY Oswald was a native-speaking Russian was always his fluency in the language both before and after his false defection. In the marines, he was known as “Oswaldovich” because he openly read Russian newspapers and magazines. George DeMohrenschildt said he read Russian classics in the original Russian. Lee HARVEY Oswald’s command of Russian was surprisingly good, as observed by a number of people who spoke to him at a party just after Christmas 1962 given by Mrs Declan (Katya) Ford. Here's a description of some of the party-goers remarks from Harvey and Lee: Party attendees notice Oswald's ability to speak Russian Natalie Ray, one of the party attendees, said, "Oswald was very proud of the fact that he spoke Russian so well." As a native of Russia Natalie said that she was amazed that he had such a good command of the language.169 Other attendees of the party were equally amazed at his proficiency in the Russian language and discussed their thoughts with the Warren Commission: Natalie Ray was asked by Commission attorney Wesley Liebeler, "Did he (Oswald) speak to you in Russian?" Mrs. Ray replied, "Yes; just perfect; re­- ally surprised me .... .it's just too good speaking Russian for be such a short time, you know .... .l said, 'How come you speak so good Russian? I been here so long and still don't speak very well English."' George Bouhe was asked by Liebeler, "Did Oswald's command of the Rus­- sian language seem to be about what you would expect from him, having been in Russia for that period of time? Would you say it was good?" Bouhe replied, "I would say very good."170 Mrs. Teofil (Anna) Meller was asked by Liebeler, "Do you think that his com­- mand of the Russian language was better than you would expect for the pe­- riod of time that he had spent in Russia?" Mrs. Meller replied, "Yes; absolutely better than I would expect." Elena Hall was asked by Liebeler, "In your opinion, Lee did have a good command of the Russian language?" Mrs. Hall replied, "Very good ..... " Mrs. Dymitruk was asked by Commission attorney Albert Jenner, "He did speak Russian?" Mrs. Dymitruk replied, "Yes; and I was really surprised-in short time, he spoke nicely." George DeMohrenschildt told Jenner, "He loved to speak Russian ..... he spoke fluent Russian ..... he had a remarkable fluency in Russian ..... he preferred to speak Russian than English any time. He always would switch from English to Russian." Peter Gregory told Warren Commission Representative Gerald Ford, "I thought that Lee Oswald spoke (Russian) with a Polish accent, that is why I asked him if he was of Polish decent." --from Harvey and Lee, p. 426, Copyright © 2003 by John Armstrong
  22. Thanks for the confession, Tommy. Interesting that no one here I know of has accused you of being with the CIA... except yourself... and you seem to confess every other day. What's up with that?
  23. I agree with much of what you say, George, except I think Phillips met with the taller Oswald, who was in Dallas at the time of the meeting. That Oswald was probably the guy who set up the Oswald killed by Ruby for the assassination, and that Oswald was still in New Orleans when Veciana saw Phillips at the Southland Bldg. There could have been a secret movement of "Oswald" between New Orleans and Dallas, of course, but there is no evidence of that.
  24. So, Tommy, we're just arguing about the duration of the Two Oswalds project, eh? You're walking a delicate line here, as evidence by your editing of the post above, and so I feel kind of sorry for you being in the tough position you're in.
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